Jones County, NC - Revolutionary War Widow's Pension Application File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by Mary L. Stiny <> MARY ADAMS PETITION FOR WIDOWS PENSION REVOLUTIONARY WAR State of Tennessee Morgan County On this the 25th day of March 1839 personally appeared before me, Daniel S. Lavender, Justice of the peace in and for said county Mary Adams a resident citizen of the County of Morgan State of Tennessee aged 80 years the 15th day of May next and after being Duly sworn for that purpose on her oath states that she was born and raised in the County of Jones in North Carolina that she was raised from a child within a few miles of her deceased husband William Adams and she makes the following declaration in order to obtain the benefit of the Act of Congress of the 7th July 1838. She states that well recollects her said husband entering the service sometime in the fall or winter season of the year and continuing in the service to her best knowledge and (being) founded on her own knowledge of his starting and returning from service and of his being absent and being said to be in the service and also from the whole of her acquaintance with him during the time of her living with him and from many surrounding circumstances but as to the precise time of his beginning service and quitting the same. She cannot say precisely but agreeable to her best opinion his service was performed between the latter part of the year 1780 and the latter part of the month of August 1781. She is not certain whether he was a drafted man or not. She thinks that he was in continued service for mini months whether all at one engagement or not she cannot state but he was absent for the whole time and she believes was under one engagement for the whole time and served nine months and served she has often heard him speak of being in service in the Carolinas and of being in Service at Wilmington and at the (Nuse) and of being in a skirmish at the Long bridge in North Carolina and of many Points and places not to her now recollected, and of his being and acting as a cook for the officers, as to all the officers under whom he served she cannot now say with certainty, but she distinctly recollects of hearing him often speak of serving under Col Avery and serving under him and William Bush adjutant and Lieutenant Martin Franks and James Blackshir she thinks was ensign She does not now recollect of ever hearing her said husband say whether he was verbally discharged or otherwise. She states that after her said husband returned from his said service that she was married to him by Justice Jacob Johnson living just across the County line and in Dobbs County North Carolina they having just went to Whitey Franks a Justice of the County of Jones to be married and he having been from home we went to Jacob Johnson's in Dobbs County North Carolina and was married at his house on the 20th day of October in the year seventeen hundred and eighty one that she has no record of her said marriage as she knows of that her oldest son David Adams had a record of Declarants age and his age and the age of Declarants childrens ages on some papers sewed together he being going to Missouri left it with Declarant which she states is probably in existence but that she is not certain that the time of her marriage is contained in the Document. She states she was married to the said William, on the 20 Oct 1781 that her maiden name was Gooden he died in Morgan County Tennessee on the 19 of June one thousand eight hundred and thirty two that she was not married to him prior to his leaving the service but the marriage took place before the first day of Jamuary seventeen hundred and ninety four (-----) at the time above stated. She positively states that her Departed husband died on the 19th June one thousand eight hundred and thirty two as above stated after living with her from the time of their marriage until he died and that she has remained a widow ever since his death. She has no record of her husbands service She believed that Daniel S Lavender Esquire living near her with whom she has been acquainted from a child knows things of and concerning her said marriage and her said husbands service that would in all probability be fully convincing (?) of her husbands service and of Declarants marriage and her husbands death and her widowhood. ============================================================== USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, data may be used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. The electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or for presentation by other persons or organizations. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material for purposes other than stated above must obtain the written consent of the file contributor, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. 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