WILL: William Mallock;  Andes, Delaware co., NY 
surname: Mallock, Clark

submitted by Janet Malloch (morrisfm @ aracnet.com) 
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Delaware Co NY Will book Vol. F page 291
Written: September 16 1858
Recorded: January 17 1861

WILLIAM MALLOCK Of Andes, Delaware Co. NY 8/16/1858 will age 80
Executors: John Mallock Andes Delaware nephew
George W Clark  Middletown, Delaware
Witness: Henry A Clark and Wheeler W Clark both of Middletown, Delaware
Surrogate: William Gleason
Dec by 1/17/1861

Be it remembered that at a surrogate court, heard at Delhi in and for the
County of Delaware January 17th, 1861. Present Wm Gleason (?) surrogate the
last Will and Testament of William Mallock late of the town of Andes in said
county, deceased now and duly proved before said surrogate and by him adjudged
and declared true and valid and established as a will of Real and () estates
and the same together with the proofs and examinations taken thereon are
here recorded ():

In the name of God, Amen. I, William Mallock of the town of Andes in the
County of Delaware and State of New York of the age of eighty year and being
of sound mind and memory do make, publish and declare this my last Will and
Testament in manner following that is to say  I give and bequeath to my wife
Mary Mallock all my personal estate to be used and enjoyed by her during the
term of her natural life which is to be accepted by her in lieu of (dower). 
And from and immediately after her decease I give and bequeath the same as

I give and bequeath to my daughter Marion Mallock the sum of four hundred
dollars and to my daughter Elizabeth Mallock the sum of three hundred dollars.
All the rest residue and remainder of my personal estate I give and bequeath o
my said daughters Marion Mallock and Elizabeth Mallock and my sons (James
Mallock inserted), John Mallock and William Mallock to be divided equally
between them share and share alike.

And I do further will and direct that my executors here in after named shall
have the custody and possesion of my said personal estate now and immediately
after my decease until the decease of my said wife Mary Mallock and I do
further direct that said executors collect the interest of my said personal
estate xxx apply it for the benefit of my said wife and as they shall deem 
suitable to her condition and necessities.

Lastly, I do hereby nominate and appoint my nephew John Mallock of the town of
Andes, Delaware county and George W Clark of the town of Middletown, Delaware
County NY executors of this my last Will and Testament hereby revoking all
former wills by me made.

In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this sixteenth day of
September in the year of our Lord on thousand eight hundred and fifty eight.
                    William Mallock (L.S.)