Obituary of Hugh G. COOPER
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Surnames:  COOPER, GIFFORD, SHEPHARD, Benjamin, Johnson, Knipp
From the Union Grove Enterprise from Waukesha, Wis., Jan. 10, 1916---

"Former Racine county Pioneer Dies Suddenly at Waukesha"---Hugh G.
Cooper, father of E.G. Cooper, died very suddenly Wednesday evening,
Jan. 5, 1916 at Waukesha, Wis.  He was in Olsen & Walrod's store
talking to L. Knipp when he was stricken and fell to the floor, dying
instantly.  His body was taken to Emil Johnson's undertaking parlors to
await the coroner's inquest.

His death in this manner was a very great shock to his family and 
friends.  Although 75 years of age he seemed in good health, and on the
day of his death was apparently feeling as well as usual.

Hugh G. Cooper was born in Motram, England on July 23, 1841.  His
parents were Abel and Eliza Cooper, both of English birth.  In June
1845, the family came to the United States and settled in Racine,
Wisconsin.  In 1863 in Wyanet, Bureau County, Ill., Mr. Cooper was
united in marriage with Martha G. Gifford, and they made their home in
Somers, Wis., where he was engaged in farming.  Mr. and Mrs. Cooper
came to Waukesha from Somers in 1898 and have owned and occupied a home
on East Sycamore Street for a number of years.  mr. Cooper is survived
by his wife and three children: William R., Cedar Rapids, Iowa; Elmer
G., Sycamore and Mrs. Lillian Shephard, Kenosha, Wis. and two brothers
and a sister; Joseph Cooper, Racine; William R. Cooper of Yorkville,
and Mrs. Thomas Shephard, Waukesha, Wi.

Mrs. Cooper is not in good health and is blind, so the death of her
husband is doubly hard.  His devotion to her has been such that it has
been spoken of by mere acquaintances as well as intimate friends, as
something remarkable.  He was a kindly pleasant man who always
remembered and greeted all of his acquaintances in a pleasant manner.
The funeral services were held Saturday afternoon at the home, Rev.
Benjamin, resident pastor of the Methodist church officiating.  On
Sunday morning the remains were taken to Racine; services were held in
the chapel at Mound Cemetery, the pastor of the First M.E. Church of
Racine officiating after which he was interred in the family lot there.