Baltimore City MD Archives Marriages.....Jacob J. FRANZ to Katharine SPOERER, September 25, 1895
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Jodi Baxter March 11, 2012, 4:27 pm

Baltimore Sun
Miss Katharine Spoerer, daughter of Mr Andrew Spoerer, was married yesterday at 
St. James Catholic Church to Mr. Jacob J Franz by Rev William Kessel, rector of 
the church.
The bride wore a gown of white brocade and carried a bunch of La France roses. 
The maid of honor, Miss Lizzie Blanthold, wore white silk, trimmed with lace. 
Miss Tinale Rupp, the flower girl also wore white. Mr. George Spoerer was the 
best man.
The music at the mass was rendered by the full choir of which the bride and 
groom are members.
At night a reception was held at the home of the grooms parents 1110 North 
Centeral avenue.
Mr and Mrs. Franze left for a northern trip.

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