Marriage record of Nels JENSEN and Caroline HANSEN
Contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives March 22, 2002 by
lynn Blazek <>

PLEASE NOTE:  This record was sent to me in error.  I have NO
connection to the people listed!  Thought it might be helpful to
someone else's research.
Lynn Blazek

Racine, Wisconsin, Marriage records, filed 13th August, 1906, vol.
14, page 51


Husband's father:  Nels Jensen

Husband's mother:  Maren Mirstine Jensen

Occupation of husband:  Workingman

Residence of husband:  Racine, Wisconsin

Birthplace of husband:  Denmark, Europe

Full name of wife previous to marriage:  CAROLINE HANSEN

Name of father of wife: Christ Hansen

Name of mother of wife:  Anna Hansen

Birthplace of wife:  Denmark, Europe

When marriage contracted:  11 August 1906

Place where marriage contracted:  Racine, Wisconsin

Color of the parties:  White

By what ceremony contracted:  Danish Luth. Church

Names of subscribing witnesses:  Jenny Rasmussen
                                                     Rasmus Andersen

Name of person pronouncing marriage:  H J Dahlstrom

Residence of last person named:  263 Mound Ave., Racine

Date of certificate of marriage:  11 August 1906

Date of registration:  13 August 1906

Additional circumstances:  License #2659; 6 Aug 1906


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