WILL: Peter J. Becker; Stamford, Delaware co., NY 
surname: Becker, Stanley, Mcnaught

submitted by Sharon Eads (reads001@charter.net) 
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Source: Delaware County, NY, Surrogate Court
Will Book Vol. G page 329
Written: December 19 1867
Recorded: June 22 1868

Peter I. Becker's Will

     Be it remembered that at a Surrogates Court held at the Court House in
the Village of Delhi, in and for the County of Delaware on the 22d day of June
1868, the last Will and Testament of Peter I. Becker, late of the town of
Stamford in the Count of Delaware deceased was duly proved before Hon. Edwin
D. Wagner Surrogate of said County, and was by said Surrogate adjudged valid
and established as a Will of Real and Personal Estate, and the same together
with the proofs and Examinations taken on the probate thereof are pursuant to
an order of said Surrogate here recorded to wit:

     In the name of God Amen!  I, Peter I. Becker, of the town of Stamford,
County of Delaware and State of New York, being of sound mind and memory, do
make publish and declare this my last Will and Testament.  That is to say: 
Item.  I give and bequeath unto my Daughter, Sarah S. Stanley, all of my
property of whatever name and nature (after paying all my debts, funeral
Expenses, and for a Tombstone.  And I do hereby nominate and appoint John S.
McNaught Executor of this my last Will and Testament revoking all former wills
by me made.

     In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand & seal this Nineteenth
day of December, One Thousand Eight Hundred and Sixty Seven.
                                 Peter I. Becker (L.S.)

     The foregoing instrument consisting of one half sheet was at the date 
thereof signed sealed published and declared by the Said Peter I. Becker as
and for his last Will and Testament in presence of us who at his request and
in his presence and in the presence of Each other, have subscribed our names
as witnesses thereto as attesting witnesses.
     Levander Hager, Residing at Hobart, Del Co NY
     John Hanford, Residing at Hobart Del Co N.Y.

Delaware County Surrogate Court
In the matter of the Probate of the last Will}
and Testament of Peter I. Becker, late of said}  Delaware County SS.
County deceased as a Will of Real and Personal Estate.}
     Levander Hager of the town of Stamford, in the County of Delaware, being
sworn, deposes that he saw the above named Peter I. Becker, deceased, late of
the town of Stamford in the County of Delaware, deceased, subscribe and
execute the instrument now shown him and which purports to be the last Will
and Testament of the said Peter I. Becker, and bears date the 19th day of
December 1867 and that he heard the said Peter I. Becker declare the same to
be his last  Will and Testament, and that he, this deponent together with John
Hanford, the other subscribing witness subscribed his name as a witness to
said instrument at his request; and at the time thereof the said Peter I.
Becker, was of sound mind and memory of full age to make said will and not
under any restraint.
Sworn and Subscribed before}               Levander Hager
me this 22d day of June 1868}
Edwin D. Wagner Surrogate.
Delaware County Surrogates Court}
In the Matter of the Probate of the last Will}
and Testament of Peter I. Becker, late of }
said County deceased as a Will of Read and}      Delaware County SS.
Personal Estate}

     John Hanford of the town of Stamford in the County of Delaware, being
sworn, deposes that he saw the above named Peter I. Becker, deceased, late of
the town of Stamford in the Count of Delaware, deceased, subscribe and execute
this instrument now shown him and which purports to be the last Will and
Testament by the said Peter I. Becker, and bears date the 19th day of December
1867 and that he heard the said Peter I. Becker declare the same to be his
last Will and Testament and that he this deponent together with Levander
Hager, the other subscribing witness subscribed his name as a witness to said
instrument at his request; and at the time thereof the said Peter I. Becker,
was of sound mind and memory, of full age to make said Will, and not under any
Sworn and Subscribed before me}                          John Hanford
this 22d day of June 1868}
  Edwin D. Wagner Surrogate

     I hereby certify the foregoing to be a true Copy of the whole of the
last will and Testament of Peter I. Becker late of the town of Stamford, in
the County of Delaware deceased, and of the proofs and Examinations taken on
the probate thereof.
                              Edwin D. Wagner--Surrogate