Marriage record of Nels JENSEN and Caroline HANSEN Contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives March 22, 2002 by lynn Blazek <> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ PLEASE NOTE: This record was sent to me in error. I have NO connection to the people listed! Thought it might be helpful to someone else's research. Lynn Blazek ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Racine, Wisconsin, Marriage records, filed 13th August, 1906, vol. 14, page 51 Husband: NELS JENSEN Husband's father: Nels Jensen Husband's mother: Maren Mirstine Jensen Occupation of husband: Workingman Residence of husband: Racine, Wisconsin Birthplace of husband: Denmark, Europe Full name of wife previous to marriage: CAROLINE HANSEN Name of father of wife: Christ Hansen Name of mother of wife: Anna Hansen Birthplace of wife: Denmark, Europe When marriage contracted: 11 August 1906 Place where marriage contracted: Racine, Wisconsin Color of the parties: White By what ceremony contracted: Danish Luth. Church Names of subscribing witnesses: Jenny Rasmussen Rasmus Andersen Name of person pronouncing marriage: H J Dahlstrom Residence of last person named: 263 Mound Ave., Racine Date of certificate of marriage: 11 August 1906 Date of registration: 13 August 1906 Additional circumstances: License #2659; 6 Aug 1906 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ USGENWEB ARCHIVES NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain written consent of the author/ contributor, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. The contributor has given the USGenWeb Archives permission to store the file permanently for free access.