Racine County WI Archives Military Records.....Army Enlistees Names FRAGALE - HANTSCHEL WWII - Enlistment ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm http://www.usgwarchives.net/wi/wifiles.htm ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Tina Vickery tsvickery@adelphia.net May 25, 2007, 12:18 am Army Enlistees Names FRAGALE - HANTSCHEL DATE OF ENLISTMENT YEAR OF ARMY SERIAL NUMBER NAME PLACE OF ENLISTMENT DAY MONTH YEAR GRADE BRANCH NATIVITY BIRTH COMPONENT OF THE ARMY 20654049 FRAGALE SAM RACINE WISCONSIN 13 1 41 Private Medical Department WISCONSIN 16 National Guard 16009276 FRAHM GEORGE H MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 4 6 41 Private Air Corps NEBRASKA 15 Regular Army 16181719 FRAHM RICHARD R MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 26 3 46 Private No branch assignment WISCONSIN 28 Regular Army 16133343 FRANCIS ARTHUR J JR MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 26 10 42 Private Air Corps WISCONSIN 23 Army of the United States 16006205 FRANCIS OSCAR D MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 7 9 40 Private Field Artillery WISCONSIN 17 Regular Army 36208714 FRANK JOHN A MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 23 4 41 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 18 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36200061 FRANK LOUIS M MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 22 11 40 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 19 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36205078 FRANK ROBERT W MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 24 3 41 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 15 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16157894 FRANKE RAYMOND C FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS 17 1 45 Private No branch assignment WISCONSIN 26 Reserves 16158205 FRANKE WALTER H JR FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS 13 5 46 Private No branch assignment WISCONSIN 28 Reserves 36215861 FRATT GEORGE C MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 14 7 41 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 19 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16092774 FRAYER WARD F MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 29 6 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 22 Army of the United States 16025036 FRAZELL CLINTON C FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS 5 10 40 Private Coast Artillery Corps ILLINOIS 21 Regular Army 36262200 FREDERICKSON JAMES H MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 31 8 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 21 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36279702 FREDERIKSEN ALVIN A MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 29 10 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 22 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16219466 FREDERIKSEN GILBERT R CHICAGO ILLINOIS 19 8 46 Private Air Corps WISCONSIN 28 Regular Army 16101836 FREEMAN CHARLES J FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS 6 3 43 Private No branch assignment WISCONSIN 21 Reserves 36218804 FREEMAN EDWARD M MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 8 9 41 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 20 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16005802 FREEMAN ROY F CHICAGO ILLINOIS 24 6 46 Staff Sergeant Air Corps WISCONSIN 18 Regular Army 20648262 FREGIEN WALTER A MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 15 10 40 Private Medical Department WISCONSIN 16 National Guard 36253638 FREIMUND OTTO JR MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 29 7 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 14 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36248804 FRENCH ARTHUR J MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 30 6 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 14 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16209773 FRENCH DONALD A CHICAGO ILLINOIS 17 5 46 Private Air Corps WISCONSIN 29 Regular Army 16009542 FRENCH ROBERT L MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 12 7 41 Private Air Corps WISCONSIN 22 Regular Army 20654703 FRICKENSMITH WILLIAM F FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS 20 7 45 Corporal No branch assignment WISCONSIN 18 Reserves A-612347 FRIDAY DOROTHY MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 26 4 44 Private Women's Army Corps OREGON 24 Women's Army Corps A-613868 FRIDAY MARGARET L MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 22 5 45 WISCONSIN 25 Women's Army Corps 36279671 FRIEDMAN ROBERT P MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 29 10 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA MINNESOTA 22 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16006427 FRIES EDWARD MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 16 9 40 Private Air Corps IDAHO 15 Regular Army 36233164 FRIES GILBERT J FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS 26 1 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 19 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36219563 FRIES GORDON E MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 22 9 41 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 17 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 6246460 FRISO CHARLES 18 11 39 WISCONSIN 85 Regular Army 16094529 FRITCHEN DALLAS N MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 18 8 42 Private Cavalry WISCONSIN 24 Army of the United States 36262151 FRITCHEN MELVIN H MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 31 8 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 21 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 7032273 FROHMAN HUEL POPE FIELD FT BRAGG NORTH CAROLINA 25 5 40 WISCONSIN 59 Regular Army A-613135 FROST LOIS M MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 23 9 44 Private Women's Army Corps WISCONSIN 23 Women's Army Corps A-602850 FROST MILDRED M MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 22 1 43 Women's Army Corps WISCONSIN 20 Women's Army Corps 16060411 FROST RICHARD C MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 28 1 42 Private Air Corps WISCONSIN 22 Army of the United States 36205074 FRYER FRANK M MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 24 3 41 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 16 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36279739 FUHRMAN FREDERICK J MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 29 10 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA INDIANA 13 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36248737 FUHRMAN JOSEPH W MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 30 6 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 15 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36267983 FULLER ROY E MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 21 9 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 3 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16094302 FUMO JAMES L MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 12 8 42 Private Infantry WISCONSIN 23 Army of the United States 36261344 FUNK JOHN J MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 1 9 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 21 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36235619 FUNK ROLAND F FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS 20 2 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 19 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36213147 FURMAN EDWARD M MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 16 6 41 Private Warrant Officers, USA WASHINGTON 19 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16089473 FURMAN RICHARD L CHICAGO ILLINOIS 5 1 43 Private Air Corps WASHINGTON 21 Reserves 16009478 FURRENES IVAR A MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 2 7 41 Private Air Corps WISCONSIN 23 Regular Army 36205202 FYHRIE JEROME E MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 24 3 41 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 15 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16156118 GABBEY JOHN R MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 4 12 42 Private Infantry WISCONSIN 23 Army of the United States 36248808 GABOR ALOIS L MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 30 6 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 12 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16092984 GALBRAITH KENNETH E MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 7 7 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 21 Army of the United States 16155866 GALBRAITH ROBERT G 2 12 42 Air Corps WISCONSIN 23 Army of the United States 36233187 GALECKAS JOHN FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS 26 1 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA MASSACHUSETTS 18 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16005972 GALL NORMAN J MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 30 8 40 Private Medical Department WISCONSIN 15 Regular Army 16231630 GALLANT DARRELL L CHICAGO ILLINOIS 9 10 46 Private OKLAHOMA 29 Regular Army 16180914 GALLO RALPH R MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 4 2 46 Private Quartermaster Corps WISCONSIN 28 Regular Army 20654812 GARBO MARSHALL RACINE WISCONSIN 13 1 41 Private First Class Medical Department WISCONSIN 16 National Guard A-610002 GARDINER FLORENCE A MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 7 1 44 Private Women's Army Corps MICHIGAN 10 Women's Army Corps A-613328 GARDNER BETTY L MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 4 12 44 Private Women's Army Corps WISCONSIN 24 Women's Army Corps 16046860 GARDNER BRYCE E MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 25 11 41 Private Air Corps WISCONSIN 23 Regular Army 16191924 GARDNER GEORGE H JR FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS 24 6 44 Private Air Corps IOWA 26 Reserves 36262055 GARLAND CLARENCE H MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 31 8 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 4 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36253672 GARMAN LAWRENCE C MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 29 7 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 19 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36279646 GARNER RICHARD J MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 29 10 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 20 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16157566 GATES GEORGE B JR FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS 14 2 44 Private No branch assignment WISCONSIN 25 Reserves 36233190 GATTIE HAROLD A FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS 26 1 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 17 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36270635 GATZKE CARL G MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 1 10 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 21 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36262420 GATZKE GORDON H MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 1 9 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 21 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36295700 GAUSCHE DEAN S MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 7 1 43 Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 23 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36233158 GAUSCHE VYANT E FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS 26 1 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 17 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16221636 GAVAHAN ROBERT E CHICAGO ILLINOIS 10 9 46 Private No branch assignment WISCONSIN 28 Regular Army 6919789 GAVIN WILLIAM J 24 11 39 WISCONSIN 60 Regular Army 16005034 GAYIKIAN HYKO MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 1 7 40 Private Air Corps WISCONSIN 22 Regular Army 36224344 GDISIS HARRY MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 1 5 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 18 Selectees (Enlisted Men) A-613047 GEARY MARY R MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 25 8 44 Private Women's Army Corps WISCONSIN 24 Army of the United States 16047438 GEDEMER EUGENE G MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 27 12 41 Private Air Corps WISCONSIN 20 Army of the United States 16155606 GEDEMER JEROME J MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 27 11 42 Private Air Corps WISCONSIN 24 Army of the United States 16047444 GEDEMER JOSEPH F MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 27 12 41 Private Air Corps WISCONSIN 22 Army of the United States 36238663 GEDEMER WALTER O FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS 23 3 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 19 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36279808 GEHRIG VERNE H MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 29 10 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 20 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36270676 GEIGER JACOB M MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 30 9 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 3 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16133360 GEISLER HENRY M MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 26 10 42 Private Air Corps WISCONSIN 15 Army of the United States 16009292 GEISLER RUDOLPH B FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS 20 7 45 Private First Class No branch assignment WISCONSIN 18 Reserves 36279708 GEISNER GEORGE W MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 31 10 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 22 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16047437 GEISNER JOHN E MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 27 12 41 Private Air Corps WISCONSIN 20 Army of the United States 36270669 GEISNER WARREN J MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 30 9 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 21 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16181947 GELENIAN OVAGEM A MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 22 4 46 Private No branch assignment WISCONSIN 28 Regular Army 19052522 GELMUSS BENEDICT F SAN FRANCISCO CALIFORNIA 12 5 41 Private Coast Artillery Corps WISCONSIN 14 Regular Army 16158105 GEMMELL LEO J FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS 1 11 45 Private Air Corps WISCONSIN 27 Regular Army A-603895 GEORGE FLORA M MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 24 2 43 Women's Army Corps WISCONSIN 20 Women's Army Corps 36220827 GEORGE JERRY N MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 31 3 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 13 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36262061 GEORGE LYNN J MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 31 8 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 3 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36253857 GERAETS FRANCIS A MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 30 7 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 21 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36267987 GERETZ MICHEAL J MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 21 9 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 21 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16006457 GERGEN NEIL F MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 17 9 40 Private Air Corps NORTH DAKOTA 21 Regular Army 16130860 GERICKE PAUL R FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS 10 9 45 Private First Class No branch assignment WISCONSIN 20 Reserves 6919971 GERLAT MILTON O 12 12 39 WISCONSIN 0 Regular Army 16229896 GERONDALE KENNETH L CHICAGO ILLINOIS 26 9 46 Private Air Corps WISCONSIN 28 Regular Army 16192752 GERRITTS EDWARD C FT MCPHERSON ATLANTA GEORGIA 18 3 44 Private Air Corps WISCONSIN 26 Reserves 36279436 GERSONDE CLARENCE R MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 29 10 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 15 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16089486 GERSONDE DONALD F CHICAGO ILLINOIS 5 1 43 Private Air Corps IOWA 22 Reserves 36217882 GERTENBACH RICHARD W CP GRANT ILLINOIS 14 8 41 Private Air Corps WISCONSIN 14 Regular Army 36279691 GESCHKE CARL O MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 29 10 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 22 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36242000 GESCHKE RAYMOND W MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 22 5 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 13 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36226553 GESCHKE WALTER H FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS 15 10 41 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 20 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16046861 GESHAY RICHARD J MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 25 11 41 Private Air Corps WISCONSIN 23 Regular Army 16193725 GESHAY ROBERT L FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS 12 7 45 Private Air Corps WISCONSIN 27 Reserves 36262106 GEVERS FRANK C MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 31 8 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 97 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36267904 GEWALT ELMER H MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 21 9 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 19 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36205122 GI SEL E GENE T MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 24 3 41 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 17 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36286763 GIACIETI LWUIS A WALWORTH WISCONSIN 30 11 42 WISCONSIN 13 Selectees (Enlisted Men) A-609955 GIBSON ARLENE W MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 15 12 43 Private Women's Army Corps WISCONSIN 22 Women's Army Corps 36210621 GIESE EARL J MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 12 5 41 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 19 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36292401 GIESE KENNETH G MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 26 12 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 18 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36279439 GIESE VERNON E MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 29 10 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 10 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36305175 GIESE WILLARD H CHICAGO ILLINOIS 14 11 41 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 16 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36286725 GIFFORD ELMER W MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 30 11 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 22 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16156448 GILDAY RAYMOND J MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 9 12 42 Private Air Corps WISCONSIN 23 Army of the United States 36219570 GILL BERNARD A MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 22 9 41 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 13 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16048559 GILL ROBERT A MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 17 1 42 Private Air Corps WISCONSIN 11 Army of the United States 36261819 GILL SAMUEL A MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 1 9 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 21 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36253878 GILLIS CHARLES A MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 30 7 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 0 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36242805 GILLMAN ABRAHAM S MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 29 5 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA ILLINOIS 12 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16096281 GISH FRANK MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 16 9 42 Air Corps INDIANA 18 Army of the United States 36224348 GISH JOHN P MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 1 5 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 13 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36279629 GISTER RAYMOND J MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 29 10 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 21 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36235632 GITZEN ROBERT L FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS 20 2 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 19 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36279733 GLEBAS STANLEY J MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 29 10 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 15 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16220946 GLEISNER MICHAEL W CHICAGO ILLINOIS 4 9 46 Private No branch assignment WISCONSIN 29 Regular Army 36205073 GLOCKSON JEROME E MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 24 3 41 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 10 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36224373 GLOEDE CLARENCE H FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS 20 8 45 Private First Class WISCONSIN 11 Reserves 36279744 GLOEDE JOHN R MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 29 10 42 Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 16 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36213151 GLOEDE LOUIS E MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 16 6 41 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 18 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36238649 GLUCH PAUL R FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS 23 3 42 Private WISCONSIN 10 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36224303 GODING JAMES A MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 1 5 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 18 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16007976 GOEBEL EUGENE J MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 26 11 40 Air Corps WISCONSIN 14 Regular Army 36270667 GOEBEL GORDON H MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 30 9 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 21 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16060665 GOEBEL ROBERT J MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 4 4 42 Private Air Corps WISCONSIN 23 Army of the United States 16000231 GOEBEL ROMAN W FT CUSTER MICHIGAN 15 7 40 Private Air Corps WISCONSIN 14 Regular Army 36279458 GOEBEL WALTER W MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 29 10 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 11 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36292732 GOEDEN LLOYD E MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 26 12 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA ILLINOIS 13 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36220904 GOETZ FREDERICK C MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 31 3 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 15 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 6920216 GOETZ RUSSELL A 27 6 40 WISCONSIN 40 Regular Army 36262085 GOETZ THEODORE J MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 31 8 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 17 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36238628 GOETZKE HAROLD W FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS 23 3 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 9 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16159058 GOFF ROBERT J MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 9 1 46 Private No branch assignment WISCONSIN 29 Regular Army 16220931 GOHDE LAWRENCE O CHICAGO ILLINOIS 4 9 46 Private No branch assignment WISCONSIN 28 Regular Army 16131939 GOLDEN JAMES B MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 13 10 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA ILLINOIS 6 Army of the United States 36292122 GOLDNER JACK N MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 26 12 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA RUSSIA 10 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36235664 GONDERT JOSEPH J FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS 20 2 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 16 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 20654813 GONDERT RUSSELL R RACINE WISCONSIN 13 1 41 Private Medical Department WISCONSIN 14 National Guard 36292742 GOODWIN HARRY E JR MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 26 12 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 22 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36279693 GORDON DAVID L MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 29 10 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 22 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16192307 GORDON ROSS RONALD H FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS 17 4 44 Private Air Corps CALIFORNIA 26 Reserves 36238585 GORMAN GEORGE G FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS 23 3 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA NEBRASKA 12 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36219534 GOROG JOHN F MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 22 9 41 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 14 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36287065 GORSEGNER CHARLES E MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 30 11 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 22 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16132527 GORSKI ALBERT G MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 19 10 42 Private Air Corps WISCONSIN 18 Army of the United States 16060691 GORSKI GILBERT J MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 8 4 42 Private Air Corps WISCONSIN 21 Army of the United States 16123713 GORSKY MAURICE L HINES ILLINOIS 11 3 43 Private No branch assignment WISCONSIN 23 Reserves 36248761 GORSKY REUBEN A MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 30 6 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA RUSSIA 8 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36215881 GOSIESKI GEORGE J MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 14 7 41 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 17 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16158123 GOTHNER JOHN E JR FT BENNING GEORGIA 20 7 46 Private First Class No branch assignment WISCONSIN 27 Regular Army 36228908 GOTTFREDSEN EUGENE R FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS 21 11 41 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 20 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 20656679 GOTTFREDSEN ROBERT I JR JACKSONVILLE AAF FLORIDA 13 8 41 Private Air Corps WISCONSIN 18 Regular Army 36262088 GOTTLIEB MEYER MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 31 8 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA LITHUANIA 0 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36279659 GOTTSCHALK CARL A MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 29 10 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 18 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36292565 GOULET RAYMOND J MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 26 12 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA MICHIGAN 22 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16156880 GOVE GEORGE D MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 11 12 42 Private Cavalry ILLINOIS 24 Army of the United States 36262098 GRABE WALTER A MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 31 8 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 3 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16157080 GRABHER DONALD N MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 15 12 42 Private Coast Artillery Corps WISCONSIN 24 Army of the United States 16007673 GRABOWSKI VICTOR J MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 2 11 40 Private Air Corps WISCONSIN 20 Regular Army 36205089 GRAHAM CHARLES R MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 24 3 41 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 14 Selectees (Enlisted Men) A-613025 GRAHAM MARGARET E MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 21 8 44 Private WISCONSIN 23 Women's Army Corps 36262135 GRAHAM PAUL W MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 31 8 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 20 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16047986 GRANGER GEORGE E MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 6 1 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA VERMONT 21 Army of the United States 36213100 GRANGER LAWRENCE H MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 16 6 41 Private Warrant Officers, USA VERMONT 19 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16155825 GRANT DONALD J MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 2 12 42 Private Air Corps WISCONSIN 24 Army of the United States 16060399 GRANT MARVIN E MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 28 1 42 Private Air Corps WISCONSIN 18 Army of the United States A-600471 GRANT VELMA E MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 18 9 42 Women's Army Corps WISCONSIN 19 Women's Army Corps 36262385 GRAVES CHESTER MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 31 8 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA OHIO 21 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16009697 GRAY ALBERT I MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 2 8 41 Private Air Corps NORTH DAKOTA 18 Regular Army 36248783 GRAY JACK S MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 30 6 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA PENNSYLVANIA 18 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16048131 GREATTINGER GORDON J MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 8 1 42 Private Air Corps WISCONSIN 19 Army of the United States 36253705 GREELEY COURTNEY E MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 29 7 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 21 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36261818 GREELY SUMNER F MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 1 9 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 4 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 6763459 GREEN CHESTER I 21 11 39 WISCONSIN 55 Regular Army 36213090 GREEN HERMAN P MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 16 6 41 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 14 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16220671 GREEN LEONARD W CHICAGO ILLINOIS 30 8 46 Private No branch assignment WISCONSIN 28 Regular Army 36253872 GREENE MILTON L MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 30 7 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 20 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36226567 GREGORY RICHARD H FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS 15 10 41 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 19 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36211295 GREIDER WILLIAM F MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 29 5 41 Private ILLINOIS 17 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16180965 GREINER DONALD S MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 5 2 46 Private No branch assignment WISCONSIN 28 Regular Army 36242896 GREISEMER AMBROSE R MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 29 5 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 12 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36261357 GREUBEL BOB O MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 1 9 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 21 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36279688 GRIEBEL HOWARD C MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 29 10 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 7 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16231097 GRIEP RUSSELL J CHICAGO ILLINOIS 1 10 46 Private No branch assignment WISCONSIN 27 Regular Army 16220916 GRIFFIN CRAIG T CHICAGO ILLINOIS 4 9 46 Private Air Corps WISCONSIN 29 Regular Army 17215874 GRIFFIN GEORGE F FT SNELLING MINNESOTA 27 11 46 Private Corps of Engineers WISCONSIN 17 Regular Army 36228897 GRIFFITH AMBROSE FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS 22 11 41 Private Warrant Officers, USA ILLINOIS 19 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16046620 GRIFFITH FRANK J MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 3 11 41 Aviation Cadet Air Corps WISCONSIN 19 Regular Army 36253724 GRIMM HUGH C MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 29 7 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA OHIO 98 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36242830 GRISE LYLE C MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 29 5 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 10 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36292161 GROBE LAUREN V MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 23 12 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA NEBRASKA 21 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36292729 GROESBECK WALTER W MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 26 12 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 12 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16046968 GROSS EDWARD J MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 10 12 41 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 23 Army of the United States 36262277 GROSSMAN ALVIN H MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 2 9 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA ILLINOIS 21 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36220901 GROTH FREDERICK J MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 31 3 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 14 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16049489 GROTH MARTIN K MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 26 2 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 17 Army of the United States 36243404 GROVE GLEN D MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 3 6 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA MONTANA 17 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16154980 GROVE KENNETH W MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 17 11 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA MONTANA 22 Army of the United States 36262101 GROVER JOHN W JR MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 31 8 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 15 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16218679 GRUBB CLAYTON W CHICAGO ILLINOIS 5 8 46 Private Cavalry WISCONSIN 17 Regular Army 36262105 GRUHN ARTHUR B MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 31 8 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 7 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36233152 GRZYB HARRY A FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS 26 1 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 17 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16193838 GUDMUNDSEN JOHN P GREENSBORO NORTH CAROLINA 10 12 45 Private First Class No branch assignment WISCONSIN 26 Regular Army 16091960 GULBRANDSON MELVIN F MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 29 5 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 18 Army of the United States 36270620 GULBRANDSON ORVILLE M MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 30 9 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 20 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16193746 GULICK JAMES L FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS 14 2 45 Private NORTH CAROLINA 26 Reserves 36248807 GUNDERSON WILBUR R MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 30 6 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA SOUTH DAKOTA 17 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36248803 GUNTHER FREDERICK R MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 30 6 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 17 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36279679 GUNTHER HENRY A MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 29 10 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 20 Selectees (Enlisted Men) A-613515 GUNTHER SUSANNA M MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 17 2 45 Private Women's Army Corps WISCONSIN 22 Women's Army Corps 36253870 GURNEY CHARLES H MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 30 7 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 1 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36270691 GURSKY WILLIAM J MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 30 9 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 21 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16095338 GUSTAVSON MELVIN J MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 1 9 42 Private Infantry WISCONSIN 21 Army of the United States 16006444 GUSTAVSON ROBERT E MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 17 9 40 Private Infantry WISCONSIN 18 Regular Army 36292292 GUSTIN LYLE G MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 26 12 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA NORTH DAKOTA 22 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16046286 GUSTIN RAY A MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 2 10 41 Private Air Corps WISCONSIN 19 Regular Army 36262079 GUTOWSKY JOE A MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 31 8 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 17 Selectees (Enlisted Men) A-613919 H RWOOD MARJO IE J MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 25 8 45 Women's Army Corps WISCONSIN 23 Women's Army Corps 36287307 HAAKENSON LLOYD MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 1 12 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 22 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36253691 HAAS ALLEN P MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 29 7 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 17 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16156408 HAAS CLIFFORD E MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 9 12 42 Private Air Corps WISCONSIN 24 Army of the United States 16221699 HAAS JEROME H CHICAGO ILLINOIS 10 9 46 Private No branch assignment WISCONSIN 28 Regular Army 16158044 HAAS PHILIP N FT ORD CALIFORNIA 23 11 45 Private First Class No branch assignment WISCONSIN 27 Regular Army 16155216 HAAS RICHARD E MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 19 11 42 Private Air Corps WISCONSIN 23 Army of the United States 36267907 HAASE RAYMOND K MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 21 9 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 21 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16133682 HABETLER JOSEPH MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 28 10 42 Private Air Corps WISCONSIN 21 Army of the United States 36253876 HACHOOGAN OSCAR D MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 30 7 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 12 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36279644 HAERTEL RAYMOND A MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 29 10 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 19 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16181621 HAGEN ROBERT L MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 19 3 46 Private Infantry WISCONSIN 28 Regular Army 36248827 HAGEN ROY A MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 30 6 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 15 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16047810 HAGENDORFF LEONARD J MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 3 1 42 Air Corps WISCONSIN 17 Army of the United States 36253820 HAGGERTY WILLIAM D MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 30 7 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA PENNSYLVANIA 16 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36287313 HAGLUND ALDWIN E MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 1 12 42 Private WISCONSIN 22 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 20654814 HAHN JON M RACINE WISCONSIN 13 1 41 Private Medical Department WISCONSIN 20 National Guard 36228893 HAIGH BURTON J FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS 22 11 41 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 18 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36292730 HAISLER ROBERT J MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 26 12 42 Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 17 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16219328 HALBERSTADT HERBERT L CHICAGO ILLINOIS 16 8 46 Private No branch assignment WISCONSIN 29 Regular Army 16156534 HALBERSTADT RICHARD E MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 9 12 42 Cavalry WISCONSIN 23 Army of the United States 36287310 HALBERSTADT WILLIAM B MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 1 12 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 20 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36233177 HALCSIK ELMER W FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS 26 1 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 20 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 37665532 HALE CYRIL D CP DODGE HERROLD IOWA 16 3 43 Private No branch assignment IOWA 20 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36202504 HALL HAROLD A MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 26 2 41 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 17 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36242919 HALL JAMES F MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 29 5 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 11 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36262095 HALL ROBERT J MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 31 8 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA MICHIGAN 21 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16008758 HALL ROBERT M MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 3 3 41 Private Air Corps WISCONSIN 21 Regular Army 16156683 HALL WILLIAM MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 10 12 42 Private Coast Artillery Corps WISCONSIN 24 Army of the United States 36235655 HALLADE GEORGE P FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS 20 2 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 18 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36205124 HALUSKA JOSEPH MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 24 3 41 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 19 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36220842 HALUSKA MATHEW MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 31 3 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 8 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36268548 HALVERSON GEORGE E MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 22 9 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 97 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36279451 HAMACHER EDWARD F MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 29 10 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 10 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36270733 HAMATA ARTHUR J MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 30 9 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 21 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36248681 HAMATA JOSEPH C JR MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 30 6 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 18 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36210563 HAMERS GASTON A MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 12 5 41 Private Warrant Officers, USA ILLINOIS 15 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36267926 HAMILTON JAMES T MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 21 9 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 21 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36270736 HAMMER CARL P MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 30 9 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 21 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 18069120 HAMMER GEORGE 30 12 41 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 12 Army of the United States 7081921 HANCOCK ARTHUR L 28 2 40 ILLINOIS 0 Regular Army 36261337 HANCOCK GEORGE T MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 1 9 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 21 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16007722 HANDGRAAF MICHAEL J MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 6 11 40 Private Air Corps WISCONSIN 19 Regular Army 36248938 HANSEN ADOLPH C MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 1 7 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA MINNESOTA 6 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16048408 HANSEN ALFRED W MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 14 1 42 Private Air Corps MONTANA 19 Army of the United States 16220929 HANSEN ALFRED W JR CHICAGO ILLINOIS 4 9 46 Private No branch assignment WISCONSIN 29 Regular Army 6919202 HANSEN CARL CP MCCOY SPARTA WISCONSIN 15 12 45 Technical Sergeant No branch assignment WISCONSIN 21 Regular Army 16009152 HANSEN CHARLES W MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 16 5 41 Private Air Corps WISCONSIN 16 Regular Army 36218848 HANSEN CLYDE F MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 8 9 41 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 15 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36286777 HANSEN DONALD J MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 30 11 42 Private WISCONSIN 20 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16219485 HANSEN ELMER C CHICAGO ILLINOIS 20 8 46 No branch assignment WISCONSIN 29 Regular Army 16028554 HANSEN ELMER R CHANUTE FILED ILLINOIS 17 10 40 Private Air Corps WISCONSIN 20 Regular Army 36262347 HANSEN EPHRAIM F MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 1 9 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 98 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36220846 HANSEN GORDON N MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 31 3 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 18 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36286835 HANSEN GORDON W MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 30 11 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 21 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16007540 HANSEN HARLOW R MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 28 10 40 Private Air Corps WISCONSIN 17 Regular Army 36270838 HANSEN HAROLD E MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 30 9 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 12 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36219561 HANSEN HARRY MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 22 9 41 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 15 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36253689 HANSEN HENNING H MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 29 7 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA DENMARK 14 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36279680 HANSEN IRVING J MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 29 10 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 22 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16209470 HANSEN JAMES E CHICAGO ILLINOIS 6 5 46 Private Air Corps WISCONSIN 28 Regular Army 16132147 HANSEN JEROME MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 14 10 42 Private Air Corps WISCONSIN 24 Army of the United States 36295784 HANSEN JOHN N MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 8 1 43 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 24 Selectees (Enlisted Men) A-609657 HANSEN JUNE B MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 28 9 43 Private Women's Army Corps WISCONSIN 15 Women's Army Corps 36248806 HANSEN KENNETH B MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 30 6 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 17 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16005968 HANSEN KERMIT A MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 30 8 40 Private Medical Department WISCONSIN 16 Regular Army 16215758 HANSEN LAWRENCE J CHICAGO ILLINOIS 17 6 46 Private No branch assignment WISCONSIN 27 Regular Army 36242924 HANSEN LEROY C MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 29 5 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 17 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36292711 HANSEN LESLIE B MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 26 12 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 12 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36226545 HANSEN NORMAN FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS 16 10 41 Private WISCONSIN 15 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16218680 HANSEN ROBERT A CHICAGO ILLINOIS 5 8 46 Private Coast Artillery Corps WISCONSIN 28 Regular Army 16028112 HANSEN ROBERT H CHANUTE FILED ILLINOIS 19 9 40 Private Air Corps WISCONSIN 19 Regular Army 36292537 HANSEN ROY MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 28 12 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 16 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16009912 HANSEN TED V MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 23 8 41 Private Air Corps WISCONSIN 20 Regular Army 96286924 HANSEN THOMAS S MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 30 11 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA DENMARK 1 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36262099 HANSEN VERNON H MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 31 8 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 17 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16156659 HANSEN WALLACE R MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 10 12 42 Private Air Corps WISCONSIN 23 Army of the United States 36228506 HANSEN WALTER J FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS 17 11 41 Private Warrant Officers, USA OHIO 18 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16007599 HANSEN WARREN E MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 30 10 40 Private Air Corps WISCONSIN 16 Regular Army 16007533 HANSEN WILBUR H MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 28 10 40 Private Air Corps WISCONSIN 14 Regular Army 16008034 HANSEN WILLIAM J MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 2 12 40 Private Air Corps WISCONSIN 15 Regular Army 16215722 HANSON DONALD R CHICAGO ILLINOIS 14 6 46 Private Air Corps WISCONSIN 28 Regular Army 36253694 HANSON HARRY C MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 29 7 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 19 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16006077 HANSON MARTIN G MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 4 9 40 Private Quartermaster Corps WISCONSIN 20 Regular Army 36205221 HANSON RAYMOND P MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 24 3 41 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 10 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36253900 HANSON ROBERT A MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 30 7 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 21 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36253710 HANSON ROBERT J MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 29 7 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 16 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36202496 HANSON ROY K MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 26 2 41 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 17 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36292533 HANSON RUDOLPH J MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 28 12 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA MICHIGAN 8 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36205207 HANSON WILLIAM H MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 24 3 41 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 12 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36233208 HANTSCHEL ROBERT W FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS 26 1 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 17 Selectees (Enlisted Men) This file has been created by a form at http://www.genrecords.org/wifiles/ File size: 77.3 Kb