Jones County, NC - Marriage Records

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Jones Co.,N.C.-Marriage Licenses-1870-1913
Film #0540305-LDS

Rites of Matrimony-

26 Dec. 1870, Jones Co.,N.C.
Jesse DUPREE son of Furney G. DUPREE and Trecia DUPREE and Elizabeth L.
TILGHMAN daughter of Alexander TILGHMAN and Susan TILGHMAN-26 Dec. 1870 at
Alexander TILGHMANS in Jones Co., N.C.
Witness: William H. BRYAN, Register of Deeds at office, in Trenton 17, Dec. 1871?

April 13, 1894
I -S. BANKS having applied to me for a license for the marriage of James RHODES of 
Jones CO. age 20 years color white, the son of Evan RHODES and Susan RHODES---the 
father now dead, the mother living resident of VA and Polly BALLARD of Jones Co, age 
14 years, color white, daughter of J.L. BALLARD and Nancy BALLARD the father living 
the mother living, of Jones Co.

State of N.C.
I R.N. WHITE Justice of the peace united in matrimony James RHODES and Polly BALLARD 
the parties licensed above on the 25th day of April 1894 at J.L. BALLARDS house in 
Pollocksville Twn. In said Co.
Witn: J.J. CHADWICK, of Pollocksville, Willie BANKS, H.E.SCOTT

F.L. FOY having applied for a license for the marriage of Anthony RHODES of Jones Co. 
age 21 year, colored the son of Alfred RHODES and unknown mother, the father now 
living the mother dead-
Resident of Jones Co. and Sallie A. GEORGE of Jones Co. age 18, color colored, daughter 
of John GEORGE, and Amy GEORGE the father dead, the mother living of Jones Co.

I Frank FOY a Justice of the Peace for Jones Co. united in matrimony Anthony RHODES and 
Sallie A. GEORGE the parties licensed above on the 17th day of Dec. 1894 at Amy GEORGE'S 
in Pollocksville.
Witness Saml. HARRISON, of Jones Co.
Frank MURPHY & Sanders FIELDS, SR.

R.L. RHODES----Justice of the Peace----1894
E.A. RHODES of Cypress Creek-Witness for marriage of Allen JONES and Nannie JONES 
8 Nov. 1894, in Cypress Creek Twn.

I, J.D. HERRITAGE having applied to me for a licence. For the marriage of Jimmy GOODING 
of Jones Co. age 21, colored; The son of George Best? AND Rachel GOODING the father now 
living the mother living resident Of Jones Co. -----------and Fannie RHODES of Jones 
age 24, colored, daughter Of Simon RHODES and Amanda RHODES the father dead the mother 
living resident of Jones Co.

I-A.F. COX Justice of the Peace untied in matrimony Jerry GOODING and Fannie RHODES the 
parties licensed above on the 21st day of Sept. 1894 at Isaac BROCKS plantation in 
Cypress Creek Twnp
Witn: Joseph MURRIL? Of Cypress Creek
Wm. STRAYHORN of Cypress Creek, Frank GOODING of Cypress Creek

I, Amerson BROCK of Jones Co., age 30 colored the son of Jack BROCK and Ann BROCK the 
father dead the mother dead, and Mindy J. RHODES of Jones, age 28 colored daughter Of 
unknown, and Cloei? RHODES
The father dead, mother dead.

I, A. F. COX a J.P.; United Anderson BROCK and Amanda RHODES 1 Jan. 1894 at A.F.COX 
house in Cypress township.
Witn: Frank GOODING, of Cypress Creek
J.F. COX of Cypress Creek
H.M. COX of Cypress Creek.

R.L. BANKS age 25 color white, son of Benj. BANKS and M.A. BANKS the father dead, the 
mother living. Resident of Jones, and Lavina J. WILLIAMS age 22, dau. Of W.C. JONES and 
unknown-father living mother living in Jones Co.

I, J.F. NOBLE -J.P. united in matrimony R.L. BANKS and Laura J. WILLIAMS the parties 
licensed above on the 2nd day of March 1892 at William JONES' in Trenton Township.
Witn.; W.H.RHODES of Jones Co.
E.T. EUBANK of Jones Co.
Ander RHODES of Jones Co.

Charles A. RHODES witness for marriage of D.W. MINNETT, and Nannie HATCH 24, Dec. 1891 
at residence of Mrs. Ann HATCH-Jones Co.

Charles A. RHODES witness for marriage of C.G. COX and Francis D. KOONCE 18 Nov. 1880 
at residence of H.C. KOONCE in Tuckahoe Township.

Frank GOODING son of David GOODING and Harriet GOODING and Harriet RHODES, dau. 
Of -----&----- on 31 day of Dec. 1874 at the house of A.F. COX in Jones Co.

You or either of you are hereby authorized and empowered to celebrate or solemnize 
the Rites of Matrimony between Joseph RHODES, (colored) son of Leut? RODES and 
Charlotte RHODES; And Hester LEARY colored daughter Of Ben LEAREY and Elisah LEARY, 
Witn: Wm. C.BRYAN Reg. Of Deeds-Trenton-6 Nov. 1871
Witness: Barbary RHODES and Levi J. RHODES---------William H. BRYAN

W.H. RHODES of Jones Co. age 24,white son of Ebb RHODES and ------------ the father 
dead, the mother living, resident of Jones Co. and Sadie M. RIGGS of Jones-age 14 
white, daughter Of Brice? Allen RIGGS and Sallie RIGGS the father living the mother 
living at resident of Jones Co.

R.N. WHITE J.P, united in matrimony W.H. RHODES and Sadie M. RIGGS on 20 Jan. 1895 
at the bride's father in Pollocksville,
Witn: E.L. HOSTEN?  OF Pollocksville, 
F. WILCOX, J.F. Whitley, resident of Jones Co.  

A.L. RHODES, J.P. for marriage of J.W.H. FISHER, and Betty JARMAN-21 Jan. 1896
R.L. RHODES, witness of Comfort, N.C.-Pollocksville

R.L. RHODES & A.J. RHODES of Jones Co. witness to Van MILT and Lilla BASDEN marriage.
Cypress Creek-3 Dec.1899

A.L. RHODES having applied for license for marriage of Jabe JARMAN of Jones age 22, 
color white, the son of Land JARMAN and Ammanda JARMAN father dead, mother dead 
resident Of Jones and Maud E. RHODES of Jones Co. age 17, white daughter of A.L. RHODES 
and E.C. RHODES father living mother living.
Consent of A.L. RHODES the father 
At home of A.L. RHODES AT cypress creek
Witn: Ben HASKIN
W.L.QUINN-----------------22 Feb. 1900
Jones Co.,N.C. Jan. 14, 1901
I-T.A. BELL, applied for license for marriage of C.F. RHODES of Virginia age 32 white, 
son of John RHODES and Martha RHODES the father living the mother dead; resident of Va. 
And Mattie MONETT of Jones age 20 years white, dau. Of John MONNETT & Mollie MONETT 
father living, mother living, Pollocksville township.
A.N. WHITE, JP, united in matrimony C.F. RHODES and Mattie MONETT, on 16 Jan. 1901 at 
her father's residence in  Pollocksville,
J.D. MANNETT-Pollocksville

J.F. ROADS of Tuckahoe-witness to Eckerd WHALEY and Doizey CARTER  28 July 1901.

Josie A. JONES have applied for a license ---Oct. 4, 1901
Josie A. JONES of Jones Co. age 22 white son of Everett JONES and Mary JONES, father 
dead mother living.
And Eliza RHODES age 21, daughter of Ivie RHODES and Delia RHODES, father living, mother 
living.-Jones Co.
Married 6 Oct. 1901-at Eliz. BLIZZARDS in Tuckahoe
Witn: Dock RHODES at Tuckahoe

Otis RHODES witness of Tuckahoe to James BARNES and Pennie THOMPSON 1 Nov. 1903

Jan. 26, 1904 
Simon RHODES having applied to me for a license for the marriage of Simon RHODES of Jones 
Co., age 26, colored the son of Simon RHODES and Mandy BROCK, father dead, mother living 
resident of Jones Co.---and Laura DOVE of Jones co., age 18, colored, daughter Of Bob 
DOVE and Laura DOVE the father living, mother living of Jones Co.
I, Rev. F.J. KOONCE a Free Will Baptist Minister united in matrimony, in Jones Co. the 
party's licensee above on 7th day of Jan. 1904 at Stephen KOONCE'S house in Cypress Creek
Witn: Willie BROWN, Stephen KOONCE, Salem? KOONCE

Dec. 23, 1905
Willie AVERY having applied for license of marriage of Willie AVERY of Jones Co., age 21 
color white, son of Lewis AVERY and Katie AVERY the father dead, mother living resident 
of Jones Co., and Matilda COOMBS, of Jones Co., age 24, white, daughter Of B.S. COOMBS 
and Julia COOMBS, father living, mother living of Jones Co.
I, L. DILLAHUNT, J.P. united in matrimony Willie AVERY, and Matilda COOMBS the parties 
licensed above on the 25 Dec. 1905 at B.S. COOMBS in Chinquipin 

Feb. 22, 1905. 
W.H. COX, having applied for a license for the marriage of Chas. H. COTHRAN of Durham 
Co. age 24, white, son of J.I. CATHRAN and Emma COTHRAN, father living, mother living, 
resident of Durham Co, N.C. 
And Anne C. RHODES of Jones Co., age 27, white daughter of J.M.F. RHODES and M.E. RHODES, 
father dead, mother living, of Jones Co.
I R.B. JOHN, Methodist Minister united in matrimony Charles H. COTHRAN and Annie C. RHODES 
on the 22 Feb. 1905 at Comfort, N.C.
Witn: J.M.L. BROCK of Richlands
Mrs. M.E. RHODES of Comfort
James H. RHODES of Comfort

July 8, 1905
J.R. EUBANKS having applied for license of A.L. MOORE of Jones age, 23, white, son of 
J.L. MOORE and Mary MOORE, father dead, mother dead and Gussie AVERY, of Jones Co. age 
18, white daughter of unknown and Katie Avery, father living and mother living, resident 
of Jones Co.
I Luke DILLAHUNT, J.P. united in matrimony A.L. MOORE and Gussie AVERY, 9 July 1905 at 
Oliver JARMONS in Chinquipin,

March 2, 1906
G.R. JONES having applied for of G.W. HARRIS of Jones Co. age 20, color white, son of Geo. 
ADAMS, Sr. and Mary Ann ADAMS, father dead, mother living of Jones Co. ---agen Bedie C. 
RHODES Of Jones Co., age 17, white daughter Of A.L. RHODES and Easter RHODES, father 
living mother living; Of Jones Co., -written consent of parents of both parties.
I, Paschal TAYLOR, J.P. united in matrimony G.W. ADAMS and Bedie RHODES, 7 March 1906
At A.L. RHODES in Cypress township. 
O.L. PARKER all of Cypress Creek

Nov. 10, 1906
A.F. BANKS, applied for license for Will MURPHY, of Jones, age 70, colored, son of Will 
MURHPHY and Phillis MURPHY, father dead, mother dead---and Rebecca KINSEY, of Jones Co., 
age 50, colored, daughter  of Will RHODES and Jennie RHODES father dead, mother dead.
Rev. J.D. WHITE a Mission Baptist, united Will MURPHY and Rebecca KINSEY, 11 March 1906, 
at The Sam'l Philip? Church in Pollocksville
Witn: E. GILBERT, Pear HICKS, Sm. CLARK of Jones Co., N.C

Dec. 24, 1906
I, B. MCDANIEL applied for license for marriage of David SPENCE of Lenoir Co., age 23, 
white, son of J.A. SPENCE and -------father living, mother living resident of Lenoir Co., 
and Belva MCDANIEL, of Jones Co.
Age 18, white, daughter of G.R .MCDANIEL and Cora MCDANIEL, father living, mother living 
of Jones Co.
I, C.H. JOHNSON, J.P., united in matrimony David SPENCE and Belva MCDANIEL, 26 Dec. 1906 
at Home of G.R. MCDANIEL in Chinquapin Twn.,
Witn: G.J. TAYLOR, W.L. MOORE, Mrs. McCoy, Mrs. MCDANIEL

Jan. 14, 1907
I, C.K. COOMBS having applied for license for C.K. COOMBS of Jones Co., age, 24, white, 
son of John W. COOMBS and Betsy COOMBS, father living, mother dead---of Jones----and 
Martha RHODES, of Jones Co. Age 18, white, daughter of Less RHODES and Easter RHODES, 
father living, mother living, of Jones Co.
I, J.B. HASKINS, J.P.-united in matrimony C.K. COOMBS and Martha RHODES, 17 Jan. 1907 
at Comfort, N.C. in Cypress Creek twn.
Witness: Walter PHILYAW, of Comfort, F.L.JARMAN,---CM.-----, Trenton

Jan. 24, 1907
Columbus RHODES having applied for license for Columbus RHODES, of Jones ,age 21, colored, 
son of James RHODES and Faithful RHODES, father living, mother living, of Jones---and 
Susan DIXON, of Jones age 20, colored, daughter Of Hosie GRANT and Caroline DIXON, father 
living, mother dead of Jones. Co.
Signed W.C. RHODES
I Rev. A.R. ROBERTS of A.M.E. Zion Church united in matrimony Columbus RHODES and Susan 
DIXON, Jan. 24, 1907, at Maysville, in Jones Co.
Witn: J.L. MOORE , L.E. MATTOCKS, B.F. JONES, of Jones co.

March 26, 1907
I, Grover C. RHODES applied for license for marriage of Grover C. RHODES of Jones co., 
age 22, white, son of A.L. RHODES and Esther C. RHODES, father living, mother living, 
of Jones co.----and Minnie L. HARDISON, age 18, white of Jones, daughter Of Lem HARDISON 
and Mary HARDISON, father living, mother living, of Jones Co.
I J.K. BROWN, J.P. united Grover RHODES and Minnie L HARDISON on 27 March 1907, at 
Lemuel HARDISONS in Cypress Creek.
Witn: Lennie E. FREEMAN, of Comfort
Levi GRIFFIN, Hatie FREEMAN of Jones Co.

I, John RHODES having applied for license for George RHODES, of Jones age 22, colored, 
son of Simon RHODES and Amanda RHODES father dead, mother living resident of Jones Co.
------and Sarah GOODING, age 21----daughter Of Chas. GOODING and Bena GOODING father 
dead, mother dead.
I, J.E.C. COX, Minister for Baptist ---A.F.W. BAPTIST united George RHODES AND Sarah 
GOODING 27 Nov. 1907, at Abraham WATERS in Cypress Creek.
Witn: J.E. MILLS, of Comfort, QPWC. COX, L.F.GOODING

Felix LEE, of Jones Co., age 19, white, son of James LEE and Catherine LEE, of Jones co. 
and Mackey HOWARD, age 20, dau. Of Jesse HOWARD, and P. HOWARD of Jones Co.
I, John TYNDALL, a Christian Minister united Felix LEE and Malary HOWARD 26 Jan. 1908 at 
the house of L.J. RHODES in Cypress Creek.
Witn; C.H. JONES, W.C. BROWN, R.M. WRIGHT-all of Comfort.

Aug. 22, 1908
I, John LYNCH, applied for license of John LYNCH, of Lenoir Co., age 24, colored, son 
of John F. LYNCH and Chaney LYNCH father living, mother living---resident of Lenoir----
and Melinna RHODES, of Craven Co., age 20, colored, daughter Of Thomas RHODES and Mollie 
RHODES, father dead, mother dead.
I, I.H. POLLACK, J.P. of Jones Co., united John LYNCH, and Melvina RHODES 22 Aug. 1907 at 

Oct. 27, 1911
C.C. FRANKS applied for license, of David FROST, of Pitt co., age 30 colored, son of 
Willie FROST and Harriett FROST, father living-mother living-resident of Pitt---and 
Mariah RHODES of Jones co., age 40, colored, daughter Of David RHODES and Clarry RHODES.
I, Pearer? HICKS, Missionary Baptist Minister unitied David FROST and Merser RHODES 28, 
Oct. 1911 at my house in Jones Co., in Pollocksville.
Witn: Penney HICKS, Ben Murphy, of Pollocksville.

March 18, 1911
J.H. RHODES applies for license, of J.H. RHODES of Jones age,34, white, son of Evans 
RHODES and SUSAN RHODES, father dead, mother living resident of --------------- and 
Mattie HILL, of Jones Co. age 18, white daughter Of Bill HILL and Lizzie HILL, father 
dead, mother living.
I, G.W. WHITE, J.P., united J.H. RHODES and Nettie HILL 18 March 1911 at her home in 
Wit: F.M. TAYLOR, J.J. PRITCHETT of Jones Co.

Nov. 30, 1911
J.F. SPENCE & Della THIGPEN applied for license of J.F. SPENCE of Lenoir Co., age  22, 
white son of J.H. SPENCE and Sarah C. SPENCE, father living, mother living, resident 
of Lenoir------and Della THIGPEN of Jones Co. Age 22, white, daughter Of B.T. THIGPEN, 
& Nancy THIGPEN, father living, mother living; of Jones Co.
I, R.D. DANIEL, Minister of ME. CHURCH united J.F. SPENCE and Della THIGPEN 30 Nov. 1911 
at residence of D.H. HERITAGE in Trenton
Witn: R.L. MAY, D.H. HERITAGE, D.J. DIXON of Trenton

April 2, 1912
Walter T. COX applied for license for Arthur RHODES of Jones Co. age 24, white, son of 
Rob RHODES and Catherine RHODES, father living, mother living; resident of Onslow Co.
-----------and Rachel JARMAN, of Jones age 22, white, daughter Of J.T. JARMAN, and Julia 
JARMAN, father living, mother living; of Jones Co.
I, J.T. SANDERS a Christian united in matrimoney Arthur RHODES and Rachel JARMAN, 
17 April 1912, at J.T. JARMANS residence in Trenton

June 19, 1913
H.E. WHITE applied for license for W.H. RHODES of Wake Co., age 25, white, son of J.F.
RHODES and Catherine RHODES, father living, mother living, of Craven Co., and Maggie 
WHITE, of Jones Co., age 24, white, daughter Of G. WHITE, and Amy WHITE, father living, 
mother living, of Jones Co.
I, John M. GIBBS, a Presbyterian, United W.H. RHODES and Maggie WHITE 19 June 1912 at 
Witn: H.A. CHADWICK, Mrs. Geor. R. HUGHES, MRS. H.A. CREAGH of Pollocksville.


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