Jones County, NC - Pensions - Catherine H. Daugherty


                   WILLIAM HARDY DAUGHERTY
                  CIVIL WAR PENSION PAPERS

Transcribed by Lonne S. Heath
July, 2002


      SOLDIER'S NAME     Dougherty, William H 
      LAST RANK          Private 
      DATE ENLISTED      Nov 24, 1863 
      WHERE ENLISTED     New Bern, NC 
      COUNTY BORN        No County 
      REMARKS            Captured at Beech Grove, NC on Feb 1, 1864;
                         Hung at Kinston 

William's widow, Catherine, applied for and received a pension from the 
U.S. Government in June 9, 1870. The pension papers are found at the 
National Archives in Washington, DC in Box 33389, Certificate No. 
147762, Catherine Daugherty, Widow of William Daugherty.

"No. 187724, Act of July 14, 1862, Catherine Daugherty, Jones Co., NC, 
Wid. of William H. Daugherty, Pvt. Co. F, 2 NC Vols., Died at Kinston 
N.C. Feby 10/64, hung by the enemy. Received June 9, 1870, E.W. 
Carpenter, Newbern, NC, Attorney."

"No. 147762, North Carolina. Catherine Daugherty widow of William H. 
Daugherty, Rank Pvt., Company F, Regiment 2 NC Vols, Raleigh Agency.  
Rate per month $8, Commencing 18 Jany 1871 Certificate dated 6 Feby 
1871 and sent to Per agent E.W. Carpenter, atty. Act 14th July, 1862, 
Book C Vol. 10, Page 275, H.W. Wall, Clerk."  (This form was stamped 


State of North Carolina
County of Jones

On this 9th day of May, 1870, personally appeared before me, a Clerk of 
Superior Court, a Court of Record in and for the County and State 
aforesaid Catherine Daugherty a resident of near Trenton in the County 
of Jones and State of North Carolina aged 39 years, who being duly 
sworn, makes the following declaration, in order to obtain the Pension 
provided by the Act of Congress approved July 14, 1862. That she is the 
widow of William H. Daugherty who was a Private in Company F commanded 
by Leut. Wells in the 2d Regiment of North Carolina Vols in the War of 
1861; that her maiden name was Caherine Heath and that she was married 
to said Wm. H. Daugherty on or about the 9th day of July 1847, at Nancy 
Heath in the County of Lenoir and State of North Carolina by John 
Daughety and that she knows of no record evidence of said marriage.

She Further Declares that said William H. Daugherty her husband, died 
in the service of the United States as aforesaid at Kinston in the 
State of North Carolina on or about the 10th day of February, 1864, 
being hung by the enemy. She also declares that she has remained a 
widow ever since the death of said William H. Daugherty and that she 
had not in any manner been engaged in, or aided or abetted, the 
rebellion in the United States; and she hereby appoints E.W. Carpenter 
of Newbern North Carolina as her lawful Attorney, with power of 
substitution, and authorizes him to present and prosecute this claim, 
and to receive her pension certificates. The following are the names 
dates of birth and place ... of residence of all the children of her 
deceased husband who were under sixteen years of age at the time of his 
Nancy E. Daugherty - was born May 3rd, 1853
Ivy Daugherty - was born Oct 17th, 1860, dead (This line was struck 

My Post Office address is Trenton, Jones Co N.C.

                                          Catherine X Daughety

If mark is made, two witnesses who write sign here.
Margaret Askew
A.B. Watson

Also Personally Appeared before me, Margaret Askew and A.B. Watson 
residents of Jones County, and State of North Carolina to me well known 
as credible persons, who being duly sworn, declare, that they were 
present and saw said Catherine Daughety sign her name to the foregoing 
declaration, and that they have every reason to believe, from the 
appearance of said applicant, and their acquaintance with her, that 
she is the identical person she represents herself to be, and know that 
said deceased recognized said applicant as his lawful wife, and that 
she was so recognized by the community in which they resided; and 
that they have no interest, direct or indirect, in the prosecution of 
this claim.

                 Signatures of Witnesses  Margaret Askew
                                          A.B. Watson

On the side of this form is the following signatures: "attested 	
J.N.C. Bryan 
F.H. Smith

Sworn and subscribed to before me, this 9th day of May, 1870 and I 
hereby certify that I have no interest, direct or indirect, in the 
prosecution of this claim. And that the contents of the above were made 
known and explained to applicant and witnesses before signing.
                     J.N.C. Bryan, Clk. of C. of Jones County, N.C."

Claim No. 187724
Soldier Wm. H. Daugherty
C.M. Tourflais, Ex'r.
Room No. 11

War of The Rebellion.                   Act of July 14, 1862, and
                                          subsequent acts.


Catherine Daugherty, widow of William H. Daugherty, Rank Pri, Company 
"F", Regiment 2nd N.C. Vols., Residence of guardian: Jones County, and 
State of N.C., Post Office: Trenton, Jones Co., N.C., Attorney: E. W. 
Carpenter - Newbern, N.C., Fee: $10. No contract and no material 
evidence filed since July 8, 1870. Rate of Pension: $8 per month, 
commencing Jany 18th, 1871, the date of filing said evidence. By former 
marriage (children) none. By last marriage, Sixteen (When Nancy E. 
turns 16 yrs.), May 3, 1853, Born May 2nd, 1869, Nancy E. Payments on 
all former certificates covering any portion of the same time to be 
deducted. Admitted, Jany 19, 1871, C.M. Toufkin, Examiner.  
Approved (no date).  

Enlistment Nov. 24, 1863
Muster into rank, Dec 5, 1863
Death, Feby 10, 1864
Widow's app. filed, June 9, 1870, 
Claim completed, Jany 18, 1871
Claimant's marriage to soldier, July 9, 1847 

Cause of Death, Hung by the Enemy. Place of Death, Kinston, N.C."


Other children of soldier by former wife, none. Other children of 
soldier by claimant, only one, name & age given. Loyalty of claimant, 



The marriage of None is shown by _____________________




The marriage of Wm. H. Daugherty to Catherine Heath is shown by Aff. of 
the witnesses present.  

Aff. of persons present  

Aff. of witnesses 




The Adjutant General U.S.A. reports name on rolls as Wm. H. Daugherty 
also the rank, company and regiment, and the dates of Muster & Death as 
stated on preceding page. He also reports him "captured by the enemy 
Feby 2/64 & hung at Kinston, N.C. in Feby 1864 (prior to the 17th of 
that month) under the direction of the rebel Genls. Pikett & Hoke, on 
the charge of desertion from the rebel army. He fled from N.C. to 
escape rebel conscription & joined the U.S. forces.


A.M. Daniels & Wm. Fields swear they were present Feby 10, 1864 when 
Wm. H. Daugherty was hung by the rebels at Kinston, N.C. with many 
others. His Co. was captured by the Confederate Army at Beach Grove 
near Newbern, N.C. about Feby 1/64."

Adjutant General's Office,
Washington, D.C.
June 17th, 1870

I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt from your Office of 
application for Pension No. 187724, and to return it herewith, with 
such information as is furnished by the files of this Office.

It appears from the Rolls on file in this Office, that William H. 
Doherty was enrolled on the 24th day of Nov, 1863, at New Berne in the 
2nd Regiment of N.C. Union Volunteers, to serve 3 years, or during the 
war, and mustered into service as a Pvt on the 5th day of Dec., 1863, 
at New Berne, N.C., in the 2nd Regiment of N.C. Union Volunteers, to 
serve 3 years, or during the war. On the Muster Roll of Co. "F" of 
that Regiment, for the months of Sept. & Oct. 1864, he is reported 
William H. Dougherty, "Captured by the enemy Feby 2, 64." Records on 
file report him "Hung at Kinston, N.C., in Feby 1864, (prior to the 
17th of that month) under the directions of the rebel Genls. Pickett & 
Hoke, on the charge of desertion from the rebel army. He fled from 
N.C. to escape rebel conscription and joined the U.S. forces."

I am, Sir, very respectfully, Your obedient servant,
J.P. Martin, Assistant Adjutant General
The Commissioner of Pensions, Washington, D.C."

State of North Carolina
County of Lenoir

On this 20th day of July 1870 personally appeared Wm. Fields & A.N. 
Daniels residents of the County & State aforesaid of legal age who 
being duly sworn deposes & says that they were intimately acquainted 
with William H. Daugherty dec'd late Private in Co. F 2 Regt. North 
Carolina Volunteers who with his company were captured by the 
Confederate Army at Beach Grove near Newbern, N.C. about the 1st of 
February 1864 & was hung by the said Military Authorities at Kinston, 
N.C. on or about the 10th day of February 1864 with a number of said 
company for being found in arms against the said Confederate 
Authorities, on which occasion we were present in Kinston & saw the 
execution aforesaid take place & know of our own knowledge that said 
deceased died as above stated. And further that we have no interest in 
this claim.

      B.F. Nunn                    A.N. Daniels
      J.A. Smith                   William Fields

Sworn & subscribed to before me the day & year first above written & I 
certify that the above affidavit was read to said affiants before 
signing the same & that I personally know them to be respectable & 
worthy of belief, also that I have no interest in this claim. Affiants 
further state that there are no Surgeons of officers of this Regiment 
now residing in this section consequently the foregoing is the best 
proof that can be produced as to cause of death of said deceased.
R.F. Green, Clerk

State of North Carolina
County of Lenoir
On this 6th day of December 1870 person appeared Nancy Heath Sr. & 
Nancy Heath Jr. residents of the County & State aforesaid, of legal 
age, who being duly sworn depose say that for the past thirty years we 
have been intimately acquainted with Catherine Daugherty, widow of 
William H. Daugherty deceased, late Private Co. F 2d North Carolina 
Vols. That on the 9th day of July 1847 we were present at the residence 
of Nancy Heath's in the County & State aforesaid & saw Catherine 
Daugherty (whose maiden name was Catherine Heath) & William H. 
Daugherty, married by John Daugherty, a Justice of the Peace, (now 
deceased). Said William H. Daugherty deceased, always treated & 
acknowledged said Catherine as his lawful wife & that they lived & 
cohabited together as such, & were so received in society, & were so 
regarded by their acquaintances. That they never heard the fact of 
their marriage disputed. That they often heard said deceased in his 
lifetime speak of said Catherine as his wife. That said Catherine had 
by said marriage one child whose name & age is as follows, Nancy E. 
Daugherty was born May 3rd, 1853 on which occasion we were present at 
the birth of said child in the capacity of assistants & rendered 
services usual on such occasions, which date of birth is recorded in 
the family Bible & agrees with the date as aforesaid. We are satisfied 
that said Catherine Daugherty has made diligent effort to procure 
record evidence of her said marriage & has been unable to do so from 
the fact that there is no public record of said marriage. That said 
Catherine Daugherty gave birth to a child which she named Ivy which 
child was begotten by said deceased soldier, but died in infancy. That 
the child Nancy E. Daugherty is the only legitimate child now living of 
said Catherine by her deceased husband aforesaid, & these are the only 
children the said Catherine ever had by said soldier & that said 
soldier left no children by a former marriage. That we are in no way 
interested, directly or indirectly in the claim for pension for which 
this affidavit is required.

Joseph H. Smith
Nancy Heath Sr (X her mark)
John A.B. Heath
Nancy Heath Jr (X her mark)

Sworn & subscribed to before me the day & year first above written & I 
certify that the above affidavit was read to said affiants before 
signing the same & that I am personally acquainted with them & know 
them to be respectable & worthy of belief. Also that I have no interest 
in this claim.

                                    Wm. H. West, J.P.

I certify that William H. West before whom the above affidavit was made 
is a Justice of the Peace duly authorized to administer oaths & that 
the above is his signature.

In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand & official seal this 7th 
day of Dec. 1870.

                                          B.F. Green Clerk of 
                               the Superior Court of Lenoir Co.

"I hereby certify that there is no record of the marriage of William H. 
Daugherty & Catherine Heath on file except a Marriage Bond which is on 
file in my office. At the time of the above marriage there was no 
record of marriages only Marriage Bonds filed in clerks office.
A. C. Wadsworth
Reg. of Deeds
Kinston, N.C. Dec. 7th, 1870"

"Lenoir County
North Carolina

"I, R.F. Green Clerk of the Superior Court Lenoir County hereby certify 
that A.C. Wadsworth whose name is signed to the foregoing certificate 
is the Register of Deeds for the County of Lenoir, duly elected & 
qualified. In witness whereof I here unto set my hand and affix my Seal 
of office at Kinston.  Jany 6th 1871.
R.F. Green, Clerk of the Supr Court of Lenoir County."

"Trenton Jones County NC Oct 20th 1879
To Chief of Department of the Interior

I have been informed that there has been passed by Congress an act to 
allow widows of soldiers in the U.S. Service in the late war between 
the States an additional allowance previous to date of Pension 
Certificate. I am a pensioner and hold a certificate No. 147762 
commencing 18th day of January 1871. If any such act has been passed or 
any rules and regulations made by the Department giving any additional 
pay or allowance please notify me at once and send blank forms with 
instructions &c. If this should not be properly directed please have it 
to some clerk in the Department or to some pension attorney on claims 
of good character & integrity to answer.

Very Respectfully,
Catharine Daugherty"

Trenton, Jones County, N Carolina
Jany 22nd 1880
To Comss of Pensions
Washington, DC

Sir, I am a pensioner as a widow of Wm. H. Daugherty No. 147762. My 
certificate is dated 6th day of Febry 1871 and my pay commenced on the 
18th day of January 1871 at $8 per mo. under an act of Congress, 
approved Jany. 25, 1879 No. 28. I am entitled to arrears of Pensions 
from the death of my husband (Feby 12th 1864 to 18th of Jany 1871).
Please forward me the proper papers for me to fill out and return, if 
any be needed. Respectfully, Catharine Daugherty, Widow of Wm. H. 

NB attend, soon and oblige"

"To the Commissioner of Pensions:

I, Catherine Daugherty, a Pensioner under pension Certificate No. 
147762, hereby apply for the Arrears due me, under the Act granting 
Arrears of Pension, approved January 25, 1879. My Post Office Address 
is Trenton Jones County N. Carolina.
Catherine  X  Daugherty

Two witnesses who can write:
J.P. Brayden
C. Askew

State of N. Carolina
County of Jones
Signed in my presence by Catherine Daugherty who is know to me to be 
the person she describes herself to be, and at the same time she 
exhibited to me her pension Certificate, which is numbered 147762.  
Ths. J. Whitaker, Clerk Superior Court, Jones County, N.C."

Certificate No. 147762                         Acts of January 25 and 
                                                    March 4, 1879


Name Catherine Daugherty, widow of 
Soldier William H. Daugherty, Rank Priv., Company F, Regiment 2 N. C. 
P. O. Address Trenton, County Jones, State, N.C.
Date of soldiers discharge (blank)
Date the soldier died Feby 10, 1864; while in service.
Soldier was pensioned from (blank)
Widow pensioned from Jany 18, 1871;
Arrears of Pension due at the rate of $8 per month, from Feby 11, 1864, 
to Jany 17, 1871, when it terminates.
The Sum of Two Dollars Per Month Additional Will Be Allowed for Each 
Child, As Follows: Nancy E. commencing July 25, 1866; ending May 2, 1869 
Date April 23, 1880.
S.F. Chandler, Examiner.
Approved for Issue:  J.W. Cole, Reviewer.  $665.87

Case of Catharine Daugherty, No. _____________
On this 22 day of Sept, 1900, at Bonus, county of Jones State of N.C., 
before me, T.H. Gotthe, a special examiner of the Bureau of Pensions, 
personally appeared Catharine Daugherty, who, being by me first duly 
sworn to answer truly all interrogations propounded to her during this 
special examination of aforesaid claim for pension, deposes and says:

I am 69 years of age; my post office address is as above, but I get my 
pension mail at Trenton, N.C. I am in receipt of a pension of $12 a 
month as the widow of William H. Daugherty who served during the 
war of the rebellion in the Union army. I think he was in the 2nd N.C. 
but my mind is so poor that I cannot recollect things of that kind. My 
husband was hung at Kinston, N.C. sometime during the war but I cannot 
give you date. He was hung by the confederates. They hung thirteen 
union soldiers there at once. These men had been in the confederate 
service but had left and joined the Union Army and were captured by the 
Confederates and were hung as I have stated.

My husband was about six feet tall - was light complexioned - had blue 
eyes, & dark hair. He was born and raised in Jones County, NC and 
before he went to the Army was a farmer and turpentine man. He enlisted 
in Newbern in the Union Army. My husband was blind in one eye at time 
he enlisted. He served as a substitute in the confederate army for Joe 
Heath - dead. He was blind since he was a little boy. Neither my 
husband nor myself were ever married till we married each other. I have 
never remarried since his death.

I don't recall who was my atty. in Wash., DC but Joe Smith of Trenton 
did my writing for me and I paid him twenty five dollars. My mother & 
my sister were my witnesses. If I had any others I do not recollect 
them. My husband and I were married by John Daugherty, a J.P. We were 
married several years before the war still I cannot give date of our 
marriage. We were married in Lenoir County, N.C. I have lived in Jones 
County ever since my husband was hung. Before I got a pension I did 
anything I could get to do. Ddd any labor. The P.M. at Trenton executes 
my vouchers for me. He charges me twenty five cents for each seal. I 
always take voucher in person, never take it before the 4th. I am 
always sworn. I have any body I can catch who can write in Trenton as a 
witness. You see they all know me. I have fully understood your 
questions and my answers have been correctly recorded. I have never 
pawned by pen. ctf.

Catharine X Daugherty

Mary Roberson

Sworn to and subscribed before me this 22 day of Sept, 1900, and I 
certify that the contents were fully made known to deponent before 
Thos. H. Gotthe
Special Examiner."

"Julien K. Warren, Attorney and Counselor at Law, Trenton, North 
March 27, 1917
Pension Office,
Washington, D.C.


Mrs. Catherine Daugherty of my County is now receiving a pension from 
the U.S. Government of $12.00 per month, as evidenced by Certificate 
#147762 (struck out) 48415, being an increase of $4. over the 
Certificate or WIDOW'S CLAIM issued to her January 18, 1871, number 
147762. She has been advised by some of her friends that under recent 
Acts she becomes entitled to an increase of some $12. to $20. per 
month, having reached the age of 70 years. She has requested me to take 
this matter up with the department and secure for her an application 
blank and such other papers as she will need to enable her to get this 
increase, as she certainly needs it badly, provided, she is entitled to 
it under the new Act.

I will pleased to have you advise me with reference to this matter and 
to forward such papers as she will have to have filed out right away.

Yours very truly, 
J.K. Warren

Stamped Pension B U.S. Office, Mar 29, 1917, Record Apr 14, 1917"

Finance Division
Bureau of Pensions
Washington, Mar 9, 1918

The Postmaster,
Trenton, N.C.

A letter recently mailed by this Bureau to Catherine Daugherty, a 
pensioner by Cert. No. 147762, at _______________, was returned from 
your office because of the addressee's death as noted on the envelope.

You will confer a favor by stating the date of the pensioner's death if 
known to or ascertained by you, on the bottom fold of this letter and 
returning the same under cover of the enclosed penalty envelope which 
requires no postage.
Very respectfully,
G.M. Galzgabet

(Response written in cursive)

I am informed she died in January 1918. I have been unable to get exact 
J.B. Collins
Trenton, N.C.

In the pension package for William H. Daugherty is the certificate 
stating that the voucher plate for Catherine H. Daugherty was distroyed 
and that she was dropped from the pension list.  

To the Chief, Finance Division:
You are hereby notified that check #6073825 for $75.00 dated Feb 4 1918 
in favor of Catherine Daugherty, post-office Trenton, N.C. Certificate 
#147762 Civil War Wid. Class, Civil War Section 5 has been returned to 
this office by the Postmaster with the information that the pensioner 
died Jan. 1918 and said check has this day been canceled.
Very respectfully,
Guy O. Taylor
Disbursing Clerk.

Mar. 9 1918 P.M. Trenton, NC for date of death.


Mar. 2, 1918
Certificate No. 147762
Class General Law
Pensioner Catherine Daugherty
Soldier William H. Daugherty
The Commissioner of Pensions
I have the honor to report that the name of the above-described 
pensioner who was last paid at $25 to Nov 4, 1917 has this day been 
dropped from the roll because of death, Jan. 1918.
Very respectfully,
W.M. Marshall
Chief, Finance Division.


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