Racine County WI Archives Military Records.....Army Enlistees Names  OCONNELL - RANNOW 
WWII - Enlistment 
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Tina Vickery tsvickery@adelphia.net May 25, 2007, 12:28 am

Army Enlistees Names  OCONNELL - RANNOW
                                                                                                DATE OF ENLISTMENT                                                                                                 YEAR OF                            
ARMY SERIAL NUMBER    NAME                          PLACE OF ENLISTMENT                         DAY                  MONTH    YEAR  GRADE               BRANCH                        NATIVITY                     BIRTH    COMPONENT OF THE ARMY     
16180835              OCONNELL LAWRENCE L           MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         31                   1        46    Private             No branch assignment          WISCONSIN                    28       Regular Army
36233145              OCONNOR VICTOR D              FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS                        26                   1        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    19       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36226577              ODAY GUILBERT                 FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS                        15                   10       41                        Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    20       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36279440              ODAY JEROME T                 MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         29                   10       42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    15       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36286674              ODAY KERNARD J                MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         30                   11       42                        Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    17       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36235641              ODDERS BERNARD K              FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS                        20                   2        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         DENMARK                      19       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36279748              ODDERS OSMUND O               MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         29                   10       42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         DENMARK                      21       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
16156260              OERTEL CLIFFORD L             MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         8                    12       42    Private             Air Corps                                                  23       Army of the United States
16060396              OLANDER RICHARD B             MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         28                   1        42    Private             Air Corps                     WISCONSIN                    22       Army of the United States
36213075              OLDENBERG HAROLD M            MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         16                   6        41    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    19       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
16092479              OLDENBERG RALPH A             MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         17                   6        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    20       Army of the United States
A-610104              OLESEN BETTY L                MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         9                    2        44    Private             Women's Army Corps            WISCONSIN                    24       Women's Army Corps
36215878              OLESEN EDWIN P                MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         14                   7        41    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         INDIANA                      18       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
16155127              OLESEN ROBERT H               MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         18                   11       42    Private             Field Artillery               WISCONSIN                    22       Army of the United States
36248758              OLESEN WENDELL O              MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         30                   6        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         COLORADO                     21       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
16230023              OLIVE RICHARD W               CHICAGO ILLINOIS                            26                   9        46                        Signal Corps                  WISCONSIN                    28       Regular Army
36253667              OLIVER ALBERT                 MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         29                   7        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         MISSOURI                     16       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
16229691              OLIVER ARTHUR G JR            CHICAGO ILLINOIS                            24                   9        46    Private             No branch assignment          NORTH DAKOTA                 27       Regular Army
36248749              OLIVER DONALD E               MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         30                   6        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    18       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
16007675              OLK CURTIS F                  MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         7                    7        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    15       Army of the United States
16049486              OLK DONALD E                  MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         26                   2        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    10       Army of the United States
36248781              OLK FREDERICK P               MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         30                   6        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    18       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36270737              OLK PETER C                   MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         30                   9        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    21       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
16192448              OLK RUSSEL R                  FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS                        24                   6        44    Private             Air Corps                     WISCONSIN                    26       Reserves
36279611              OLMSTED ORIN H                MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         29                   10       42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    4        Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36253899              OLSEN ALVIN A                 MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         30                   7        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         MINNESOTA                    20       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
16048340              OLSEN CHESTER W               MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         13                   1        42    Private             Air Corps                     WISCONSIN                    20       Army of the United States
36235651              OLSEN CLARENCE R              FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS                        20                   2        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    20       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
16007433              OLSEN HARRY E                 MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         23                   10       40                        Infantry                      WISCONSIN                    20       Regular Army
36262091              OLSEN WARREN E                MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         31                   8        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    21       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36226578              OLSEN WILLIAM L               FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS                        15                   10       41    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    18       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36220945              OLSON CARL S                  MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         31                   3        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         ILLINOIS                     13       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
16192470              OLSON FRANK S                 FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS                        31                   1        45    Private             Air Corps                     WISCONSIN                    26       Reserves
16230084              OLSON HERBERT J               CHICAGO ILLINOIS                            26                   9        46    Private             No branch assignment          WISCONSIN                    28       Regular Army
36242899              OLSON KENNETH E               MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         29                   5        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    7        Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36279498              OLSON MARVIN W                MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         29                   10       42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    16       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36224327              OLSON ROY C                   MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         1                    5        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    15       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36242850              OLSON WALLACE A               MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         29                   5        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    5        Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36279732              OLSON WILLIAM J               MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         29                   10       42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         NEW YORK                     20       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
16231184              OLSTINSKE DALE S              CHICAGO ILLINOIS                            2                    10       46    Private             No branch assignment          WISCONSIN                    28       Regular Army
16092002              OLSZEWSKI HARRY V             MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         20                   11       45    Private First Class Medical Department            WISCONSIN                    7        Regular Army
16219468              OLSZEWSKI WALTER JR           CHICAGO ILLINOIS                            19                   8        46    Private             No branch assignment          WISCONSIN                    26       Regular Army
16134078              OPAHLE GERALD P               MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         30                   10       42    Private             Air Corps                     WISCONSIN                    22       Army of the United States
16131860              ORBAN FRANK J                 MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         13                   10       42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    16       Army of the United States
36238619              ORBAN GEORGE F      KK M      FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS                        23                   3        42    Private                                           WISCONSIN                    19       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36279492              ORECHOVSKY ANTHONY F          MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         29                   10       42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    17       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36292722              ORLOWSKI JOHN JR              MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         26                   12       42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    12       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36292733              ORLOWSKI WALTER               MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         26                   12       42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    14       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
16049253              ORTELL AMARIAH N              MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         10                   2        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    18       Army of the United States
16159120              ORTELL ELMER R                MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         15                   1        46    Private             Air Corps                     WISCONSIN                    28       Regular Army
36226549              ORTMANN EARL K                FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS                        15                   10       41    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    19       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36262063              ORWIG LEIGH E                 MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         31                   8        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    20       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36279435              OSADSKY JOHN                  MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         29                   10       42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    14       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36218805              OSIMITZ VICTOR                MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         8                    9        41    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    18       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36292338              OSINGA DOWIE                  MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         26                   12       42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    8        Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36253883              OSTERGAARD STANLEY            MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         30                   7        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         MINNESOTA                    19       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36248793              OTT LEROY A                   MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         30                   6        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         MINNESOTA                    16       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
20654721              OTTO FRANKLIN G               RACINE WISCONSIN                            13                   1        41    Private             Medical Department            WISCONSIN                    19       National Guard
36277676              OTTO JAMES                    MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         23                   10       42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         POLAND                       98       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36202501              OTTOSEN SOPHUS N              MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         26                   2        41    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    12       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36248726              OTWASKA JOSEPH P              MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         30                   6        42                        Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    11       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
16231025              OTWASKA LEONARD W             CHICAGO ILLINOIS                            1                    10       46    Private             No branch assignment          WISCONSIN                    27       Regular Army
16129086              OVERMAN JOHN H                MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         21                   9        42    Private             Air Corps                     WISCONSIN                    21       Army of the United States
36286701              OVERMAN WILLIAM L             MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         30                   11       42                                                                                   9        Selectees (Enlisted Men)
16231058              OVERSON MARTIN L              CHICAGO ILLINOIS                            1                    10       46    Private             No branch assignment          WISCONSIN                    28       Regular Army
16126686              OVERSTREET JOHN S W           FT CUSTER MICHIGAN                          12                   7        43    Private             No branch assignment          MISSISSIPPI                  14       Reserves
36279720              OWEN LOYD E                   MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         2                    11       42    Private                                           WISCONSIN                    98       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36279624              OYER ALBERT C                 MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         29                   10       42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    4        Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36248707              OYER GERALD O                 MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         30                   6        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    12       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36279442              OZOWSKI BENJAMIN J            MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         29                   10       42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    10       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36205156              PAAP ROBERT L                 MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         24                   3        41    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    12       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36262408              PAAR EUGENE F                 MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         31                   8        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    17       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
16134341              PACH WALTER H                 RENSSELAER INDIANA                          6                    12       45    Private First Class Quartermaster Corps           MINNESOTA                    23       Regular Army
16221903              PAGLIANTI JAMES E             CHICAGO ILLINOIS                            11                   9        46    Private             Cavalry                       ILLINOIS                     24       Regular Army
6917883               PAHL FREDERICK W                                                          7                    11       39                                                      WISCONSIN                    4        Regular Army
16048844              PALAZZO FRANK F               MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         27                   1        42    Private             Air Corps                     ITALY or SAN MARINO          12       Army of the United States
36238602              PALERMO JACK                  FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS                        23                   3        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    16       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36205123              PALINSKI CHESTER P            MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         24                   3        41    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    16       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
16231942              PALLESEN DONALD G             CHICAGO ILLINOIS                            3                    10       46    Private             No branch assignment          WISCONSIN                    28       Regular Army
36270706              PALLESEN WILLARD W                                                        12                   11       45    Technician 4th Grade  No branch assignment          ILLINOIS                     22       Regular Army
36224368              PAPARA CARMINE J              MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         1                    5        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    18       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
16219332              PAPARA LOUIS P JR             CHICAGO ILLINOIS                            16                   8        46    Private             No branch assignment          WISCONSIN                    28       Regular Army
36267901              PARAGAMIAN LOUIS              MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         21                   9        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    21       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
33167878              PARENT DANIEL J               NEW CUMBERLAND PENNSYLVANIA                 1                    4        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    13       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36210590              PARENT RICHARD G              MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         12                   5        41    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         MINNESOTA                    17       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36218780              PARISE MICHAEL J              MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         8                    9        41    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    18       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36201432              PARISH MIKE M                 FT CUSTER MICHIGAN                          24                   8        41    Private First Class Signal Corps                  WISCONSIN                    18       Regular Army
36253692              PARKER EDWARD J JR            MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         29                   7        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    15       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36248735              PARKER ROBERT M               MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         30                   6        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         IOWA                         2        Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36248795              PASCALE RALPH P               MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         30                   6        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    21       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
16134697              PASTOREK JOSEPH               MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         4                    11       42    Private             Air Corps                     WISCONSIN                    22       Army of the United States
16047361              PATAKE ARTHUR R               MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         20                   12       41    Private             Air Corps                     WISCONSIN                    15       Army of the United States
16047183              PATAKE HARRY W                MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         16                   12       41    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    19       Army of the United States
16048186              PATER MARVIN C                MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         9                    1        42    Private             Air Corps                     WISCONSIN                    22       Army of the United States
6920054               PATER ROLAND J                                                            9                    5        40                                                      WISCONSIN                    20       Regular Army
36279627              PATRICK RAYMOND J             MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         29                   10       42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    21       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36220872              PATRICK THOMAS                MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         31                   3        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    17       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36262193              PAULSEN KENNETH S             MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         31                   8        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    16       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36238634              PAULSEN LEROY E  K            FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS                        23                   3        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    6        Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36279653              PAVLIK EMIL J                 MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         29                   10       42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         ILLINOIS                     19       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36238639              PAYETTE JACK E                FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS                        23                   3        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         MINNESOTA                    17       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
20650063              PAYNE HARLEY L                MADISON WISCONSIN                           15                   10       40    Private             Infantry                      IOWA                         13       National Guard
16008867              PAYNE JAMES L                 MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         19                   3        41    Private             Air Corps                     WISCONSIN                    16       Regular Army
16131575              PEARSON GEORGE E              MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         7                    10       42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    17       Army of the United States
36270663              PEARSON MELVIN C              MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         30                   9        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    21       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
16094694              PEASE HARVEY L                FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS                        15                   3        43    Private             No branch assignment          WISCONSIN                    20       Reserves
36253890              PEASE JAMES A                 MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         30                   7        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    18       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
16009954              PEASE ROSCOE I JR             MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         27                   8        41    Private             Air Corps                     WISCONSIN                    19       Regular Army
16007198              PECAUSKY EDWARD               MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         14                   10       40                        Air Corps                     ILLINOIS                     16       Regular Army
36262342              PECHACEK GEORGE F             MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         1                    9        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         MINNESOTA                    21       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36242897              PEDERSEN ARTHUR J             MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         29                   5        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         ILLINOIS                     17       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36270603              PEDERSEN ARTHUR L             MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         1                    10       42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         MINNESOTA                    21       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36262215              PEDERSEN FRED R               MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         31                   8        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    18       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36242832              PEDERSEN SVEND A              MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         29                   5        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         DENMARK                      7        Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36262832              PEHMOELLER HARVEY H           MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         2                    9        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    15       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
16193383              PEIL EDWARD J JR              TINKER FIELD OKLAHOMA CITY OKLAHOMA         2                    11       45    Private First Class No branch assignment          WISCONSIN                    26       Regular Army
36201500              PELKY EUGENE E                MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         29                   1        41    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    14       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36270610              PELLA MILTON O                MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         30                   9        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    14       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36279765              PELTIER WILLIAM J             MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         29                   10       42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         MICHIGAN                     8        Selectees (Enlisted Men)
16009075              PENDELL EUGENE G              MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         3                    5        41    Private             Air Corps                     WISCONSIN                    20       Regular Army
36238604              PENNELL RAYMOND R             FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS                        23                   3        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         OHIO                         6        Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36262399              PENZKOWSKI ALFRED H           MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         31                   8        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         ILLINOIS                     21       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36213084              PENZKOWSKI CHESTER D          MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         16                   6        41    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         ILLINOIS                     17       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36279447              PEREKOVICH MICHAEL T          MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         29                   10       42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    20       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36238606              PERFETTO ANTHONY F     N      FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS                        23                   3        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         PENNSYLVANIA                 15       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36253723              PERKIN  RICHARD L             MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         29                   7        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    21       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36238600              PERKINS THEODOREMG            FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS                        23                   3        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    9        Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36224284              PERLBERG EDWARD G             MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         1                    5        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    12       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36267680              PERMAN AUGUST                 MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         21                   9        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         NORTH DAKOTA                 20       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36267676              PERMAN OTTO                   MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         21                   9        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         NORTH DAKOTA                 21       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36233157              PERO MARVIN S                 FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS                        26                   1        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    14       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36286853              PERRY JOHN W                  MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         30                   11       42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         ILLINOIS                     18       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
16020256              PERSON JOHN H                 MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         8                    10       41    Aviation Cadet      Air Corps                     WISCONSIN                    15       Regular Army
36205144              PETERCHAK LOUIS JR            MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         24                   3        41    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         NEW JERSEY                   14       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36248721              PETERS HAROLD A               MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         30                   6        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    18       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36210629              PETERS HENRY L JR             MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         12                   5        41    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         MINNESOTA                    9        Selectees (Enlisted Men)
16231183              PETERSEN ALBERT R             CHICAGO ILLINOIS                            2                    10       46    Private             No branch assignment          WISCONSIN                    28       Regular Army
36217894              PETERSEN ALLEN J              MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         7                    8        41    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         IOWA                         18       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
16005907              PETERSEN CHARLES L            MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         28                   8        40    Private                                           WISCONSIN                    21       Regular Army
16027402              PETERSEN CLIFFORD J           CHANUTE FILED ILLINOIS                      12                   8        40    Private             Air Corps                     WISCONSIN                    16       Regular Army
16094654              PETERSEN DAVID E              MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         19                   8        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    22       Army of the United States
16093715              PETERSEN DONALD E             ROSWELL AAF NEW MEXICO                      21                   9        42    Private             Air Corps                     WISCONSIN                    18       Reserves
36286780              PETERSEN DONALD T             MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         30                   11       42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    22       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36205136              PETERSEN EIVIND E             MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         24                   3        41    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    18       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
A-610000              PETERSEN ELEANOR E            MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         31                   12       43    Private                                           ILLINOIS                     23       Women's Army Corps
36228906              PETERSEN EUGENE H             FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS                        21                   11       41    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    19       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
16094501              PETERSEN GEORGE J             FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS                        19                   2        43    Private             No branch assignment                                       0        Reserves
36253711              PETERSEN GLENN A              MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         29                   7        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    16       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36242906              PETERSEN GORDON H             MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         29                   5        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    17       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36226536              PETERSEN GORDON R             FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS                        15                   10       41    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    15       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36208734              PETERSEN HAROLD J             MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         23                   4        41    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    15       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
7031349               PETERSEN HERBERT A            POPE FIELD FT BRAGG NORTH CAROLINA          29                   4        40                                                      WISCONSIN                    55       Regular Army
16241156              PETERSEN HERMAN E             CHICAGO ILLINOIS                            21                   10       46    Private             No branch assignment          WISCONSIN                    29       Regular Army
36292581              PETERSEN IRVIN O              MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         26                   12       42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    22       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
7032219               PETERSEN IRVING I             JACKSON HEIGHTS LONG ISLAND NEW YORK        23                   4        40                                                      WISCONSIN                    43       Regular Army
16048808              PETERSEN MARVIN W             MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         26                   1        42    Private             Air Corps                     WISCONSIN                    19       Army of the United States
6826445               PETERSEN NORMAN J                                                         4                    5        39                                                      WISCONSIN                    45       Regular Army
36270616              PETERSEN OTTO C               MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         30                   9        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         DENMARK                      6        Selectees (Enlisted Men)
16156697              PETERSEN PAUL                 MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         10                   12       42    Private                                           WISCONSIN                    22       Army of the United States
36299414              PETERSEN RICHARD M            MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         20                   1        43    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         DENMARK                      14       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36279483              PETERSEN ROBERT H             MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         30                   10       42    Private                                           WISCONSIN                    21       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36286786              PETERSEN ROBEZT L             WALWORTH WISCONSIN                          39                   11       42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    22       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36262080              PETERSEN SHELBY K             MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         31                   8        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         NEBRASKA                     21       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36262157              PETERSEN VICTOR               MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         31                   8        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    18       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
16209953              PETERSEN WILLIAM J            CHICAGO ILLINOIS                            28                   5        46    Private             Quartermaster Corps           WISCONSIN                    29       Regular Army
36262208              PETERSEN WILLIS F             MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         31                   8        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         MICHIGAN                     16       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
16048671              PETERSON ANDREW C             MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         21                   1        42    Private             Air Corps                     WISCONSIN                    20       Army of the United States
16134019              PETERSON ARNOLD L             MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         30                   10       42    Private             Air Corps                     WISCONSIN                    22       Army of the United States
16156786              PETERSON ARTHUR B             MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         11                   12       42                        Air Corps                     WISCONSIN                    24       Army of the United States
36292348              PETERSON ARTHUR C             MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         26                   12       42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    7        Selectees (Enlisted Men)
15012113              PETERSON ARTHUR J             FT HAYES COLUMBUS OHIO                      31                   8        40    Private             Corps of Engineers            IOWA                         17       Regular Army
36279521              PETERSON BEN J                MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         29                   10       42    Private                                           WISCONSIN                    22       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
16229602              PETERSON DONALD W             CHICAGO ILLINOIS                            24                   9        46    Private             No branch assignment          WISCONSIN                    28       Regular Army
36292716              PETERSON EARL D M             MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         26                   12       42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    19       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36292314              PETERSON EUGENE E             MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         26                   12       42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    20       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36224391              PETERSON FLOYD W              MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         1                    5        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    12       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
16046157              PETERSON GEORGE F             MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         23                   9        41    Private             Infantry                      WISCONSIN                    17       Regular Army
16130811              PETERSON GERALD L             MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         25                   9        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    22       Army of the United States
36267912              PETERSON GLEN E               MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         21                   9        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    20       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36279745              PETERSON HARVEY N             MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         29                   10       42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    6        Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36286733              PETERSON LEROY L              MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         30                   11       42    Private                                           WISCONSIN                    22       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
7032274               PETERSON MELVIN G                                                         25                   5        40                                                      MINNESOTA                    55       Regular Army
36279674              PETERSON RICHARD L            MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         29                   10       42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    22       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
16229006              PETERSON RICHARD P            CHICAGO ILLINOIS                            20                   9        46    Corporal            Ordnance Department           MICHIGAN                     24       Regular Army
16155613              PETERSON ROBERT E             MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         27                   11       42                        Air Corps                     WISCONSIN                    23       Army of the United States
36262059              PETERSON SHERMAN C            MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         31                   8        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         IOWA                         17       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36279792              PETERSON VIGO J               MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         29                   10       42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    98       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
16156263              PETERSON WALTER F             MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         8                    12       42    Private             Air Corps                     WISCONSIN                    23       Army of the United States
36238671              PETRAS WALTER M               FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS                        23                   3        42    Private                                           WISCONSIN                    19       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36253637              PETRICEK ARTHUR H             MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         29                   7        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         OHIO                         16       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36233186              PETRICEK BERLIE M             FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS                        26                   1        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    18       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36233144              PETRICK EDWARD T              FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS                        26                   1        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    20       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36235658              PETRO ALEX P                  FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS                        20                   2        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    19       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
16219661              PETRO JOHN S                  CHICAGO ILLINOIS                            21                   8        46    Private             No branch assignment          WISCONSIN                    28       Regular Army
36268178              PETROUSKE JOSEPH G            MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         21                   9        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    19       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36324295              PETSCH EDWARD                 CP GRANT ILLINOIS                           11                   3        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         LITHUANIA                    7        Selectees (Enlisted Men)
16193643              PETZOLD DONALD W              FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS                        23                   1        45    Private             Air Corps                     WISCONSIN                    26       Reserves
36270715              PFANKUCH ROBERT G             MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         30                   9        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         MICHIGAN                     8        Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36217905              PFEFFER EUGENE P              MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         7                    8        41    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    18       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
16089378              PFEIL FRANK N                 SANTA ANA AAB CALIFORNIA                    11                   12       42    Aviation Cadet      Air Corps                     WISCONSIN                    19       Reserves
36253709              PFEIL ROBERT W                MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         29                   7        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    14       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
20646024              PHELPS RICHARD C              MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         2                    6        41    Private             Air Corps                     WISCONSIN                    20       National Guard
36267515              PHILLIPS WILLIAM R            MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         21                   9        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         MICHIGAN                     2        Selectees (Enlisted Men)
16050636              PIER LEONARD N                MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         27                   4        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    99       Army of the United States
36201414              PIERSON EDWIN W               CHICAGO ILLINOIS                            12                   4        41                        Air Corps                     WISCONSIN                    17       Regular Army
16094931              PIETERS FREDERICK L           MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         25                   8        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    20       Army of the United States
36201459              PIETERS JOSEPH A              MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         29                   1        41    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    19       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36217891              PIETERS WILLIAM J             CP GRANT ILLINOIS                           15                   8        41    Private             Air Corps                     WISCONSIN                    17       Regular Army
36270636              PIETTE EDWARD A               MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         30                   9        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    15       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36205107              PINEKENSTEIN WILLIAM          MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         24                   3        41    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    19       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36242788              PINNOW WALTER E               MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         29                   5        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    17       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36233142              PIOTRAK HENRY P               FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS                        26                   1        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    20       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36248450              PIOTROWICZ KONSTANCE A        MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         30                   6        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    12       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36253902              PIPER GUILBERT L              MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         30                   7        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    18       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36235615              PIPER HAROLD R                FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS                        20                   2        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    8        Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36262386              PIRK ARTHUR J                 MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         31                   8        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    19       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36292283              PISANELLO JOSEPH T            MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         26                   12       42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         MICHIGAN                     22       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36262222              PISZCZATOWSKI ANTHONY F       MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         31                   8        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    19       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
16009025              PITKIEWICZ WILLIAM J          MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         23                   4        41    Private             Air Corps                     WISCONSIN                    18       Regular Army
16159145              PIVEK RICHARD M               MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         16                   1        46    Private             Ordnance Department           WISCONSIN                    28       Regular Army
20654722              PLACHE ELMER F                RACINE WISCONSIN                            13                   1        41    Private             Medical Department            WISCONSIN                    21       National Guard
36248852              PLACKO DANIEL L               MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         30                   6        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    21       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36242898              PLATT NORMAN C                MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         29                   5        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         ILLINOIS                     15       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
16008731              PLATT ROBERT H                MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         1                    3        41    Private             Infantry                      WISCONSIN                    22       Regular Army
36286770              PLATT ROBERT H                MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         30                   11       42                                                      WISCONSIN                    22       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36267906              PLETCHER GERALD E             MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         21                   9        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         MINNESOTA                    20       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
6920052               POCIUS ANDREW                 ATHENS GEORGIA                              13                   4        40                                                      WISCONSIN                    22       Regular Army
16006445              POHLMAN GERALD J              FT RILEY KANSAS                             6                    11       46    Technical Sergeant  Cavalry                       WISCONSIN                    22       Regular Army
36201778              POINDEXTER LESLIE Z           MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         10                   2        41    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    6        Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36213141              POKORNEY HOWARD H             MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         16                   6        41    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    15       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36235618              POKROP DANIEL A               FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS                        20                   2        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    20       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
A-613312              POLACH VLASTA F               MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         30                   11       44    Private             Women's Army Corps            IOWA                         24       Women's Army Corps
16229613              POLACHECK ARTHUR E            CHICAGO ILLINOIS                            24                   9        46    Private             No branch assignment          WISCONSIN                    28       Regular Army
36219259              POLANIN GEORGE                MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         11                   9        41    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         ILLINOIS                     15       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36233197              POLANSKY ANTHONY J            FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS                        26                   1        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    20       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
16115537              POLLEY WILLIAM E              FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS                        8                    3        43    Private             No branch assignment          WISCONSIN                    22       Reserves
16156872              POLLOCK DONALD E              MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         11                   12       42    Private             Infantry                      MICHIGAN                     24       Army of the United States
36262381              POLLOCK JAMES R               MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         1                    9        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    21       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
16005721              POLZE ERNEST C                MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         15                   8        40    Private             Coast Artillery Corps         WISCONSIN                    15       Regular Army
16241149              POPA RALPH                    CHICAGO ILLINOIS                            21                   10       46    Technician 3d Grade Ordnance Department           OHIO                         18       Regular Army
36219562              POPADICK FRANK                MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         22                   9        41    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    17       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36279699              POPLOWSKI ROBERT A            MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         29                   10       42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    22       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36238667              POQUETTE ROBERT WJ            FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS                        23                   3        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         MICHIGAN                     19       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36270712              PORCARO ANTHONY S             MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         30                   9        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    17       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36279462              PORCARO JOSEPH A              MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         29                   10       42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    20       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36286695              PORCARO LOUIS F               MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         30                   11       42    Private                                           ITALY or SAN MARINO          22       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36235648              PORCARO SAM L                 FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS                        20                   2        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    19       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36253703              PORSTNER CHARLES A            MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         29                   7        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         OHIO                         12       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
16047817              PORTER CLAIRE W               MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         3                    1        42    Private             Air Corps                     WISCONSIN                    20       Army of the United States
36224329              PORTER EDWARD W               MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         1                    5        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    18       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36238612              POSTORINO ROCCO L             FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS                        23                   3        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    16       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
16089569              POSTORINO STANLEY J           FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS                        14                   1        43    Private             Air Corps                     WISCONSIN                    20       Reserves
36242934              POTMAN ANTHONY E              MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         29                   5        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    16       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
6763440               POULSEN CALVIN R              MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         14                   7        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    9        Army of the United States
36292725              POULSEN CLYDE E               MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         26                   12       42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    18       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36220761              POULSEN EARLE W               MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         31                   3        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    16       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36279738              POULSEN VICTOR S              MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         29                   10       42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    19       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36270654              POULTER LAWRENCE B            MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         30                   9        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    22       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36248849              POVKOVICH MILAN J             MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         30                   6        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         OHIO                         19       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
6622701               POVKOVICH TONY                FT SAM HOUSTON TEXAS                        30                   11       41    Sergeant            Detached Enlisted Men's List  AUSTRIA                      3        Regular Army
16159258              POWELL MARVIN A               MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         23                   1        46    Private             Cavalry                       WISCONSIN                    27       Regular Army
36286839              POWELL ROBERT F               MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         30                   11       42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    22       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36262316              PRAILES LLOYD J               MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         31                   8        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    18       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
16159233              PRATT ALBERT C                MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         22                   1        46    Private             No branch assignment          WISCONSIN                    28       Regular Army
16060704              PRENTISS BERT F               MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         10                   4        42    Private             Air Corps                     WISCONSIN                    22       Army of the United States
36243017              PRESTON WILLIAM P             MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         1                    6        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         MICHIGAN                     20       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36238659              PRIAULX HARRY W JR            FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS                        23                   3        42    Private                                           WISCONSIN                    12       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36202482              PRIBYL ANTHONY F              MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         26                   2        41    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    19       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
A-613778              PRICE AUDREY J                MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         31                   3        45    Private             Women's Army Corps            WISCONSIN                    21       Women's Army Corps
36235634              PRIESKORN NORBERT J           FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS                        20                   2        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    14       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36233146              PRINCIPE CARL                 FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS                        26                   1        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    19       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36292544              PRINCIPE JOSEPH S             MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         28                   12       42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    23       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36270650              PRINCIPE LOUIS                MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         30                   9        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         ITALY or SAN MARINO          0        Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36248760              PRINS EDWARD B                MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         30                   6        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    19       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36262084              PRINS HARRY H                 MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         31                   8        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    21       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36279737              PRINTZ LLOYD                  MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         29                   10       42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         SOUTH DAKOTA                 18       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36262402              PRITCHETT THOMAS W            MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         31                   8        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         MICHIGAN                     21       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36292622              PROBER SAM                    MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         26                   12       42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         RUSSIA                       11       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
16181387              PROCHASKA DONALD G            MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         28                   2        46    Private             No branch assignment          WISCONSIN                    27       Regular Army
16156147              PROCTOR ROBERT S              MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         4                    12       42    Private                                           WISCONSIN                    19       Army of the United States
16007567              PROEBER WILLIAM F             MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         29                   10       40    Private             Air Corps                     WISCONSIN                    20       Regular Army
A-612626              PROEBER WILMA L               MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         30                   6        44    Private             Women's Army Corps            WISCONSIN                    22       Women's Army Corps
A-602763              PROWLER MINETTE F G           SPRINGFIELD MASSACHUSETTS                   7                    8        43    Technician 4th Grade  Women's Army Corps            WISCONSIN                    21       Women's Army Corps
16193552              PRYOR JAMES R                 TRUAX FLD MADISON WISCONSIN                 21                   11       45    Private First Class Air Corps                     ILLINOIS                     26       Regular Army
16048341              PTASCHINSKI CLARENCE M        MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         13                   1        42                        Air Corps                     WISCONSIN                    22       Army of the United States
36262394              PUCELY EMIL R                 MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         31                   8        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    21       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36228913              PUCHINSKY WALTER              FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS                        22                   11       41    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         ILLINOIS                     16       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36262309              PUCKETT HENRY C               MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         31                   8        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         KENTUCKY                     2        Selectees (Enlisted Men)
20656640              PUCKETT JACOB L               KENOSHA WISCONSIN                           15                   10       40    Private             Field Artillery               WISCONSIN                    14       National Guard
36262212              PUGH HAROLD                   MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         31                   8        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    4        Selectees (Enlisted Men)
6915113               PURDY DWIGHT A                                                            26                   9        39                                                      WISCONSIN                    55       Regular Army
16192504              PURTEE WAYNE T JR             KEESLER FIELD BILOXI MISSISSIPPI            30                   10       45    Private First Class No branch assignment          OHIO                         26       Regular Army
36208805              PUTRA FRANK                   MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         23                   4        41    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    18       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36239758              PUYPE BERNARD H               FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS                        2                    4        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         MICHIGAN                     10       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36286690              PVTERSON WILLIAM              MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         30                   11       42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    0        Selectees (Enlisted Men)
20656653              QUADRACCI WILLIAM             KENOSHA WISCONSIN                           15                   10       40    Private             Field Artillery               WISCONSIN                    18       National Guard
36253699              QUALHEIM EDWARD M             MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         29                   7        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    18       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36238618              QUALLY HENRYRD                FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS                        23                   3        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    19       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
16007814              QUAM RUSSELL H                MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         13                   11       40    Private             Air Corps                     WISCONSIN                    20       Regular Army
36238652              QUINN CHARLES R               FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS                        23                   3        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    7        Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36233192              QUINN ELLIS H                 FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS                        26                   1        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    20       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
20654844              QUINN HARRY E                 RACINE WISCONSIN                            13                   1        41    Private             Medical Department            WISCONSIN                    15       National Guard
36279422              QUIRK LAWRENCE P              MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         29                   10       42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    7        Selectees (Enlisted Men)
A-613399              R NSOM EDNA C                 MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         6                    1        45    Private             Women's Army Corps            WISCONSIN                    24       Women's Army Corps
36248811              RAAHAUGE ERIK H               MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         30                   6        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         DENMARK                      20       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36246508              RAASCH ROBERT A               MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         20                   6        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    14       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36213150              RAATZ DONALD E                CP GRANT ILLINOIS                           20                   6        41    Private             Air Corps                     WISCONSIN                    23       Regular Army
36205198              RABA JOSEPH                   MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         24                   3        41    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    10       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36279475              RADEMACHER SYLAS J            MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         30                   10       42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    8        Selectees (Enlisted Men)
16181176              RADKE ROY J                   MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         18                   2        46    Private             Field Artillery               WISCONSIN                    28       Regular Army
36279641              RADTKE EDWARD H  R  K         MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         29                   10       42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    19       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36279787              RAGUSE KENNETH G              FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS                        10                   9        45    Private First Class No branch assignment          WISCONSIN                    21       Reserves
16155084              RAHN HERBERT W                MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         18                   11       42    Private             Air Corps                     WISCONSIN                    23       Army of the United States
36211297              RALUS LOUIS W                 CHICAGO ILLINOIS                            16                   10       46    Technical Sergeant  Coast Artillery Corps         WISCONSIN                    11       Regular Army
36270709              RAMIG FREDERICK               MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         30                   9        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    20       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36262393              RAMIG KARL                    MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         31                   8        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    14       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
16049231              RAMIG REINHOLD                MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         13                   2        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    18       Army of the United States
16134021              RANGO LOUIS A                 MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         30                   10       42    Private             Air Corps                     WISCONSIN                    22       Army of the United States
36202500              RANNOW ERVIN O                MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         26                   2        41    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    18       Selectees (Enlisted Men)

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