Jones-Onslow County NcArchives Military Records.....Eubank, E. G. 1901 Civilwar - Pension ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Jo Huettl November 3, 2009, 6:31 pm SOLDIER'S APPLICATION FOR PENSION STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA County of Onslow On this 8th day of July Sept, A. D., 1901, J W Burton, C.S.C., personally appeared before me in and for the State and county aforesaid, E G Eubank, age 58 years, and a resident at Maysville postoffice, in said county and State, and who, being duly sworn, makes the following declaration in order to obtain the pension under the provisions of an act entitled, "An act for the relief of certain Confederate Soldiers, Sailors and Widows," ratified March 8, 1907; that he is the identical E G Eubank who enlisted in Co H, 27 Reg. N.C. State Troops on or about the 12th day of September, 1864, to service in the armies of the late Confederate States, and that while in said service at ____, in the State of __, on or about the _____ day of ________ 186_, he received a wound or wounds, etc. (Applicant will here state the nature and extent of his wounds and disability, so that a proper classification can be made under the new Pension Law passed by the General Assembly of 1907. Read said section of said law carefully, and to accomplish the classification therein called for let statement here as to nature and extent of wounds, disability, etc., be very full and explicit). I am fastly incapable to perform manual labor. I am afflicted with piles and dispepsicle. He further states that he is, and has been for twelve months immediately preceding this Application for Pension, a bona fide resident of North Carolina; that he holds no office under the United States, or under any State or county, from which he is receiving the sum of three hundred dollars as fees or as salary annually; that he is not worth in his own right, or the right of his wife, property at its assessed value for taxation to the amount of five hundred dollars ($500), nor has he disposed of property of such value by gift or voluntary conveyance since the 11th of March, 1885, and that he is not receiving any aid from the State of North Carolina or under any other statute providing for the relief of the maimed and blind soldiers of the State. Sworn and subscribed to before me this 8th day of July, 1901 (signed) J W Burton Signature of C. S. C. (signed) his mark E G Eubank Signature of Applicant. Also personally appeared before me Pinell Kellum, who resides at Jacksonville, NC postoffice in said county and State, a person whom I know to be respectable and entitled to credit, and being by me duly sworn, says he is acquainted with E G Eubank, the applicant for pension, and has every reason to believe that he is the identical person he represents himself to be, and that the facts set forth in this affidavit are correct to the best of his knowledge and belief, and that he has no interest, direct or indirect, in this claim. Sworn and subscribed to before me this 8th day of July, 1901 (signed) J W Burton Signature of C. S. C. (signed) Pinell Kellum (his mark) Signature of Witness. Also personally appeared before me _________ a physician in good standing in the said county and State, and being duly sworn, says that he has carefully and thoroughly examined ___________, the applicant for pension, and finds such disability for manual labor as is described below, by reason of wounds received while in the discharge of his duty as a soldier or sailor of North Carolina in the service of the late Confederate States. (Let physician here give full and explicit professional information as to the nature and extent of wounds, disability, stating particularly whether disability amounts to one-forth, one-half, three-fourths, etc. in order to accomplish the classification called for under the new A pension Law passed by the General Assembly of 1901.) E.G. Eubank so states he has bleeding piles very bad. States he has dispepsicle a great deal of this time. Claim he has eppeletic diarahea. These facts being true, he can be rated disabled half. Sworn and subscribed to before me this ___day of ____, 190_ (signed) E. L. Cox Signature of Physician STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA Onslow COUNTY. To the Auditor of the State of North Carolina We certify that we have carefully examined the application E G Eubank for pension under the provisions of an act entitled "An act for the relief of certain Confederate Soldiers, Sailors and Widows," ratified March 8 1907, and the proofs filed in support thereof; that we are satisfied the said JW Burkett is the identical person who enlisted in Company H, 67 Regiment of NC Troops, on or about the 1st day of April 1861, and who was disabled in a manner and to the extent stated in the foregoing certificates of himself and physician in consequence of a wound received in battle on or about the 12th day of S, 186_, and we certify the following allegations set forth in his application to be true, namely: That he is, and has been for twelve months immediately preceding this Application for Pension, a bona fide resident of North Carolina; that he holds no office under the United States, or under any State or county, from which he is receiving the sum of three hundred dollars as fees or as salary annually; that he is not worth in his own right, or the right of his wife, property at its assessed value for taxation to the amount of five hundred dollars ($500), nor has he disposed of property of such value by gift or voluntary conveyance since the 11th of March, 1885, and that he is not receiving aid from any other source from the State of North Carolina, and therefore his application is correct and just under the act. (SEAL) (signed) Nash Mattocks Clerk Superior Count. (IMPRESS COUNTY SEAL HERE). (Sheriff) (signed) D J Sanders DisApproved: (signed) S. B. Taylors (signed) JA Pittman County Pension Board This file has been created by a form at File size: 6.4 Kb