Jones County NcArchives Military Records.....Shine, James, Col. Et Al January 31, 1817 Other War 2nd Brigade, N. C. Militia ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Carolyn Shank November 19, 2008, 11:44 am Court Martial Participants Friday, Jan. 31, 1817, Raleigh Minerva THE TRIAL OF GENERAL JOHN ROBERTS -- A General Court-Martial consisting of the members hereafter named, will convene in the town of Newbern, N. C., on Monday, the 16th day of June next, for the trial of BRIGADIER GENERAL JOHN ROBERTS of the 2nd Brigade of North Carolina Militia: BRIGADIER GENERAL WILLIAM WATTS JONES, President Members --: COL. JAMES O'KELLY WILLAIMS of Beaufort County. COL. BENJAMIN C. DUPREE of Pitt County COL JAMES SHINE of Jones County COL. EDWARD WARD of Onslow County COL. HENRY J. G. RUFFIN of Greene County COL. ALEXANDER MOSELY of Lenoir County LT. COL. EDMUND HATCH of Jones County LT. COL. DANIEL L. BARRINGER of Wake County LT. COL. WILLIAM L. HILL of Onslow County LT. COL. RICHARD BAYNER of Beaufort County LT. COL. SAMUEL VINES of Pitt County MAJOR SAMUEL ALBRITTON of Pitt County MAJOR EDWARD BEETON of Jones County MAJOR MABRE PETTAWAY of Jones County MAJOR ISAAC WINGATE of Craven County MAJOR WILLIAM S. SPARROW of Craven County MAJOR JAMES COX of Lenoir County LT. COL. VINE ALLEN, of the Staff, Judge Advocate Additional Comments: Major Edward Beeton, Major Mabre Petteway This file has been created by a form at File size: 1.8 Kb