Lenoir County NcArchives Photo Tombstone.....Dunn Jr., Luther Earl 
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File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by:
Jeanette W. Corcoran annejeanette@earthlink.net February 25, 2008, 8:53 pm

Cemetery:           Colonel John Williams Cemetery
Name:               Luther Earl Dunn Jr.
Photo can be seen at:
Image file size: 72.9 Kb

Obit reads:
Birth Announcement
Mr. and Mrs. Luther E. Dunn of Seven Springs Route 1 announce the birth and 
death of a son, Luther Earl on Wednesday, July 4, at Memorial General 
Hospital. Mrs. Dunn is the former Miss Camille Sutton of Kinston.
(Luther Earle Dunn, Jr.)
tombstone reads
son of
Luther E. &
Camille S.
July 4, 1951

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