Wayne County, NC - Mary F. Waters Pension, 1936


                          April 14, 1936

Mrs. S.D. Hunt
Goldsboro, NC

Dear Mrs. Hunt;

Mr. Alvin Howell called my attention this morning to the matter of your
mother's pension.

Upon investigation I find that Mrs. Mary F. Waters filed an application-
for-increase August 1, 1932. At the time of the filing of this application
there were not sufficient funds on hand to allow the increase, and the
application itself was not in proper form.

Since that time the appropriation has been increased and by reason of
deaths of other pensioners there is now sufficient money. The Clerk of
the Court did not state that your mother was "totally disabled and
confined to the house." However, I am assuming that this is true on
account of the Doctor's Certificate.

I am approving the application for increase as of December 1935, which
is as early as it could have been allowed on account of the condition
of the pension funds, so actually your mother has not lost any money by
reason of the delay. I am exceedingly sorry that your letter of May 1, 
1935 was not answered promptly and this information given you then.

The check for the December increase will be sent to the Clerk of the 
Court of Jones County at Trenton immediately. I am very glad indeed
that this was called to my attention and that there is sufficient money
to allow the increase.

With best wishes, I am

                             Very truly yours,

                                                State Auditor

NC Archives
State Auditors Office
Confederate Pensions
Elisha Waters Pension File


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This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by
Guy Potts - gpotts1@nc.rr.com