WILL: John Lamb;  Harpersfield, Delaware co., NY 
surname: Lamb, Buckingham, Strong

submitted by Sharon Eads (reads001 @ charter.net) 
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Delaware Co. Will Book vol. D page 313
Written: January 3 1844
Recorded: March 22 1844

Delaware Co. Surrogate Court
In the matter of the probate of the Will of John Lamb decd. as a will of Real
and Personal Estate.  Delaware Co. SS

     In the name of God amen, I John Lamb of the Town of Harpersfield County
of Delaware and State of New York being weak of body but of sound mind &
memory praised be God, do make and ordain this my last Will and Testament
revoking all others 

     First--I will that my body have a decent christian burial and my Soul 
through Christ to God who gave it.

     As to my temporal things of which I am possessed I will and bequeath them
in the following manner, viz

     To my beloved wife Hannah such an amount of my Real and Personal Estate
or the use of it as the Law allows to widows or would allow to her in case I
should die without a Will, but as she is insane and may not claim the use and
ownership of the property, in such case my Son William I. Lamb is to take care
of it for her and he is to take good care of it for her and he is to take good
care of her while she lives and have the above property at her death.

     I give and bequeath to my grand daughter Hannah M. Lamb the sum of one 
hundred dollars to be paid to her out of my personal property when she is
twenty one years of age.

     All the rest of my real and personal Estate I will and bequeath to my Son 
John I. Lamb whom I hereby appoint Executor and Administrator of this my last 
Will and Testament.

     Signed Sealed and declared by the testator to be his last Will and
Testament in the presence of us who have subscribed our names as witnesses as
the Request of the Testator in his presence and in presence of each other,
being the third day of January in the year of our Lord one thousand eight
hundred & forty four.

                                            John Lamb
Wm. Buckinham of Harpersfield
John F. Strong of Harpersfield

Delaware County, Surrogate Court

     In the matter of the Probate of the Will of John Lamb deceased as a Will
of Real & Personal Est.}  Delaware Co. SS

     William Buckingham of the Town of Harpersfield in the County of Delaware 
being first duly sworn deposes and says that he saw the above named John Lamb 
late of the Town of Harpersfield in the County of Delaware deceased, subscribe 
and Execute the instrument now shown him and which purports to be the last
Will and Testament of the Said John Lamb and bears date the third day of
January 1844 and that he heard the said John Lamb declare the Same to be his
last Will and Testament and that he this deponent together with John F.
Strong, the other subscribing witness subscribed their names as witnesses to
said instrument at his request; and at the time thereof the Said John Lamb was
of Sound mind and memory, of full age to make said Will, and not under any
                                          Wm. Buckingham

Sworn & Subscribed before me the 22nd day of March 1844}
Charles Heathaway

     In the matter of the Probate of the last Will and Testament of John Lamb
late of Said County, decd. as a Will of Real and Personal Estate.}  Delaware
Co. SS

     John F. Strong of the Town of Harpersfield in the County of Delaware
being first duly sworn deposes and says that he saw the above named John Lamb
late of the Town of Harpersfield in the County of Delaware, deceased,
subscribe & execute the Instrument now shown him and which purports to be the
last Will and Testament of the said John Lamb & bears date the third day of
January 1844 and that he heard the said John Lamb declare the same to be his
last Will & Testament, and that he this Deponent, together with William
Buckingham the other Subscribing Witness to said Instrument subscribed their
names as witnesses to said Instrument at his request, and at the time thereof
the said John Lamb was of sound mind and memory and of full age to make Said
Will and not under any restraint.

                                              John F. Strong
Subscribed & Sworn before me the 22d day of March 1844
                                Charles Hathaway

State of New Yorke Delaware County, SS}  Be it remembered that on the twenty 
second day of March in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and
forty four, before Charles Hathaway, Esquire, Surrogate of the County of
Delaware, came William Buckingham and John F. Strong attesting witnesses to
the last Will and Testament of John Lamb late of the town of Harpersfield in
the County afore said, deceased, and the said William Buckingham and John F.
Strong being severally duly sworn did depose and say that they saw the said
John Lamb, deceased, subscribe and execute the instrument now shown them, and
which purports to be the last Will and Testament of the said John Lamb, and
bears date the third day of January 1844, that they heard the said John Lamb
declare the same to be his last Will and Testamnet, That they the said William
Buckingham and John F. Strong subscribed their names as witnesses to said
instrument at his the said John Lamb's request, and in his presence; and that
at the time thereof the said John Lamb was of sound mind and memory, of full
age to execute said Will and not under any restraint.

     Whereupon the said Will is admitted to Probate as a will of real and 
personal estate, and together with the testimony aforesaid, recorded, pursuant
to the Revised Statutes in such case made and provided.

     In testimony whereof, the Surrogate aforesaid, hath hereunto affixed his 
seal of office

     Witness, Charles Hathaway, Surrogate of said county, at Delhi, this 22nd
day of March 1844--
                         Charles Hathaway