Obituaries of Barbara OLLE (Noe)
Contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives September 28, 2002 by
Mary Houston <>

Racine Times Call 
Dec 17, 1928					

Mrs. Barbara Olle
					97 Years Old, Dies

Mrs. Barbara Olle, 97 years old, Racine's oldest resident who, when a girl, came here with her parents when the village was only 12 years old, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. J. H. Schulte, 841 Washington Avenue, Sunday morning.
	Born in Germany Jan. 29, 1832, she migrated to America in 1845 with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Michael Noe.  It was necessary for the Noe family to go first to Milwaukee before coming to Racine, for there was no other transportation excepting a wagon line from Milwaukee.
	The family constructed a shanty where Main and Sixth streets now intersect.  There the old homestead stood for 57 years.  The building was removed 17 years ago.
	Mrs. Olle is survived by six sons and four daughters.  The sons are George Olle, Racine; Nicholas Olle, Antelope, Calif.; Michael Olle, Milwaukee; William B Olle, Racine; Frank Olle, Sheboygan and Anthony Olle of Kenosha.  The daughters are Mrs. Elizabeth Kramer, Racine; Mrs. Frank Barnhard, Milwaukee; Mrs. Joseph Shulte, Racine and Mayme McOwen of Detroit.
	Three children are deceased, Lawrence, John P, and Michael.  Mrs. Olle also leaves 31 grandchildren, 16 great grandchildren and four great great grandchildren.
	Funeral Services will be held Wednesday morning from the residence of Joseph Shulte, 841 Washington avenue, to St. Mary's church, Eighth street and College avenue.  The remains may be viewed today at Bayermann's funeral chapel.

Racine Journal News  
Dec. 17, 1928			

Pioneer Woman Taken by Death

				Mrs. Barbara Olle, 97,
Dies Sunday at Home 
on Washington Ave.

				Native of Germany
				Came Here in 1844

				She witnessed Growth of
				City From Village to
				Second Place in State

Death quietly ended the career of Racine's oldest pioneer Sunday when Mrs. Barbara Olle, 97, died at her home at 841 Washington avenue.  She was a resident in Racine for 84 years, coming her with her parents from Germany when she was 13 years old and when Racine was little older and had less than 300 inhabitants.
	Sixty-one descendants survive Mrs. Olle.  They include 10 children, four of whom live in Racine; 31 grandchildren, 16 great grandchildren and four great great grandchildren.  the children in the second generation include George Olle, 1331 Franklin street, Mrs. Elizabeth Kramer, 1204 Schiller street, Mrs. Joseph Shulte, 841 Washington avenue, and William Olle,1326 Howe street, in Racine.  Others are Nicholas, Antelope, Calif., Michael, Milwaukee, Mrs. F. J. Barnhart, Milwaukee, Frank, Sheboygan, Anthony, Detroit, and Mrs. D. T. McOwen, Detroit.

					Long  Ocean Voyage

	Mrs. Olle was born in Manderfield, Germany, Jan. 29, 1832, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Noe.  the family came to Racine in 1845 three years before the state was admitted to the union.  The trip across the ocean was made in a wooden sailing vessel, which required 36 days for passage.  Racine had no harbor or railroad facilities so the family was forced to land in Milwaukee and make the trip to Racine in a wagon with their trunks for seats.
	Racine's few residents were scattered about near a creek, which marked what now is the Root river.  Mr. and Mrs. Noe purchased land at Main and Sixteenth street for $36 and acre.  Other land south and west was worth but $10.
	At the age of 17 Miss Noe was married to Phillip Olle.  Her husband died in 1881.  In addition to the 10 living children, three other sons of Mr. and Mrs. Olle died at various ages.  Michael died in infancy; Lawrence , a Racine man died at the age of 42 in 1904; John P Olle, Sturtevant man, died in Milwaukee in 1917 at the age of 39.
	The body is at the Bayermann undertaking parlors where it may be viewed by friends until Tuesday afternoon when it will be removed to the late home at 841 Washington avenue.  It will lie in state at the home until Wednesday morning and friends may view it either at the funeral parlors or at the home.  Mrs. Olle was a member of St. Mary's Catholic church and of the Christian Mothers association of the same church.

				Funeral Wednesday

	Services for Mrs. Olle will be held Wednesday at 10 a.m. at St. Mary's church, following a brief service in the home for members of the family.  Father Bell will officiate.  Burial will be in Calvary cemetery.

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