Sullivan County NyArchives Obituaries.....Ruth, Wilhelmina Blum 1904 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Susan Gomez March 16, 2016, 7:19 pm Sullivan County Record, May 5, 1904 Wilhelmina, widow of the late Abram Ruth, died of a tumor of the stomach at her home in Youngsville Saturday evening, aged 78 years. Burial took place at that place Tuesday, Rev. Muery officiating; and E. A. Brand funeral director. Mrs. Ruth's maiden name was Blum, and she was a native of Germany. She was married twice, her first husband being John Rogler of Youngsville. The following children from her first union survive: Mary, wife of Jacob Spielman; Sarah, wife of Alanson Inderlied, and Henry Rogler of Youngsville; Maurice Rogler of Liberty, and John Rogler of New York. She leaves two step-children - Otto Ruth of Youngsville and Lizzie Hoffman of New York. The Record's Youngsville correspondent furnishes the following: Wilhelmina Ruth, one of Youngsville's pioneer settlers, passed away on Saturday evening. Mrs. Ruth has the distinction of being one of the early settlers of the now promising village of Youngsville. Wilhelmina Blume was born in 1825 in Kassel, Germany, where she lived until her twenty-first year, when she came to New York, where she remained for a year. She there met John Rogler and was married in 1847. The couple then set out for the wilderness of Youngsville, where there were then but six log cabins and a small general store. They settled there, but in a short time exchanged their place for one in Monticello, to which place they moved, but soon returned to Youngsville, exchanging their place for the place known as the Rogler homestead, the oldest farm land in Youngsville today. Six children were born to them. Mr. Rogler died in 1862, when the entire burden of the farm life fell upon her. Nine years later, in 1871, she married Abraham Ruth. They moved to the upper end of the village, where she lived at the time of her decease. Mr. Ruth died in 1896. During the latter years of her life Mrs. Ruth was marked for her great activity and vitality, considering her advanced age. Last November lingering illness came for the first time to her, and she gradually gave way to the disease. Although having previously suffered severely, her last moments were peaceful and calm. Of the six children five survive, Emma, the oldest daughter, being dead. Additional Comments: Married Johann Nikol Rogler 21 Mar 1847, Evangelical Lutheran Church of St. Matthew, New York, NY. Married John Abraham Ruth 11 Feb 1870, Youngsville, NY. This file has been created by a form at File size: 2.9 Kb