LENOIR COUNTY, NC - Marriage Bond - Joseph Kinsey - Philpina Nobles, 1795

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Copy of original Marriage Bond found at Heritage Place, Lenoir County 
Community College, Kinston, North Carolina - Vertical File # Kinsey 11560-4

We thank the staff at LCC for their permission to copy selected documents 
from their files to place on the internet. It is requested that researchers 
give appropriate credit when using these documents. Permission to combine 
said documents together in printed form is not given.

Copy donated by Janice Barwick

The State of North Carolina
     To any regular Licensed Minister of the Gospel or Justice of the Peace
for and within the County of Lenoir Greetings.  You or either of you are
hereby authorized and required to Celebrate and Solemnize the Rights of
Marriage Between Joseph Kinsey and Mrs. Philpina Nobles and to Join them
together as man and wife in the Holy Estate of Matrimony, bond having
been entered into in the Clerks Office of Lenoir county agreeable to Law .
Witness Winston Caswell Clerk of our said Court at Kinston the 8th Day
of June AD 1795.
                                      W. Caswell