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Montgomery County, NY Book 31, page 120 - 121

This indenture made the twenty second day of February in the year of our Lord one thousand
eight-hundred and twenty between William Slack of the town of Middletown, county of Delaware
and State of New York of the first part and John Voorhees of the town of Amsterdam, county of
Montgomery and State aforesaid of the second part.  Witnesseth that the said party of the first
part for and in consideration of the sum of one hundred and eighty three dollars and seventy
five cents current money of the United States to him in hand paid by the said party of the
second party the receipt whereof is hereby confessed and acknowledged hath granted bargained,
sold remised, released, aliened and confirmed and by those presents doth grant bargain sell
remise release alien and confirm unto the said party of the second part, in his actual
possession now being and to his heirs and assigns forever.  All that certain piece or parcel of
land lying and being in the town of Amsterdam, Montgomery  county being a part of lot No.
Seventy-eight in the Sacandaga Patent and is bounded as follows.  Beginning at a stake standing
on the line of Hugh Sanford and being the corner of lands laid out for two sons of Rosel Slack,
deceased and run from thence north thirty degrees and thirty minutes West eighteen chains and
thirty eight links to the public highway thence along the South side of the highway South
seventy six degrees and thirty minutes East ten chains and forty seven links thence north
eighty seven degrees & forty five minutes East one chain and Eighty five links to the gate and
road leading to the dwelling house lately owned and possessed by Benajah Slack deceased thence
South twenty degrees and thirty minutes East till it intersects the division line of the land
of Rosel Slack thence along said line till it comes to the place of beginning containing twelve
acres and one rood of land, the premises hereby granted is a part of the farm lately owned by
Benajah Slack deceased and by his last will & testament devised to the said party of the first
part.  Together with all and singular the hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging
or in any wise appertaining and the reversion and reversions remainder and, and remainders,
rents issues and profits thereof and also all the estate right title inherit claim or demand
whatsoever of him the said party of the first part either in law or equity of in & to the above
bargained premises and every part and parcel thereof.  To have and to hold the said above
mentioned and described premises to the said party of the second part his heirs and assigns to
the sole and only forever use and benefit and behoof of the said party of the second part his
heirs and assigns forever and the said party of the first part for himself his executors
administrators & doth covenant grant promise and agree to and with the said party of the second
part his heirs and assigns the above bargained premises in the quiet and peaceable possessions
of the said party of the second part his heirs and assigns against all and every person or
persons lawfully or equitably claiming or to claim the whole or any part thereof will forever
Warrant and Defend.  In witness whereof the said party of the first part hath hereunto set his
hand and seal the day and year above written William (x his mark) Slack (seal).  Sealed and
delivered in the presence of Eleazer Taft . Jas Cushney.  State of New York Montgomery County.
On the twenty second day of February in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and
twenty came before me William Slack to me personally known who acknowledged he had signed
sealed and delivered the within deed as his voluntary act and deed for the uses and purposes
therein mentioned.  I having examined the same and finding therein no material alterations
erasures & do allow the same to be recorded.  James Cushney a comissioner for taking the
acknowledgement of deeds. Recorded the 30th April 1832 at 11 Oclock A. M.
Geo: D. Ferguson, Clerk