Baltimore City MD Archives Marriages.....John Lawrence HUBBARD - Mary Agnes HALL, October 10, 1933
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Kathie Evans November 13, 2009, 2:06 pm

Marriage Certificate
Certificate No.:     None

John L.Hubbard Age:27 White Residence:Baltimore,Md Occupation:Laborer 
Mary A Hall Age:22 White Residence:Baltimore,Md
No prior marriages for either.
Date Issue of licence:October 10,1933 Baltimore
Date of ceremony:October 10,1933 Baltimore
Performed by:Samuel A Troxell

Additional Comments:
Both were born in Dorchester Co.Md
John's parents:John S.B Hubbard and Iola Hurley 
Mary's parents:William Hall and Sallie Saunders Asplen Hall
Both buried in Glen Haven cemetery.Glen Burnie Md.

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