Lenoir County NcArchives Photo Tombstone.....Sutton, Willie Green 
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File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by:
Jeanette W. Corcoran annejeanette@earthlink.net February 16, 2008, 3:42 pm

Cemetery:           Colonel John Williams Cemetery
Name:               Willie Green Sutton
Photo can be seen at:
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He was a son of  the late Jesse and Julia Taylor Sutton of Lenoir County, born 
February 19, 1828. He married Dora Grady who died in 1933. He them married 
Margaret Fox.
Obit reads:
Willie Green Sutton
Willie Green Sutton, 74, died at his home on Kinston Route 5 about 10pm 
Thursday after an illness of some time. He was a retired superintendent of the 
Lenoir County Home and is survived by his wife, Mrs. Margaret Fox Sutton; one 
brother, Dal, of Kinston Route 4; two sisters, Ms. Caroline Fordham, of 
Kinston; and Mrs. Jesse Sutton of Kinston and several nieces and nephews. 
Funeral services will be conducted from Garner's Chapel at 11am with services 
conducted by Rev. R. M. Church. Burial will follow in the Williams Cemetery 
near Kinston. Active pallbearers will be David Williams, Rom Conner, Herbert 
Sutton, Meryl Newman, Grover Fordham and Horace Sutton
tombstone reads:
Willie Green Sutton
son of Jesse Sutton &
Julia Taylor Sutton
Born Feb. 19, 1882
Died Dec. 13, 1956

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