Lenoir County NcArchives Photo Tombstone.....Taylor, Benjamin Oliver 
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File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by:
Jeanette W. Corcoran annejeanette@earthlink.net February 11, 2008, 8:56 pm

Cemetery:           Colonel John Williams Cemetery
Name:               Benjamin Oliver Taylor
Photo can be seen at:
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Tombstone reads:
Benjamin O. Taylor
[tombstone date different from paper]
May 18, 1858
Sept 15, 1895
He's sleeping, yea resting;
Where naugh can harm him
He shineth in Jesus 
and He shineth in him.
OBIT READS    Kinston paper
Mr. B.O. Taylor of this county, died Sunday, September 13th, aged 36 years. 
His body was interrred in the Williams burying ground, near Woodington, 
Monday.  He leaves a wife and many relatives and friends to mourn their loss.

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