Jones County NcArchives Military Rev War.....Hugh Stanly Land Warrant 
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State of North Carolina.

  To William Hill, Esq. Secretary of the State aforesaid. 
  On the application of John Bell, of Wake County and City of Raleigh, 
as attorney for the Heirs of James Stanley, and Jonathan Cahoon
formerly soldiers of the Revolutionary Army and of the Line of this
State, and acting under the powers and authorities with which we are
clothed, by an Act of the Assembly of 1819, entitled "an act concern-
ing Military Land Warrants." We have examined and passed upon the
Claims of the above mentioned, and hereby advise and direct, that you
issue to the Heirs of said Claimants as follow - viz:
To the Heirs of James Stanley, a Warrant for six hundred and forty acres
  of land (640 acres).
To the Heirs of Jonathan Cahoon, a Warrant for six hundred and
  forty acres of land (640 acres). -
Raleigh 2d Aug 1821	J Franklin     Commissioners
    John Haywood

Recd from the Secretary's Office two Warrants
issued on the above order Nos 716 & 717 to the
Heirs of Jas Stanly & Jonathan Cahoon for
640 acres each. Augt 3rd 1821
    John Bell

power of attorney of Hugh Stanly regarding his land grant based
on Revolutionary War service of his brother James Stanly

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