Lenoir County, NC - Marriages - T.R. Tindall to Addie Z. Spivey, 1879


State of North Carolina, Office of the Register of Deeds
Lenoir County, October 13, 1879

To any Ordained Minister of any Religious Denomination or any Justice of 
the Peace of said county;

W.E. Peeton having applied to me for a License for the marriage of T.R. 
Tindall of Greene County, aged 22 years, color, white, the son of David 
Tindall and Sallie Tindall the father now dead, the mother now dead, 
resident of (Blank) and Addie Z. Spivey of Lenoir County, aged 18 years,
color, white, daughter of Caleb Spivey and Sallie Spivey, the father 
living, the mother dead, resident of Lenoir County.

State of North Carolina
Lenoir County
I, Jas. P. Simpson, a Minister of the M.E.C. South, united in matrimony, 
T.R. Tindall and Addie Z. Spivey, the parties licensed above, on the 15th 
day of October, 1879, at Caleb Spivey's in Vance Township.

Witnesses present at marriage:
Robert Sugg of Greene County
Ada Hanell of Lenoir County
Doc Spivey of Lenoir County  


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Tammy Tyner <tameratyner@aol.com>