Jacob Rogler Invalid Pension Declaration, Sullivan, New York

SUBJECT: Declaration of Invalid Pension - Jacob Rogler
SUBMITTER: Susan Gomez
EMAIL: hsgomez@ix.netcom.com
DATE: Jul 29, 1999
Act of June 27, 1890

State of New York }
County of Sullivan }ss.

On this 11th day of March, A.D. one thousand eight hundred and ninety-eight personally appeared before me, a
notary public within and for the county and State aforesaid, Jacob Rogler, aged 56 years, a resident of
Youngsville, county of Sullivan, State of New York, who, being duly sworn according to law, declares that he
is the identical person who was ENROLLED at Monticello Sullivan County N.Y. under the name of Jacob Rogler on
the 11th day of February, 1862, as a Private in Second Excelsior Light Battery N.Y. Independent vols. in the
service of the United States, the war of the rebellion, and served at least ninety days, and was HONORABLY
DISCHARGED at Harpers Ferry VA, on the 10th day of February, 1865. That he also served being transferred in
the Spring of 1863 to Battery C, First Regt Artillery Rhode Island vols, ______ fall of 1864 was transferred
to Horse Battery 6th Independent N.Y. Vols - (cannot give exact dates of transfer) That he was not employed
in the military or naval service prior to February 11th, 1862 That he has not been employed in the military
or naval service since February 10th, 1865 That his personal description at enlistment was follows: Age, 20
years; height, 5 feet 8 inches; complexion, light; hair, light; eyes, blue. That he is in part incapacitated
for earning support by manual labor by reason of functional ______ of the heart and indiggestion That said
disabilities are not due to his vicious habits, and are to the best of his knowledge and belief of a
permanent character. That he is not a pensioner. That he has not heretofore applied for pension. That he
makes this declaration for the purpose of being placed on the pension roll of the United States under the
provisions of the Act of June 27, 1890. That he hereby appoints _(Stricken)_____________________ of
_(Stricken)___________, his true and lawful attorney to prosecute his claim. That his POST-OFFICE ADDRESS is
Youngsville county of Sullivan, State of New York

Signed by Jacob Rogler

Attest: (1) Signed by Leander M. Young

(2) Signed by Fred Ludwig

Stamped U.S. Pension Office Mar 14 1898

Please note: Blanks in the body of the message are mine as I could not
make out the writing.

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