Baltimore-Talbot-Baltimore City County MD Archives Marriages.....Green, Ruth A. - Wise, Jr., Charles W.  November 1894
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Mary Green Kerr October 31, 2007, 11:20 pm

Baltimore County Democrat  December 1, 1894
The nuptial event of Thanksgiving afternoon at Warren M. E. Church was of rare 
interest and pleasure.  Miss Ruth A. Green, a pretty blonde, and daughter of 
Mr. John W. Green, of Cockeysville, and Mr. Chas. W. Wise, Jr., of Trappe, 
Talbott county, wer married by the Rev. Alonzo H. Green, of Amelia M. P, 
Circuit of Virginia, and brother of the bride, assisted by Rev. E. O. Ewing, 
of the M. P. Church, and Rev. E. E. Marshall of the M. E. Church.  Miss 
Estelle Waters, of Baltimore, played Mendelsohnn's wedding march as the bridal 
party entered the church, preceded by the ushers - Messrs. Clarence E. Green, 
brother of the bride, Wm. R. Fishpaw, Chas. R. Miller and Alfred V. Cullen.  A 
sumptuous supper was served at the bride's parent's home, after which the 
twain left with the well wishes of all on the 5:30 P.M. train for Baltimore, 
en route for Trappe, Talbott county, Md., their future home.  The bride wore a 
neat fitting dress of cream henrietta, with lace and ribbon trimming.  She had 
white gloves and carried bride's roses.  A large number of handsome and useful 
presents were received.  Among the many in attendance were Mr. and Mrs. Jno. 
W. Green, Rev. A. H. Green and wife, Mr. Thomas Hildebrand and family, of 
Wilmington, Del; Mr. J. A. Wooters and family, of Baltimore; Mr. Frank P. 
Green, of Connellsville, Pa.; Mr. Harry W. Green and family, Mr. C. S. Davis 
and family, Mr. Jno. Jones and family, Miss Laura Green, of Connellsville, 
Pa.; Mr. and Mrs Torrington, Mr. and Mrs Abram W. Ensor, Misses Annie and 
Mollie Green, Rachael Hoffman, Kate Frantz, Addie Uhler, Ephriam Uhler, Mr. 
and Mrs. Wm. Burns.

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