THE NATIONAL GUARD - Racine county
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Transcribed from the Racine County Militant, An Illustrated Narrative of War Times,
and a Soldiers' Roster, written by Eugene Walter Leach.  Undertaken in the interest
of Patriotic Americans in Racine County, Wisconsin.  A Pioneer Publication

Prior to 1836, what is now the state of Wisconsin was part of the territory of
Michigan, whose first militia law was adopted and published at Detroit August 30,
1805.  The provisions of this law were patterned after those of the militia law of Ohio,
and were made to conform, in a general way, to the regulations prescribed in an act
of Congress of May 8, 1792, defining the rights and duties of the states and
territories in the matter of defense.

This comprehensive enactment, the Michigan law, required the enrollment in the
militia of every free, able-bodied male inhabitant of the territory, of the age of
fourteen years, and under the age of fifty years, and each person so enrolled was
required, "within four days after being notified of his enrollment, to provide himself
with a good musket, fusee, bayonet, knapsack, cartridge pouch, and two extra
flints."  Minor changes were made in the law from time to time, and in 1820 the age
limits were raised to eighteen and forty-five years, which are the limits today.


(**Most of the data here given, concerning the militia previous to 1880, was
procured at the Wisconsin Historical Library at Madison; the records in the
Adjutant's office yielded very little covering that period in the city's history.)

On April 18, 1838, the first legislation outlining and defining the scope and the limits
of a territorial militia for Wisconsin, was approved by the governor.  It was a 
practical reenactment of the Michigan law.  The territory was divided into 
regimental districts, each district comprising one or more counties; the Fourth
regiment included the counties of Racine and Walworth, and was officered as

Michael Frank........Colonel
   (Other regimental offices vacant.)

First Company, Town of Racine

Albert G. Knight.......Captain
Elias S. Capron..........First Lieutenant
.....................................Second Lieutenant

Second Company, Rochester and Burlington

Ira A. Rice.................Captain
Archibald Cooper........First Lieutenant
Otis L. Whitman..........Second Lieutenant

There were also at this time, three companies in that part of Racine county which is
now Kenosha county.  In 1842, the Fourth regiment included the county of Racine
alone.  It was the duty of the commanding officer of each company of  infantry "to
from time to time enroll all persons within the limits of his company, who may be
subject to military duty," and to notify them of such enrollment; and such officer
was the judge of age and ability to bear arms; subject to appeal, of course.  All
companies were supposed to rendezvous twice each year, for drill, on the first
Saturdays in June and September.  The regiments and battalions were also to have
a three to eight days' meet in each year.


In the address of Mr. Charles E. Dyer to the Racine County Old Settlers' Society,
published in 1871, he gives some little account of an attempt at military training
in the village in the fall of 1840.  It is probable that he got his information from
some of those who participated in or witnessed the occurrences narrated.  This is
what Mr. Dyer says:

"The first training was had, or attempted to be had, in the fall of 1840.  Albert G.
Knight was captain of the company.  He had been ordered by his superior officer
to call out his company for parade, preliminary to a general muster.  For some
reason, the new militia law contained no authority at all to call out companies of
militia.  A few knowing ones were aware of his omission, and thought the captain
was not.  But he was well advised of the fact and determined to act accordingly.
Having duly warned out the company, and as they were mustered in line in the
morning, Capt. Knight ordered the name of each man called and as he responded
said to him: "Sir, you are excused for the day."  The captain's duty was done, and
he retired amidst the consternation of his company.  But Tom O'Sprig rallied and
reorganized them.  The ringing of a steamboat bell at the head of the column
filled up the ranks, and the Racine militia gallantly trained till noon, when they
adjourned to the Fulton house for dinner, where they all got so drunk they
couldn't muster at all in the afternoon."


In 1848, when Wisconsin became a state, it was organized in military divisions,
each division into two brigades, and each brigade into as many regiments as
there were counties in that brigade.  Racine county was the Fourth regiment of
the Second brigade, of the First division, each ward in the city and each township
in the county having a company enrolled, and we are able to present the following
data concerning its officers:

  Philo White, Racine, Brig. Gen.
  Seth Johnson, Col.
  Orson B. Sheldon, Lieut. Col.
  Martin Clancy, Maj.
  George Wustum, Maj.
  Thomas Falvey, Adjut.
  Thos. L. Page, Hosp. Surg.
  Ferdinand Elmlinger, Capt.
  Ernst Hueffner, 1st Lieut.
  Charles Bliss, 2nd Lieut.
  Peter Hettrich, 2nd 2nd Lieut.
Numerical strength, 67
  Edward McKee, Capt.
  Thomas Falvey, 1st Lieut.
  John McGinnis, 2nd Lieut.
  Dennis Smith, 2nd 2nd Lieut.
Numerical strength, 41   
  Jacob S. Crane, Capt.
  J. Tait, 1st Lieut.
  J. Near, 2nd Lieut.
  G. Near, 2nd 2nd Lieut.
Numerical strength, 34
(*These companies were enrolled, but probably were unorganized.)
  Clark W. Spafford, Capt.
  Seneca Raymond, 1st Lieut.
  Charles B. Knapp, 2nd Lieut.
Rank and File, 177
Total, 180
  Henry J. Ullman, Capt.
  Moses Armes, 1st Lieut.
  William Beswick, 2nd Lieut.
Rank and File, 177
Total, 180
  Wesley W. Carey, Capt.
  Hugh D. Williams, 1st Lieut.
  Samuel Bauman, 2nd Lieut.
Rank and File, 220
Total, 223
  Matthew W. King, Capt.
  Michael Gorman, 1st Lieut.
  William Wall, 2nd Lieut.
Rank and File, 178
Total, 180
  R.J. Mann, Capt.
  John Bangs, 1st Lieut.
  Samuel G. Knight, 2nd Lieut.
Rank and File, 97
Total, 100

Aggregate numerical strength of battalion, 1,055; 120 stand of muskets and
appendages, and 60 stand of rifles are on deposit with the three volunteer
companies attached to this battalion.

  Roland Ives, Capt.
  William H. Reed, 1st Lieut.
  Daniel D. McEachron, 2nd Lieut.
Rank and File, 200
  John C. Miller, Capt.
  Morris White, 1st Lieut.
  Mathias Lower, 2nd Lieut.
Rank and File, 165
  Daniel F. Houghton, Capt.
  Timothy Rogan, 1st Lieut.
  James Mealey, 2nd Lieut.
Rank and File, 131
  Nathaniel Dickinson, Capt.
  Charles Jones, 1st Lieut.
  Liberty Fisk, 2nd Lieut.
  Nathaniel Moulton, Capt.
  John Anthony, 1st Lieut.
  Hezekiah Mason, 2nd Lieut.
Rank and File, 217
  Homer W. Landon, Capt.
  John Anthony, 1st Lieut.
  Robert Walterman, 2nd Lieut.
Rank and File, 145
Numerical strength of 4th regiment, 1,564


The first militia companies in Racine of which we have been able to get any
detailed information, are those composing the "Volunteer Corps," organized
just after Wisconsin became a state; the Governor's Guards, the Emmett Guards,
and the Racine Guards, formerly the Racine Rifles, whose first commissioned
officers were named previously.  The following information concerning these
companies was obtained in an early city directory, and from surviving members.

Geo. Wustum, Capt.
Ernst Hueffner, Sr., 1st Lieut.
Chas. Bliss, 2nd Lieut.
Peter Hettrich, 2nd Lieut.
Samuel Myers, Sec'y
Xafer, Haas, Treas
Christopher Wustum, 1st Sergt.
Geo. Britz, 2nd Sergt.
Adolph Fleischer, 3rd Sergt.
Jacob Kawelti, 4th Sergt.
Albert Miller, 1st Corp.
John Graitch, 2nd Corp.
Xafer Haas, 3rd Corp.
Frederick Ulrich, 4th Corp.

Geo. Wustum
Peter Hettrich
Ernst Hueffner, Sr.
Chas. Bliss
Frank Schneider
Nicholas Stoffel
Dr. Schneider
William Sweitzer
Theodore Schulte, Sr.
Ed. Fleischer
Wolf Rapps
Albert Rapps
Nicholas Hettrich
John Bohn
Joseph Bohn
Joseph Mink
J. Bilhorn
F. Bilhorn
Nich Schmitz
Michael Kaidel
Michael Schultz
Ferdinand Elmlinger
Hieronymus Ritter
Charles Bilhorn

Infantry arms and equipment on deposit with the company, sixty stand.  The company,
in 1852, numbered about sixty-seven members.

The "Governor's Guards" had a hall of their own on the north side of Seventh, between
Main and Wisconsin streets, but it burned in 1851, and they then located at 408 Main
street, at Wustum's Hall.  Later they hired Kawelti's Hall in the building now known as
417 Sixth street.  In 1855 they turned out on Washington's birthday and were inspected
by Governor Wm. A. Barstow.

In addition to his captaincy of the "Governor's Guards," George Wustum was an
officer on the staffs of Governor's Dewey, Farwell and Barstow, and was a recruiting
officer in 1862, nder Governor Salomon.

An interesting fact in connection with the "Governor's Guards," is that out of the
organization came the first brass band in the city, of which Jacob Esser was leader, and
which numbered among its members the following well-known old citizens of Racine:

Jacob Esser
Hiram Ritter
William Horn
Christian Ritt
Theodore Ritt
John Ritt
Hubbard Brown
Thomas Evans
John Happ
____ Schmeiser
Fred Lersch
Frank Kammerer
Matt Happ

This band used to turn out with the company when it was on parade.

Edward McKee, Capt.
Thomas Falvey, 1st Lieut.
John McGinnis, 2nd Lieut.
Dennis Smith, 2nd Lieut.
Peter Jennings, Sec'y
John McGinnis, Treas.
Peter Lynch, 1st Sergt.
Thomas McKey, 2nd Sergt.
Michael Murphy, 3rd Sergt.
Thomas Hogan, 4th Sergt.
Andrew Shaw, 1st Corp.
Barney Lavin, 2nd Corp.
Gregory Flynn, 3rd Corp.
Peter Jennings, 4th Corp.

Edward McKee
Thomas Falvey
John McGinnis
Dennis Smith

Infantry arms and equipment on deposit with the company, sixty stand.  The
company numbered fifty-two members.

Jacob S. Crane, Capt.
M. Wormer, 1st Lieut.
J. Tait, 2nd Lieut.
G. Near, 2nd Lieut.
J. Near, 1st Sergt.
H. Hankin, 2nd Sergt.
W. H. Taylor, 3rd Sergt.
J. Collier, 4th Sergt.
W. Pottinger, 1st Corp.
J. Stone, 2nd Corp.
J. A. Cary, 3rd Corp.
J. Bozwell, 4th Corp.

J.S. Crane
M. Wormer
John Tait
G. Near

As near as we have been able to learn, the three companies composing the
Volunteer Corps of the city battalion viz: the Governor's Guards, The Emmett
Guards, and the City Guards, were disbanded or mustered out about 1856 or
1857, and at the beginning of the Civil War there were no organized militia
companies in the city.

(*This company had just gotten well organized at the time of the big fire in
Chicago, and offered their services to the authorities there, but they were not

The people of Racine had had enough of military matters during the Civil War
to last them for a term of years, and it was not until the spring of 1871 that 
any move was made to again organize a militia company.  In April of that year,
Mr. Robert Bell, a veteran officer in the War of the Rebellion, got together a
large number of the young men of the city, and organized the "Belle City
Guard," which was mustered into the service on May 8, 1871, and equipped
with eighty muskets and accoutrements.

Bell, Robert......Captain
Roberts, John H.....1st Lieut.
Kaiser, George......2nd Lieut.

In the winter of 1871, Geo. Kaiser was accidentally killed, and Orrin
Richardson was made 2nd lieutenant.

Martin, Peter......1st Sergt
Mills, William A.....2nd Sergt
Levi, Peter.....3rd Sergt
Outson, Jacob....4th Sergt
Wischman, Louis....5th Sergt
Howe, Samuel....6th Sergt
Fieldburg, Aug. M.....1st Corp
Bull, Frank......2nd Corp
Voigt, Herman.....3rd Corp
Judge, Patrick.....4th Corp
Mills, E F......5th Corp
Smith, A......6th Corp

Crane, James H
Healy, Frank
Freeman, Cyrus
Dingman, William
McMurtry, D

Allen, A H
Anderson, G
Asby, Richard
Aubert, J
Beach, C
Bull, G E
Beffel, Peter
Brown, J
Burdick, O J
Britz, A
Bell, C
Berry, James
Bouska, A
Bouska, H
Boernke, H
Charlette, George P
Chellis, Ed
Chlopeck, C
Cheves, John
Courtney, T S
Cahoon, E
Carre, William
Carroll, Joseph
Drop, William
Driver, A W
Driver, John
Dross, W
Dingman, C
Engerud, C
Ellarson, W
Foertsch, C
Febsen, J
George, F B
Gunther, F W
Glass, Silas
Huggins, C E
Harkins, Z
Hollister, F
Harvey, F D
Harms, J H
Harms, Claus
Hand, J E
Howard, F
Horton, William
Harcus, Robert
Hughes, John
Jenks, D
Jacobson, Chr.
King, F L
Kissinger, C
Lawton, Allan
Link, F
Le_Poedevin, A L
Mann, George
Mann, A
McHale, J K
McHale, C
Martin, P
Mills, F
McMartrice, D
Morris, Charles
Marshall, J
Miller, E F
Outson, Jacob
Patterson, D
Phelps, C C
Roberts, Henry
Roberts, E
Rittman, A
Russell, J H
Rogan, J
Reukauf, F
Stang, A
Scholz, R T
Stuart, Wesley
Spry, John
Schneider, A
Schneider, L
Sooet, S
Smith, A
Seibert, C
Thomas, J
Terbin, W
Tyrrell, C
Watts, George
Wells, J R
Winslow, J

The company was in existence less than two years, disbanding in the winter
of 1872-73, and surrendering their arms and other equipment to the state
authorities.  This action is accounted for by the lack of financial assistance
afforded by the state to volunteer companies at that time.

At the outbreak of the Spanish-American War, in April, 1898, Company F was
ordered to Camp Harvey, where all who would pass the physical examination, and
were willing to enlist, were mustered into the United States service on May 14.
Recruits to bring the roster from sixty-five to the government requirement (one
hundred) on the second call, were secured a few days later.

First Officers....
Frank M Reed, Capt
John T Vaughan, 1st Lieut
Frank M Roberts, 2nd Lieut
James W Greeley, 1st Sergt
George C Baker, 2nd Sergt
George Graves, 3rd Sergt
John Crewe, 4th Sergt
Homer Griffith, 5th Sergt
William C Hood, Q M Sergt
Christmas Evans, 1st Corp
Charles Madison, 2nd Corp
Henry J Rogers, 3rd Corp
Michael Quinn, 4th Corp
George Tait, 5th Corp
John Clancy, 6th Corp
A L Thomas, 7th Corp
Dan Castello, 8th Corp

Roster with dates of muster....

March 31, 1881.....
Bailey, George
Briggs, Oney
Carpenter, Charles
Clancy, Edwin P
Cooley, Harry
Crewe, John
Daggett, Slater
Denton, Walter
Dana, Elmer E
Clifford, John
Dickey, Charles J
Fixen, Adolph H
Fuller, Alvin R
Fuller, Frank A
Gebhardt, William H
Gorton, William H
Grant, U S
Hansen, S F
Hall, Samuel C
Johnson, Albert
Johnson, Ova
Marshall, J L
Mack, Arthur
Mohr, Charles
McClurg, Alex
McDougal, Charles S
Piggins, Harry S
Prevost, James
Ralph, William
Rowlands, John D
Reed, Albert
Rodgers, F L
Roberts, D Elmer
Rein, M C
Rodgers, Rollin A
Shute, W B Jr
Tourle, W
Smith, Charles B
Pugh, Arthur
Wadewitz, Herman O
Wishau, Francis J
Wilson, Irvin
Stevens, Frank
Brown, L C
Smith, Henry L
Wild, Al
Schnetz, Thomas N
Williams, John G
Doolittle, Henry

June 6, 1881....
Richards, Clarence J

September 1, 1881....
Clark, Edw.

October 3, 1881....
Cuzner, Frank
Forrest, Marshall C
Root, Edw

October 17, 1881....
Racine, George

October 22, 1881....
Monroe, Louis P

April, 1882....
Morgan, John D
Altringer, John C
Blandin, Fred
Cuzner, Fred
Johnson, John F
Roberts, C W
Smollen, John P
Tolfson, George

September 25, 1882....
Brotherton, Charles
Nourse, Charles
Stickle, W J
Torrey, Allan
Pratt, Andrew
Newman, Louis
Weins, M J

April 30, 1883....
Crilly, Cornelius
Kilmer, Edw
Peil, John
Van Arsdale, Edw.

September 24, 1883....
Crouch, Benjamin
Dooley, Daniel
Inman, Walter
Peil, George
Roberts, Edwin
Williams, William

April 28, 1884....
Johnson, Louis
Johnson, Edward J
Johnson, Charles J
Kister, William C
Laib, Albert
Mueller, John C
Parsons, John
Frank, Herman
Reigh, Matthew B

September 29, 1884....
Belden, E Burnett
Baumann, John
Bradley, William
Hatherel, Barney
Fisher, Floyd
Harding, Edw R
Sarles, Jesse
Tait, Gilbert
McClintock, (no first name listed)
Williams, Thomas J
Williams, Richard R
Yates, Charles

April 27, 1885....
Carpenter, Charles R
Deane, William C
Falvey, John
Mickelson, Charles
Meachem, Charles
Wood, Hubert A
Naylor, Frank

September 28, 1885....
Watterson, Carl W

April 26, 1886....
Paddock, Herbert
Murphy, Edw F

September 28, 1886....
Davis, David R
Fancher, Walter
Sieb, John
Thompson, W D
Stewart, Solomon H
Wilson, Elihu C

April 25, 1887....
Bowen, Benjamin F
Komes, William
Reynolds, Walter J
Smith, Charles S
Tecktonius, E C
Metcalf, J E

September 26, 1887....
Dunce, Charles
Foster, Fred H
Kate, Herman
White, Fred C

April 30, 1888....
Blake, Fred J
Hollister, George H
Lahr, Samuel H
Smith, Frank S

September 24, 1888....
Crawford, W B
Klema, John A
Long, Albert
Jones, Harry R
Paulson, Martin
Reed, Harry
Rose, Clifford

April 29, 1889....
Burnes, William D
Gross, Edgar L
McCullough, William G

September 30, 1889....
Christenson, Soren P
Haumerson, Fred A
Lensert, Frederick
Rittman, Louis E
Smith, John A

April 28, 1890....
Bonner, W A
Collar, Elmer
Hilker, Adolph H
Learned, John C
Kopitzke, Edward
Perkins, Robert S
Richardson, William H

September 29, 1890....
Aupke, Henry
Haebig, E W
Jones, John J
Kopplin, Paul T
Mohr, Fred
Mohr, Henry
Phelps, Frank A
Rodgers, George E
Rodgers, William

April 27, 1891....
Dickey, Glen D
Lowe, James P
Mickelson, Al C
Kooken, Newton E
Tecktonius, George C

September 28, 1891....
Bowen, John S
Barker, Fred A
Crouch, Walter
Drew, W J
Dombrowski, Michael
Doe, Ernest W
Fagan, Thomas A
Fellows, Frank E
Fielding, William A
Fostelle, Charles D
Helm, Joseph E
Lambert, Fred A
Marshall, Andrew
Matson, Paul M
Oleson, Ola
Roggenbau, Louis E
Tait, David

April 25, 1892....
Hood, John C
Held, Jacob J
Jones, Vaughan E
James, Charles M
Kitchingman, Claude B
Leslie, Thomas W
Luker, Thomas P
Meyers, Martin N
Nobles, Fred I
Rittman, William C
Skow, Clarence F
Wilson, Lawrence H

September 26, 1892....
Anderson, Anthony
Anderson, Elmer M
Dick, William H
Hansen, P W
Memhard, William F
Slaasted, Martin
Smith, William C

April 24, 1893....
Augustine, Jesse
Burdick, Fred H
Chupita, Frank
Christenson, Albert
Carlson, Walter C
Hanson, Albert H
Houghton, Fred P
Johnson, Edw M
Leonard, Gust
Leahy, George H
Lambert, Edwin H
Miller, John F
Olson, Charles
Phillips, Edward M
Rodgers, J William E
Smith, James

September 25, 1893....
Tremper, John G

April 30, 1894....
Clemons, Ward C
Gochey, Harvey F
Teucher, Conrad
Lachat, Matt G
Pritchard, George W

After April 30, '94, and before the company was mustered out on August 5,
the following names were added to the roll:

Rittman, John M
Brooker, F Moses
Driver, Paul W
Weaver, Guy C

On August 6, 1894, the company was re-organized under Capt. James W. Greeley.

August 6, 1894....
Barnes, Allan H
Buengers, J P
Carlson, Albert
Case, George N
Cleveland, Fernando
Driver, Paul W
Fielding, Frank J
Guest, George M
Heather, Richard B
Hay, Alfred E
Halloway, James F
Jones, Guilbert
Kradwell, Gus V
Lambert, E D
Larson, Albert S
Olson, Al F
Owens, John
Perrigo, George
Scott, Warren H
Stoffel, Alfred J
Sauer, F N
Stockmeyer, Benjamin E
Varel, Clarence D
Wheeler, Herbert F
Wright, Fred L
Dahlstrom, Andrew
Wendt, E G H
Bell, John

September 30, 1895....
Bishop, T F
Evans, Charles H
George, Millard F
Miller, William
Owens, John H
Yance, Harry L
Evenson, Charles F
Park, Edwin H

April 27, 1896....
Krough, Soren Olsen
Christenson, Fred A
Hermes, Edwin J
Mueller, Fred
Hanniford, Thomas A
Olson, John
Rapps, Frank E
Smale, William
Houghton, Eugene
Bryer, Ernst
George, Chilton B
Brown, Carl D
Olson, Olaf

September 28, 1896....
Brown, John S
Byard, Thomas D
Covert, Richard
Donald, Alfred F
Elliott, William C
Elliott, Grant E
Fuller, William
Huck, August J
Johnson, Henry
Myers, Edwin G
Nelson, Clemens
Patterson, Bismarck C
Thomas, Albert L
Wood, Frank L

April 26, 1897....
Clemons, Earl
Elderkin, Louis E
Houghton, Fred J
Lachat, Leonard
Smith, Jacob

September 26, 1897....
Jackson, Clint J
Kramer, Philip A
Mathews, Charles R
Pilon, George D
Strickland, William C
Schobert, Charles J
Harper, William M
Smith, Frank

On January 10, 1898, the company was again re-organized, under the leadership
of William M. Lewis, captain.


Muster-in roll of Company F, First Infantry, Wisconsin National Guard, as
re-organized January 10, 1898.  The company was mustered in by Capt. S. H.

Armstrong, William H
Barnes, Allen H
Bauman, Albert R
Beeber, Kimball H
Bull, William C
Byard, Thomas D
Bishop, Thomas T
Carlson, Albert A
Casterton, Daniel H
Collier, William E
Collier, James
Clemons, Earl A
Clemons, Ward C, 1st Lieut
Cooper, John J
Craig, James
Cram, James M
Davidson, Samuel D
Davis, Walter C
Dickinson, Edwin M
Drew, William J
Dixon, Glenn M
Elderkin, Louis E
Elliott, Dr William C
Evenson, Charles F
Flegel, Chauncey R
Gates, Samuel H
George, Chilton B
George, Millard F
Hagman, William L
Harper, William M
Heck, Max W
Herzog, George H
Hinds, James B
Hochgurtel, Fred J
Hood, John C
Horlick, Milton W
Horlick, Clarence C
Ingalls, John P
Jones, Hugh O
Kradwell, Gustave V
Lewis, William M, Captain
Leahy, George H
Matson, Paul M
MacDougall, George, Jr
Myers, Edward G
Olson, John T
Oleson, Ola M
Owens, John H
Owen, Lemuel F
Palica, Anthony J
Phelps, Frank A
Rapps, John H
Rapps, Frank E
Reiman, Hugo R
Rickeman, George W, 2nd Lieut
Rittman, John M
Rodgers, William M
Scott, Warren W
Slauson, Willis J
Smale, William
Smeiding, Herman
Smeiding, William, Jr
Sugden, Fred J
Smith, Frank H
Schobert, John C
Thompson, William T
Wheeler, Herbert F
Wills, Anson B

During the history of the company, it has been officered as follows,
commissioned officers only:

1881   Frank Reed
1882   George A Graves
1883   George A Graves
1884   John T Vaughan
1886   John T Vaughan
1888   William C Hood
1890   John T Vaughan
1892   John T Vaughan
1893   Hubert A Wood
1894   James W Greeley* (*Reorganized under Capt. James W. Greeley)
1895   Paul Matson
1896   Paul Matson
1897   Clarence D Varel

First Lieutenant....
1881   John T Vaughan
1882   John T Vaughan
1883   John T Vaughan
1884   William C Hood
1886   William C Hood
1888   C E Evans
1890   Hubert A Wood
1892   Hubert A Wood
1893   M C Forest
1894   Paul Matson
1895   George Rodgers
       Ola M Olson
1896   Clarence D Varel
1897   Ward C Clemons

Second Lieutenant....
1881   Frank M Roberts
1882   Frank M Roberts
1883   William C Hood
1884   John Crewe
1886   Christmas E Evans
1888   Hubert A Wood
1890   Herman Wadewitz
1892   Marshall C Forest
1893   Albert C Mickelson
1894   George Rodgers
1895   John Bowen
1896   Ward C Clemons
1897   Walter Carlson
       Warren W Scott

Re-organized under Capt. William M Lewis, and mustered in January 10, '98.

Captain, 1898   William M Lewis
First Lieutenant, 1898   Ward C Clemons
Second Lieutenant, 1898   George W Rickeman   


The Garfield Guards was organized August 30, 1881.  It was at first proposed
to call the company the "Belle City Rifles", but strenous objection was made
by survivors of the Civil War organization of that name, and in proper
deference to their feeling in the matter, the agitation for its adoption was
dropped.  George E. Smith was chiefly instrumental in the organization of
this company, whose first officers were:

George E Smith, Capt
Peter J Rice, 1st Lieut
Julius Zimmerman, 2nd Lieut
Fred A Schwartz, 1st Sergt
William Carre, 2nd Sergt
Austin W Irwin, 3rd Sergt
Thomas J Hart, 4th Sergt
T C Dewey, 5th Sergt
Ed. C Burgess, 1st Corp
Nic. C Berg, 2nd Corp
Charles Seaman, 3rd Corp
Frank A Weissert, 4th Corp
Lewis J Parks, 5th Corp
Fred Hopkins, 6th Corp
Henry G Meirhoff, 7th Corp
George P Olle, 8th Corp

During its entire history the company had but four captains.  Capt. Smith
was commander less than three months, when he resigned, and James W. Greeley
was elected.  William H. Brigham and Henry J. Jerstad were the only other
company commanders.

Their first armory was over Piel's grocery store, southeast corner of Sixth
street and College avenue.  Later they moved to the Hall block, northwest
corner of Main and Fourth streets, and finally they located in the Lathrop
block, east side of Monument square.

The Garfield Guards were known as Company G, of the First regiment of the
Wisconsin National Guard, and it was composed of a sturdy lot of young men,
who attended faithfully to the serious business of drill, but paid little
attention to the fancy angles of military tactics that would be necessary in
a company expecting to engage in competitive drills, or that were bent on
making a fine show at dress parade.  A specialty was made of target practice,
however, and the company achieved high standing in that important branch of
the work.

Company G, with Company F, was called out by the Governor in May, 1886, to
assist in quelling the riots in Milwaukee, and was on duty there night and
day for five days.  The boys were placed in some very difficult positions,
where they came in contact with the rioters, and acquitted themselves with
credit.  Neither of the Racine companies was called upon to fire on the mob,
but Company G, at one tense moment, was ordered to "load" and "ready", and
having previously been instructed in the hearing of the rioters, to pick out
some man and aim to kill him when the order to fire was given, the boys
admitted that they had a "queer" feeling that was an entirely new sensation.
But the mob took the hint and got out of range in time to avoid the necessity
of firing on them, to the relief of the soldiers.

W. E. Milstead had the distinction, at the time of the riots, of halting
Governor Rusk, who was attempting to pass through the lines, and whom he did
not know.  An officer noticed the incident, and came running to explain
matters, but the Governor commended the guard for his action.  It is safe to
say that Milstead needed no introduction to Governor Rusk after that meeting.

The National Guard held state camps every summer after 1882, and Companies
F and G participated in these gatherings.  Previous to 1889, when the state
purchased the Camp Douglas grounds, the encampments were held at different
cities around the state.  Twice they were located in Racine - in 1882, on
the grounds of Racine College; and in 1887, on the old fair grounds, west of
Asylum avenue, between Washington avenue and the C.M. & St. P. railway
tracks.  These camps were always a matter of perennial interest to the young
men, and to the young women as well, of the cities where they were held. It
may be interesting to note that the first encampment of the First regiment
of the Wisconsin National Guard was that held at Racine in 1882.


Louis Sieger
Henry Jerstad
Sidney Leonard
Peter Zimmers
James H Spencer
Joseph Smollen
Thomas Orr
Anthony Anderson
Jerry Becker
Gustav Klenz
Louis Strang
Ed Smith
Fred Bloom
George Pottinger
John Harrington
______ Mause
W T G Roberts
Richard Griffith
Charles Gutman
George Olla
George Carey
W E Milstead
Alfred Hewitt
______ Leonard
August Anderson
Charles Harrington
Peter W Hanson
Jacob Henken
Charles Goodman

During its history, the Garfield Guards was officered as follows
(commissioned officers only):

Aug '81   George E Smith
Nov '81   James W Greeley
Oct '82   James W Greeley
Apr '83   James W Greeley
Sept '83   James W Greeley
Apr '84   James W Greeley
Sept '84   James W Greeley
Apr '85   James W Greeley
Sept '85   William H Brigham
Apr '86   William H Brigham
Sept '86   William H Brigham
Apr '87   William H Brigham
Sept '87   William H Brigham
Apr '88   William H Brigham
Sept '88   William H Brigham
Apr '89   Henry Jerstad
Sept 89   Henry Jerstad
Apr '90   Henry Jerstad
Sept '90   Henry Jerstad
Apr '91   Henry Jerstad
Sept '91   Henry Jerstad
Apr '92   Henry Jerstad

First Lieutenants....
Aug '81   Peter J Rice
Oct '82   Peter J Rice
Apr '83   Marcellus A Bowers
Apr '84   N L Murray
Sept '84   N L Murray
Apr '85   N L Murray
Sept '85   Austin W Irwin
Apr '86   Austin W Irwin
Sept '86   Austin W Irwin
Apr '87   Austin W Irwin
Sept '87   Austin W Irwin
Apr '88   Austin W Irwin
Sept '88   Austin W Irwin
Apr '89   Austin W Irwin
Sept '89   Austin W Irwin
Apr '90   Alfred B Carman
Sept '90   William E Milstead
Apr '91   William E Milstead
Sept '91   William E Milstead
Apr '92   William E Milstead

Second Lieutenants....
Aug '81   Julius Zimmerman
Oct '82   Fred A Schwartz
Apr '83   Nicholas L Murray
Sept '83   Nicholas L Murray
Apr '84   Wm H Brigham
Sept '84   Wm H Brigham
Apr '85   Wm H Brigham
Sept '85   Louis Hagios
Apr '86   Louis Hagios
Sept '86   Louis Hagios
Apr '87   Louis Hagios
Sept '87   Henry Jerstad
Apr '88   Henry Jerstad
Sept '88   Henry Jerstad
Apr '89   Chris. Milstead
Sept '89   Alfred B Carman
Apr '90   Charles Chaffee
Sept '90   Peter W Hanson
Apr '91   Peter W Hanson
Sept '91   Peter W Hanson
Apr '92   Peter W Hanson

Capt. Jerstad resigned July 8, 1892, and from that date until their muster out,
October 6, 1892, the company was without a captain, but was in command of its
first lieutenant, W. E. Milstead.

(*the duplication of a name in this roster, signifies a re-enlistment, or a
re-instatement of that man.)


August 23, 1881
Anderson, P
Baldwin, George
Broadgate, Charles
Bowers, A Marcello
Carls, William
Cumyns, John
Fahey, Michael W
Fish, George L
Freyer, W A
Goodwin, Frank P
Graves, Charles F
Graves, Clarence H
Graves, Herbert A
Green, George L
Hagios, Louis
Harrison, James K
Heilman, Charles G
Heist, John
Hewitt, Alfred G
Higgie, W J
Hopkins, _____
Howe, William H
Johnson, John A
Kawelti, John J
Ludwig, H F W
Lewis, A D
Lossel, Joseph P
Mack, Paul
Morgan, John D
Maguire, Thomas H
McMasters, John F
Neils, Peter
Nelson, Jacob
Noe, John
Piel, John
Piel, F C
Piel, George
Peters, Henry
Poulson, Charles
Pugh, Arthur
Pushee, Everett
Richards, John J
Root, Everett
Roberts, W G
Roy, Chester G
Singer, George E
Skow, Charles J
Suelflohn, Martin
Swan, H R
Tolfson, John
Tolfson, George
Weins, Theo.
Wendt, E G H
Williams, Edw.
Williams, William J

April, 1882
Nelson, Joseph
Finch, W J
Harrington, Charles
Curwin, John
Harlis, William
Dunham, Charles
Johnson, James P
Inman, W
Merton, Herman
Murray, Nicholas L
Nelson, P
Smollen, J A
Smith, Peter
Sullivan, J
Meyers, Joseph

October, 1882
Murphy, James A
Brigham, William H
Smollen, Michael
Smollen, Thomas
Zimmers, Matthew W

April, 1883
Bickett, George W

September, 1883
Baldwin, Harry
Bernhardt, Jacob A
Connelly, William
France, John J
Gere, Charles
Hanche, George
Kvicala, Emmett
Klema, Joseph
Mathias, William
O'Day, Charles
Pfeifer, John
Pahalon, Henry
Schoenleben, Fred
Swan, Herbert R

April, 1884
Fellows, Harry
Klenz, Gustav
Lyons, John
Milstead, William E
Milstead, Christopher
Wetherell, John

September, 1884
Chaffee, Woodbry
Jerstad, Henry

April, 1885
Bronoske, Gustav
Carman, Alfred
Chaffee, Charles
Koehler, John
Koehneman, Gustav
Osius, Charles L
Schriver, Christian
Sullivan, Thomas
Zeck, John

September, 1885
Meyers, Otto

April, 1886
Blish, William H
Hewitt, Alfred G
Heck, Jacob P
Huhn, Herman
Hanson, Peter
Heck, Frank
King, George
Larson, Charles
Roberts, William T G
Sorenson, Peter
Sorenson, Ole

September, 1886
Austin, John
Fielding, Frank
Lansing, Fred
Pahl, Arnold
Schenk, John

April, 1887
Bauman, Benjamin
Bishop, William

September, 1887
Anton, Peter
Baldwin, Harry
Clark, James H
Evans, Louis
Iselin, William
Bailey, Frank
Maus, Matthias
Olla, William
Olla, George P
Sieger, Louis
Coultes, Thomas

April, 1888
Anderson, James
Balser, Andrew
Hanken, John
Hagios, Louis
Johnson, George
Lockowitz, Joseph
Sisco, John M
Stopper, William

September, 1888
Jensen, Nels
McCue, John
Myers, Axel
Zimmers, Peter

April, 1889
Anderson, Henry
Cary, George
Hanche, George
Hewitt, Alfred G
Milstead, William E
Hanson, John
Klenz, Eustace
Roberts, William T G
Sorenson, Peter
Spencer, John H
Stopper, Louis
Griffith, Richard J
Harrington, Charles
Schoenleben, Frederick

September, 1889
Billings, Jacob
Brigham, William H
Chaffee, Woodbry
Christman, Peter
Gunston, Frank
Gutman, Charles J
Leonard, Sidney
Niberg, Victor H
Odell, Louis
Quigley, Charles G
Sorenson, Ole
Smollen, Joseph B

April, 1890
Backer, Jerry
Bloom, Fred
Ellis, Albert
Harrington, Charles
Hanson, Peter
Hulm, Herman
Milstead, William E
Moe, John
Orr, Thomas
Roberts, William T G
Schoenleben, Fred
Strang, William

September, 1890
Anderson, Anthony
De Garis, George
Edwards, Guy
Hatchwell, Frederick T
O'Malley, Anthony
Pottinger, George M
Smith, Edward
Vincent, William
Klenz, Gustav

April, 1891
Cooper, Samuel
Coling, Floyd E
Gatfield, Earl
Moline, Oscar
Voss, Edward E
Wolf, Charles

September, 1891
Sieger, Louis
Baldwin, Owen
Delpsch, Charles
Disher, Charles M
Dorr, Francis E
Frederickson, Paul
Gribbohm, William
Leickem, Henry
Leickem, Jacob
Luchason, Hugo W
Millstead, Ernest
Powell, Lewis C
Summerton, Harry
Williams, William J
Olson, Charles

April, 1892
Brinkman, William K
Cook, John H
Hepworth, Joseph
Smith, John J


Not long after the close of the Spanish-American War, an attempt was made
by Capt. William M. Lewis and a few other veterans of that war, to organize
a military company in Racine, to become a part of the Wisconsin National
Guard.  A meeting was called at the rink which was attended by a large
number of eligible young men, but only thirty of them volunteered for
membership, and although Col. B.H. Dally, of Milwaukee, was present for the
purpose of mustering in a new company, the project was abandoned, and since
the Spanish-American War, Racine has had no company in the National Guard.

As this book goes to press, in March, 1915, a movement is on foot to
organize a militia company in Racine, and to secure the assurance of the
state authorities that such a company, when organized, will be one of the
eight new companies to be added to the National Guard of Wisconsin in the
near future.  Bancroft Camp, United Spanish War Veterans, have taken the
initiative in the matter, and a committee composed of John Hood, Paul
Matson and Richard Drake have the preliminaries in charge.