Delaware County NyArchives Obituaries.....Canfield, George May 20, 19--
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Ken Wright February 9, 2014, 3:16 pm

Jackson Sentinel, May 31, 1900

    Jackson Sentinel, May 31, 1900

    George Canfield, one of Sabula's oldest and most respected citizens passed
away at his home in Sabula on Sunday, May 20. The many years here resided in
Sabula and the numberless kind and generous deeds that he was ever to wont to
perform, endeared him to all who knew him.

    George Canfield was born in Delaware County, New York, July 29, 1818 and
died in Sabula, aged 81 years, 9 months and 21 days. When a lad but two years
old he moved with his parents to Canada, settling near London, where they
remained until July 1838, when they moved to Jackson County, Iowa. His father
settled upon a claim of 160 acres and followed farming for many years. On April
26, 1846, Mr. Canfield was united in marriage to Adeline Cohenour, who for more
than fifty-four years has been his constant companion. Five children were born
to this union, Henry, of Geneseo, Illinois, Charles of Omaha, Mrs. Geo.
Hofstetter of Lyons, Mrs. C. G. Eldredge and Mrs. A. E. McDole of Sabula, who
are left to mourn his demise. In 1863 Mr. Canfield and family removed to Sabula,
which has been their continuous home since that time. 

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