Delaware County NyArchives Deed.....Teed, Samuel - Bowles, John August 25, 1797
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Written: August 25, 1797
Recorded: December 29, 1797

John Bowles to Samuel Teed
Written: 25 Aug [1797]
Recorded: 29 Dec 1797
Delaware County, New York Deed Book A [1792-1803] page 67
FHL# 0557784

This Indenture made the 25th day of August between John Bowles mariner of the 
State and City of New York of the first part and Samuel Teed of Walton  County 
of Delaware and State aforesaid yeoman of the second part/ Witnesseth/ that the 
said John Bowles for and in Consideration of the sum of one hundred and fifty 
Nine pounds twelve Shillings Lawful money of the State of New York to him in 
hand paid by the said Samuel Teed before the Ensealing and delivery hereof the 
Receipt whereof the said John Bowles doth hereby Acknolwedge/ and thereof and 
every part thereof do hereby acquist the said Samuel Teed his Heirs Executors 
Administrators forever by these presents Have Granted bargained sold Rel--ed 
Aliened and confirmed and by these presents do Grant Bargain sell Alien Release 
convey Comfirm to him the said Samuel Teed his Heirs and Assigns forever - all 
that certain lot of Land number seventy being part of a tract of land Granted to 
Rapabjic (sic) and others - Surveyed and run into Lots by William Cockburn and 
William Cockburn Junr - Situate lying and being between the Coaguage Branch of 
the Delaware and the Susquchanah River - Beginning at the SE corner of No 63 a 
Stake - 6 links west from a small Beech tree cornered (and?) marked 63-64-70-71 
and Runs thence S-2-30 E 40 chains to a Stake 16 links west from a beech tree 
cornerd and marked 70-71-77-78 Thence S 89-30 West 50 Chains to a beech Sapling 
cornered and marked 69-70-76-77 Thence N 2-30 West 39 Chains 90 links to a beech 
Sapling cornered and marked 62-63-69-70- Thence N 87-30 East 50 Chains to the 
place of Begining containing one hundred and Ninety Nine and a half acre 
Together with all the Rights priviliges and apurtenances to the same belonging 
or in anyways appertaining to him the said Samuel Teed his heirs and assigns 
forever to have and to hold the above bargained premises in fee simple to their 
own proper use benefit and behoof free from all incumbrances whatever and the 
said John Bowles for himself his heirs and assigns Covenant with the said Samuel 
Teed his heirs and assigns that at the and until the sealing these premises that 
he is possest (sic) of a good Right Titlle to the above Bargained premises and 
have good Right and lawful Authority to bargain and sell the same in manner 
above written - and also the said John Bowles do Covenant with the said Samuel 
Teed his heirs and assigns that he will at all times defend him in the peaceable 
possesion of the above bargained premises against all lawful Claims whatever In 
Witness- the word number sevinty was interlined between the fifth and sixth 
lines before the Sealing of thes presents - - - - - - John Bowles {LS}
     Signed Sealed and Delivered in presence of Gabriel North and Robert North -
Be it Remembered that on the twenty fifth day of August 1797 Personally appeared 
before me Gabriel one of the Judges of the Court of Common pleas for the County 
of Delaware - John Bowles the signer and Sealer of the above Deed and 
Acknowledged that on the day mentioned as his free and voluntary act and Deed 
and having examined the same and finding no material (Evapsors?) or 
Interlincations Except what is noted above Do admit the same for Record - - - - 
- - - - - - Gabriel North
A true Coppy from the Original Entered of Record this 29th Day of Dec 1797 --

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