Baltimore Sun Marriage Notices (08 Dec 1875), Baltimore City/County, Maryland

Contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives By Christine Schott []

Copyright.  All Rights Reserved.

FRISSELL-NORRIS     On November 24, by Rev Uriel Graves, GEORGE L FRISSELL to LOUISA NORRIS, both 
                    of this city.

HAYNIE-BULLOCK      At the residence of the bride's parents, on 25 November, by Rev Father Gaitley, 
                    Captain JOHN A HAYNIE, of Northumberland county, VA, to KATE S, only daughter of 
                    Daniel Bullock, of this city.

KERNS-BINYON        At Saint Martin's Church, on November 30, by Rev Father Foley, WILLIAM P KERNS 
                    and MOLLIE E, daughter of B F Binyon, Esq, of this city.

KLAGES-JOHNSON      On December 5, 1875, by Rev F Ph Hennighausen, HENRY E KLAGES and LAURA V JOHNSON, 
                    both of Baltimore. [Annapolis (MD) and New York papers please copy.]

NELSON-HITCH        On 24th November, at Bethel parsonage, No 53 South Broadway, by Rev C McElfresh, 
                    Captain WILLIAM J NELSON and Miss ROXEY A HITCH, all of Baltimore.

SCHULZ-BILLUPS      On August 31, by Rev Wm F Ward, HENRY V SCHULZ to Miss BETTIE BILLUPS, all of this city.

WELSH-GOLDSMITH     On December 1, in the Franklin-street M E Church, by Rev E E Shipley, CHARLES M WELSH 
                    and IDA V GOLDSMITH, all of Baltimore.