WILL: Aaron Rollins; Stamford, Delaware co., NY
surname: Rollins, Rawlins, Barlow, Squire, Rawlings, 

submitted by David F. Robinson (drobins6 @ columbus.rr.com)
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Transcribed from SAMPUBCO copy by David F. Robinson

Delaware co NY Will Book vol. E page 207

Be it remembered that at a Surrogate Court held at Stamford in the County of
Delaware and State of New York the Last Will and Testament of Aaron Rollins
late of said Stamford in said County, deceased, was duly proved before William
Gleason Jun. County Judge acting as Surrogate of said County, according to
Law, and was by him allowed and established as and for the Last Will and
Testament of the Real and Personal Estate of the said Aaron Rollins, deceased. 
And in pursuance of an order of the said acting Surrogate the said Will
together with the proof taken thereon here Recorded, to wit:

The Last Will and Testament of Aaron Rawlins, of the town of Stamford in the
County of Delaware and State of New York.

I Aaron Rawlins considering the uncertainty of this mortal life and being of
sound mind and memory, Blessed be the Almighty God for the same, do make and
publish this my last Will and Testament in manner and form following, that is
to say:

I Give and bequeath to my Eldest Daughter Eunice Barlow the Sum of Twenty

I Give and bequeath to my second Daughter Lucinda Barlow the Sum of Twenty
I Give and bequeath to my third Daughter Aimy Squire the Sum of Twenty

I Give and bequeath to my fourth Daughter Betsey Barlow the Sum of Twenty

The above mentioned Legacies or sums of money I will and order to be paid to
the said respective Legatees within two years after my decease.

I likewise do give and bequeath to my Daughter in Law Polly Rawlings all the
Bed and Bedding that I shall have or own at the time of my decease.

And I hereby Give and bequeath to my son Burr Rawlings all my Real and
personal Estate by his paying the above mentioned Legatees, and what debts
that may be against me at the time of my decease and my funeral charges.
In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 22d day of
November in the year of our Lord 1837.
Aaron Rollins  (seal)

Signed sealed published and declared by the above named Aaron Rawllings to be
his last Will and Testament in the presence of us who have hereunto subscribed
our names as Witnesses in the presence of the Testator.
D. McDonald
H. W. Rosakrans
James McIntosh

In the matter of the Probate of the Last Will and Testament of Aaron Rollins,
Surrogate Court, Delaware County l. s.
Burr Rollins of said County being duly sworn says that the Signatures to the
within and also to the annexed consent that the Will of Aaron Rollins deceased
in said Consent in writing mentioned, are the Signatures of the heirs and next
of kin of said deceased whose signatures they respectively purport to be, and
that Deponent is acquainted is acquainted [sic] with the handwriting of each. 
And that H. W. Rosakrans and James McIntosh two of the Subscribing Witnesses
to the Will of said Aaron Rollins now shown him dated 22d Nov 1837 are reputed
to be dead, and from the Inquiries that Deponents has made concerning them he
believes that both of them are dead.  And that said Will has been in
Deponent's custody from the decease of the testator.
Burr Rollins
Sworn before me 27th Feby. 1852.
Wm Gleason Jun.  Surrogate

Delaware County Surrogate Court
In the matter of the Probate of the last Will and Testament of Aaron Rollins
late of said County deceased as a Will of Real and Personal Estate.
Delaware County l.s.
D____ McDonald of the town of Stamford in the County of Delaware being sworn
deposes that he saw the above named Aaron Rollins late of the town of Stamford
in the County of Delaware, deceased, subscribe and execute the Instrument now
shown him and which purports to be the Last Will and Testament of the said
Aaron Rollins and bears date the 22d of November 1837, and that he heard the
said Aaron Rollins declare the same to be his last Will and Testament and that
he this deponent together with H. W. Rosakranz and James McIntosh the other
subscribing Witnesses subscribed the same as a Witness to said instrument at
his request, and deponent says that said Rosakranz is dead, and that he has
not seen said McIntosh in many years, but has been informed and believes that
he is also dead, and deponent knows the signature to said Will to be the
handwriting of the testator, and that deponent was and is acquainted with his
D. McDonald

Sworn and Subscribing before me Feby. 27th 1852.  Wm Gleason Jun., Surrogate

And I do certify that the foregoing is a correct copy of the whole of the Will
of Aaron Rollins late of the town of Stamford and the County of Delaware,
deceased, and of the proofs of the same and that the same were recorded this
28th day of February 1852.
William Gleason Jun., Surrogate