Jones County, NC - Hardy Jones Revolutionary War Pension, 1818


March 4, 1935

Mr. Blair Jones
Pell City

Dear Sir:

Reference is made to your letter in which you request the record of
Hardy Jones, a Revolutionary War soldier of North Carolina, who
enlisted October 7, 1778, Blount's Company.

The Revolutionary War records of this office have been searched and
the record found of only one soldier with the name Hardy Jones. His
record is given below as found in the papers on file in pension
claim S.41699, based upon his service in the Revolutionary War.

The date and place of birth and the names of the parents of Hardy
Jones are not shown.

Hardy Jones enlisted in Jones County, North Carolina, sometime in
1778, served as a private in Captain John Taylor's Company, 3rd
North Carolina Regiment, was in the battle of Stone and at the
seige of Charleston; was taken prisoner, place where captured and 
length of time held in captivity not stated. His service terminated
in 1782. He did not state that he served in Captain Blount's Company.

There is an official statement on file that one Hardy Jones was
mustered on October 17, 1778 for three years as a private under
Captain Blount of the 10th Regiment, date of discharge not given.
There is nothing to show that this Hardy Jones and the one who
applied for pension were one and the same.

Hardy Jones was allowed pension on his application executed October
16, 1818, at which time he was residing in Lenoir County, North
Carolina and was aged about fifty-eight years.

Source: HeritageQuest Online
        Abstract from Revolutionary War Pension


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Connie Ardrey