Jones County, NC - CSA Application - John H. Rhodes, 1914 -------- CSA-Pension Application of John H. RHODES Soldiers Application for A Pension #29567 Name of Applicant: J. H. RHODES Jones County Post Office: Abilene, Texas Filed: Oct. 1st, 1914 Approved for Sept. Quarter Pension allowed Dec. 1st, 1914 (Reproduced from the Holdings of the Texas State Archives) Form A FOR USE OF SOLDIERS WHO ARE IN INDIGENT CIRCUMSTANCES The State of Texas County of Jones I, J. H. RHODES do hereby make application to the Commissioner of Pensions for a pension to be granted me under the Act passed by the 53rd Legislature of the State of Texas, and approved April 7, 1913, on the following grounds. I enlisted and served in the military service of the Confederate States during the war between the States of the United States, and that I did not desert the Confederate service, but during said war I was loyal and true to my duty, and never at any time voluntarily abandoned my post of duty in the said service. That I was honorably discharged or surrendered 1865-close of war, that I have been a bona fide citizen of this State since prior to January 1, A.D. 1900, and have been continuously since a citizen of the State of Texas. I do further state that I do not hold any National, State, city or county office which pays me a salary or fees of $300 per annum nor do I receive from any source whatever money or other means of support amounting in value to the sum of $300 per annum, nor do I own in my own right, nor does any one hold in trust for my benefit or use, nor does my wife own, nor does any one hold in trust for my wife, estate or property, either real, personal or mixed, either in fee or for life, of the assessed value of over one thousand dollars, exclusive of a home of the value of not more than $1000; nor do I receive any aid or pension from any other State, or from the United States, or from any other source, and that I am not an inmate of the Confederate Home, and I do further state that the answers given to the following questions are true: 1) What is your age? 70 years old. 2) Where were you born? Jones Co., N.C. 3) How long have you resided in Texas? About 24 years 4) In what county do you reside? Jones Co., Texas 5) How long have you resided in said county, and what is your post office address? About 1 1/2 years, Abilene, Texas. 6) Have you applied for a pension under the Confederate pension law and been rejected? If rejected, state when and where: No. 7) What is your occupation, if able to engage in one? Farmer What is your physical condition? Very good, except rupture. 8) In what State was the command in which you served organized? N.C. 9) How long did you serve? Give, if possible, the date of enlistment and discharge: about 3 years, enlisted 1862, discharged 1865. 10) What was the letter of your company, number of battalion, regiment or battery? Co. G, 2nd N.C., Regiment. 11) If transferred fro one command to another, give time of transfer, name of command and time of service. No. 12) What branch of the service did you enlist in-infantry, cavalry, artillery, or navy? Infantry. 13) If commissioned direct by the President, what was your rank and line of duty? No commission. 14) If detailed for special service, under the law of conscription, what was the nature of your service and how long did you serve? No conscription, Volunteer. 15) What is the assessed value of your home, if you own a home? None. 16) What is the assessed value of your other property? None. 17) Have you transferred to others any property of any kind for the purpose of becoming a beneficiary under the law? No. Wherefore your petitioner prays that his application for a pension be approved and such other proceedings be had in the premises as are required by law. Signature of Applicant: J. H. RHODES Sworn to and subscribed before me, this 24th day of July, A. D., 1914. Joe C. RANDALL, County Judge Jones County, Texas. AFFIDAVIT OF WITNESSES Note: There must be at least two credible witnesses. The State of Texas County of Jones Before me Joe C. RANDALL, County Judge of Jones County, State of Texas, on this day personally appeared Amos A. RHODES, R. M. THOMAS, who are personally known to me to be credible citizens, who, being by me duly sworn, on oath state that they personally know J. H. RHODES, the above named applicant for a pension, and that they personally know that the said J. H. RHODES has been a bona fide resident citizen of the State of Texas since prior to January 1, A.D. 1900, and that they have not interest in his claim. Signature of Witness: Amos A. RHODES Signature of Witness: R. M. THOMAS Sworn to and subscribed before me, this 24th day of July, A.D. 1914 Joe C. RANDALL, County Judge Jones County, Texas. CERTIFICATE OF STATE AND COUNTY ASSESSOR I, R. J. ROLAND, State and County Assessor in the County of Jones, State of Texas, do certify that John H. RHODES, applicant, or his wife, or his trustee, or trustee for his wife, whose name is signed to the foregoing application for a pension, under the Act of the Thirty-third Legislature, approved April 7, 1913, is charged on the tax rolls of said county with a homestead of the value of No and of the other property, real or personal, or both of the value of No dollars. Given under my hand, this 13th day of October A.D. 1914. R. J. ROLAND, State and County Assessor. INTERROGATORIES TO WITNESS IN PENSION CLAIMS EX PARTE J. H. RHODES Applicant for Confederate Pension Pending in Jones County, Texas before the Honorable County Judge of said County. The Honorable County Judge of Jones County, Texas will please take notice that, five days after the service hereof, applicant herein will apply to the clerk of the county Court of said County, and State for a commission to take the depositions of Geo. W. RHODES and W. H. BISHOP who reside in the County of Craven in the State of N.C. in answer to the following interrogatories and such cross interrogatories as may be propounded by the County Judge of said County, which will be read in evidence upon the hearing of applicant's claim for pension in behalf of applicant; said testimony is material and indispensable to applicant in furnishing the required proof of a claim for a pension under the Act of March 26, 1909, the application for which is now pending before the Honorable County Judge, and the facts necessary and required to be proven under the provisions of said act, applicant believes can not be proven by any witness residing in the County of Jones and State of Texas, of which he is a bona fide resident. J. H. RHODES (his X) DIRECT INTERROGATORIES TO BE PROPOUNDED TO THE WITNESS Geo. W. RHODES and M. H. BISHOP 1) What is your name? Age? Present place of residence and post office address? State of N.C.-Craven County. George W. RHODES, age 76; W. H. BISHOP, age 74. Reside at New Bern, N.C.-P. O. address New Bern, N.C. 2) Do you personally know, or did you at any time know J. H. RHODES who is an applicant for pension under act of March 26, 1909? Yes 3) How long had you known the said J. H. RHODES and when and where did you first know him? Since date of his enlistment May 24th, 1861 and new him at his home in Jones County, N.C. before his enlistment. 4) Do you personally know that the said J. H. RHODES enlisted in the service of the Confederacy, and performed the duties of a soldier or a sailor? Yes, He enlisted in the same Co. & Reg. With us. 5) Do you personally know in what company and regiment the said J. H. RHODES enlisted and served in the Confederate army? When? Where? And the time of service? If you personally knew and enlisted and so have stated that he enlisted and served in the Confederate navy, then state: When? Where? And how long he so served? Yes, Co. G. 2nd N.C. Regiment, May 24th 1861 from Jones Co., N.C. Served until the surrender of the Army. 6) Do you personally know that J. H. RHODES was commissioned as an officer directly by the President of the Confederate States? What was his rank and line of duty? He was not a commissioned officer & served as a private through out the war. 7) Do you further know if J. H. RHODES was, under the provisions of the conscript law, detailed for any kind of special service in the field, shops, armories, etc, of the Confederacy? What was the nature of his service, and how long did he serve? No. CROSS INTERROGATORIES To be Propounded to Geo. W. RHODES and W. H. BISHOP. Cross interrogatory 1. If, in answer to the foregoing direct interrogatories, you have stated that you personally knew or did know said J. H. RHODES and that you know that he enlisted in the service of the Confederacy and performed the duties of a soldier or sailor, and having named the company and regiment, or special service in which J. H. RHODES so enlisted and served, then please state fully what is your source of such knowledge. And state whether or not you know or at any time you knew of any other soldier or sailor by the name of J. H. RHODES serving I the same company or regiment, or special service in which you say the said J. H. RHODES enlisted, if you have stated that said J. H. RHODES enlisted an served in the navy of the Confederacy, then state whether or not you know any other soldier or sailor of the same name as said J. H. RHODES applicant serving in the same command, or the special service to which he was assigned? If you say that you so know other soldiers or sailors of the same name of J. H. RHODES then can you and how do you identify and locate the one from the other or others? By being associated with him in the same Company and Regiment during the war. Do not know of any other J. H. RHODES. Cross Int. 2) Are you positively certain that said J. H. RHODES is the identical person serving as testified by you? Yes. Cross Int. 3) Do you know whether or not the said J. H. RHODES served honorably from the date of his enlistment until the close of the Civil War between the states, or until he was discharged from said company and regiment, or the special service to which he had been assigned? Yes Cross Int. 4) Do you know whether or not the said J.H. RHODES deserted his command, or voluntarily abandoned his post of duty or the service during said war? He did not. Signed: George W. RHODES W. H. BISHOP Sworn & subscribed to before me at New Bern, N.C. Sept. 26, 1914. S. R. STINT, Notary Public APPLICATION FOR MORTUARY WARRANT The State of Texas County of Jones I, C. H. RHODES do hereby certify that I am the person to whom is entrusted the paying of the accounts and indebtedness of the late J. H. RHODES, who was a pensioner of the State of Texas, and whose file number was 29567 and whose original county was Jones. The said pensioner J. H. RHODES died on the 5th day of April 1929, about 6 miles S. E. of Anson County of Jones Co., Texas. The pensioner died in the home of Jake RHODES who was related to the pensioner as his grandson. That the warrant, which application is hereby made for, shall be applied to paying all or part of the funeral expenses incurred by the said pensioner J. H. RHODES. I further certify that the warrant for the current quarter had not been cashed by the pensioner, to the best of my knowledge and belief. I am related to the pensioner as son that my postoffice address is Coahoma, Texas, Box 13, Coahoma, Texas; Howard Co. Signed: C. H. RHODES Sworn to before me this 8th day of April, 1929. Owen THOMAS, County Judge in and for Jones County, State of Texas. CERTIFICATE OF UNDERTAKER I, Seth LAWRENCE do certify that I am undertaker in the town of Anson, County of Jones, State of Texas that I had charge of the body of J. H. RHODES, who died about 6 miles S.E. of Anson, County of Jones, State of Texas on the 5th day of April, 1929. That said body was prepared for burial by me on the 6th day of April 1929, and that I am of the opinion that warrant herein applied for should be issued to the said C. H. RHODES who make the foregoing application. Signed: Seth LAWRENCE, Undertaker. CERTIFICATE OF PHYSCICIAN I, D. L. STEPHENS do certify that I am a practicing physician, and that I attended J. H. RHODES I his last illness, and am of the opinion that his ailments were pneumonia. I further certify that I am of the opinion that the Mortuary Warrant above requested should be issued in the name of the aforementioned applicant, in accordance with Act passed by the Thirty-eighth Legislature and approved March 2, 1923. Signed: D. L. STEPHENS, M.D. Physician's Address: Anson, Texas (John Henry Clay RHODES was the son of Rev. James J. RHODES and his wife Winifred NOBLE of the Tuckahoe District of Jones County, North Carolina. He was born on 28 Dec. 1844. J. H. RHODES married Edith Louisa RHODES?, possibly his cousin-they had 2 children: Fannie Rhodes STANFIELD of Waco, Texas and Charles Henry RHODES of Coahoma, Texas. They all came to Texas sometime between 1880 & 1890. George Washington RHODES, of Craven County, who appears as witness was his brother, born 18 April 1839. ) __________________________________________________________________ Copyright. All rights reserved. This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by Sloan S. Mason <> ___________________________________________________________________