Mecklenburg County NcArchives News.....Capt. J. W. Potts Declines 1892
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Guy Potts January 20, 2008, 4:55 pm

Daily Charlotte Observer 1892
9 Aug 1892

Capt. Potts Could Not Accept

In a recent issue of your paper some friend has kindly suggested my name in 
connection with the next legislative ticket for this county. Whilst it would 
afford me great pleasure to represent the grand old county of Mecklenburg in 
the next Legislature, my business interests are such that I could not possibly 
accept the nomination if tendered.

Thanking the friend for presenting my name, and wishing the Democratic party 
much success in the coming election, I remain

J.W. Potts
Steel Creek, NC
Aug. 8, 1892

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