Baltimore City MD Archives Marriages.....Frank N. HOFFMEIER to Nellie McCARDELL, December 1908
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Jodi Baxter March 13, 2012, 12:34 pm

Baltimore Sun - 12/30/1908
Hagerstown, Md., Dec 29. - Miss Nellie McCardell, daugher of Mr. and Mrs. 
Wilfred H. McCardell was married this eveing at her home on Potomac avenue to 
Dr. Frank N. Hoffmeier, a son of the late Rev T. Franklin Hoffmeier. The 
ceremony was performed by Rev Dr. J. Spangler Kleffer, pastor of Zion Reformed 

The bride's attendants were Misses Nine and Edna McCardell and Helen Braley of 
Hagerstown; Mary and Pauline McCardell, cousins of the bride, and Mary, Emily, 
and Helen Hoffmeier, sisters of the groom. The groom was attended by his father 
Mr. Henry Hoffmeier. 

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