Mecklenburg County NcArchives News.....Bill Potts 1898 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Guy Potts December 23, 2007, 6:56 pm Charlotte Daily Observer 1898 1 May 1898 He Knew the Witness Atlanta Journal "Take the stand, Mr. Potts," said the young lawyer from town, with an air of triumph. Judge Bloom, of the Blue Gizzard district, scowled at the witness as he took his place, and the attorney said: "Mr. Potts, you were present at the shooting scrape, were you not?" "Yas." "You saw the defendant take a pistol from his pocket?" "Yas." "You saw him fire at this man?" "Yas." "You saw him return the weapon to his pocket?" "I shore did." "Come down, Mr. Potts," said the lawyer. "For me to say anything after such direct testimony of this man's guilt would be an insult to your honor's intelligence. I hope your honor will make the bond very heavy, for his offense is exceedingly grave." "I finds the prisoner not guilty," said Judge Bloom, with considerable vehemence. "May it please your honor," exclaimed the young attorney, in amazement, how can you render such a verdict in direct conflict of the positive testimony of an eye-witness?" "Jes' bekase I have knowed Bill Potts fer firteen years, an' never knowed him to tell the truth yit." This file has been created by a form at File size: 1.7 Kb