Jones County, NC - Military

File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by
Sloan Spence Mason <>

OATH OF ALLEGIANCE of George W. RHODES of Jones Co., N.C.


Head Quarters, Point Lookout, Md.

Provost Marshal's Office ---- 1865, I herby certify that George W. RHODES, 
Prisoner of War, having this day taken that Oath of Allegiance to the United 
States, as prescribed by the President in his proclamation of December 8th, 
1863, is in uniformity with instructions from the War Department, hereby and 
discharged. By witness whereof, I hereunto afix my offical Signature and stamp.

A. - BRADY?, Maj. and Provost Marshal

United State of America

I George W. RHODES, of the County of Jones, State of N.C. do solemnly swear 
that I will suport, protect and defend the Constitution and Government of the 
United State against all enemies, whether domestic or foreign; that I will bear 
true faith, allegiance, and loyalty to the same, any ordinance, resolution or 
laws of any State, Convention, or Legislature, to the contrary notwithstanding; 
and further, that I will faithfully perform all the duties which may be required 
of me by the laws of the United State; and I take this oath freely and 
voluntarily, without any mental reservation or evasion whatever.

Signed: George W. RHODES

Subscribed and sworn to before me, this (no date listed) day of A.D. 186-.

A.M.? BRADY?, Maj. and Provost Marshal

The above named has dark complexion, black hair, and blue eyes and is 5 feet 
8 1/2 inches high.


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