PENSION: Matthew Coon; Middletown, Delaware Co., NY

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Transcription of the Revolutionary Pension Application and Award
Matthew Coon 5481 New York 

Matthew Coon of Delaware Co in the State of New York who was a Private in the 
Company commanded by Captain Dee of the Regt. Commanded by Col Burkham in the 
New York line for 10 months.
Inscribed on the Roll of New York at the rate of 33 Dollars 33 Cents per annum 
to commence on the 4th day of March, 1831.

Certificate of Pension issued the 12th day of February 1833 and sent to Hon E. 
R_____ H O Rep

Arrears to 4th Sept 1832 ---- $49.99 Semi anl. Allowance ending 4 Mar 33 ----
Total $66.66
Revolutionary Claim Act June 7, 1832

Recorded by Jno Cromwell Clerk Book D Vol. 5 Page 158
State of New York Delaware County ___ On the 9th day of October 1832 honorably 
appeared in open court before a court of common pleas in and for the said
County of Delaware, now sitting Matthew Coon a resident of the town of Andes
County of Delaware and State of NewYork ages 81 years who being first duly
sworn according to law doth on his oath make the following deliberation in
order to attain the benefit of an act of Congress passed June 7th 1832 that he
entered the service of the United States under the following named officers
and served as herein stated --
During the Revolutionary War he resided at the town of Paulding County of 
Dutchess and State of New York and then and there volunteered for them as a 
private under Col. Burkham Captain Thomas Dee he served out the said three 
months and was discharged at the end of the said three months at a bay on the 
Hudson below Newburgh. Was engaged in getting timber for a cheveau de frise at 
West Point and across over to Stoney Point was in no battle had no written 

In the following year he resided at the same place and the militia were called 
out on alarm and he among the rest was sent on duty this time one month under 
the same officers. Marched to Peekskill had no battle did not see the enemy 
disserviced at Paulding after his return had no written discharge.

In the year 1778 he resided at the same place and went as a substitute for
Peter Blins (?) who had been drafted for six months and served out the six
months marched to West Point under the same officers but at West Point
attached to the Continental troops disserviced at West Point at West Point had
no written discharge. Returned to Pauldings Town does not recollect the
officers commanding at West Point. A large body of Continental troops
stationed at West Point He does not recollect the names of any of the
officers. Was no documentary evidence nor are there any ______ living who were
in the service with him and by whom he can prove his said service nor can he
state anything more particular about it.

He was born at Hopkinstown in the South West part of the State of Rhode Island 
the 2nd day of October 1751. He has no record of his age, during the
Revolution he resided at the town of Pauldings aforesaid and about ten years
after ______ the war he then removed to Saratoga County State of New York
lived there about three years then he moved to Washington County in State
aforesaid lived there about nineteen years from there he removed to Andes then
Middletown where he now lives and has since resided being about twenty five

He knows residing in his present neighborhood by whom he can prove his honesty 
for _____ and the reputation of his services as a soldier in the revolution
are Jonathan Earles and Abel Palmer whose certificate is below.

He hereby relinquishes every claim whatsoever to a pension or annuity except
the present and declares that his name is not on the pension roll of the
agency of any State. Sworn to and subscribed the day and year aforesaid. C. B.
Sheldon Clerk
Matthew Coon

We Jonathan Earles residing in the town of Andes in the County of Delaware and 
Abel Palmer of the town of Delhi in the same county hereby certify that we are 
well acquainted with Matthew Coon who has subscribed and sworn to the above 
declaration; that we believe him to be eighty one years of age; that he is 
reputed and believe in the neighborhood where he resided to have been a
soldier of the Revolution, and we concur in that opinion -
Sworn & subscribed the day and year aforesaid.
C. B. Sheldon Clerk Jonathan Earles Abel Palmer 

And the said court do hereby declare their opinion after the investigation of 
the matter and after ______ the investigation prescribed by the War Department 
that the above named applicant was a Revolutionary Soldier and such as he
states and the Court Justice certifies that it appears to them that Jonathan
Earles & Abel Palmer are residents of the towns of Andes & Delaware in the
County of Delaware & that they are credible persons & that their statements
are entitled to credit, And it is the opinion of this court that a clergyman
could not be present in court for the said applicant without too much _____
inconvenience to him.
I Crawford B. Sheldon, Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas on and for the
County of Delaware Do hereby certify that the foregoing contains the original 
proceedings of the said Court in the matter of the application of Matthew Coon
a pensioner. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal of
office this 9th day of October 1832
C. B. Sheldon