WILL: Curtis J. Aldrich; Meredith, Delaware Co., NY

Transcribed & submitted Sept 2002 W. David Samuelsen

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Delaware Co NY Wills Vol. H page 200

Curtis J. Aldrich of Meredith
probated 3 Feb 1873

I, Curtis J. Aldrich of Meredith in the County of Delaware & State of New York
of the age sixty four years and being of sound mind and memory do make publish
and declare this my last will and Testament in manner following that is to

I give unto my wife Caroline Aldrich the use occupancy and entire control of
the house lot on which I now reside consisting of almost five acres of land
with the appurtenances thereunto belonging together with all the household
effects of every kind and also the use and occupancy of the principal and
interest that shall remain due or unpaid at the time of my decease on a
certain mortgage now held and owned by me upon the premise now occupied by my
son C. Wesley Aldrich for securing the payment of the sum of four thousand
dollars and interest dated June 26, 1871 during the life time of my said wife
then after her decease I give & bequath unto my own son C. Wesley Aldrich the
whole ofwhatever shall remain of my estate seal and permanent forever.

And further I hereby nominate and appoint George W. Munson sole Executor of
this my last Will & Testament hereby revoking all forme wills by me made.

In Witness Whereof I have hereunto set my and and seal this 18th day of May

C. J. Aldrich (LS)

John G. Graham of Meredith, Del. Co., NY
Peter (his mark) Krofft of Meredith, Del. Co., NY
Marshall Krofft of Meredith, Del. Co., NY