Diary of Almeda Esther Brown 1896 Saturday 1.25 Margette here today. Went with her to see Mrs. Wayt, first time in five weeks, have been sick, found Mrs. W. had failed much in looks. Sunday 1.26 Quarterly meeting. Elder Creightin preached, stayed here Sat. night. Beautiful weather, fine wheeling. Attended church first time since the last Sabbath in Dec. Monday 1.27 Nice day, not able to wash. Received a letter from sister Coffsen. Wrote a letter to Ivah in the evening. Tuesday 1.28 A white frost this morning, sun shines the first time (for as long) since week ago today. Clouds come over the sun about 11 AM. Mrs. Utter spent the day with us. Mr. Bayley and Pauline called in the afternoon. Officers are to be elected for the G. T. Lodge tonight, wish I could go. Grandma is feeling better of her lameness today. Wednesday 1.29 Warm, thawed so the roads are muddy. Had a letter from Josie saying Roy is sick. Went to call on Hattie in the PM. Mr. Berky lectured at the Hall in the evening, could not go. Sunshine most of the day. Thursday 1.30 Washed some this morning for the first since last Monday in Dec. Foggy all day. Prayer meeting to Mrs. Humbert's in the evening. Zellie carried the speaker of last night to Waterford. Friday 1.31 Very dark misty weather. Roads quite muddy. Bert went to Mukwonago to mill, didn't get home till after dark, said they have the small pox at Hardens. Young people met to Zellie's to rehearse their Drama. Saturday 2.1 Still thaws and roads bad. Froze some at night. Sunday 2.2 Went to church, heard Elder Hubbard. Heard that Mrs. Ward had died this morning about 9 o'clock. Elder Hubbard gave notice of a meeting of the Free Baptists at 6 PM held at Dell Utters. Young people elected officers at their meeting in the evening. Monday 2.3 Considerable snow on the ground this morning. Storms so cannot wash. Ironed the last of the clothes we washed last Thurs. Tuesday 2.4 This afternoon attended the funeral of our dear friend, Mrs. Ellen Ward. Br. Willson preached from Ps. 116:15. Mrs. Bayley, Mrs. J. Peacock, A. West and A. Peacock sang, never shall hear Ellen sing again in this world. God grant we may in the next. Wednesday 2.5 Washed in forenoon. Reka here in the afternoon, very pleasant weather. Thursday 2.6 Received a letter from Josie saying Roy is no better. Mopped and ironed in the forenoon, had wood sawers. The prayer meeting was held here in the evening, had a good attendance and interesting meeting. Br. Willson and wife stayed all night. Saturday 2.8 Mrs. Davis came in the morning, stayed while Mark was gone to Mukwonago. Sunday 2.9 Went to meeting. Br. Willson preached a very interesting sermon from "Oh wretched man that I am, who shall deliver me from the body of this death." Showed the folly of expecting to be saved by works or trying to obey the law. Received $4 from collections taken on Elder Hubbard's day, during the past year they had nearly $12. Monday 2.10 Washed - - snowed and blowed so did not hang out the clothes. Received a short letter from Josie written Thursday PM. Roy no better. Tuesday 2.11 Hung out the clothes but had a great time with them. It blowed so quite cold in the morning but nice in the afternoon. Bert took mother over to see Mrs. Utter in the morning - - went for her about 4 PM. First time she had been out. Another letter from Josie written yesterday. Part of it - - Roy's temp. down to 102.5, first time as low. The Young People went to Lodge. Parks sale today. Fred Kenure bought the farm, gave his $10,000. Wednesday 2.12 Stormed all day, light snow and wind. Finished making Bert's basket for the sociable. Ironed and baked some cake. They went to the sociable, had a good attendance. 24 baskets sold for $13 - - a leap year social. In the afternoon, Zellie went out collecting on the minister's salary. Brought home $9.50 and had $17 more signed. Thursday 2.13 Some sleighs on the road last night and today. Zellie went to Burlington after Lon Talcott. Went with the buggy and Fox, came home about 4 PM. All went to Lon's to prayer meeting except GM & I. Zellie went with sleigh to take a load. Bert with cutter. Cut & fitted a basque for Mother. Sewed some on the machine. Tired out. Friday 2.14 Nice day - - cutters and sleighs flying. Finished Mother's waist. Boys went to Mukwonago. Went to practice for their play in the evening. I felt quite badly in forenoon - - better in afternoon. Slept well at night. Saturday 2.15 Bright sunshine today. Worked about house all forenoon. Rested and read in the afternoon. Letter from Josie tonight. Roy some better. She and Velna sick. Sunday 2.16 Colder - - 6 above 0. Did not go to meeting. No one went form here but Zellie. Monday 2.17 Washed quite a large washing. Do not feel very tired. Baked cookies in afternoon. Looks like storm. Elder Hubbard took dinner to Zellie's. Wrote a letter to Josie in afternoon. Tuesday 2.18 Snow squalls all day. Unpleasant - - but not cold, until evening it grew colder. The young people intended to have their play at the Hall but was disappointed because Stephens was detained on account of a belated train caused by snow drifts on RR track. They came home about 9 o'clock, very much disheartened. I wrote a letter to Mr. Websters in the evening and read articles concerning Siberia in Century Mag. Wednesday 2.19 Very cold this morning. 6 below 0. High wind continued all day. 5 below at sundown. Finished making Mother's skirt, commenced it yesterday, all but embroidery which we have not on hand. Thursday 2.20 8 below this morning. Cold all day, still cold at night. Prayer meeting at Hattie Simmons. I wanted to go but could not. The young folks are to practice for the play after prayer meeting. Received a letter from sister Coffeen this morning. Bert drew wood into the woodhouse this PM. Had oysters for dinner. Friday 2.21 7 below 0 in the morning, grew warmer. The evening very pleasant. They had a good attendance at the play. Took in over $12. Zellie and Mattie visited at Clem Van Valin's. Saturday 2.22 Very much warmer. Thawed some. Mother rode over to call on Hattie. Went to the store. Bought me 6 yds. bleached cloth. Had a letter from Josie. Roy improving some. Sunday 2.23 GM and I went to church in the morning. Br. Willson preached, text - - Jer. 12:5. I also went to the evening meeting. Enjoyed it much. Thawed all day. No snow left but drifts. Monday 2.24 Washed clothes. Did not dry, wind in the east cloudy. Kenure's moving hay and wood. Wrote to Josie in evening and read some of Washington's lit. Josie and Velna taken sick abed. Tuesday 2.25 Nice day. Nothing special. Commenced my nightdress that GM bought the cloth for Saturday. Wednesday 2.26 Ironed, made cookies, sewed some while Mother and Mattie were gone. Mattie brought me calico for a dress. GM went to see Phillip who has his shoulder broke. Bert went to mill to Mukwonago. Roads very muddy. Had a letter from Emma this morning, one from Ivah this PM. Thursday 2.27 Finished my nightdress and read some this PM. Intended to go to Prayer Meeting which was to Freemont's but got disappointed. Friday 2.28 A little colder this morning. Ground frozen some. Bright nice day. Br. Williams and wife stayed to Zellie's all night last night. Did not have much housework to do today. Mended most of the time. 28 above tonight. Lovely moon light - - but bad roads. Saturday 2.29 Cold wind all day. Done Saturday work. Cooked beans. Knit some in afternoon. Read. Wrote a letter to Emma in the evening. Mattie went to the temple. Brought me a letter from Joe saying Roy is gaining - - fever left. Myrna McGuire sick with fever. Velna not well. Sunday 3.1 A little snow on the ground this morning. Snowed and blowed but cleared up about 10. Zellie & I went to meeting. Elder H. preached. 14 people present & one child. Hear Aunt Betsy has the grippe. Very pleasant afternoon. Monday 3.2 Washed. Good day to dry clothes. Cut & sewed some rags in afternoon. Tuesday 3.3 Somewhat cloudy most of the day. When Bert came from the factory brought word that Mr. Van Valin is dead. Died suddenly about 10 PM March 2. Mother & I went over there. Aunt Betsy some better than she has been. Mother stopped to Hattie's. I came home, got dinner, etc. Kenurs seem to have finished moving their household goods. Saw her & Mary and the gear go past. Wednesday 3.4 Cold wind. Ironed in afternoon. Ripped up Mother's silk dress. Thursday 3.5 Grandma's birthday - - 82. She & I went to Emogene's in the morning. Attended Mr. Van Valin's funeral. Br. Willson preached Ps. 19:15. Mr. Van's four sons were the bearers. Went to Emogene's after the funeral. Stayed till night. Rode home with Zellie. Had been to Waterford. Rained. Jessie Bradley sent GM her picture for her birthday. Also wrote that Josie & Velna are sick. Friday 3.6 Very icy. Rained and froze. GM has a cold, coughs & wheezes badly. Dr. called & gave her some medicine. Is some better at night. Cut out my dress. Saturday 3.7 Nice day. Went to Mattie's a short time. They had company, Peacocks & Van Valin's. Br. Willson came here and stayed all night. Sunday 3.8 Nice weather all day. Went to church. Br. Willson preached concerning the ministry. Took a collection for the conference claiments. Appointed me to take the money. Heard today Fred Gerkie has come back. Saw Frank Van Aernam & Floriman Van. They all feel badly about their father's death. Monday 3.9 Washed. Wind in the east. Dried the clothes so I brought them in soon after noon. Commenced snowing about 2:30. Snowed till night. Mother is not as well tonight - - wheezes badly. Taken more cold I think - - would hang out clothes and empty water. Tuesday 3.10 Quite a little show on the ground & still snowing. Ironed and worked on my dress. Evening pleasant. Our folks went to the Lodge - - one initiation. Wednesday 3.11 Quite a good day. Snowed some in the morning. Mattie went to her mother's. Considerable colder. Delwin U. up here. Had a letter from Emma, she is taking care of Josie & family. O that terrible fever. Mother is quite poorly. Coughs so much. Thursday 3.12 Sun shines but is cold. Thermometer down to 0. Zellie & Mattie went to Dora Butke's to prayer meeting. He had $14 to take to the minister. He was there. Finished my dress today. Friday 3.13 Therm. Down to 0 but grew warmer. Bright sunshine all day. Worked on Mother's silk dress - - think this the last time I will make it over. GM is quite poorly. Claude and his Pa are breaking the pony to drive. Saturday 3.14 Done Saturday's work, baking, etc. Considerable warmer, some cloudy in afternoon. Bert gone to Mukwonago after medicine for GM. In the evening I went to the children's entertainment - - by the children of the Temple. It was very nice - - they done so well. Zellie stayed with GM. Had a letter from Roy. He is gaining. Had oysters for supper. Sunday 3.15 Zellie & I went to church. Elder Hubbard was nearly sick - - not fit to preach but talked as usual. A very good congregation for this place. Monday 3.16 Washed. A very good day. Rested and read in afternoon. Sent a package to Emma. Zellie took it to Beulah. Tuesday 3.17 Ironed & worked on GM's silk dress after the other work was done. Had a card from Emma written Sunday. They are all better. Mother feels better today but coughs so much. Bert set a hen in south side hog pen. Wednesday 3.18 Stormed all day - - fine snow. Worked on Mother's dress all day after the morning work. Zellie & Mattie went to Clara Peacock's in afternoon. Thursday 3.19 Zellie's birthday. Had prayer meeting there. Mrs. Davis came in afternoon. Went to meeting. Sunday 3.22 Brother Willson preached a temperance sermon, very fine. Mattie, Mrs. Davis and I went in the road wagon. Zellie walked. Nice day. Bert went to Spring Prairie after Carrie. Got home about 8 PM. I wrote to Emma. Monday 3.23 Washed. Quite windy. Wind in the east. Clothes dried. Hired man came in the afternoon. Tuesday 3.24 Went to Hattie's & sewed all day. Brought home her dress waist. Had a letter from Emma and Josie is getting along well. Wednesday 3.25 Ironed, baked, mopped in forenoon. Went to the society at Clara Peacock's in afternoon, sewed rags for her. 18 ladies present. Thursday 3.26 Hattie came about 11 AM. Carrol with her. We worked on her gingham dress. Earl & Pearl came in the afternoon. Zellie, Mattie & Bert went to prayer meeting at George Peacock's. Friday 3.27 Sewed nearly all day on Hattie's dress. Went to Mattie's in the evening. George & Jen, Benn & Belle Peacock there. Benn & wife very much engaged in their new work = so very glad. Wind blew hard all day, rained some in the evening. Saturday 3.28 A rainy day - - first this spring. Housework & mending occupied the day with a nap in the afternoon. Sunday 3.29 Went to church. Reorganized S. S. Purvis, Superintendent; Jenn Peacock, Assit. Superintendent; Vinne, Sec.; Bert, Treasurer. Monday 3.30 Very warm. Seemed like summer. Washed, cleaned the wood house floor. GM cleaned up the house "so it wouldn't look quite like a hog pen when Josie came." Had a letter from Emma saying Josie & Roy were not coming Tuesday. Tuesday 3.31 Very windy in the afternoon. GM and I went to see Mrs. Oborne. Found them washing. She is quite poorly. When we came back found Charley home preparing to move. Went in the store. Mother bought some embroidery for her skirt. Wednesday 4.1 Wind blew harder than yesterday and very cold. Bert took two loads of goods to Mukwonago for Charley Simmons. Henry came & he, Zellie and hired man killed the hog. Bert, Carrie, Frank Oberne & Jessie visited at Ollie Van Valin's in the evening. Thursday 4.2 Snow on the ground and everything froze up, frost on the windows. Cold all day. Zellie & Mattie went to Mrs. Humbert's to prayer meeting. They had been to her father's for dinner. Friday 4.3 Warmer, quite a nice day. Bert finished moving Charley's folks. They were all here to dinner. Bert and all the young people went to Freemont's to a party. Reported a very nice time. I cut up & tried lard. Mariette and Etta called just at night. Saturday 4.4 Made out to get the hog cut up, pork scalded and head cheese made & various other things done. Bert went to Buttles after a half bbl and salted pork in it. He went to Mukwonago in the afternoon to mill. Zellie & Mattie went to E. Wedges. A very nice day. Sunday 4.5 All went to church - - hired man and all. Br. W. preached a Missionary sermon. Had a good congregation. Mr. & Mrs. Griffin there. The Endeavor Society from the Bend came down in the evening. Jenn P. was the leader here. They had a very fine meeting, so all say. Monday 4.6 Washed with my new soap, done very nicely. Mattie & I went to the store in afternoon. I called to see Melva Ward who I heard yesterday was sick. Found her up about the house. Called at Reka's and Mrs. Peacock's. Bert & John ploughed in afternoon. Earl S. came and brought us some parsnips. Pleasant day but cold wind. Tuesday 4.7 Ironed and done other work. In afternoon put the embroidery on GM's skirt dress and on my night dress. Zellie & Mattie went to Leon Humbert's to their tin wedding. Bert & John went to town meeting in forenoon. Ploughed in PM. Bert went to lodge. Quite windy & cold. Letter from Josie saying they are all gaining & Emma is at Mrs. Bradley's. Mrs. B. has a boy baby born Apr. 2, 1896. Wednesday 4.8 Very cold east wind but was not frozen so the boys both went to plowing this morning. Zellie gone after the grist this PM. Thursday 4.9 Warmer. Cut GM's dress. Went with Zellie and Mattie to prayer meeting to Clem Van Valin's. Mrs. Perkins nearly sick with a cold. Had a very good meeting. Enjoyed it very much. Minnie Patterson had a boy baby born about 7pm. Friday 4.10 Worked on Mother's dress. Bert went to see Carrie in the evening. Rained, blew, thundered & lightning in the night. Rained very hard. Saturday 4.11 Wet in the morning. Bert went to Mukwonago. GM went along to see Hattie in the afternoon. They raked the front yard. After that Bert went to ploughing. Al Patterson had word his father was sick. Went to Milwaukee. He died that day. Age 8-. Earl & Pearl Simmons came down in afternoon. Stayed all night. Went to SS and church next day. Took he first hen with chickens off. Had 8. Sunday 4.12 Went to meeting. Elder Hubbard preached good. Had a large SS. Took in $1.04. Very warm - - 80 above. Claudie sick in the morning. Stayed with me all night. Monday 4.13 Rainy and windy. Washed but did not put out the white clothes. About 4 PM, Zellie & I went to attend the burial of Mr. Patterson. Before they were ready, there came a bad storm, wind & rain. Stopped raining so they buried him about 6 o'clock - - so wet. The women could not go to the grave. I stayed down to Reka's. Sewed rags in the evening. Had a letter from Emma. Tuesday 4.14 Bright morning. Put out the white clothes. Washed some. Bert went to Beulah after their seed corn, then helped me wash carpet. Ploughed in the afternoon. Reka was here in PM. I cut over Mattie's blue cape. Was very tired. Claude stayed with me. His Pa & Ma went to Lodge. Bert did not go. Warm day. Clarence Oborne came selling meat. Wednesday 4.15 Very warm & windy. 80 above. Ironed. 9 AM had been set to pray from Leon Tallcott's healing. Mother raked the back yard some & worked in the front yard. Clark brothers bought two hogs & a calf. Mended my dress & stockings for myself & Mother. Had a postal from Josie, not coming this week. Zellie done the first sowing the spring. Sowed the lot above the house and some more. Thursday 4.16 Very warm - - 85 at noon. Mattie took Claudie to see the Dr. He has the jaundice. Zellie spaded up a place and set out some onions Reka gave him in the afternoon after he finished sowing the lot below the orchard. Turned the cows out on the rye below the orchard. Don't like it very well. In the evening, Zellie and I went to prayer meeting at the church. Friday 4.17 Rained some in the morning. Commenced to tear up some up stairs in the hall. A man & boy called to get dinner selling essences etc. The wind changed into the east, was cooler in the afternoon. Mother, Claude and I went to the store. Bought paper for the west chamber, est. only 30 if three rolls will be enough. Showery all day. Saturday 4.18 Pleasant - - so they worked on the land. Ploughed turf - - too wet for other land. John ploughed a strip in the garden for strawberry plants. Zellie started the plow on the east end of the pasture. Bert went at it in the afternoon. Zellie tied up raspberry buses and blackberries. I helped him some. In the morning, after baking two pies, a cake and bread, GM & I cut up the hams, cooked & packed them in a jar. Rested in the afternoon most of the time. We all went to Zellie's in the evening to eat ice cream. Rained very hard in the night. Sunday 4.19 Nice day. Went to SS & church. Bert took me, drove Fox. Br. Willson preached a very excellent sermon - - subject "the earnest of the spirit." Read and rested in the afternoon. Took a hen off with 5 chicks. Monday 4.20 Rained very hard about 10 A.M. Washed. Took up the kitchen carpet - - ripped it apart. Cleaned the floor. Dug dandelion greens and made them ready for dinner next day. Very tired. Wrote a letter to Emma. Tuesday 4.21 Quite cool this morning and pleasant. Baked bread & cookies and fried cake. Washed flannel sheets and other things. In afternoon took up the carpet in west chamber, cleaned the floor & blacked the stove. GM worked so hard she is tired out at night. Cows turned in the woods to eat grass. Wednesday 4.22 White frost this morning. A very beautiful day. Ironed. Made a pie. GM cleaned the windows and door in west chamber. I whitewashed & papered some. Claudie went to school today - - first time since he was sick. Thursday 4.23 Went to papering in the morning. About 9 it commenced raining so Bert helped and we washed the kitchen carpet - - after which I finished papering and put down the carpet. Bert finished setting out his strawberries. He went to a lecture and exhibition of views from Pilgrims Progress in the evening. Friday 4.24 Cleaned the hall upstairs. Took up the carpet. In the afternoon, Emogene called. Stayed till 4 o'clock so we had a chance to rest. Saturday 4.25 Done a good lot of Saturday work. Whitewashed the hall; cleaned it & the stairs; put down the stair carpet. I went to Mukwonago. Took Hattie's washer home. Found them very well settled. Bought some shades for the west chamber windows. Zellie made garden in the forenoon. George planted potatoes for them. Received a letter from Josie. They are all getting along well. Sunday 4.26 Went to church & SS. Elder Hubbard preached. Rained hard in evening so there was no meeting. Monday 4.27 Washed. Very nice day, very warm. In middle of afternoon, the lame peddler came. Bought towels. Wilcock called with maple sugar. I cut and hemmed some carpet for Bert's room, cleaned the wood house floor, gathered greens for dinner next day. The boys finished sowing oats. Tuesday 4.28 Ironed, then commenced cleaning & papering the clothes room. About three, started off calling. Went to Jennie Utters, Jen Peacocks, after eggs came back to store. Bought paper for our bedrooms. Called at Minnie Patterson's to see her baby and talk with Reka. Looked like a shower first of the evening. No one went to Lodge but Zellie. Sewed carpet in evening. Had a letter from Emma; also from Ivah. E. talks of going back to St. Paul. Wednesday 4.29 Finished the clothes room and cleaned the rest of the chamber and stairs. Mrs. Utter & Mariette called in afternoon. Wrote to Emma in evening. Baked bread. Thursday 4.30 Sowed some sweet peas. Bert spaded up the bed in front yard. Made a pie plant pie. Mrs. Utter brought the pie plant. Worked some in my bedroom in afternoon. Went to Ollie Van Valin's to a birthday party for Aunt Betsy. She is 80. Quite feeble for her. Had a very nice supper. Amelia is a good cook. Mrs. D., Mrs. P., Mrs. W., GM & myself, Mrs. U., Margaret H. & Carrie were there. Went to prayer meeting - - 8 people present. George finished planting potatoes for the boys. Friday 5.1 Very busy day. Papered & cleaned my room. Very tired tonight. Very hard thunderstorm commenced about milking time. Lasted till 8 o'clock. Saturday 5.2 Baked bread, cake, pie. Cleaned my bedroom window, etc. Mopped the kitchen and pantry after dinner. Think we will rest the rest of the afternoon. Bert went to Mukwonago this morning. Sunday 5.3 Went to SS and church as usual. Read & slept in afternoon. Carrie came over to dinner, stayed till time for evening meeting. Mrs. Hunter led the meeting. Had a very good one they reported. Monday 5.4 Done a large washing. Nice still day -- clothes dried finely. Got dandelion greens. Zellie went to Hales Corners. Bought 7 pigs, 1.95 a piece. Tuesday 5.5 Reka came to help us clean. We cleaned a papered GM's bedroom, took up the sitting room carpet, mopped the floor. Very warm -- 86. Mattie went to Mukwonago. Bought paper for her sitting room and bedroom. They had open lodge. Wednesday 5.6 Cleaned pantry & kitchen, also wood work in sitting room. Sewed the kitchen carpet. Very warm -- 86. I took Reka home at night. Went to the store. Brought home some lilac blossoms. Thursday 5.7 Ironed, made pie. Very warm -- 87. Zellie made some garden. John Genk came to paper at Zellie's. In the afternoon, we cleaned the cupboard and rubbed up the silver. Friday 5.8 Baked bread & cake. We cleaned the little room and washed the bay window. Pauline called in afternoon. I put up my curtain. Saturday 5.9 Done Sat. work. Cleaned the last window in sitting room. Put up some screens, sewed the sitting room carpet together. Hot -- 90. Genk came at noon. Painted the sitting room. Don't like the color of the sides. Sunday 5.10 Elder Hubbard preached as usual. Mother went and Zellie and I. Warm dust flies -- 88 at noon. They received John Young & wife into the newly reorganized Free Baptist church. Went to meeting in the evening. Monday 5.11 Done a very large washing. Very still nice day. In afternoon, painted the chamber door & stair railing; also cellar door. Sowed flower seeds. Had a letter from Josie. Tuesday 5.12 Reka helped us clean. Put down the sitting room carpet and kitchen. Cleaned the parlor. Rained some just at night. I baked bread, pies and cake. Made chicken pot-pie for dinner. Took off two sitting hens. Had 8 chicks between them. Put them with one hen. Wednesday 5.13 Went over to the store in the morning. Called at Clara Peacock's and John Smith's. Reka was papering there. Came home near ten. Cleaned the wood house. Bert took out the chip dirt at noon. Towards night, picked greens, horse radish and plantain. GM washed her two dresses. The weather had changed so was quite cool. Thursday 5.14 Ironed. Done up the white curtains. Mother helped so we made out to get done at dinner time. Much cooler, very high wind so we though not best to go to prayer meeting. Put up the curtains in afternoon. Had a hard shower so the men got very wet in PM. Friday 5.15 Washed some of the mens clothes, the cushion covers, etc. Ironed them. Worked at the plants and cutting grass in the front yard. Clara P. called. She came in her wheel. Was very tired at night. Baked bread today. Saturday 5.16 Baked pie, cake and ginger cookies. Cooked beans. Mopped all before dinner. Cloudy & windy in afternoon. Done some mending and fixed my dress sleeves. The men began to plant field corn in afternoon. Had a hard thunder shower and wind in evening, also in the night. Looked out references for Mattie. Sunday 5.17 So very windy. Went to church. Br. W. preached a good sermon from "What think ye of Christ." In afternoon, Bert went to see Carrie. Monday 5.18 A large wash again, but was done about 10. In afternoon, GM and Mattie went to Waterford. GM bought her a nice black shawl -- 5.00. Bought me a lawn dress. I mended some, took a nap, attended to the chicks, etc. Tuesday 5.19 Ironed, baked bread, had lettuce for dinner -- the first. In afternoon, went calling. Called to see Irvin Gerkie who is sick with inflammation of the bowels. Went to Mulany's. Found her gone. Lariesia cleaning house. Minnie Lipkie & little girl were there. Called at Mrs. Cate's and at Grace Utter's. Arrived home about 5 PM. Wednesday 5.20 Frank Obern & Jessie Brimer married today. Bert & Carrie went to Mukwonago in evening. Quite cold but no frost. Grew warmer in the night -- had a thunder shower. Thursday 5.21 Went to the store and to Smiths after the chairs he had been painting. Mr. & Mrs. Griffin were here to dinner (had greens). He is selling washing machines. I have not done much this afternoon. GM cut grass in the front yard. Took off a hen with 10 chickens. Another had 6. Put them with one hen. Went to prayer meeting. Had 15 present. Saturday 5.23 Worked as usual. Earl Simmons came down on a bicycle in afternoon. Bert went out to Beulah St. Bought a carriage of Schaub. Paid $63. GM gave him $50 towards it. Mother & I went to the cemetery this afternoon. I stopped to the store & bought me some shoes and a dress. Sunday 5.24 Rode to church in Bert's new buggy. Elder Hubbard held communion service for what he calls the Free Baptist church. Had shower in the night. Thundered very hard. Hear of great damage done in different places. Monday 5.25 Washed -- tried the machine -- done very well. In afternoon, moved the stove. Put down the other bredth of carpet. Had strawberries for supper, picked from our vines. Very tired. Cleaned the wood house floor. Baked bread. Tuesday 5.26 Baked lemon pie, fried cake and made two other kinds of cake. Mrs. Hunt and Aunt Betsey here to dinner. Mrs. West came in afternoon, also Josie Davis. Very pleasant visit. Cool and pleasant day. Mrs. Mary Davis was not well enough to come. Wednesday 5.27 Ironed. About noon Jim Billet came to see us. Has had his leg broken. Rained very hard in afternoon. The ZTS made ice cream but few came to the Hall -- such a bad night. Mrs. Wood came in the evening. Thursday 5.28 Had strawberry short-cake for dinner. Mrs. Wood and I went to Josie Davis in afternoon -- visited with Mrs. Hunt and others. Friday 5.29 Went to the cemetery with Mrs. Wood who had stayed at Emogene's last night. Found Elmer Ward there setting out plants on his mother's & brother's graves. We went to Pauline's to dinner. Stayed till 3 o'clock. Brought Mrs. W. to Amelia Talcott's. Came home. She came over here with Mattie. Stayed all night. Saturday 5.30 Charles Smith & wife came along and took Mrs. Wood to Mukwonago to go home. Mrs. Hunt went yesterday = Jessie and wife came for her about nine AM. I took Mother over to visit with Mrs. Davis -- came back and done the Sat. work. Picked a pail of strawberries. After supper went after GM. Bert went to Mukwonago to a concert by & for the band. Sunday 5.31 Went to SS. No preaching. Br. Willsen held memorial services at Waterford. Zellie & Mattie went. No leader of young people meeting. Jessie and Frank did not come so neither leader or Pres. were present. Monday 6.1 Washed. Was done in good season but washed two quilts with the machine. After dinner cleaned the woodhouse floor. They helped pick berries. Had shortcake for dinner. Canned one can of strawberries. Bert went to Hales Corners. Bought 9 pigs for $13. Tuesday 6.2 Ironed. Made bread and cookies. Shortcake for dinner. Mother picked a few more berries. Mattie went to her father's patch and picked. Zellie mowed in afternoon. Wednesday 6.3 Made a lemon pie for dinner. Had beet greens. Bert, Carrie, Ollie & wife went fishing to Phantom Lake. GM picked a pail of berries. I picked some -- took to Mrs. Neuman. Also some flowers. In the morning I mowed the yard with the lawn mower. Zellie cultivated corn in the big field for the first. Thursday 6.4 Went to prayer meeting in the evening. Br. Willsen did not come. There were eight present. Picked 10 qts. Berries. Friday 6.5 Rainy in the morning. Picked a good many berries. Much warmer -- 86. Last day of school. Children spoke pieces. I was too tired to go. Finished my dress in afternoon. Saturday 6.6 Very warm day -- over 90. Hattie came -- walked from Bloods, was nearly melted. In afternoon I helped Mattie cover the cushion to Claudie's cart. After supper she and Hattie went to Caldwell. Pearl & Carol had been to the picnic. The children had fine times. Had a terrible thunderstorm in the night -- rain, wind and lightning. Last two or three hours. Sunday 6.7 Bert, Hattie & myself went to meeting. Elder H. talked as usual. Had a good SS. After dinner, I took Hattie and the children home. Very warm. Shower came up. Began to rain hard just as we got to the house. Kept at it till about six. After that I came home. Bert went to evening meeting but the speaker Chafin was not there. Monday 6.8 Washed. Picked 5 qts. berries before dinner. Made a shortcake, etc. Went to help arrange for children's day in afternoon. Cooler, rained again in the evening. Wrote to Josie in evening. Tuesday 6.9 Cloudy & cool. Rather unpleasant. Baked bread & cake. Ironed, cooked beef, made shortcake for dinner. Helped Mattie finish the cushion cover. Wednesday 6.10 Very bright cool morning. Done the usual work. Made ginger snaps and fruit cake. Picked two pails berries. Helped get dinner. After dinner, mopped. Think I will rest now. Mattie gone to pick berries at her Mother's. Reka called this forenoon. Mattie had her piano tuned. Zellie & Bert each picked a pail of cherries. Thursday 6.11 Beautiful day. I went to the store. Reka came back with me and she & GM went to Mukwonago. I canned one can of cherries after dinner (had a cherry pie). Helped Mattie about her waist. Went to prayer meeting. 15 present. Good meeting. Friday 6.12 Cool & cloudy. Began to rain about 8 AM. Rained hard till about 11. Zellie picked us two pails cherries. I picked 1. Made us three cans. Zellie & Bert picked cherries in the afternoon. Helped Mattie some about covering the back of Claudie's cart seat. Saturday 6.13 Canned three more cans of cherries. Earl came to pick. Did not need him so he went to Dell's and picked strawberries. I went to the Temple in the afternoon and heard the children recite for the next evening. Helped some at church. Took some cans to the shop. Had them mended. Mattie & Claude went over with the pony & cart. Zellie drove him some in the morning -- he goes like an old horse. Picked a pail of strawberries in forenoon. Made two cherry pies. GM picked some berries while I was gone. When I came home I picked another and canned one can. Sunday 6.14 Nice day -- all went to church. Br. Willson preached from "Be filled with the Spirit." Talked of some of the things Moody preached about in Milwaukee at the SS convention. In the evening had exercises by the children. They done well. The church was nicely trimmed with evergreens and flowers -- a good many water lilies. Jenn & Len had made a nice cross. Zellie kept the milk home. Very hard shower in the night -- about 11. Thunder, lightning and some wind & hail. Monday 6.15 Washed. Took care of the butter Zellie churned. Helped about the dinner. In afternoon, pitted cherries which the boys picked in the morning. GM and I each picked a pail of strawberries. After supper put up two cans of cherries -- makes 9 cans this year. Took off a hen with 9 chicks. Put 7 more with her from another hen. Tuesday 6.16 Ironed. Made fried cake. Cleaned the wood-house floor, also pantry, etc. GM worked in her yard most of the day. Afternoon, I rested and mended or I think I will at least. Received a letter from Josie. Wednesday 6.17 Had beet greens for dinner & shortcake. Mrs. Neuman called here. Picked strawberries in afternoon. Baked bread = 5 loaves. Thursday 6.18 Had baked beans & bread pudding for dinner. In afternoon GM and I went to the Bend. Saw all the Griffins that are there now. Called on Mr. Stratton. Went to see the Hygie Spring and into the new store. Took supper at May Rose's. Her father & mother are there. Came back. I stopped to prayer meeting. GM came on home. Zellie & Mattie came to meeting. Br. Willsen & wife were there. Came home with us and stayed all night. When going to the Bend, met Mr. & Mrs. Heimbach, Lin & Mrs. Dennis. They had been to Tans wedding. Married the day before. Friday 6.19 Br. & Sister W. stayed till near 10 o'clock. About 5 PM George Vanderpool & wife came. Stayed all night. Very warm day. Gertie Martin called a few minutes in the evening. Saturday 6.20 Vanderpools stayed till about 10. I made two pies & a cake. Had beef for dinner. Rested in afternoon and sewed some. Bert went to Mukwonago. Had a light shower in the evening. All the week past been good hay weather. We have none cut tonight. Very warm day. Sunday 6.21 Very warm. Bert took me to meeting with Fox. Rested in the afternoon and wrote to Abb. Bert wrote to Carrie. No evening meeting. Some went to the Bend. Monday 6.22 Washed. Got through about 10. Helped get dinner. Made a cake. Cleaned the wood-house floor. Went to Mukwonago for chicken feed. Went to Hattie's. When I came home found Mr. & Mrs. Griffin here after supper & they had gone. Br. Willson came along and wanted supper. Had been to Benn Clark's and marred Stephen & Lora. She is quite sick so Stephen thought he would marry her and take care of her, so they go. Zellie's pet horse is sick. Had Dr. Moyle. They worked over her till after 12 at night. Zellie did not go to bed till after 4 next morning. Tuesday 6.23 Very nice cool day. The men drew hay. Made biscuit, cake, etc. for company in the afternoon. Mrs. Utter, Emogene, Mrs. Perkins, Amy, Pauline and Edna were here & Mattie. Had a very nice visit. Wednesday 6.24 Claude's birthday. I picked about 2 qts. raspberries. Got beet greens for dinner. Picked cherries for a pie. GM picked some currents so I canned one can of berries & currents. Ironed. At noon am tired so will take a rest. May begin my dress. Cut off the skirt and sleeves. The men finished haying. Thursday 6.25 Had quite a hard shower early in the morning. GM and I went to Heimbach. Found them alone excepting a hired man. She told us many things about their visit to California. We were caught in a shower coming home. Friday 6.26 Done the work and some mending. Saturday 6.27 Baked ginger cookies. Mopped. After dinner went about the farm looking for berries. Got enough for supper and to finish out a can we had partly filled. Had a letter from Emma. Sunday 6.28 Br. Willsen held quarterly meeting service. Baptized & received into the church Clem Van Valin & wife Amy, also Carrie Van Valin. Had a good attendance -- a number of strangers. Wrote a letter to Josie in the evening. Monday 6.29 Done a large wash. Went to the store in afternoon with Claude's pony & buggy. Tuesday 6.30 Done our big ironing. GM done some while I attended to the dinner. Had sirip. Etta Buttles came just before noon. Stayed all night. Much warmer. Wednesday 7.1 Took Mother over to Reka's to spend the day. Claude took Etta home in his pony cart. After I came home got beets & greens for dinner, made an apple pie. Rested in the PM and sewed some on my dress, mended some, etc. Baked bread today. Very warm. Thursday 7.2 Done the usual work. Picked peas for dinner. GM went through the woods after berries. Wrote to Emma in afternoon after taking a nap. Very warm -- 90 at noon. Went to prayer meeting in evening. 12 present. Friday 7.3 Tried to do up our work for Sat. Mrs. Mulany came in the forenoon. Spent the day with us. In the afternoon I went to Mukwonago with Bert. Bought GM a hat & a lawn dress. Called on Hattie. Quite a hard shower just at night. Quite warm. Saturday 7.4 All went to Mukwonago but GM & myself. Not a very pleasant day -- somewhat rainy. Mrs. Davis spent the day with us. Had an old hen for dinner. She was very nice. Grew cooler in afternoon. Sunday 7.5 Very cool nice morning. Went to SS & meeting. Very few at church. Tired out from the fourth suppose. This evening all gone to meeting except GM & myself. Very nice evening. Monday 7.6 Nice day for washing clothes. All dry at noon. Done washing in time to help get dinner. Afternoon sewed some on my dress. Helped GM work in the front yard. After supper picked peas for next day. Helped about the churning. Very tired at night. Tuesday 7.7 GM went to spend the day with Mrs. Utter. I ironed, made a cake, got dinner -- had beef and peas etc. Found a hen with four chick -- makes 71 now. Today is Vinnie Peacock's birthday -- 18. Wednesday 7.8 Mother went to visit Mrs. West. I went also. In the afternoon Zellie and Bert went fishing. Caught a lot of small ones. Wrote a letter to Hal -- received one from Ivah. Thursday 7.9 Reka was here all day. Br. Willsen and wife and little girl came to Zellie's to supper. We went to prayer meeting. Had a very good one. 12 young people present. Dell Utter & wife came from Elkhorn. Brought a large bouquet of sweet peas & some pansies from B. Grants. Friday 7.10 In the afternoon GM and I went to Waterford to see Mary Ann. Found her very bad with trouble in her throat. Very warm & dusty. Called at Mariette's as we came home. She gave us some huckleberries. Saturday 7.11 Felt very tired from yesterday's ride. GM feels quite poorly. Made a pie from the huckleberries, made ginger cookies & a cake. Cooked meat for Sunday. Sunday 7.12 Very warm morning. Elder Mire from Honey Creek preached a very excellent sermon from "To whom shall we go Lord, Thou hast the words of eternal life." In afternoon rested, read and commenced a letter to Ivah. Finished it in the evening. Very hot night. Earl S. came down this morning. Stayed till near night. Monday 7.13 Washed & baked bread. So warm. Was very tired. Picked beans for dinner. Had steak. Somewhat showery in the afternoon. Tuesday 7.14 Very warm. Zellie commenced reaping oats badly injured by worms. GM and I went to Mukwonago to see GM Porter. She had fallen and was rather poorly. We also visited at Edel Wedges. Very hot evening. Turned some cooler about bed time. Rained quite hard in the night. Wednesday 7.15 Ironed. Done other work. Sewed on my dress. Very much cooler. Picked blackberries for supper. Thursday 7.16 Finished my dress. Very cool -- almost cool enough for a frost. Went to prayer meeting. 9 present besides Br. Willsen. Three children. Friday 7.17 Wrote to Emma in forenoon. Also wrote for the SS singing books. In the afternoon went to the store. Called on both Mrs. Martins. Saturday 7.18 Still quite cold. Picked beans for dinner, done some washing for Pearl S. About noon Charley & Hattie came. In afternoon Pearl & I picked 4 qts blackberries. Canned one can. Had a good dish full left. Am so very tired. Sunday 7.19 Cloudy & misty morning. Grew warmer. Went to church & SS. Elder H. preached with his usual fervor. I went to meeting in the evening. Very good meeting. Pearl went home with Mrs. Peacock. Monday 7.20 Done a large washing. Picked peas for dinner. Good day to dry clothes. Very warm in afternoon. Rested a while, then picked over two pails of blackberries. Very tired when the night chores were done. Tuesday 7.21 Warm again. Put up two cans of blackberries. Took care of butter (Bert churned). Made bread, pie, cake, picked beans for dinner. Mopped the buttry etc. They are making ice cream at Zellie's for the lodge tonight. Ethel, Carrie & Frankie came to help Mattie make it. In afternoon Bert went to the factory to help freeze the cream. I sewed on GM's dress. They had a debate etc. at the Lodge. Some from Honey Creek. Before the lodge closed someone stole a freezer full of ice cream out of the Hall window. Wednesday 7.22 Ironed. Very warm. About noon Hellen Ridgers and child came. After dinner she went with me to the garden. We picked two pails of blackberries. In all there were five pails picked. Zellie finished reaping today. Thursday 7.23 Cloudy. Rains some this morning. They drew up the oats from the lot above the house. I have put up three cans blackberries. Rained in afternoon & evening so we did not go to prayer meeting. Friday 7.24 Cooler today. Picked peas from dinner. Zellie picked two pans full of berries. Worked on Mother's dress all the afternoon. Bert went to see Carrie in the evening. Saturday 7.25 Had a busy day. Made bread, pie, cake. Mopped the pantry, woodhouse etc. Put up two cans of berries. After resting a while in afternoon, GM & I picked some berries for supper and tomorrow. Also picked the cucumbers. Had string beans for dinner. I went to the sweet corn field. Found some corn large enough. Sunday 7.26 Rained so we did not go to SS but went to church. Br. Willsen preached a very practical sermon from "They were first called Christians at Antioch." After service, Delmont & Minnie had their baby baptized. Had quite a shower while we were in church. About 2 PM it rained again -- very hard shower all afternoon. No meeting this evening. I think I met Clarisse S. Lovejoy with Pauline. Rained hard all night. Monday 7.27 Washed. Picked berries in afternoon. Had a letter from Emma. Tuesday 7.28 Boys dug potatoes. Wednesday 7.29 Men picked sweet corn. Zellie went to town with his first load. Mattie went to her Mother's and stayed all night. Thursday 7.30 Mrs. Lovejoy was here to dinner. We had dinner started when she came. Had a letter from Hal this morning. She is home. Says Dan Sweed has had a stroke of paralysis. Mr. Bayley came for Mrs. Lovejoy about 3 PM. I then picked a pail of berries and took to Br. Willson when I went to prayer meeting. Went to the store also. Alice Craig married. Friday 7. 31 Sewed on Mother's dress. Had corn for dinner. The boys helped George stack in forenoon. Bert heard this morning that Charles Merrick of Rochester was buried in a well. Saturday 8.1 Did not have as much work to do as usual. Made a pie, cooked meat & picked berries for Sunday. All hands stacking oats. Hattie came here on her wheel in PM. Mr. Walter Irvin died at Mukwonago. Sunday 8.2 Freemont brought us a basket of apples. Went to church & SS. Quite warm -- good night to sleep through. Merrishs funeral was attended today. Monday 8.3 Had a large wash. Much warmer today -- 87. Tuesday 8.4 Very warm -- 93 at 4 PM. Boys finished stacking oats. Zellie went to mill in afternoon. Bert & John dug potatoes. Heard about 6 PM that Auntie Porter died this morning. Zellie, Mattie & Bert gone to the lodge. Installation tonight. Wednesday 8.5 Very warm morning. Made a pie, picked beans and corn to make succotash. Went to see Mrs. Perkins about going to the picnic. Called on Vinnie. Found her in bed -- not as well. Called in to Reka's and went to the store. Came home about 10. Got dinner. Zellie went to town. Very hot -- 96 at noon. Went to Lovina's. In the afternoon took a nap. Picked a pan full of tomatoes. Had a thunder shower about 6 PM. Rained and blew very hard in the night -- lightninged all night. Thursday 8.6 Very warm. Mother and I went to Auntie Porter's funeral. It was held at Roll's house 11 AM. A large attendance. Lovely flowers. Had her old neighbors for bearers. We stopped to Hattie's to dinner, came home 3:30. Cooked a chicken which I had dressed in the morning. Very warm night. Bert took me to prayer meeting. 9 present -- 2 children. Friday 8.7 Very wet -- but I had to pick some blackberries. Picked a dishpan of tomatoes -- took to Mary Ann & Sister W. Fried my old hen the first thing while getting breakfast. Mrs. Perkins and myself went to Waterford to the picnic. Called on Mary Ann. She is very bad. Had a good time. Arrived home about 7 PM. Found GM quite lame in her foot. Saturday 8.8 Had baking and cleaning to do. GM could not get about very much. 90 at 10 AM. Had a boiled dinner. Rained some in afternoon. Bert went to Camps after the cards for the YPS. Picked a pan of cucumbers. At night commenced putting them in brine. Br. Willsen came up after dark with the tent. Sunday 8.9 Rained in the morning but very few at church or SS. Mrs. Clara Peacock sick so was absent from her class for the first this season. Very warm day. Br. Willsen stayed to the young people's meeting. Monday 8.10 Washed a hard washing. Rested a while in afternoon. Picked cucumbers & tomatoes. Prepared some to can. Must go to bed 9:30. Cooler. Tuesday 8.11 Ironed. Zellie went to town. Br. Potter came with Br. Willsen and went on to Troy Center after his wife. They came back here about 4 PM. The men tried to put up the tent -- it blew down before they had it fast -- broke some of the ropes. Boys drew lumber for tent. They put up the living tent. Mattie went to her Mother's to stay all night. Went to the lodge. Wednesday 8.12 Had to go out and mend the tent. Br. Potter went to Obernes in the forenoon. Frank, Lon & others came so they put up the tent securely. As we were finishing dinner, Br. Willsen & Mr. Moyle, Sister W. and two girls came. The girls went to Mattie's to dinner. Mrs. W. & her brother were here to supper. Brother Potter preached in the evening -- subject: the call of the woman of Samaria. "He must needs go through Samaria" text. Very good attendance. Thursday 8.13 Br. & Sister Potter went to Mr. Obernes. Emma came about 11 AM. Was not expecting her. Hattie came in afternoon on her wheel. Br. Miller of Waukesha preached. Subject -- revivals in different things as well as in religion. He stayed at the tent all night. Friday 8.14 Mrs. Potter felt very poorly. Ivah & her friend, Jessie H., came about noon. Dave H. came and escorted them to meeting in the evening. Br. Miller preached. Saturday 8.15 In the forenoon, Br. Potter & wife went to visit Mrs. Perkins & Amy. Afternoon the girls took Dolly and went to Beulah to see a ball game. Br. Creighton gave us a talk in the afternoon, then had quarterly conference. Br. H. Oberne, Len & myself present from this place. Don Moyle from Waterford. Br. Simons preached in the evening -- text "Follow me". Sunday 8.16 A. E. Creighton preached at 10:30. Had SS in the tent at 9:30. Elder C. subject -- people too busy to reflect & live religion right. 2:30 PM had a sermon in German. Br. Willsen talked after. Elder C. preached in the evening. Subject similar to Simon's the night before. Monday 8.17 Washed and done other work. The girls helped wash. Br. Potter took his to East Troy. Came back & preached in the evening. Tuesday 8.18 We done the ironing in the forenoon. Afternoon, the girls went with Dave to a picnic near East Troy. Emma & I drove out pst Lake Beulah and Phantom Lake. Walked about the dam. Came to Mukwonago -- called at Charley's. Br. Potter preached at the tent -- subject, "Daniel would not defile himself etc." Wednesday 8.19 The camp broke up. Br. Potter went to Beulah to take the train for home. Clem Van took one of the load of plank back to Hunters and took the organ and chairs back to the church. Paul H. took the minister's load home himself. Wife Winnie and a lot of things went in the buggy. They ended the week of camp or tent meeting. The girls went to Humberts for the day. Zellie went to town. Thursday 8.20 I went to the store. Called at Emogene's, Clara Peacock's and Reka's. When I came home, the girls went to Beulah to mail a letter. In the afternoon, Emma & the girls went to visit Hattie Judd. Bert went with a load to meet Zellie. Met him near Hales Corners. Friday 8.21 Arrilla Herrick, Lucy Herrick deaf & dumb girl visited here. Ivah & Jessie went with the young people to a picnic at Idlewell Point. Bert went to meet Zellie with another load. Also went to see Carrie. She had her teeth out Wednesday. Saturday 8.22 Emma & the girls went to Prospect. Mattie took GM to Reka's and the buggy to the shop. GM came home on foot. Hurried so she was sick all night. I picked Siberians and made jelly. With other work was very tired. Nice cool night -- so slept good. Sunday 8.23 Went to SS and meeting. Br. W. preached a splendid sermon "Whosoever will let him come." Very few at church. Monday 8.24 Was through washing at 10 AM. Got dinner. After dinner picked cucumbers. Zellie went to town. Started about 10. Claude went with him. Mattie & Vinnie Peacock went in to the Buffalo Bill shower -- drove Pet. Tuesday 8.25 Ironed, baked bread, a cake & a pie. Looked some like rain, sprinkled a little. Mattie came home. Wind blew very hard all day. Emma and the girls came home about supper time. Report a good time. Dave was down in the evening. Grandma sick in the night. Wednesday 8.26 Steamed a pudding for dinner. Made a large cake with apple filling, biscuit & cookies. Hattie Judd & her sister Gertie were here in the afternoon. Dave came for the girls. Took them for a ride to East Troy. Thursday 8.27 Made some more catsup. Put it in beer bottles. Emogene called. Emma & I went out to ride in afternoon. Called at Amy Van. No one at home. Called at Mrs. Blood's. Girls gone to town. Odelie better. Called at Jenn Peacock's. Came back to the store. Friday 8.28 Ivah got up sick with a cold and pain in her side. GM & Emma called on Mrs. Mulany and Maryette in the forenoon. Afternoon, they went to Mrs. Patterson's visiting. I made chili sauce. Looked after girls, etc. Baked bread and a pie. Saturday 8.29 Done usual work. Had baked beans for dinner. Afternoon, Emma took the girls over to Blood's. Called on Reka and Mrs. Martin. Zellie brought home a bushel each of peaches & plums. Canned some of them in the evening. Sunday 8.30 Bert and I went to SS, also Mattie and Claudie. Emma & the girls came to church. In the afternoon, Dave called on his way to Milwaukee, where he is to attend commercial college. In the evening, Bert took the girls to meeting. Monday 8.31 Went to work at the fruit first thing after breakfast. Had 14 qts. of plums & 8 of peaches. Emma & the girls done their washing and Ivah ironed some in the afternoon. Emma went to visit Mrs. Martin. The girls called on Ethel Buttles. Came back to Mrs. Martin's about 4 PM. Mrs. M. was called to Ollie Van's at 10:30 PM. We done our washing in the afternoon. Boys commenced cutting field corn. Tuesday 9.1 Baked bread, cake and apple pudding & Johnny cake for dinner. Had boiled dinner. Picked a bushel of ripe tomatoes, also a bushel of green ones. Emma & I went to visit Pauline. The girls went to Jenn Peacock's. In the evening they went to lodge with Ray Gault. Zellie went to town. Ollie & Amelia's babe born 5 AM. Wednesday 9.2 Emma, Ivah & Jessie left on the 11:30 train for Waukesha. Bert took their trunk out in the milk wagon. They went in the buggy. Claude went with Bert and drove Doll back. After they left I went to work on my green tomatoes. About 11:30, Hattie Simmons and Mrs. Camp came, rode down on their wheels. They stayed till after dinner. We had fried chicken as I had dressed two in the morning, one for the girls' lunch. In afternoon, after finishing cutting & salting the tomatoes, ironed & GM cleaned out the girls' room. Thursday 9.3 Went to Mukwonago to try to find some green peppers -- could not -- bought some red ones. Had the harness mended. Stayed to dinner to Hattie's. Met Abe & Beka Vanderpool in the street, also Mrs. Abe Perkins and Mrs. Roxy Andrews. Came home about 3 PM. Made my tomato pickles. My baking kettle broke & spilled my vinegar. Mother & I went to prayer meeting. Only 5 present. Friday 9.4 Cold east wind all day. Rained some just at night. Made sweet pickles of green tomatoes. Fixed up my cucumber pickles. Cleaned the wood house floor, picked up some apples, made a cake -- baked bread. Prepared some juice from a basket of grapes for use at sacrament. Was so very tired when night came so did not go to the concert. Bert went. Quite rainy -- so they deferred the concert till next evening. Saturday 9.5 Done up the work. Was ready to go to the SS picnic at 11 AM which was held in the Greeley's grove. Very few present before dinner. We that were there had a nice dinner. Afternoon, people began to come so there was quite a good many. But it soon began to rain so hard we all hustled for home -- were quite wet but no serious inconvenience. Charley was here about noon. He has no work yet. Sunday 9.6 Br. W. preached a fine sermon -- text found in 1 Peter 3:16. Very good SS though not as many present as sometimes. Rested & read in afternoon. Monday 9.7 Had quite a large wash -- 5 sheets, two tablecloths. Matie went to her mother's to dinner with Belle Gault-Buchlau. Belle & Mrs. Frans Gault called at Mattie's in the evening. Also Jennie Utter. I went down to see Belle. Tuesday 9.8 Done my ironing, baked bread & an apple pudding for dinner. Made dumplings also. In the afternoon, GM and I dug and brought in the onion sets. Had near a bush. In the evening Mattie & I went to the lodge. Had a lecture by Blaine D. L. Mattie had been to her Aunt Sarah's to visit with her cousins. Rained very hard in the night -- thundered and lightninged. Wednesday 9.9 Nothing out of the usual run. Received a letter from Ivah. They arrived at St. Paul Thursday, September 3, 12 PM. We bought two baskets of grapes for .25 of a man from Myre's place. Mr. Blaine called this morning. Lon had Pet and took him to Troy. When he came back he brought some green peppers. Let me have two. Thursday 9.10 GM washed her shawl and some dresses. Today I made a cake, picked & shelled some dry beans for tomorrow. Mother is painting her plant jars. Rainy evening so we did not go to prayer meeting. Rained hard in the night. Friday 9.11 Done usual work in the forenoon. Had a letter from Hat. In afternoon went to Amy Van Valin's to an old ladies party. There were present -- Aunt Betsy, Mrs. Mulany, Mrs. West, Mrs. Utter & Emogene, Mother and myself, Mrs. Perkins & Amy. Cloudy and cool. Had new beans baked for dinner. Heard today that Carrie Wilcox has another babe. Saturday 9.12 Baked bread, cake, two pumpkin pies. Mr. Neuman gave us the pumpkins & three heads of cabbage yesterday. Mattie went to the temple meeting. Weather cool & misty -- had a fire in the sitting room in afternoon. Very hard thunder shower in the night. Lightning struck Freemont's house, done some damage, killed their dog. Sunday 9.13 Rainy in the morning so we did not get off to SS. Bert & I went to meeting. Carried came home with us. Dark & misty in the evening. They went to evening meeting. Monday 9.14 Rained so could not wash. Wrote a letter to Sister Coffeen. Looked over the rag baskets etc. Afternoon quite fair. Tuesday 9.15 Quite a good day. Washed. Baked bread & cake. Afternoon, prepared corn for drying. Wednesday 9.16 Ironed. Rained hard all forenoon. Prepared some green tomatoes for pickling. Thursday 9.17 Went to Mrs. Mulvany's in the afternoon. They gave us three cabbage. Friday 9.18 Zellie went to town. Rained considerably. In afternoon, Mattie went to Waterford. GM and I went to Mrs. West's. Had a very nice time. Mrs. Perkins, Amy, Mrs. Utter, Emogene & Clara Peacock were there. Saturday 9.19 Much cooler in the morning. Cleared off -- had a frost at night. Reka came in afternoon. GM took up her plants. I picked up a bushel of apples. Sunday 9.20 All went to meeting from this house. Br. W. preached a very nice sermon, "How we see through a glass darkly". Nina Buttles came home with us. Bert went to Humbert's in afternoon. Quite a hard frost this morning. Monday 9.21 Washed -- nice day. Afternoon, GM and I pulled up the onions and Bert & I pulled the beans. Tuesday 9.22 Ironed, baked bread and cake. In afternoon, went to Mukwonago. Bought meat for threshers. Bought a stew kettle. Came home by the Prairie. Done some collecting for the minister's salary. The machine came at night. Wednesday 9.23 Good day for threshing. Had 18 men in all to dinner & supper. We had them here. Thursday 9.24 Washed up the clothes after the threshers and a rug. Charley came with a rack for the rose bush. Br. & Sister Willsen came to supper. We went to prayer meeting. 9 present. They came back and stayed all night. Friday 9.25 Br. Willsen & wife went after grapes to Stewart's. I done my little ironing. Had corn for dinner. Saturday 9.26 Done the cleaning and baked bread in forenoon. Etta Buttles came when the meat man came. Very pleasant in the forenoon -- cloudy & windy in the afternoon. I went to Mukwonago and bought me a bonnet. Etta went with me. Called to Hattie's. Rained some when we were coming home. Received a letter from Emma. Sunday 9.27 Went to SS & meeting. Elder H. preached a very good sermon. I also went in the evening. Had a very good meeting. Monday 9.28 Washed. Very good day to dry clothes. Cloudy in afternoon. I picked up the onions, also some apples, then helped Mother with her waist. Tuesday 9.29 Ironed, made bread, a pie, some cake. Rained nearly all the forenoon. After dinner, Bert sorted the onion sets & Zellie went to Mukwonago with feed to grind. Rained so there was no lodge. Wednesday 9.30 Rained all the forenoon. Thursday 10.1 Bert intended to go to the fair but did not. Quite pleasant. Zellie, Mattie & myself went to prayer meeting. 11 present. Elder Hubbard had a very good meeting. Friday 10.2 Done usual work. Picked up some apples. Mrs. Utter came about 11 AM. I had cleaned the woodhouse floor. Was up quarter to four to fix Bert -- off to the Fair at Elkhorn. Saturday 10.3 Baked bread, cake and two pumpkin pies. Made a steamed loaf. Sent that and a pie to the social in the evening. Dressed a chicken, made pot-pie for dinner. In the afternoon Mother & I went to Mariette's. Carried some apples. Brought home some turnips. Sunday 10.4 Went to SS. Good attendance. No preaching -- Br. Wilson gone to conference. In the afternoon Mother and I went to the Bend to meeting. Elder Sauls preached -- the first time I ever heard him. Saw several I knew. Very pleasant day. GM has a cold coming on. Monday 10.5 Cloudy in the morning but cleared off just after noon. Had a large wash. Baline came to dig potatoes. Bert plowed the lot above the house sowing it to rye. Tuesday 10.6 Baked bread, ironed, took up the bredth of carpet by the door, cleaned the floor, painted the strip of floor & the pantry floor, picked up a pail of apples. Zellie was here to dinner & supper. Mattie went to Milwaukee with her mother & Aunt Sarah. Took Claude. Zellie & Bert went to the Lodge. Wednesday 10.7 Cold morning. Froze ice -- the first this fall. Painted the floors over again. Worked about the house as usual. Went to Mukwonago in afternoon. Bought me a pair of shoes. Thursday 10.8 Commenced making over the front of Mother's black dress. Had a letter from Emma, Hat & Lorrine Shelden. Zellie & I went to prayer meeting. Met Br. W. & wife. The night bloomer had two blossoms out this morning. Friday 10.9 Cool wind. Sewed some in forenoon. Finished Mother's waist in afternoon. Hattie came about 3 PM and Mariette soon after. She picked up two bags of apples (with GM's help) to take home. Saturday 10.10 Made bread & pie. Helped Earl pick up apples, cleaned the woodhouse floor, swept the rooms, etc. Bert went to Mukwonago after some bbls. to put apples in. Sunday 10.11 Nice day. Cool. Went to meeting & SS. Wrote to Ann & Ore. Monday 10.12 Washed. Good day. Picked up some apples. Bert & John picked apples. Tuesday 10.13 My 60th birthday. GM gave me cloth for an apron. Mattie gave me $1.00. After made cake, cookies. Ironed. GM went to visit Mrs. Utter. Left home about 10:30 -- walked. The men were gone to Likkie's to thresh. I had soup for my dinner, then went to cleaning the pantry. Had it done at 4 PM. Wednesday 10.14 Made a ginger cake and a pie & bread, then washed two quilts. About 10 AM Mrs. Lane and Maren came. In the afternoon Reka came. I took Mrs. Lane & M over to Mulany's after supper. Thursday 10.15 Cleaned the kitchen after taking up the carpet. Went over to Mr. Bayley's . They gave me some cabbage and two pumpkins. Zellie was so late getting home from town, we did not got to prayer meeting. Bought a tea pot today warranted not to rust. Friday 10.16 Put down the kitchen carpet. Went to Mukwonago. Moved the stove in the afternoon, for which we were very glad as it turned cold in the night. Saturday 10.17 Cold and stormy. Snowed some early but cleared off before 9:00 AM. Boys went to Peverick's to thresh, also to Dell's. I made bread & a pie. Tacked down the oil cloths in the kitchen. Sunday 10.18 Went to church. Br. W. first sermon after conference, text: "For I determined to know nothing among you but Jesus Christ and him crucified". Bert & Carrie went off to Frank Humbert's. Monday 10.19 Washed. Snowed & rained so the clothes could not dry. Had a letter from Josie. Bert took the bbl. of apple to the Station for Hat. Brought home four ducks. Tuesday 10.20 Cold this morning. Clothes frozen. Baked cookies, cleaned the floors, made pot-pies for dinner. GM cleaned her bedroom in the forenoon. I cleaned mine in the afternoon and then went to call at Mrs. Hunter's. Also called at Mrs. Krishes. Quite cold tonight. Glad the apples are in. Wednesday 10.21 Ironed. Made a pie. Cleaned the sitting room. Watched the ducks. Thursday 10.22 Cleaned the parlor, blacked the stove, put it up. Hattie came down on her wheel. Was here to dinner. Zellie, Mattie and myself went to prayer meeting. 10 present -- besides the janitor. Friday 10.23 Cleaned the west chamber and the halls & stairs. Saturday 10.24 Done the usual work. Went to the store. Called at Frank Van Aernams. Charley was shingling the church. Very nice day, cool. Sunday 10.25 Nice morning. All went to SS & church except Bert. Zellie stayed home in the evening and I went with Mattie. Monday 10.26 Very pleasant warm day -- nice day to dry clothes. Had a large wash of white clothes. Made sweet apple pickles in afternoon. Mrs. Utter and Mrs. Mary Dennan Mosier called. Mrs. Utter took home some sweet apples. Tuesday 10.27 Beautiful day again. Ironed, made a cake and various other things. After dinner, Grandma and I went out to Lake Beulah. Saw where they are laying the foundation for the new Hotel. Came back on the Troy road, saw a number of nice houses and cottages. Wednesday 10.28 Mother was sick last night. Cleaned the chambers over the sitting room, also the bedroom and a closet. Thursday 10.29 Cleaned the woodhouse. Rained in afternoon & evening so there was no prayer meeting. Friday 10.30 Cold wind, rain & sleet. The YPS had an entertainment at the Hall -- not a pleasant evening but quite a good attendance. Mrs. Clara Peacock is sick today. Saturday 10.31 Done the usual Saturday's work. Went to the Temple and called on Clara. She is quite sick -- high fever. Sunday 11.1 Nice day. Went to SS and meeting. Br. W. preached an excellent sermon from Isa. 42:4. Mother felt better so she went. Good congregation. Claudie was not well. Mattie stayed home, went in the evening. Bert went home with Carrie from church, then brought her here till evening meeting. Monday 11.2 Done another large washing. Very tired. Rained some towards evening. Tuesday 11.3 Beautiful morning. Dressed a chicken. Done other work. About 9:15 GM and I started for Waterford. Went to see Mary Ann. Found her suffering very much. We took dinner at Br. Wilson's. Came home in the rain. Got home about 5 o'clock. Had a thunder shower in the night about 10 PM. Clara is better. Election day -- Presidential. Wednesday 11.4 Bright morning. Zellie & Bert went to Talcott's to thresh. Mattie went to help her Mother. Ironed, made two pumpkin pies, a cake. Afternoon, rested. Put a tuck in GM's skirt she bought yesterday. Had a letter from Sister Coffeen. Thursday 11.5 Snow 4 inches deep when we ate breakfast. Continued to snow hard till after 2 PM. Made an apron for myself and part of GM's. Heard today that Paul Balin was married yesterday. No prayer meeting tonight I think. Friday 11.6 Thawing this morning. Made some cookies. GM and myself went to visit at Jenn Peacock's. Mrs. Perkins and the two Mrs. Davis's were there. Quite sloppy coming home. Saturday 11.7 Nothing special today. Bert went to Van Valin's to thresh. GM and I had boiled dinner. Sold 16 roosters to Clarks. Cut out some work for GM. Done some mending. Sunday 11.8 Mattie & I went to SS & meeting. Cold wind -- warmer towards night. Monday 11.9 Washed. Hung clothes on the veranda. Rained and snowed some but brought the clothes in partly dry. Bert went to Mulany's. Bought a couple of drakes. Tuesday 11.10 Ironed. Rained in afternoon. Stopped so they went to the lodge. Thawed so the snow went off fast. Wednesday 11.11 Frozen this morning. Made a pie, done other work. After noon went to the store. Called at Peacock's. Clara is very sick -- little stronger than yesterday. Called on Reka. Thursday 11.12 Cold wind -- looks like snow. Went after Mrs. Davis after calling at the store & Emogene's. Friday 11.13 Mrs. Davis and Mother spent the day at Mrs. Patterson's. Bert took them over and went after them. I baked bread, mended & read some. Saturday 11.14 Took Mrs. D. home in the forenoon. Finished the house work after dinner. Had a letter from Emma. Mrs. Peacock is improving. Sunday 11.15 Nice day. All went to church. Br. W. preached a fine sermon from "What is man", Ps. 8. Spent the afternoon and evening reading mostly. Hatie came down on her wheel -- was such bad going she was late. Stopped here till after three PM. Monday 11.16 Very warm for the time of year -- but a very hard wind blew all day. Washed as usual. Wrote a letter to Emma in the evening. Tuesday 11.17 Still warm as summer. Ironed, made a chocolate cake. Young folks went to the Lodge. They had company from East Troy. Wednesday 11.18 Made fruit cake, baked bread. Went to the Mite Society in the afternoon. Only 4 there. We have 13.73 in the Tres. after paying the bill at the store. Henry Davis came with the Engine tonight. Stayed all night. Much colder in afternoon. Thursday 11.19 Ground frozen quite hard this morning -- good for hulling clover. We had three men to dinner and supper -- two stayed all night. Mattie and I went to prayer meeting. 14 present. Nice moon light. Friday 11.20 Finished the clover at noon. Late dinner. They went from here to the Kenure place. Had nice bread pudding, raisins in & frosting on, baked potatoes, boiled onions, fried apples for dinner. Saturday 11.21 Done usual work. Baked pie and cookies. Mopped after dinner. Had boiled dinner. Cut off GM's dress skirt. She began sewing it. Sunday 11.22 GM, Mattie and myself went to church. Elder H. preached one of his usual sermons. Read most of the afternoon and evening. Monday 11.23 Misty, much warmer. Washed but could not hang out the clothes. Baked bread. In afternoon, GM & myself went to Mr. A. Bayley's to visit him on his 85th birthday. He is lively and well. Had a very nice supper -- oysters and plenty of other good things. Herbert's folks & Tom Bayleys were there. Miss Sarah Bayley was 73 last May. Tuesday 11.24 Put out the clothes. Did not dry good. Had to hang them by the stove in the evening. Made a suet pudding and hickory nut cake. Bert went to the lodge. Mattie had sore throat so they did not go. Had a letter from Emma, also one from Abb. Charley S. called in the forenoon. Wednesday 11.25 Bert's birthday -- 25 years old. Carrie was here and Zellie's folks to dinner. Had baked chicken, tomatoes, potatoes, jell pudding & cake. Carrie stayed till 9 pm. We had oysters for supper and other good things. Very warm day, misty and cloudy. Thursday 11.26 Thanksgiving Day. Very unpleasant -- rained in spells in forenoon. Rained about all the time in afternoon. Rained & blew very hard towards night. Zellie's folks went to George Peacock's. We had our other chicken etc. for dinner. August Rosenau was married to Bertha Kerbernick's sister. Friday 11.27 Very much colder this morning. Ground frozen. Wind blew hard all day and evening. Zellie and Mattie entertained a large number of the Lodge members. I sewed on GM's dress today. Mariette & Eda Buttles were here to dinner. Saturday 11.28 Very cold. 6 above this morning. Done the usual work. Went to the other house a little while in afternoon. Finished Blaine's mittens. Mended some in evening & read. Sunday 11.29 Still cold. Went to SS. Mattie & I. Br. W. preached to the SS. He made it very interesting by using the black-board. Wrote a letter to Joe and the children in the evening. Monday 11.30 Cold -- 4 above. Washed. Got through about noon. Sewed on GM's dress. Wrote to Abb in the evening. Tuesday 12.1 Cold this morning but grew warmer so is quite comfortable tonight. Had the work done up quite early do done some sewing in the forenoon. Reka came about 10, stayed till 3 PM. Clothes were nearly dry so we brought them in. Lodge tonight. Wednesday 12.2 Ironed in forenoon. After finishing Mother's dress in afternoon went to the store and called on Clara Peacock. Found her sitting up. Frank Van Aernam was in. Thursday 12.3 After doing up the work went down and helped Mattie on her waist. Stayed there to dinner. Afternoon GM and I went to call on Aunt Betsey and Ollie's wife and baby. Zellie, Mattie & myself went to prayer meeting but found no fire so came home. Friday 12.4 Done the usual work. Mrs. Heimbach came while we were eating dinner. The boys cleaned clover seed. Bert went to see Carrie in the evening. Saturday 12.5 Nothing particular today. Had beans for dinner. Baked bread. Boys worked late in the evening cleaning clover seed. Sunday 12.6 We women went to meeting. Elder H. preached upon Faith & Hope. In the SS decided not to have a Christmas tree. Monday 12.7 Unpleasant weather. Washed but the clothes did not dry. Knit in afternoon. Zellie went to town with the clover seed. Mattie & Claudie stayed here. Tuesday 12.8 Still unpleasant. Made sweet apple pickle. Brought the clothes in and dried by the fire. Had a letter from Josie. Bert has gone to the lodge. Wednesday 12.9 Ironed in the forenoon. Butchered a pig in afternoon, or the men did. Mrs. Perkins, Amy & Frank Van Aernam visited at Mattie's in afternoon. GM went down but I could not for the butchering. Mrs. Perkins stayed all night with me. Received invitations to Carrie's & Bert's wedding in today's mail. Thursday 12.10 Tried lard in forenoon. Went with Mrs. P. to Frank's in afternoon. Went to prayer meeting in the evening. Had a very good meeting. 15 in all -- two children. Friday 12.11 Cooked head cheese meat and mince meat. Finished trying lard. Went after Mother about 3 PM. She had walked over in the morning to Reka's. I went into the store. They have many nice things for Xmas. Saturday 12.12 Went to Mukwonago. Bought some cards etc. for Xmas, some tin ware and a glass dish for GM. Quite bad roads. Mary Ann Temple died about 9 this evening. Sunday 12.13 Went to church & SS. Good attendance. Br. Wilsen preached a very excellent sermon from "Feed my lambs". Mr. & Mrs. Griffin came to meeting and came here to dinner. Pleasant day. Monday 12.14 Washed. Cloudy so clothes couldn't dry. Bert cleaned his buggy & I mended the robe. Tuesday 12.15 Went to Mary Ann's funeral. Frank Van Aernam went with me. After coming home, ironed. Br. Wilsen preached the funeral sermon. Text "Let me died the death of the righteous, let my last end be like his." Wednesday 12.16 We all went to the wedding of Bert & Carrie at Mrs. Humbert's. Married at noon. Went to Burlington that night. GM and I stayed alone. Thursday 12.17 Washed up some of Bert's clothes. Worked on a skirt for Velna. Charley Simmons came about noon to help Zellie with the chores. Friday 12.18 Made mince pies and a cake. Went to the store. Mailed some things to the children for Xmas. Sewed after I came home. Saturday 12.19 Mended Bert's coat & vest. Made an apron for Hattie. Charley went home after milking. Sunday 12.20 Walked to SS as Bert had not come yet and Zellie did not get home from the factory in time for us to take the horse. Mother & Mattie came to church. Carrie & Bert had come to Humbert's yesterday. Came to church. After meeting came home. Monday 12.21 Had a small washing. Packed the box to send to Josie's children. Bert took it to the Depot. Boys also sent some money to Emma. In the evening Bert & Carrie went to Humbert's after some of her things. Tuesday 12.22 Cleaned the cupboard and moved some of the dishes into the safe. Put Carrie's in the cupboard. Done some mending. Young folks all went to the Lodge. Bert & Carrie ate supper at Zellie's. Had oysters. Wednesday 12.23 Ironed and done other work. After dinner (had boiled dinner) Carrie went to her Aunt's. Bert went to Mukwonago. Bought a commode for Carrie's Xmas present, also a cup & saucer for GM. Mother gave me a silver thimble. Thursday 12.24 Made mince pies. Carrie made a jell cake. In afternoon she took me to Mukwonago. Found Hattie very busy. Finished a waist for Earl. Helped the girls get ready. Went with them to the Congregational church where they had some nice exercises and a Christmas tree. The children all had presents. Emma was married to Mr. W. Hatch today at 4:30 pm. Friday 12.25 Spent the day at Charley's. Hattie was sick all day so she did not have a very merry day. The children had several presents in the morning so they had a good time all day. Hattie felt better toward night. Carrie's sister, Matie, came and spent Xmas with her. They had baked chicken and suet pudding and other things good. Very nice day. Good roads. Zellie & Mattie went to Wedges. No snow to speak of. Saturday 12.26 After doing up the work, Hattie and myself went to call on Mrs. Hollister. Had not been there long when Bert came for me. Charley had a pig come for them at the depot, sent by Oliver Heath. After dinner, sewed some on Mother's dress for a little girl. Mattie & Carrie went to the Temple. Towards night, felt a cold coming on. Sunday 12.27 Went to church & SS, the last SS for this season. Br. W. preached an excellent sermon from the text "How old art thou." In afternoon, helped Carrie some about her subject. She led the meeting in the evening. Monday 12.28 Washed but rainy so we could not hang the clothes out. Finished the little dress. Went to see Mattie's Xmas presents. Stayed to supper. Zellie brought home some fresh fish. Tuesday 12.29 Dull, cloudy day. My cold is quite bad in my head. Grandma & Carrie have been to see Mrs. Davis who is sick, also Josie Davis. Bert & Carrie are going to the Lodge. Commenced my dress. Sent Hat some pills and paper. Also sent for the SS papers for 1 year. Mrs. Myra Clark had a boy born. Wednesday 12.30 Still cloudy and misty. Mrs. Dennis called. Took some things to Herb's wife & children. Sewed on my dress. Rob Fisher & Vinnie Peacock marred at 12 today. Makes seven couples married in the neighborhood this year, 1896. Thursday 12.31 Still cloudy and unpleasant. Sewed some. My eyes commenced to feel very bad so had to stop sewing in afternoon. Have had a cold since Monday -- felt it since last Saturday. Carrie went to her Aunt's today. Had a letter from Emma saying she was married and gone to Duluth. Ivah went the seventh of this month. =========================================================================== Contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives August 15, 2001 by Marie Hosdil <emhosdil@1st.net> =========================================================================== USGENWEB ARCHIVES NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access.