Racine County WI Archives Military Records.....Army Enlistees Names  SEAL - SZYMCZAK 
WWII - Enlistment 
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Tina Vickery tsvickery@adelphia.net May 25, 2007, 12:31 am

Army Enlistees Names  SEAL - SZYMCZAK
                                                                                                DATE OF ENLISTMENT                                                                                                 YEAR OF                            
ARMY SERIAL NUMBER    NAME                          PLACE OF ENLISTMENT                         DAY                  MONTH    YEAR  GRADE               BRANCH                        NATIVITY                     BIRTH    COMPONENT OF THE ARMY     
16221602              SEAL DONALD E                 CHICAGO ILLINOIS                            10                   9        46    Private             No branch assignment          WISCONSIN                    28       Regular Army
36287241              SEARS UANIEL H                MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         1                    12       42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    6        Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36286740              SECKER JRTHUR                 MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         30                   11       42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    20       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
20654839              SEEGER LEROY A                RACINE WISCONSIN                            13                   1        41    Private First Class Medical Department            WISCONSIN                    20       National Guard
16155599              SEIBOLD RAYMOND L             MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         27                   11       42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    22       Army of the United States
36279434              SEIDEL HERBERT                MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         31                   10       42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         CANADA                       16       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36279469              SEITZ BENEDICT V              MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         29                   10       42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    19       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36215843              SEITZ RAYMOND F               MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         14                   7        41    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    16       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36248810              SELBACH RAYMOND M             MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         30                   6        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    21       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
16134154              SELKURT BERNARD               MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         2                    11       42                        Ordnance Department           WISCONSIN                    24       Army of the United States
20654850              SELKY ROBERT                  RACINE WISCONSIN                            13                   1        41    Private             Medical Department            WISCONSIN                    20       National Guard
36287244              SELL CHARLES R                MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         1                    12       42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         MINNESOTA                    19       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36270779              SELL RICHARD A                MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         1                    10       42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         NEBRASKA                     20       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
A-602810              SELSTAD CARRIE M              MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         8                    1        43                        Women's Army Corps            MINNESOTA                    0        Women's Army Corps
36218772              SEPENSKI ANTHONY F            MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         8                    9        41    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    16       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36262211              SEPENSKI STANLEY              MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         31                   8        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         PENNSYLVANIA                 9        Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36262140              SEPTON WARREN L               MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         31                   8        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    21       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
20654725              SERBUS STANLEY                RACINE WISCONSIN                            13                   1        41    Private             Medical Department            WISCONSIN                    16       National Guard
34885161              SESS DWDGL/  E                FT OGLETHORPE GEORGIA                       15                   9        43    Private             No branch assignment          ILLINOIS                     7        Selectees (Enlisted Men)
20656600              SESTO RUSSELL K               KENOSHA WISCONSIN                           15                   10       40    Private First Class                               WISCONSIN                    18       National Guard
36224406              SEWELL JAMES M                MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         2                    5        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    9        Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36262154              SEYFERTH CLJRENCE H           MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         31                   8        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    20       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36235650              SEYFERTH GEORGE J             FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS                        20                   2        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    16       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
16157912              SFICOS WILLIAM J              FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS                        18                   1        45    Private             No branch assignment          WISCONSIN                    26       Reserves
16157907              SHAMSHOIAN EDWARD             FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS                        12                   2        45    Private             No branch assignment          WISCONSIN                    27       Reserves
36279668              SHEBENIK LEONARD E            MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         29                   10       42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    20       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
16092846              SHEDLESKI HARRY J             CHICAGO ILLINOIS                            28                   9        46    Private First Class Medical Department            WISCONSIN                    23       Regular Army
16005248              SHEEN MERLE J                 MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         23                   7        40    Private             Signal Corps                  WISCONSIN                    22       Regular Army
36242817              SHELLBERG ROBERT A            MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         29                   5        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    20       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36268532              SHELMAN ARNOLD B              MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         22                   9        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         MISSOURI                     21       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36270622              SHEPHARD THOMAS F             MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         30                   9        42    Private                                           WISCONSIN                    17       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
20654726              SHEPHERD JOHN E               RACINE WISCONSIN                            13                   1        41    Private             Medical Department            WISCONSIN                    17       National Guard
20654744              SHEPHERD WARREN F             CP SHELBY MISSISSIPPI                       10                   9        41    Private             Air Corps                     WISCONSIN                    21       Regular Army
36244934              SHEPPARD KENNETH T            MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         12                   6        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    19       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
16155285              SHEPPARD LOUIS                MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         20                   11       42    Private             Air Corps                     PENNSYLVANIA                 23       Army of the United States
36268541              SHERKELSEN WILLIAM C          MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         22                   9        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    0        Selectees (Enlisted Men)
16007925              SHERMAN RICHARD C             MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         25                   11       40    Private             Air Corps                     CALIFORNIA                   21       Regular Army
36279773              SHIMKUS EDWARD G              MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         29                   10       42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    21       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
16005303              SHIMKUS GEORGE J              MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         27                   7        40    Private             Signal Corps                  WISCONSIN                    13       Regular Army
16217944              SHIMON ROBERT F               CHICAGO ILLINOIS                            23                   7        46    Private             No branch assignment          WISCONSIN                    28       Regular Army
36215998              SHOOP EDMUND J                MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         15                   7        41    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    19       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
16181963              SHOOP JOHN C                  MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         24                   4        46    Private             Cavalry                       WISCONSIN                    29       Regular Army
36253713              SHOVERS ALFRED                MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         29                   7        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    20       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36253877              SHOVERS ALVIN                 MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         30                   7        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    21       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36253881              SHOVERS MORRIS                MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         30                   7        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    16       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36235646              SHOVERS NORMAN                FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS                        20                   2        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    17       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
6919972               SHUMAKER DAVID M              SAN ANTONIO TEXAS                           2                    2        46    Master Sergeant     Air Corps                     WISCONSIN                    20       Regular Army
16215880              SHUMANN DWIGHT R              CHICAGO ILLINOIS                            19                   6        46    Private             Infantry                      WISCONSIN                    28       Regular Army
16060491              SHYMANSKI JOSEPH A            MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         20                   3        42    Private             Air Corps                     WISCONSIN                    20       Army of the United States
36201440              SIDWELL JOHN J                MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         29                   1        41    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         SOUTH DAKOTA                 13       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36292721              SIDWELL ROY H                 MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         26                   12       42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    20       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36261348              SIEKER HUBERT E O             MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         1                    9        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    5        Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36235691              SIEPLER LESTER F              FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS                        20                   2        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    19       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36224256              SILVER ADRIAN                 MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         1                    5        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    16       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
16221604              SIMANEK HARRY W               CHICAGO ILLINOIS                            10                   9        46    Private             No branch assignment          WISCONSIN                    28       Regular Army
36262279              SIMANEK WILLIAM W             MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         2                    9        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         ILLINOIS                     17       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
16092164              SIMCIK JOSEPH E               MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         6                    6        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    22       Army of the United States
36200057              SIMON EUGENE E                MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         22                   11       40    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    19       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
16094691              SIMON JOHN F                  FT CUSTER MICHIGAN                          27                   4        43    Private             No branch assignment                                       0        Reserves
36220821              SIMON ROBERT J                MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         31                   3        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    12       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36279803              SIMONE AUGUST                 MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         29                   10       42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         NEW YORK                     4        Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36202487              SIMONSEN ARTHUR               MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         26                   2        41                        Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    18       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
16220608              SIMOPLOS ANDREW J             CHICAGO ILLINOIS                            29                   8        46                        No branch assignment          WISCONSIN                    28       Regular Army
16092821              SIMOPLOS LOUIS J              MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         30                   6        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    22       Army of the United States
16006284              SIMPSON HAROLD                MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         10                   9        40    Private             Quartermaster Corps           WISCONSIN                    19       Regular Army
36279426              SINGER GILBERT M              MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         29                   10       42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    20       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36279678              SINGSTOCK WALTER F            MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         29                   10       42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    22       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36270671              SINSKY ANTHONY J              MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         30                   9        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    21       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36235630              SIPHER KENNETH E              FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS                        20                   2        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    19       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
16193839              SKARLIF JOHN K                FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS                        22                   3        45    Private             Air Corps                     WISCONSIN                    26       Reserves
36205159              SKELTON NORMAN E              MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         24                   3        41    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         ILLINOIS                     16       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
16230994              SKINNER DAVID H               CHICAGO ILLINOIS                            1                    10       46    Private             No branch assignment          ILLINOIS                     27       Regular Army
36201494              SKOW ALBERT H                 MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         29                   1        41    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    19       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36279662              SKOWRONSKI BEN F              MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         29                   10       42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    17       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36248828              SKOWRONSKI EDWARD J           MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         30                   6        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    20       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36253712              SKULSTAD INGVALD A            MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         29                   7        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         SWEDEN                       99       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36270693              SKVARENINA JOHN               MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         30                   9        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         CZECHOSLOVAKIA               0        Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36248746              SLAASTED ARVID R              MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         30                   6        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         NORWAY or SPITZBERGEN        19       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
A-613542              SLAASTED INGRID M             MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         23                   2        45    Private             Women's Army Corps            NORWAY or SPITZBERGEN        17       Women's Army Corps
36205091              SLADKY JOHN F                 MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         24                   3        41    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    19       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
38050662              SLAFTER ELMER A               HOUSTON TEXAS                               17                   1        41    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    14       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
16009890              SLIVKA RUDOLPH B              MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         22                   8        41    Private             Air Corps                     WISCONSIN                    18       Regular Army
6920100               SLIVKA THEODORE J             MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         26                   12       39    Private             Signal Corps                  WISCONSIN                    16       Reserves
16132996              SLOCUM MILLARD E              MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         23                   10       42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    13       Army of the United States
36248757              SLOMSKI ROBERT L              MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         30                   6        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    18       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
16192331              SLOVACHEK ROBERT J            FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS                        18                   4        44                        Air Corps                     WISCONSIN                    26       Reserves
36294363              SLOVAK ERNEST                 MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         4                    1        43    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    23       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36279768              SMALE RICHARD W               MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         29                   10       42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    3        Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36242849              SMETANA CHARLES H             MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         29                   5        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    16       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
A-603724              SMITH CATHRYN E               MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         22                   1        43                        Women's Army Corps            WISCONSIN                    20       Women's Army Corps
36213108              SMITH DONALD E                WALWORTH WISCONSIN                          16                   6        41    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    19       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
16221683              SMITH EARL K                  CHICAGO ILLINOIS                            10                   9        46    Private             No branch assignment          ILLINOIS                     27       Regular Army
7032176               SMITH FRANK D                                                             11                   5        40                                                      WISCONSIN                    55       Regular Army
36279769              SMITH FREDERICK R             MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         29                   10       42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    20       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36253726              SMITH GEORGE H                MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         29                   7        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         MICHIGAN                     99       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
7032285               SMITH GLENN E                 BRADLEY BEACH NEW JERSEY                    27                   5        40                                                      WISCONSIN                    40       Regular Army
20654727              SMITH HERBERT L               RACINE WISCONSIN                            13                   1        41    Private             Medical Department            WISCONSIN                    18       National Guard
20654739              SMITH JOHN L                  RACINE WISCONSIN                            13                   1        41    Private             Medical Department            WISCONSIN                    21       National Guard
16192449              SMITH LLOYD G                 SCOTT FIELD ILLINOIS                        10                   11       45    Private First Class No branch assignment          WISCONSIN                    26       Regular Army
16009148              SMITH LOUIS E                 MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         15                   5        41    Private             Air Corps                     WISCONSIN                    15       Regular Army
16005072              SMITH PAUL A                  MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         2                    7        40    Private             Air Corps                     WISCONSIN                    20       Regular Army
16229701              SMITH PAUL A                  CHICAGO ILLINOIS                            25                   9        46    Private             No branch assignment          IOWA                         28       Regular Army
16240009              SMITH RAYMOND D               CHICAGO ILLINOIS                            4                    10       46    Private             No branch assignment          WISCONSIN                    28       Regular Army
36286833              SMITH RICHARD L               MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         30                   11       42                        Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    22       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36267922              SMITH WALTER M                MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         21                   9        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         TEXAS                        21       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36292402              SMITH WAYNE E                 MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         26                   12       42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    17       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
16181870              SMITHKEY HENRY L              MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         15                   4        46    Private             Transportation Corps          MICHIGAN                     28       Regular Army
36262150              SMITSDORFF INGVARDT M         MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         31                   8        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         DENMARK                      7        Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36279682              SMITTENDORF GILBERT B         MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         29                   10       42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    15       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36248824              SMOLKO JOHN G JR              MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         20                   6        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         ILLINOIS                     16       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36271222              SMOLLEN GEORGE T              MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         2                    10       42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    97       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36248800              SMOLLEN JAMES C JR            MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         30                   6        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    7        Selectees (Enlisted Men)
6917875               SNELLER CLARENCE L                                                        6                    12       39                                                      WISCONSIN                    55       Regular Army
36287312              SNOLLN ROBERT L               MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         1                    12       42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    2        Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36262219              SNYDER KENNETH A              MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         31                   8        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         INDIANA                      20       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
16060401              SNYDER WILLIAM F              MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         28                   1        42    Private             Air Corps                     WISCONSIN                    21       Army of the United States
36205195              SODKE GILBERT W               MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         24                   3        41    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    17       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36279420              SOENS FREDERICK J JR          MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         29                   10       42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    9        Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36228896              SOKOL ERIC L                  FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS                        22                   11       41    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    19       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
16158916              SOLFEST ORVILLE M             MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         2                    1        46    Private             Air Corps                     WISCONSIN                    28       Regular Army
16007683              SOLIK JOSEPH                  MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         4                    11       40    Private             Air Corps                     CZECHOSLOVAKIA               14       Regular Army
36238668              SOLLAZZO LEO                  FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS                        23                   3        42    Private                                           WISCONSIN                    13       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
16228514              SOMMERS FRANK F               CHICAGO ILLINOIS                            17                   9        46    Private             No branch assignment          WISCONSIN                    27       Regular Army
36279797              SOMMERS PETER                 MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         29                   10       42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         DENMARK                      4        Selectees (Enlisted Men)
16218455              SORAUF DONALD J               CHICAGO ILLINOIS                            31                   7        46                        No branch assignment          WISCONSIN                    28       Regular Army
36270640              SORENSEN CARL J               MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         30                   9        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    20       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36238662              SORENSEN EINER M              FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS                        23                   3        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    9        Selectees (Enlisted Men)
16047171              SORENSEN HERBERT S            MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         16                   12       41    Private             Warrant Officers, USA                                      9        Army of the United States
16192440              SORENSEN JAMES H              FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS                        25                   1        44    Private             Air Corps                     WISCONSIN                    25       Reserves
16048130              SORENSEN JOSEPH J             MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         8                    1        42    Private             Air Corps                     WISCONSIN                    19       Army of the United States
36262090              SORENSEN LOUIS A              MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         31                   8        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    97       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36220854              SORENSEN MALVIN               MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         31                   3        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    20       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36238665              SORENSEN ORVILLE J            FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS                        23                   3        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    15       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36279654              SORENSEN RICHARD H            MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         29                   10       42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    18       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36224310              SORENSEN ROY G                MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         1                    5        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    15       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
16049248              SORENSON ALFRED W             MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         10                   2        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    19       Army of the United States
16155895              SORENSON ARTHUR   JR          MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         2                    12       42    Private             Coast Artillery Corps         WISCONSIN                    23       Army of the United States
16050000              SORENSON EDWARD F             MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         19                   3        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    20       Army of the United States
36271111              SORENSON GILBERT C            MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         1                    10       42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    21       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36226562              SORENSON GORDON J             FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS                        15                   10       41    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    15       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
16005033              SORENSON HARRY A              MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         1                    7        40    Private             Air Corps                     WISCONSIN                    22       Regular Army
16005030              SORENSON JOHN M               MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         1                    7        40    Private             Air Corps                     WISCONSIN                    20       Regular Army
66553098              SORENSON LLOYD E              MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         22                   7        43    Private             No branch assignment          WISCONSIN                    12       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
16156913              SORENSON ROBERT D             MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         11                   12       42    Private                                           WISCONSIN                    18       Army of the United States
16193375              SORENSON ROBERT J             FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS                        10                   1        45    Private             No branch assignment          ILLINOIS                     26       Reserves
36253873              SORENSON RUSSELL E            MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         30                   7        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    20       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36218995              SORENSON WALTER R             MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         9                    9        41    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    15       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36242837              SOWICKY EDWARD A              MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         29                   5        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    12       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
16220912              SPAAY EUGENE C                CHICAGO ILLINOIS                            4                    9        46    Private             No branch assignment          WISCONSIN                    27       Regular Army
36287316              SPANG LOUIS J JR              MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         1                    12       42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    13       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
16006292              SPATA JOHN A                  MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         10                   9        40    Private             Quartermaster Corps           WISCONSIN                    22       Regular Army
16009191              SPAULDING DAVID E             MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         23                   5        41    Private             Air Corps                     WISCONSIN                    21       Regular Army
36262062              SPEAR ROBERT R                MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         31                   8        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    21       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
16009864              SPECKMAN ALBERT C             MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         20                   8        41    Private             Air Corps                     WISCONSIN                    18       Regular Army
36238673              SPEER EDWARD L                FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS                        23                   3        42    Private                                           WISCONSIN                    14       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
16048115              SPENCER DICKSON HALL H        MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         8                    1        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    21       Army of the United States
16159302              SPENCER JACK A                CHICAGO ILLINOIS                            27                   9        46    Private             No branch assignment          WISCONSIN                    29       Regular Army
16099558              SPENCER LEE R                 FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS                        3                    12       45    Sergeant            No branch assignment          WISCONSIN                    20       Regular Army
36279665              SPENCER WARREN E              MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         29                   10       42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    18       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
16156633              SPENCER WILLIAM G             MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         10                   12       42                        Air Corps                     WISCONSIN                    24       Army of the United States
36248838              SPETH EDGAR A                 MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         30                   6        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    14       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
A-613506              SPIEGEL SADIE S               MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         17                   2        45    Private             Women's Army Corps            ILLINOIS                     13       Women's Army Corps
36226547              SPIEGELHOFF HARRY A           FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS                        15                   10       41    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    15       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36292740              SPIGLANIN JOHN V              MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         26                   12       42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    20       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36215854              SPIKA ROBERT M                MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         14                   7        41    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    18       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36235631              SPRANGER HAROLD A             FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS                        20                   2        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    19       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36233175              SPRANGER LLOYD W              FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS                        26                   1        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         MICHIGAN                     15       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
16156667              SPREEBERG WILLIAM L           MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         10                   12       42                        Air Corps                     WISCONSIN                    13       Army of the United States
36220905              SPRING FRANKLIN G             MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         31                   3        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    18       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
16094576              SPRINGHORN BERNARD R          FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS                        16                   3        43    Private             No branch assignment          WISCONSIN                    21       Reserves
16093881              SPRINGHORN RALPH E            MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         31                   7        42                                                      WISCONSIN                    20       Army of the United States
16092136              SQUARE ARTHUR E               MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         6                    6        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         DANZIG or GERMANY            21       Army of the United States
16096245              SQUIRES ROBERT M JR           MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         16                   9        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         MINNESOTA                    20       Army of the United States
36288610              SQUIRES WARNER B              MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         8                    12       42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    20       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36286768              SSAT/ IUDOLXH                 MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         30                   11       42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    16       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36286789              ST JOHE EARL /                MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         30                   11       42                                                                                   29       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36279642              STACEY ROBERT F               MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         30                   10       42    Private                                           MICHIGAN                     22       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
A-613573              STACHOW STELLA B              MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         26                   2        45    Private             Women's Army Corps            WISCONSIN                    21       Women's Army Corps
36248822              STACY ELMER J JR              MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         30                   6        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         MICHIGAN                     20       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36248703              STACY VOYCE H                 MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         30                   6        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         MINNESOTA                    15       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36279601              STADLER WILLIAM               MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         29                   10       42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    99       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36235614              STALBAUM VERNE L              FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS                        20                   2        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    18       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36238622              STALMOK JOE                   FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS                        23                   3        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    17       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
16050191              STANDIFORD BURLIE             MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         28                   3        42                        Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    5        Army of the United States
16006666              STANITIS HAROLD               MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         24                   9        40    Private             Field Artillery               ILLINOIS                     18       Regular Army
36238669              STANKIEWICZ LEONARD F  N      FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS                        23                   3        42    Private                                           WISCONSIN                    19       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36233162              STANNIS ROBERT C              FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS                        26                   1        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         ILLINOIS                     19       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
16048643              STAPANIAN MIKE JR             MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         20                   1        42    Private             Air Corps                     WISCONSIN                    23       Army of the United States
36279790              STAPANIAN MYRON               MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         29                   10       42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    20       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
16131883              STAREK GEORGE E               MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         13                   10       42    Private             Air Corps                     WISCONSIN                    15       Army of the United States
16228331              STARK CHARLES J JR            CHICAGO ILLINOIS                            16                   9        46    Private             No branch assignment          WISCONSIN                    28       Regular Army
16231328              STARK JOHN                    CHICAGO ILLINOIS                            2                    10       46    Private             No branch assignment          ILLINOIS                     28       Regular Army
16048010              STARKE HARRY R                MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         6                    1        42    Private             Air Corps                     WISCONSIN                    19       Army of the United States
36238594              STAUDINGER STEPHEN W          FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS                        23                   3        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    10       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
16157802              STAUSS JOHN F                 FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS                        11                   9        44    Private             No branch assignment          WISCONSIN                    26       Reserves
16046316              STECHER GEORGE S              MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         7                    10       41    Private             Air Corps                     WISCONSIN                    20       Regular Army
36286667              STECHER GILBEZT C             MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         30                   11       42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    11       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
15070137              STEELE ELDRIDGE D             CHICAGO ILLINOIS                            12                   6        46    Staff Sergeant      Air Corps                     WEST VIRGINIA                20       Regular Army
36238638              STEELE MALCOLM C              FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS                        23                   3        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    17       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36262345              STEENSEN JOHN S               MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         1                    9        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    17       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
16156657              STEEVES GERALD F              MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         10                   12       42                                                      WISCONSIN                    23       Army of the United States
20654728              STEEVES RAYMOND E             RACINE WISCONSIN                            13                   1        41    Private             Medical Department            WISCONSIN                    21       National Guard
16094847              STEFFENSON HAROLD M           MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         24                   8        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    21       Army of the United States
36287072              STEFKA VICTOR C               MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         30                   11       42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    22       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
20654837              STEHLIK CHARLES J             RACINE WISCONSIN                            13                   1        41    Private             Medical Department            WISCONSIN                    22       National Guard
16131003              STEHLIK EUGENE F              MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         25                   9        42    Private             Air Corps                     WISCONSIN                    20       Army of the United States
16091776              STEILEIN JOSEPH               MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         20                   5        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         PENNSYLVANIA                 7        Army of the United States
36279437              STEIMLE EDWARD E              MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         12                   10       42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    16       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36202516              STEIMLE EUGENE F              MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         26                   2        41    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    11       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36242881              STEIN ERNST                   MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         29                   5        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         DANZIG or GERMANY            10       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36292548              STEIN HENRY H                 MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         26                   12       42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    20       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36213117              STEIN RUSSELL G               CP GRANT ILLINOIS                           20                   6        41    Private             Air Corps                     ILLINOIS                     17       Regular Army
36219541              STEINER BERNARD F             MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         22                   9        41    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    20       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
16089781              STEINER EDWARD G              FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS                        30                   1        43    Private             Air Corps                     WISCONSIN                    20       Reserves
36220858              STEINKE EDGAR E               MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         31                   3        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    9        Selectees (Enlisted Men)
16006016              STEINKE GEORGE                MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         31                   8        40    Private             Infantry                      DANZIG or GERMANY            22       Regular Army
16134372              STELLMAN ADOLPH W             ENID AAF OKLAHOMA                           8                    2        46    Sergeant            Air Corps                     WISCONSIN                    22       Regular Army
16155287              STEMMER WILLIAM B             MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         20                   11       42    Private             Air Corps                     WISCONSIN                    23       Army of the United States
36205075              STEMPE GEORGE J               MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         24                   3        41    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    18       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
16047442              STEMPE WILLARD R              MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         27                   12       41    Private             Air Corps                     WISCONSIN                    20       Army of the United States
36262137              STENZEL PHILLIP J             MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         31                   8        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         MINNESOTA                    20       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36248718              STEPHEN EDWARD H              MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         30                   6        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    2        Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36267964              STEPHEN ERNEST J              MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         21                   9        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    1        Selectees (Enlisted Men)
16158565              STEPHENS FRED G               MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         14                   11       45    Private             No branch assignment          WISCONSIN                    27       Regular Army
36235660              STEPHENSON KENNETH            FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS                        20                   8        45    Sergeant            No branch assignment          CANADA                       13       Reserves
20654729              STERNBERG  ONALD A            RACINE WISCONSIN                            13                   1        41    Private             Medical Department            WISCONSIN                    18       National Guard
36220953              STETKA FRANK L                MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         1                    4        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    12       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36205201              STEWART EUGENE P              MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         24                   3        41    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    18       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
16006489              STEWART JOHN C                MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         18                   9        40    Private             Field Artillery               WISCONSIN                    21       Regular Army
36213123              STEWART KENNETH E             MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         16                   6        41    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         ILLINOIS                     16       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
16007083              STEWART RAYMOND W             MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         8                    10       40    Private             Infantry                      WISCONSIN                    22       Regular Army
36228915              STEWART ROY D JR              FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS                        21                   11       41    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    20       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36279623              STEWART THEODORE W JR         MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         29                   10       42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    4        Selectees (Enlisted Men)
16047084              STEWART WILLIAM B             MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         13                   12       41    Private             Air Corps                     WISCONSIN                    20       Army of the United States
36262391              STIBGEN AUBREY E              MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         31                   8        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    17       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36220826              STIEBER ALLEN A               MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         31                   3        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         INDIANA                      11       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36248449              STILO VICTOR P                MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         30                   6        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         NEW HAMPSHIRE                19       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
16131954              STOCKHAM WILLIAM H            MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         13                   10       42                        Warrant Officers, USA         ILLINOIS                     21       Army of the United States
36217874              STOFFEL ROBERT A              MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         7                    8        41    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    20       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36234197              STOFLET ROGER M               FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS                        7                    2        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    17       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
6286699               STOGEY JOHN A                 MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         30                   11       42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    19       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36292553              STOLL ERNEST R                MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         26                   12       42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    12       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36270699              STOLLBERG HARRY               MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         30                   9        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    20       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36248936              STONE EDGAR L                 MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         1                    7        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    16       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36279608              STOREY ROBERT H               MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         29                   10       42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    17       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36253868              STRAIT LEROY P                MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         30                   7        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         OHIO                         12       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36224342              STRAND HAROLD O JR            MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         1                    5        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    20       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36226614              STRASSER ORLAND J             FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS                        16                   10       41    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    15       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36213148              STRATMAN CHARLES E            MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         16                   6        41    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    17       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
16050806              STRATMAN WILLIAM F            MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         30                   4        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    20       Army of the United States
19113751              STRAUBE LOUIS L               TACOMA WASHINGTON                           7                    9        42    Private             Air Corps                     WISCONSIN                    4        Army of the United States
36262065              STRAUBE SHEROLD J             MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         31                   8        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    18       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36226556              STRAUSSER ROBERT W            FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS                        15                   10       41    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    20       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36267908              STREGE HENRY E                MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         21                   9        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    20       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
16192779              STREHLOW LEE W                FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS                        17                   6        44    Private             Air Corps                     WISCONSIN                    26       Reserves
36279619              STRELLNER RAYMOND G           MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         30                   10       42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         IOWA                         6        Selectees (Enlisted Men)
16063396              STREULI IRVING W              DETROIT MICHIGAN                            19                   3        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    12       Army of the United States
36267916              STREWLER GEORGE J             MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         21                   9        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    15       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
16181951              STREY NORMAN F                MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         23                   4        46    Private                                           WISCONSIN                    28       Regular Army
36200299              STRIEBEL JOHN A               FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS                        31                   10       41    Private             Signal Corps                  WISCONSIN                    17       Regular Army
36248712              STRITESKY CLARENCE F          MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         30                   6        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    9        Selectees (Enlisted Men)
16132490              STROBUSH RUSSELL J            MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         19                   10       42    Private             Air Corps                     WISCONSIN                    20       Army of the United States
36262195              STROEMER WILLIAM R            MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         31                   8        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    21       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
16180815              STROM VERNON R                MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         30                   1        46    Private             No branch assignment          WISCONSIN                    28       Regular Army
36201444              STROPES JAMES R               MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         29                   1        41    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         INDIANA                      19       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
16093713              STUART JOHN M                 MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         25                   11       42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    21       Army of the United States
36262155              STUCKEY BERNARD F             MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         31                   8        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         ILLINOIS                     20       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36253680              STUDEY WARREN A               MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         29                   7        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    16       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36262141              STUEBE WILLIAM J JR           MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         31                   8        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    14       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36248713              STUEDEMANN ALVIN              MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         30                   6        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    7        Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36248717              STUEDEMANN RUDOLPH F JR       MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         30                   6        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    12       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
6920165               STUPAR LOUIS                                                              15                   5        40                                                      WISCONSIN                    0        Regular Army
16093569              STUPAR MICHAEL                MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         22                   7        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    22       Army of the United States
16008827              STYBERG GORDON C              MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         9                    11       45    Sergeant            Air Corps                     ILLINOIS                     12       Regular Army
36292749              SUBAN GEORGE                  MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         26                   12       42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    6        Selectees (Enlisted Men)
16007676              SUGENT ADOLPH F               MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         2                    11       40    Private             Air Corps                     WISCONSIN                    14       Regular Army
7032334               SUGENT ALBERT J               EL CAJON CALIFORNIA                         31                   5        40                                                      WISCONSIN                    0        Regular Army
36215840              SUMA EMIL C                   MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         14                   7        41    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    17       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
16096114              SUMMERS DANIEL J              MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         16                   9        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    22       Army of the United States
16005978              SUMMERS ROBERT C              MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         30                   8        40    Private             Coast Artillery Corps         WISCONSIN                    21       Regular Army
16060483              SUPIANO BOYDEN                MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         20                   3        42    Private             Air Corps                     WISCONSIN                    21       Army of the United States
16134361              SUPRAK PETER P JR             MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         4                    11       42    Private             Air Corps                     PENNSYLVANIA                 19       Army of the United States
16005967              SURA EARL E                   MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         30                   8        40    Private             Air Corps                     WISCONSIN                    19       Regular Army
36262223              SURA JEROME F                 MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         31                   8        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    20       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
16006487              SURA THEODORE J               MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         18                   9        40    Private             Field Artillery               WISCONSIN                    21       Regular Army
A-604224              SURA VIRGINIA M               MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         16                   4        43                        Women's Army Corps            WISCONSIN                    17       Women's Army Corps
16230993              SURENDONK JOHN W              CHICAGO ILLINOIS                            1                    10       46    Private             No branch assignment          WISCONSIN                    28       Regular Army
36292303              SURENDONK KENNETH W           MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         26                   12       42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    22       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36254368              SURPRISE GEORGE W             MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         31                   7        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    9        Selectees (Enlisted Men)
16046305              SUTTER FRANK M                MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         4                    10       41    Private             Air Corps                     ILLINOIS                     19       Regular Army
36292282              SVABOSKY ALBERT               MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         26                   12       42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         ILLINOIS                     22       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36286767              SVIAN/S EDWAZD                MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         30                   11       42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         MICHIGAN                     18       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
35211736              SVITAVSKY LEO E               HUNTINGTON WEST VIRGINIA                    4                    9        41    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    17       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
16060782              SVITAVSKY THEODORE J          MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         13                   5        42    Private             Air Corps                     PANAMA CANAL ZONE            32
36253688              SVOBODA EDWARD J              MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         29                   7        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    14       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36270731              SVOBODA JEROME J              MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         30                   9        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    21       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
16192894              SVOBODA STUART C              FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS                        7                    7        44    Private             Air Corps                     WISCONSIN                    26       Reserves
20654730              SVOBODA WOODROW J             RACINE WISCONSIN                            13                   1        41    Private             Medical Department            WISCONSIN                    19       National Guard
36213105              SWAN ERHARDT K                MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         16                   6        41    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    18       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36270705              SWAN WALLACE E                MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         30                   9        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    16       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36262109              SWANSON HARRY L               MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         31                   8        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         ILLINOIS                     98       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
16060395              SWANSON HARRY R               MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         28                   1        42    Private             Air Corps                     WISCONSIN                    20       Army of the United States
36224266              SWANSON ROBERT W              MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         1                    5        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         ILLINOIS                     16       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
37527698              SWARTZ ERNEST E               FT LEVENWORTH KANSAS                        29                   5        43    Private             No branch assignment          KANSAS                       23       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36292743              SWEENY JOHN P                 MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         26                   12       42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    5        Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36217899              SWEET HAROLD J                MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         7                    8        41    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    18       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36205132              SWEETI HARRY B                MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         24                   3        41    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    18       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36292569              SWEETI VINCENT G              MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         26                   12       42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    23       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36220829              SWENCKI CHESTER E             MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         31                   3        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    14       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36279444              SWOBODA RAYMOND C             MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         29                   10       42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    14       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
6086827               SWVNSFE ARTHUZ O              MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         30                   11       42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         ILLINOIS                     5        Selectees (Enlisted Men)
A-609991              SYLVESTER HELEN               MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         29                   12       43    Private             Women's Army Corps            WISCONSIN                    3        Women's Army Corps
6915193               SYRING HENRY C                                                            12                   10       39                                                      WISCONSIN                    55       Regular Army
36267913              SYS JAMES E                   MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         21                   9        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    21       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36286053              SYS JOSEPH J                  MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         30                   11       42    Private                                                                        17       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36224371              SZUHAI JOHN E                 MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         1                    5        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    14       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
30086776              SZWSYJT OSTAR                 MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         30                   11       42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    2        Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36210606              SZYMCZAK CHESTER C            MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         12                   5        41    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    17       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36215852              SZYMCZAK EUGENE               MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         14                   7        41    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    15       Selectees (Enlisted Men)

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