Jones County NcArchives Military Revwar.....William Stanly Deposition ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Jesse Vaughan July 27, 2015, 4:48 pm Source: N C Archives Photo can be seen at: Image file size: 186.3 Kb State of North Carolina } This Day came before me Jones County } Christopher Bryan one of the Justices of Peace for Sd county William Stanley who being duly sworn deposeth & saith that he was well acquainted with Josiah Miller a Soldier in the Revolutionary War in the Continental line of this State, that sd Miller was a Foreigner he believes an Englishman, that he Enlisted in Craven County in Sd State Under the Command of Federick Hargit, for the term of three Years, or War and was then carried to Halifax in Sd State and put under the comm_ -and of Cap' Goodman in the 40' North Carolina Regt and further this deponant saith Sd Miller was then carried to the North and was Slain or died about the date of 1779 as this deponant always Understood & believes, and saith that he heard Several Men, who served in the same Company with Sd Miller Say on their return, that he was dead, and further he saith he never Understood or heard that sd Miller had any heirs or relations in this Country, and believes he served his time as a Soldier faithfully, further this deponant saith not Sworn to & Subscribed before me this 5th of July 1821 - Attest his Chrs Bryan JP William X Stanly Senr mark State of North Carolina } We the Undersigned two Justices of Jones County } Peace for Sd County do certify that full faith & credit should be Given to the oath of William Stanley whose signature appears to the foregoing deposition Given Under Our hands & Seals this 5th of July 1821- Chrs Bryan, JP Simms Harrison JP State of No Carolina } Jones County } This is to certify that Christopher Bryan & Simmons Harrison Esquires are acting Justices of the Peace in said County of Jones and due credit is to be given their signatures as such. Given under my hand and Seal of Office in Trenton this 5th day of July A.D.1821_ Robt Kornegay C.Cl. Additional Comments: Photocopy in personal files of Jesse Vaughan; original held in State Archives of North Carolina, copied 15 July 1995 by Archives personnel and transcribed by me. This file has been created by a form at File size: 2.8 Kb