Mecklenburg County NcArchives News.....Charles Potts Killed 1907
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Guy Potts January 18, 2008, 10:55 pm

The Charlotte Observer 1907
21 Apr 1907

Negro Kills Brother - Clyde Potts Shoots and Kills Half-witted Brother Near 
Pineville - Claims Self-Defense, But is Arrested and Put in Jail.

Clyde Potts, a negro youth, 18 or 20 years of age, yesterday shot and killed 
his brother, Charles Potts, aged about 22. The affair took place at the home 
of the participants, three-quarters of a mile south of Pineville about noon. 
The slayer, who was brought to Charlotte yesterday afternoon by Officer 
Daniels, of Pineville, and lodged in jail, claims that his brother, in a fit 
of insanity, attacked him with an axe and that he shot in self-defense. 
Charles Potts, the man killed, was demented, but had always been inoffensive. 
There were no eyewitnesses to the killing save a younger child, who is too 
young to testify intelligently.

The body late yesterday afternoon was lying in the home just as it had fallen, 
awaiting the arrival of the coroner. Under the body the axe was said to be 
lying, but no investigation had been made to verify this claim.

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