Racine County WI Archives Military Records.....Army Enlistees Names  MC ALLESTER - OBRY 
WWII - Enlistment 
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Tina Vickery tsvickery@adelphia.net May 25, 2007, 12:26 am

Army Enlistees Names  MC ALLESTER - OBRY
                                                                                                DATE OF ENLISTMENT                                                                                                 YEAR OF                            
ARMY SERIAL NUMBER    NAME                          PLACE OF ENLISTMENT                         DAY                  MONTH    YEAR  GRADE               BRANCH                        NATIVITY                     BIRTH    COMPONENT OF THE ARMY     
A-602842              MC ALLESTER VIOLET M          MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         15                   1        43                        Women's Army Corps            WISCONSIN                    17       Women's Army Corps
36279818              MC CABE CHARLES J             MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         29                   10       42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    17       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36208687              MC CANNA CHARLES B            MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         23                   4        41    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    18       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36253176              MC CARTHY CECIL F             MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         29                   7        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    1        Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36279798              MC CARTHY EARL I              MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         29                   10       42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    21       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
A-600482              MC CARTHY MARY J              MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         18                   9        42                        Women's Army Corps            WISCONSIN                    18       Women's Army Corps
36238583              MC CARTHY ROBERT C            FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS                        23                   3        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         IOWA                         14       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36254211              MC CAUGHEY HENRY A            MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         31                   7        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         OHIO                         1        Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36248458              MC CLELLAN LEWIS B            MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         30                   6        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         MICHIGAN                     21       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36286847              MC CLURE RAYMOND M            MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         30                   11       42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    22       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36248736              MC CONNELL ROBERT E           MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         30                   6        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         MISSOURI                     97       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
16229934              MC COURT CHARLES J            CHICAGO ILLINOIS                            26                   9        46    Private             No branch assignment          WISCONSIN                    28       Regular Army
36286670              MC CUAIG DOUGLAS E            MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         30                   11       42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         CANADA                       10       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36279471              MC CUE CHARLES E              MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         30                   10       42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    7        Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36205193              MC CUE HARRY G                MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         24                   3        41    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    14       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36253174              MC DONALD EDWARD F            MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         29                   7        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    1        Selectees (Enlisted Men)
16181567              MC DONALD JAMES D             MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         13                   3        46    Private             No branch assignment          WISCONSIN                    28       Regular Army
16002061              MC EVOY EDWARD M              CHICAGO ILLINOIS                            24                   9        40    Private             Air Corps                     MINNESOTA                    14       Regular Army
36291760              MC FARLAND PETER J            MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         22                   12       42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    17       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36279423              MC GILSKY CARL E              MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         29                   10       42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    18       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36238613              MC GILSKY RUFFIN S            FT DIX NEW JERSEY                           13                   8        45    Private             No branch assignment          WISCONSIN                    16       Reserves
36270692              MC GINN JOHN J                MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         30                   9        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    4        Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36292555              MC GUIRE RICHARD P            MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         26                   12       42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         NEBRASKA                     14       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
35141619              MC KEETA JOHN D               INDIANAPOLIS INDIANA                        14                   4        43    Private             No branch assignment          IOWA                         12       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36202021              MC KINNEY DELBERT D           MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         21                   2        41    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         INDIANA                      19       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36262423              MC LAREN ANDREW G             MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         2                    9        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         ENGLAND                      1        Selectees (Enlisted Men)
16193207              MC LEMORE JOHN L              FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS                        17                   6        44    Private             Air Corps                     OKLAHOMA                     26       Reserves
20654832              MC LEOD KENNETH C             RACINE WISCONSIN                            13                   1        41    Private             Medical Department            WISCONSIN                    22       National Guard
36279453              MC MAHON EARL J               MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         29                   10       42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    18       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
16193739              MC MAHON HOWARD R             FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS                        16                   6        45    Private             Air Corps                     WISCONSIN                    27       Reserves
36248770              MC MAHON ROBERT J             MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         30                   6        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    17       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36224287              MC MAHON THOMAS J             MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         1                    5        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    13       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
20656681              MC NALLY CHARLES V            JACKSONVILLE AAF FLORIDA                    2                    9        41    Private             Air Corps                     PENNSYLVANIA                 14       Regular Army
36253908              MC NAMARA FRANK S             MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         30                   7        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    21       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
6917890               MCCARTHY EUGENE L                                                         7                    11       39                                                      WISCONSIN                    55       Regular Army
36226554              MEALY ROBERT C                FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS                        15                   10       41    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    19       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36267905              MECH WALLACE F                MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         21                   9        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    21       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36270735              MEDDY ROBERT E                MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         30                   9        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    21       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36279727              MEEKMA HENRY                  MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         29                   10       42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    16       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36432768              MEHOCHKO LEONARD G            PEORIA ILLINOIS                             22                   10       42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         ILLINOIS                     21       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36226544              MEHRING EDWIN J               FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS                        15                   10       41    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    20       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
20654716              MEIER JOHN A                  RACINE WISCONSIN                            13                   1        41    Private             Medical Department            WISCONSIN                    15       National Guard
36218795              MEIER PAUL J                  MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         8                    9        41    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    19       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36334667              MEIER ROBERT C                CHICAGO ILLINOIS                            1                    5        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    8        Selectees (Enlisted Men)
16240091              MEISNER MORRIS D              CHICAGO ILLINOIS                            4                    10       46    Private             No branch assignment          WISCONSIN                    28       Regular Army
16181439              MEISSNER GLENN R              MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         5                    3        46    Private             No branch assignment          WISCONSIN                    26       Regular Army
36279807              MELIK JOHN F                  MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         29                   10       42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         MINNESOTA                    9        Selectees (Enlisted Men)
17109807              MELVIN LEROY J                FT SNELLING MINNESOTA                       30                   9        42    Private             Air Corps                     WISCONSIN                    12       Army of the United States
16158373              MENCE EDWARD JR               MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         26                   10       45    Private             Ordnance Department           WISCONSIN                    27       Regular Army
16155862              MENGERT ARTHUR                MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         2                    12       42    Private             Air Corps                     WISCONSIN                    22       Army of the United States
16219327              MENHEER VINCENT C             CHICAGO ILLINOIS                            16                   8        46    Private             Air Corps                     WISCONSIN                    28       Regular Army
36248780              MENOSKY EDWARD                MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         30                   6        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         INDIANA                      10       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
16159228              MENSIOR FREDERICK A           MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         23                   1        46                        Cavalry                       WISCONSIN                    28       Regular Army
16216518              MENTCH AARON B JR             CHICAGO ILLINOIS                            27                   6        46    Private             Ordnance Department           WISCONSIN                    29       Regular Army
36279782              MERCHLEVICH RAYMOND P         MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         29                   10       42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    20       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
16026934              MEREDITH WILLIAM E            CHANUTE FILED ILLINOIS                      23                   7        40    Private             Air Corps                     WISCONSIN                    21       Regular Army
16009804              MERRILL DONALD A              MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         29                   4        46    Private             Air Corps                     WISCONSIN                    23       Regular Army
6915379               MERRILL KENNETH M             MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         29                   4        46    Staff Sergeant      Air Corps                     WISCONSIN                    20       Regular Army
36215849              MERRILL RAYMOND L             MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         14                   7        41    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    19       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36268008              MERRIMAN EDWIN H              MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         21                   9        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    3        Selectees (Enlisted Men)
37788756              MERRITT HOWARD A              FT SNELLING MINNESOTA                       27                   2        45    Private             No branch assignment          ILLINOIS                     16       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36289319              MERTINS EDWARD L              MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         14                   12       42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    18       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36267900              MERTINS ELMER O               MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         21                   9        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    15       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
16181071              MERTINS RICHARD L             MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         12                   2        46    Private             Air Corps                     WISCONSIN                    28       Regular Army
36279746              METCALF CHARLES B             MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         29                   10       42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         ILLINOIS                     97       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
16191917              METCALF ROBERT D              FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS                        17                   1        44    Private             Air Corps                     WISCONSIN                    25       Reserves
36208726              METODIE JOSEPH J              FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS                        6                    7        45    Private First Class No branch assignment          YUGOSLAVIA                   13       Reserves
36228890              METZGER ALBERT G              FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS                        21                   11       41    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    20       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36286698              METZGER BERNHARD W            MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         30                   11       42    Private                                           WISCONSIN                    13       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36248720              MEURER FRANCIS C              MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         30                   6        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    10       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36205222              MEYER LEROY H                 MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         24                   3        41    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    18       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
16047669              MEYERS HERMAN J               MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         30                   12       41    Private             Air Corps                     WISCONSIN                    23       Army of the United States
16229702              MEYTHALER ROY L JR            CHICAGO ILLINOIS                            25                   9        46    Private             No branch assignment          MICHIGAN                     29       Regular Army
16008058              MIANECKI HERMAN C             MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         3                    12       40    Private             Air Corps                     WISCONSIN                    21       Regular Army
36261361              MICHAEL JAMES A               MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         29                   8        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         ILLINOIS                     17       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
16155984              MICHAELS FRANK C              MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         3                    12       42    Private             Air Corps                     WISCONSIN                    24       Army of the United States
36248812              MICHALAK EDWARD S             MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         30                   6        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    16       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36262517              MICHALSKI HARRY               MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         2                    9        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    21       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36218802              MICHEL DAVE                   MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         8                    9        41    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    15       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36248709              MICHEL JEROME J               MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         30                   6        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    20       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36238596              MICHEL LEO J                  FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS                        23                   3        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    18       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
16221639              MICHNA DONALD J               CHICAGO ILLINOIS                            10                   9        46    Private             No branch assignment          WISCONSIN                    28       Regular Army
16155535              MICKELSON EDWARD J JR         MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         25                   11       42    Private             Quartermaster Corps           WISCONSIN                    22       Army of the United States
36219566              MICKELSON MICHAEL P           MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         22                   9        41    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    17       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
16009483              MICKIEWICZ MAYO M             MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         3                    0        41                        Air Corps                     WISCONSIN                    16       Regular Army
36253887              MICNOVICZ STANLEY J           MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         30                   7        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         PENNSYLVANIA                 17       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36236461              MIDDLETON JOSEPH E            FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS                        1                    3        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    12       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
20654717              MIELKE RALPH G                RACINE WISCONSIN                            13                   1        41    Private             Medical Department            WISCONSIN                    17       National Guard
36238637              MIHAILOFF ALEXANDER V         FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS                        23                   3        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         GREECE                       12       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36270778              MIHEL JOSEPH J                MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         1                    10       42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    18       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
16048406              MIHELICH ALBERT L             MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         14                   1        42    Private             Air Corps                     WISCONSIN                    21       Army of the United States
36208775              MIKULANCE TOM A               MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         23                   4        41    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    17       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36292354              MIKULANEC JERRY F             MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         26                   12       42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    13       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36233140              MIKULECKY ALEXANDER A         FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS                        26                   1        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    17       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
16192466              MIKULECKY HARVEY W            FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS                        24                   8        44    Private             Air Corps                     WISCONSIN                    26       Reserves
36253848              MILFORD IVAN J                MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         30                   7        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         MICHIGAN                     10       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
14095397              MILL R RICHARD A              MIAMI BEACH FLORIDA                         26                   2        43    Private             Air Corps                     WISCONSIN                    21       Reserves
A-613744              MILLAR ELFRIEDA V             MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         23                   3        45    Private             Women's Army Corps            ILLINOIS                     10       Women's Army Corps
36262139              MILLER CHARLES A              MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         31                   8        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         ILLINOIS                     17       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36248455              MILLER CLARENCE P             MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         30                   6        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    13       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
16154876              MILLER EDWARD S JR            CHICAGO ILLINOIS                            28                   10       46                        Air Corps                     WISCONSIN                    23       Regular Army
36292351              MILLER EUGENE H               MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         26                   12       42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    13       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36279304              MILLER FRANK J                MENOMONIE WISCONSIN                         30                   10       42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    18       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
16181356              MILLER GEORGE L               MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         27                   2        46    Private             Air Corps                     WISCONSIN                    28       Regular Army
A-600307              MILLER HAZEL K                MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         16                   7        42                        Women's Army Corps            WISCONSIN                    2        Women's Army Corps
39459872              MILLER HENRY B                FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS                        6                    8        45    Private             No branch assignment          WASHINGTON                   5        Reserves
36286666              MILLER HENRY C                MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         30                   11       42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    5        Selectees (Enlisted Men)
16046987              MILLER HENRY W                MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         11                   12       41    Private             Air Corps                     WISCONSIN                    21       Army of the United States
36215845              MILLER HUBERT M               MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         14                   7        41    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    18       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36262306              MILLER MATHIAS F              MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         31                   8        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    4        Selectees (Enlisted Men)
16026953              MILLER ROBERT D               CHANUTE FILED ILLINOIS                      23                   7        40    Private             Air Corps                     WISCONSIN                    22       Regular Army
6829998               MILLER ROBERT E                                                           23                   5        39                                                      MICHIGAN                     55       Regular Army
36201425              MILLER STANLEY A              MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         29                   1        41    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    19       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36242858              MILLER WILLIAM P              MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         29                   5        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    5        Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36279640              MILLER WILLIAM T              MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         29                   10       42    Private                                           WISCONSIN                    98       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36270648              MILLS EDGAR L                 MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         30                   9        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         ILLINOIS                     21       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36242920              MILLS ROGER O                 MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         29                   5        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         ILLINOIS                     18       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
7031395               MILLS WILLARD W                                                           9                    1        40                                                      ILLINOIS                     55       Regular Army
36267965              MILLSAP GENE L                MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         21                   9        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         NEBRASKA                     20       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36218779              MILLSAP HAROLD D              MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         8                    9        41    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         NEBRASKA                     17       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36233204              MILOVANCEVICH MELAN           FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS                        26                   1        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    15       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
16047673              MINER HAROLD                  MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         30                   12       41    Private             Air Corps                     ILLINOIS                     23       Army of the United States
6827099               MINNIE WILBERT A                                                          24                   10       39                                                      MICHIGAN                     56       Regular Army
16048011              MISCHO ROBERT A               MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         6                    1        42    Private             Air Corps                     MICHIGAN                     21       Army of the United States
36220950              MITCHELL EDWARD L             MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         1                    4        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    15       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36279622              MITEK CHARLES C               MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         29                   10       42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    21       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
16047200              MITKOWSKI ANTHONY L           MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         16                   12       41    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    23       Army of the United States
36205188              MITTL STEPHEN J               MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         24                   3        41    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         HUNGARY                      12       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36235629              MITZ RAYMOND W                FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS                        20                   2        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    20       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
19067265              MIZYNSKI CASIMIR F            LOS ANGELES CALIFORNIA                      3                    1        42    Private             Air Corps                     WISCONSIN                    17       Army of the United States
36238666              MIZYNSKI FRANK M              FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS                        23                   3        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    13       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
16047515              MOE JOHN B                    MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         29                   12       41    Private             Air Corps                     WISCONSIN                    19       Army of the United States
16157908              MOGENSEN ROBERT L             STANFORD UNIV CALIFORNIA                    19                   10       45    Private First Class No branch assignment          WISCONSIN                    26       Regular Army
16240245              MOGREN RONALD W               CHICAGO ILLINOIS                            5                    10       46    Private             No branch assignment          WISCONSIN                    29       Regular Army
36253897              MOHR EDWARD                   MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         30                   7        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         NEBRASKA                     21       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
16215671              MOHR HARVEY L                 CHICAGO ILLINOIS                            13                   6        46    Private             Air Corps                     NEBRASKA                     26       Regular Army
36262310              MOHR LYLE E                   MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         31                   8        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    99       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
16050722              MOHRBACHER KENNETH R          MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         29                   4        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    21       Army of the United States
16219034              MOHRBACHER PAUL K             CHICAGO ILLINOIS                            12                   8        46    Private             No branch assignment          WISCONSIN                    28       Regular Army
20654718              MOHRBACHER RAYMOND E          RACINE WISCONSIN                            13                   1        41    Private             Medical Department            WISCONSIN                    20       National Guard
16089728              MOHRBACKER ROBERT J           SAN ANTONIO AVIATION CADET CENTER TEXAS     14                   1        43    Aviation Cadet      Air Corps                     WISCONSIN                    20       Reserves
16037629              MOHS REUBEN H                 CHICAGO ILLINOIS                            8                    1        42    Private             Air Corps                     WISCONSIN                    18       Army of the United States
36235677              MOLLERSKOV JOHN               FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS                        20                   2        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         ILLINOIS                     16       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36292552              MOLNAR STEVE C                MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         26                   12       42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    20       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
16060697              MONEFELDT LEONARD H           MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         9                    4        42    Private             Air Corps                     WISCONSIN                    21       Army of the United States
36248765              MONNICH FREDRICK W            MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         30                   6        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         ILLINOIS                     16       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
20654719              MONSON RALPH D                FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS                        30                   9        46    Sergeant            No branch assignment          WISCONSIN                    21       Regular Army
16005344              MONTEITH HOWARD C             CP MCCOY SPARTA WISCONSIN                   9                    10       45    Private             Medical Department            PENNSYLVANIA                 21       Regular Army
36213109              MONTGOMERY DONALD R           MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         16                   6        41    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    19       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36213114              MONTGOMERY KENNETH R          MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         16                   6        41    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    16       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
16047670              MOORE HARVEY R                MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         30                   12       41    Private             Air Corps                     WISCONSIN                    21       Army of the United States
36287472              MOORE RICHARD W               CHICAGO ILLINOIS                            10                   7        46    Private             Ordnance Department           WISCONSIN                    21       Regular Army
A-612481              MOORE VLASTA                  MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         27                   5        44    Private             Women's Army Corps            WISCONSIN                    96       Women's Army Corps
36238597              MORANAHARRY W                 FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS                        23                   3        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         MISSOURI                     11       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
19087220              MORANI ALFRED C               SAN FRANCISCO CALIFORNIA                    12                   8        42    Private             Infantry                      ILLINOIS                     12       Army of the United States
36279491              MORAWETZ STEPHEN P            MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         29                   10       42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    11       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36286732              MORBV CORAN A                 MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         30                   11       42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    22       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
16230081              MOREY JOHN T JR               CHICAGO ILLINOIS                            26                   9        46    Private             No branch assignment          MICHIGAN                     28       Regular Army
36233206              MORGENROTH ALVIN W            FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS                        26                   1        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    20       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
16219024              MORGENSEN THEODORE O          CHICAGO ILLINOIS                            12                   8        46    Private             Air Corps                     WISCONSIN                    29       Regular Army
16159031              MORGENSON DONALD J            MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         8                    1        46    Private             Air Corps                     WISCONSIN                    28       Regular Army
16215546              MORMAN DONALD J               CHICAGO ILLINOIS                            12                   6        46    Private             No branch assignment          ILLINOIS                     28       Regular Army
16005826              MORRIS RUSSELL L              MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         21                   8        40    Private             Coast Artillery Corps         WISCONSIN                    22       Regular Army
36218862              MORRISON HARRY                MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         8                    9        41    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         ILLINOIS                     13       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
16089937              MORRISSEY ARTHUR J            SAN ANTONIO TEXAS                           1                    1        45    Aviation Cadet      Air Corps                     WISCONSIN                    20       Reserves
38157462              MORROW EDWARD J               FT SAM HOUSTON TEXAS                        8                    5        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    8        Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36248725              MORSE GLENN H                 MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         30                   6        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    4        Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36262398              MORSE HAROLD O                MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         31                   8        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    21       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
16093621              MORSE WALTER I                MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         23                   7        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    14       Army of the United States
36218792              MORTENSEN EDWIN E             MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         8                    9        41    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         IOWA                         18       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36262329              MORTENSON ROMAYNE C           MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         1                    9        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    10       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36279785              MORTIER RAY H                 MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         29                   10       42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    99       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
A-612625              MOSES MARCELLA C              MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         30                   6        44    Private             Women's Army Corps            ILLINOIS                     24       Women's Army Corps
36279636              MOSKONAS THEODORE D           MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         29                   10       42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         OHIO                         18       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
A-612302              MOSS ALBERTA M                FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS                        29                   5        46    Private             Women's Army Corps            WISCONSIN                    23       Women's Army Corps
36271687              MOTLEY HARLAND L              MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         5                    10       42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    21       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
16094877              MOUTON LOUIS A JR             MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         24                   8        42    Private             Air Corps                     WISCONSIN                    24       Army of the United States
36224290              MOZOL WALTER M                MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         1                    5        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         MASSACHUSETTS                19       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
20654040              MROSS GLEN J                  RACINE WISCONSIN                            13                   1        41    Corporal            Medical Department            WISCONSIN                    18       National Guard
36210586              MUECKLER ROBERT M             MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         12                   5        41    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    18       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
16006074              MUELLER DICK E                MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         4                    9        40    Private             Signal Corps                  WISCONSIN                    18       Regular Army
36279779              MUELLER LAWRENCE H            MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         29                   10       42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    20       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36270678              MUELLER RICHARD F             MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         30                   9        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    20       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36226535              MUELLER ROBERT W              FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS                        15                   10       41    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    17       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36279625              MULESKY JOSEPH C              MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         29                   10       42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         PENNSYLVANIA                 2        Selectees (Enlisted Men)
16218467              MUNIZ FRED G                  CHICAGO ILLINOIS                            31                   7        46    Private             No branch assignment          TEXAS                        29       Regular Army
16006278              MUNN JAMES E                  MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         10                   9        40                        Quartermaster Corps           WISCONSIN                    21       Regular Army
36205077              MUNTINGA WILLIAM JR           MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         24                   3        41    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    13       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36224374              MUOIO MICHAEL A               MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         1                    5        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    20       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36229761              MURATI JOHN D                 FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS                        3                    12       41    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         NEW YORK                     16       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36248751              MURPHY DENIS M                MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         30                   6        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         ENGLAND                      12       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36262083              MURPHY EDWARD J               MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         31                   8        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    1        Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36217913              MURPHY GEORGE A               MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         7                    8        41    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    17       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
16092074              MURPHY KENNETH W              MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         4                    6        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    22       Army of the United States
16193737              MURPHY RICHARD W              FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS                        14                   2        45    Private             Air Corps                     WISCONSIN                    26       Reserves
16048973              MUSTACCHIO ANTHONY L          MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         30                   1        40                        Warrant Officers, USA         ILLINOIS                     21       Army of the United States
36242928              MUSTACCHIO PETER              MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         29                   5        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         ILLINOIS                     17       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
20654685              MUVLLER JAMES M               RACINE WISCONSIN                            13                   1        41    Staff Sergeant      Medical Department            WISCONSIN                    21       National Guard
16008088              MYSLICKI EDWARD A             MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         5                    12       40    Private             Air Corps                     WISCONSIN                    18       Regular Army
16133998              NALLY OTIS D                  MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         30                   10       42    Private             Air Corps                     OKLAHOMA                     20       Army of the United States
16009628              NASS ARNOLD J                 MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         24                   7        41    Private             Air Corps                     WISCONSIN                    20       Regular Army
36238670              NASTICKY OTTO S               FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS                        23                   3        42    Private                                           WISCONSIN                    15       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36279704              NASTICKY RUDOLPH J            MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         29                   10       42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    18       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36286690              NAVR/TRL JAMES E              MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         30                   11       42                                                      WISCONSIN                    20       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36217887              NAVRATIL BERNARD H            MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         7                    8        41    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    17       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36292311              NAVRATIL WILLIAM E            MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         26                   12       42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    19       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
16009038              NEAL CECIL R                  MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         26                   4        41    Private             Air Corps                     ILLINOIS                     22       Regular Army
20654720              NEFF DONALD                   RACINE WISCONSIN                            13                   1        41    Private             Medical Department            WISCONSIN                    19       National Guard
36279632              NEHMER DON G                  MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         30                   10       42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    21       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
16047441              NEIDER WALTER M               MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         27                   12       41    Private             Air Corps                     WISCONSIN                    21       Army of the United States
16156613              NEITZEL GORDON M              MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         10                   12       42                                                      WISCONSIN                    24       Army of the United States
A-613369              NELSEN GLADYS M               MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         20                   2        44    Private             Women's Army Corps            WISCONSIN                    24       Women's Army Corps
7033626               NELSEN RICHARD A                                                          29                   6        40                                                      WISCONSIN                    0        Regular Army
20656647              NELSEN RUSSELL H              KENOSHA WISCONSIN                           15                   10       40    Private             Field Artillery               WISCONSIN                    13       National Guard
36228922              NELSEN WALLACE C              FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS                        21                   11       41    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    13       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36279463              NELSON ALFRED B               MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         29                   10       42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         ILLINOIS                     5        Selectees (Enlisted Men)
16060694              NELSON ALLYN L                MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         8                    4        42    Private             Air Corps                     WISCONSIN                    23       Army of the United States
20656624              NELSON C RUSSELL              KENOSHA WISCONSIN                           15                   10       40    Private             Field Artillery               WISCONSIN                    17       National Guard
16046251              NELSON CHARLES F              MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         30                   9        41    Private             Air Corps                     WISCONSIN                    16       Regular Army
16060409              NELSON CLARENCE E             MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         28                   1        42    Private             Air Corps                     WISCONSIN                    21       Army of the United States
16050271              NELSON DONALD O               WHITEFISH MONTANA                           8                    11       45    Private First Class Air Corps                     WISCONSIN                    22       Regular Army
A-502976              NELSON EDITH L                MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         3                    12       43    Private             Women's Army Corps            ARKANSAS                     22       Women's Army Corps
A-613316              NELSON EDNA M                 MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         30                   11       44    Private             Women's Army Corps            WISCONSIN                    24       Women's Army Corps
36279660              NELSON ELMER R                MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         29                   10       42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    5        Selectees (Enlisted Men)
16009605              NELSON ERNEST J B             MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         22                   7        41    Private             Air Corps                     WISCONSIN                    20       Regular Army
16046997              NELSON GLEN E                 MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         11                   12       41    Private             Air Corps                     WISCONSIN                    11       Army of the United States
16217073              NELSON GORDON A               CHICAGO ILLINOIS                            9                    7        46    Private             No branch assignment          MICHIGAN                     28       Regular Army
16008000              NELSON HAROLD C               MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         27                   11       40    Private             Air Corps                     WISCONSIN                    19       Regular Army
36279605              NELSON HELMER                 MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         29                   10       42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    2        Selectees (Enlisted Men)
16219662              NELSON HERBERT R              CHICAGO ILLINOIS                            21                   8        46                        No branch assignment          WISCONSIN                    28       Regular Army
16046976              NELSON JAMES A                MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         10                   12       41    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    13       Army of the United States
16231129              NELSON JAMES R                CHICAGO ILLINOIS                            2                    10       46    Private             No branch assignment          WISCONSIN                    28       Regular Army
16012298              NELSON KENNETH K              DETROIT MICHIGAN                            14                   10       40                        Air Corps                     WISCONSIN                    16       Regular Army
36318102              NELSON KENNETH L              CP GRANT ILLINOIS                           13                   2        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         ILLINOIS                     19       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
A-613145              NELSON MARION                 MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         26                   9        44    Private             Women's Army Corps            WISCONSIN                    24       Women's Army Corps
16220941              NELSON MELVIN G               CHICAGO ILLINOIS                            4                    9        46    Private             No branch assignment          MASSACHUSETTS                28       Regular Army
36292737              NELSON NORMAN P               MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         26                   12       42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    18       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36248744              NELSON RICHARD H              MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         30                   6        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    12       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
16159247              NELSON RICHARD J              MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         23                   1        46    Private             Air Corps                     WISCONSIN                    28       Regular Army
36274019              NELSON ROBERT G JR            MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         12                   10       42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    15       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36279651              NELSON ROBERT M               MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         29                   10       42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    22       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
16221931              NELSON RODNEY W               CHICAGO ILLINOIS                            11                   9        46    Private             Cavalry                       WISCONSIN                    23       Regular Army
36208767              NELSON ROGER A                FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS                        6                    7        45    Technician 5th Grade  No branch assignment          WISCONSIN                    15       Reserves
36270638              NELSON ROGER R                MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         30                   9        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    21       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36267910              NELSON STANLEY E              MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         21                   9        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         MICHIGAN                     21       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
16181910              NELSON THOMAS A               MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         16                   4        46    Private             No branch assignment          WISCONSIN                    28       Regular Army
16155800              NELSON THOMAS JR              MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         2                    12       42    Private             Air Corps                     WISCONSIN                    23       Army of the United States
16009611              NELSON THORVICK E             MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         22                   7        41    Private             Air Corps                     WISCONSIN                    18       Regular Army
36286054              NELSON THWMAS O               MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         30                   11       42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         OHIO                         5        Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36215841              NELSON WARREN E               MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         14                   7        41    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    18       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36270672              NELSON WARREN E               MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         30                   9        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    20       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36213118              NELSON WILLARD T              MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         16                   6        41    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    17       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
16009967              NERAD CLARENCE J              MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         28                   8        41    Private             Air Corps                     WISCONSIN                    15       Regular Army
36292715              NESCAK FRANK A                MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         26                   12       42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    18       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36238610              NESCH GILBERT T               FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS                        23                   3        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    17       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
286760                NETSON HEVRY J                MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         30                   11       42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    2        Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36213113              NEU MARK J                    MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         16                   6        41    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    14       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
16231040              NEUBAUER RALPH A              CHICAGO ILLINOIS                            1                    10       46    Private             No branch assignment          WISCONSIN                    27       Regular Army
16046930              NEUHAUS GILBERT B             MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         5                    12       41    Private             Air Corps                     WISCONSIN                    16       Regular Army
36286685              NEUM/NN RICHARD B             MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         30                   11       42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA                                      18       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
16180863              NEUMANN MARVIN W              MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         1                    2        46    Private             No branch assignment          WISCONSIN                    27       Regular Army
16156406              NEUMANN NORBERT C             MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         9                    12       42    Private             Air Corps                     WISCONSIN                    24       Army of the United States
36262056              NEUMEIER FRANK E              MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         31                   8        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         MICHIGAN                     14       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
16217843              NEWBURY JACK A                CHICAGO ILLINOIS                            22                   7        46    Private             No branch assignment          WISCONSIN                    28       Regular Army
16231054              NEWMAN LLOYD V JR             CHICAGO ILLINOIS                            1                    10       46    Private             No branch assignment          WISCONSIN                    28       Regular Army
36262328              NEWMAN ROBERT W               MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         1                    9        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         MINNESOTA                    18       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
16046116              NEWMAN THOMAS R               MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         18                   9        41    Private             Coast Artillery Corps         MINNESOTA                    23       Regular Army
36359788              NICHOLS FRANK H               CHICAGO ILLINOIS                            17                   7        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         ILLINOIS                     19       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36279428              NICHOLS GEORGE E              MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         29                   10       42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         MICHIGAN                     18       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
16006940              NICHOLS JAMES S               MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         24                   10       40    Private                                           WISCONSIN                    19       Regular Army
36262110              NICHOLS WILBUR                MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         31                   8        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         MICHIGAN                     2        Selectees (Enlisted Men)
17216049              NICIKOWSKI STANLEY A JR       FT SNELLING MINNESOTA                       5                    12       46    Private             No branch assignment          WISCONSIN                    29       Regular Army
17215947              NIELD RICHARD C               FT SNELLING MINNESOTA                       29                   11       46    Private             Signal Corps                  WISCONSIN                    27       Regular Army
A-603762              NIELSEN ALMA H                MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         3                    2        43                        Women's Army Corps            WISCONSIN                    16       Women's Army Corps
36253633              NIELSEN ALVIN A               MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         29                   7        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    21       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36270652              NIELSEN ARTHUR L              MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         30                   9        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    11       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
16159111              NIELSEN CALVIN                MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         14                   1        46    Private             Air Corps                     WISCONSIN                    28       Regular Army
36253722              NIELSEN CARL A                MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         29                   7        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         DENMARK                      0        Selectees (Enlisted Men)
16117273              NIELSEN CARL V                MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         23                   1        43    Private             Air Corps                     WISCONSIN                    22       Reserves
16155747              NIELSEN CLAYTON H             MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         1                    12       42    Private             Air Corps                     WISCONSIN                    23       Army of the United States
36215850              NIELSEN HOMER F               MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         14                   7        41    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         CANADA                       18       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
17216010              NIELSEN JACK L                FT SNELLING MINNESOTA                       4                    12       46    Private             No branch assignment          WISCONSIN                    29       Regular Army
36226575              NIELSEN KENNETH L             FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS                        15                   10       41    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    20       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
16209387              NIELSEN LINDBERGH L           CHICAGO ILLINOIS                            1                    5        46    Private             No branch assignment          WISCONSIN                    28       Regular Army
16158126              NIELSEN NATHAN                CP CARSON COLO SPRINGS COLORADO             24                   7        46    Corporal            No branch assignment          WISCONSIN                    27       Regular Army
36219533              NIELSEN OVE H                 MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         22                   9        41    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    14       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
16009481              NIELSEN SELMER H              MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         2                    7        41    Private             Air Corps                     MINNESOTA                    19       Regular Army
36248878              NIELSEN VERNON                MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         30                   6        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    19       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36205110              NIELSON CARL C                MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         24                   3        41    Private                                           DENMARK                      18       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36262213              NIELSON EDGAR A E             MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         31                   8        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         DENMARK                      97       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
16181182              NIELSON ROBERT L              MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         18                   2        46    Private             Air Corps                     WISCONSIN                    28       Regular Army
36306978              NIEMIEC RAYMOND J             CHICAGO ILLINOIS                            27                   11       41    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    14       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36238664              NIESEN ADOLPH C JR            FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS                        23                   3        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    19       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36286761              NIESEN CALVIN B               MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         30                   11       42    Private                                                                        10       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36226564              NIESEN EDWARD J               FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS                        15                   10       41    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    17       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36262201              NIESEN ROY J                  MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         31                   8        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    97       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36279514              NIESS ARNOLD H                MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         29                   10       42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    14       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36208807              NIETUPSKI ALEX                MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         23                   4        41    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    15       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
16134607              NIETUPSKI JOHN J              MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         6                    4        43    Private             Air Corps                     WISCONSIN                    22       Reserves
20650062              NIETUPSKI STANLEY J           MADISON WISCONSIN                           15                   10       40    Private             Infantry                      WISCONSIN                    19       National Guard
36233196              NITZ JOHN W                   FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS                        26                   1        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    20       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36201401              NOE RAYMOND J                 MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         29                   1        41    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    17       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36205139              NOE WILLIAM A                 MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         24                   3        41    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    17       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36238588              NOLL CHESTERRO                FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS                        23                   3        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    9        Selectees (Enlisted Men)
16216237              NOLL CLIFFORD W JR            CHICAGO ILLINOIS                            24                   6        46    Private             No branch assignment          WISCONSIN                    29       Regular Army
36226537              NOLL LEO E                    FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS                        15                   10       41    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    19       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36262419              NOPPE FRANK A                 MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         1                    9        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    17       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36279497              NORBERT WILLIAM J JR          MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         29                   10       42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    9        Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36261816              NORDSTROM WALTER A JR         MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         1                    9        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WYOMING                      21       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36226574              NORRIS HALLIE E JR            FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS                        15                   10       41    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         ILLINOIS                     20       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
20154862              NORTH ARNOLD JR               CHICAGO ILLINOIS                            24                   6        46    Sergeant            Air Corps                     RHODE ISLAND                 21       Regular Army
16006875              NORTH WALLACE G               MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         30                   9        40    Private             Air Corps                     WISCONSIN                    20       Regular Army
16049997              NORUP RAYMOND L               MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         19                   3        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    17       Army of the United States
A-602698              NOSIK LILLIAN K               FT DES MOINES IOWA                          4                    8        43    Private             Women's Army Corps            WISCONSIN                    19       Women's Army Corps
36279672              NOURSE DONALD M               MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         29                   10       42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         MICHIGAN                     22       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
A-602612              NOVAK ELEANORE P              MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         30                   10       42                        Women's Army Corps            WISCONSIN                    19       Women's Army Corps
6907021               NYIRI JOHN                    FT JAY GOVERNORS ISLAND NEW YORK            14                   1        41    Sergeant            Detached Enlisted Men's List  INDIANA                      19       Regular Army
36286689              OAKES FRANK C                 MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         30                   11       42                                                      WISCONSIN                    20       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
16134180              OBERG FREDERICK T             MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         2                    11       42    Private             Air Corps                     WISCONSIN                    24       Army of the United States
36286669              OBERST GEORGE W               MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         30                   11       42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    17       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36292720              OBERTIN HOWARD N              MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         26                   12       42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         WISCONSIN                    17       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
36270670              OBRY EDWARD W                 MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN                         30                   9        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA         ILLINOIS                     3        Selectees (Enlisted Men)

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