Baltimore County-Baltimore City MD Archives Marriages.....Gearing, A. Caroline - Brooks, Rev. Charles W. January 5, 1898
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Mary Green Kerr August 13, 2007, 3:09 am

Baltimore County Democrat Jan. 1, 1898
Rev. Charles W. Brooks, colored, son of Albert Brooks, janitor of Trinity 
Protestant Episcopal Church, Towson, is to be married to A. Caroline Gearing, 
daughter of J. F. Gearing of Baltimore, on January 5th at St. Mary's 
Protestant Episcopal Curch, Orchard street.  Mr. Brooks is rector of a 
Protestant Church in Annapolis.  He was born on the Hampton Estate, near 
Towson, and is about twenty six years old.  He was recently ordained a priest 
in Annapolis.  He received his education at King Hall, Washington, D. C.

Additional Comments:
In another article on the wedding, the bride's name is given as Anna Caroline 

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