BIOGRAPHY: Ephraim Spring; Franklin, Delaware co., NY
surname: Spring, Radle

submitted by Teri Brown (sanchoinc at 
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Author: Directory of Crawford County, PA, 1879-1880, page 308


Was born February 11th, 1809, at Franklin, Delaware county, New York. He came 
to Crawford county [PA] with his father, Ephraim Spring, in 1823, and fettled 
in Randolph township, where his father bought fifty acres of land After about 
six years this farm was sold and one hundred acres bought, near Sugar Lake, 
and there the father lived almost up to the time of his death in 1855, when 
the son bought one hundred and fifty acres in Randolph township, and settled 
down, until 1875 when, being appointed postmaster at Hickory Corners, he sold 
the farm, moved to the Corners and opened a store, which he continued until 
1879, when his postmastership expired. Mr. Spring was elected Justice of the 
Peace in 1845, and served ten years. He was re-elected in 1856, and held the 
office until 1876; he also was Auditor and School Director of the township. 

From 1833 to 1847 he was captain of the 2nd company of the old Pennsylvania 
militia. He married Miss Mary Radle, daughter of Michael Radle, who came into 
the neighborhood of the Corners as early as 1806, being the first settler in 
the vicinity.