Delaware County NyArchives Obituaries.....Oliver, Henry February 18, 1956
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Lorraine O'Dell February 11, 2025, 4:25 am

Delaware Republican Express, Delhi, N.Y.-February 23, 1956
Rites Conducted
Fer Henry Oliver

Funeral Services for Henry Oliver, 76, were held Tuesday at the home of his 
daughter, Mrs. Elmer V. Johnson, Warren Road, Richfield Springs.  Mr. Oliver 
died there Saturday after a long illness.

The Rev. Carlos H. Straight, Richfield Springs Methodist pastor, officiated.  
Burial will be later in New Forest Cemetery, Utica.

Mr. Oliver was born December 24, 1879, in Delhi, son of William and Laura Carver 
Oliver.   Long a Mohawk area resident, he had lived with his daughter for 
several years.

He was a member of Mohawk Valley Masonic Lodge and the Ilion Odd Fellow Lodge.

Surviving are his wife, the former Josephine Scholich, whom he married in Utica 
44 years ago; his daughter, Mrs. Johnson,  two grandchildren and three brothers.

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