Lenoir County, NC - Marriage Index 1900-1910 File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by Patricia Armor <parmor@wave-net.net> Groom list in alphabetical order with Surname starting with A's This index is housed at the Lenoir County Register of Deeds Office, Kinston, NC. Index was transcribed by Susan Sutton Moody and Toni Hill and permission given to PATRICIA ARMOR to submit for use on the Lenoir County Archives and the North Carolina Marriage Database. January 18, 1900 ALLEN, HEDLAS 21 BAKER, MARY 18 Wit: Bunt Sullens, Ed Sumrell, Joe Smith August 12, 1900 ALDRIDGE, JOHN B. 25 DAWSON, ALMA 18 Wit: Lula S. Dail, Annie L. Dail, Mary R. Dail April 13, 1901 ANDERSON, GRAINGER 22 HINSON, HATTIE 23 of Wayne County Wit: J.W. Rollins, Joel Rollins, Winnie Rollins April 24, 1901 AVERY, S.H. 27 of Craven County AVERY, IDA 20 Wit: A.J. Phillips, E. Brinson, J.W. Taylor June 30, 1901 ALDRIDGE, HOWELL 21 JOYNER, NANCY 18 Wit: F.M. Harrison, C.C. Coker August 14, 1901 ABBOTT, SAMUEL 23 RIDIE, MAY 22 Wit: Lucy Hodges, Maggie Redditt, Florence Hodges September 2, 1901 ALBERTSON, YANCY 42 of Duplin County MARSHALL, CLARA 20 of Taylorville Wit:B.F. Smith, L.C. Lawson December 1, 1901 ALLEN, JOSHUA 20 QUINN, MAMIE 17 Wit: Barbara M. Shields, Lizzie Hooten, B.E. Sellers December 18, 1901 ASKEW, ALONZA 24 BAKER, WILLIE 20 Wit: Rosa Jarman, H.V. Allen, Claud Jarman December 22, 1901 ANTWINE, J.B. 22 HEATH, NANNIE 15 Wit: J.C. Hooten, Bessie Hooten, May Hooten March 30, 1902 AVERY, J.T. 23 MOORE, INEZ 19 Wit: D.G. Hollowman, Dick Dawson, A. J. Worley June 8, 1902 AVERY, JOHN W. 27 JENKINS, REBECCA 18 Wit: Geo West, Jacob West, Lottie West November 4, 1902 ANDERSON, JOHN R. 52 HAM, LIDA 19 Wit: I.H. Hinson, R.W. Thomas, P.B. Thomas December 21, 1902 ABBOTT, J.S. 27 PHILLIPS, MAMIE 16 Wit: M.D. Harris, Heber Williams, Sarah C. Harvey December 24, 1902 ABBOTT, JAS H. 24 FREEMAN, SALLIE 21 Wit: P.I. Parker, E.W. Jackson, S.L. Phillips February 18, 1903 ASHFORD, FERDIE J. 23 WOOTEN, ESTELLE T. 24 Wit: J.M. Stephenson, C.S. Chamberlain, E.D. Brown May 3, 1903 ASKEW, HERBERT 21 HEATH, HYACINTH 19 Wit: R.G. Askew, John Askew, Millie Askew February 17, 1904 ALDRIDGE, JESSE B. 24 of Craven County CROOM, BERTHA MAY 22 Wit: Furney Gaskill, I.N. Croom, R.C. Croom February 17, 1904 ASKEW, JOHN 18 HAYNES, NETTIE 17 Wit: Minnie Brown, J.H. Woolard, Emmet Haskins March 20, 1904 ANDREWS, JOHN B. 23 of Jones County BANKS, MARY E. 18 of Jones County Wit: W.D. Suggs, J.T. Heath, W.F. Hargrove, MD July 24, 1904 AVERY, FURNEY 20 KORNEGAY, WILLIE 30 Wit: Peggy Whitley, Mary Whitley, Mrs. A.G. Outlaw December 25, 1904 ALPHIN, CHRISTOPHER 42 WILSON, SARAH R. 37 of Jones County Wit: C.M. Sumrell, E.S. Pittman NO DATE LISTED ALDRIDGE, JAS 24 ALDRIDGE, LAURA 28 of Jones County No Wit listed April 2, 1905 ALLEN, CHEE ? 23 WOOTEN, NANNIE 24 Wit: Levi Morgan, Frank Judge, Mary Harper April 18, 1905 ARNOLD, J.B. 23 JENKINS, SALLIE 20 of Jones County Wit: Mrs. T.A. Mitchell, R.D. Noble, E.F. Walker September 28, 1905 AVERY, JESSE 21 of Craven County AVERY, JOE 21 of Craven County Wit: Plato Collins, W.B. Jones, H.E. Shaw October 22, 1905 ADAMS, JOHN H. 29 of Danville Va. KORNEGAY, SADIE A 28 Wit: W.F. Hargrove, D.H. Abbott, Charlotte Parrott December 20, 1905 ARNOLD, ALLEN 28 of Craven County SUMRELL, MAUDE 23 Wit: S.W. Sumrell, Jas. Gaskins, Edgar Sumrell January 25, 1906 ALDRIDGE, J.M. 22 HARDY, ROSELEIGH 18 Wit: N.E. Hardy, Lula Hardy, C.C. Aldridge April 4, 1907 ALPHIN, DURANT 34 MOODY, MAB 23 Wit: V.M. Herbert, Mrs. William Herbert, Mary Ann Stanley November 3, 1907 ANDREWS, WALTER C. 19 DALE, ELLA 16 Wit: E.F. Walker, Hattie Walker, Lena Gladsoe December 18, 1907 ANDERSON, J.W. 22 MANNING, WINNIE 18 Wit: J.B. Smith, S.B. Radford December 30, 1907 ALDRIDGE, J.C. 54 of Johnson County WIGGINS, MOLLIE 45 Wit: Louis Foss, John w. Vincer, Ira Dawson December 31, 1907 ALDRIDGE, FRANK 34 AMMANS, BECKIE W. 14 Wit: Wm. Dudley, James Humphrey, C.M. Dudley April 8, 1908 ALAXANDER, R.B. 35 LANIER, ESSIE 19 Wit: E.L. Johnson, Ike Jenkins, G.H. Heath May 24, 1908 ALBRITTON, A.A. 49 BROWN, MARY E. 40 Wit: L.A. Stroud, Mary E. Cox, B.W. Worley NO DATE LISTED ALPHIN, JOHN 28 of Jones County COLE, IDA 18 NO WIT. LISTED March 11, 1908 ABBOTT, DAN 26 MUMFORD, MALENA 16 Wit: T.J. Abbott Jr., J.L. Mumford, F.M. Gilbert October 4, 1908 ANDREWS, GEORGE 23 HUFFMAN, LILLIAN F. 22 Wit: B.C. Dail, I.L. Andrews, E.B. Lanier December 16, 1908 ALDRIDGE, WILLIAM 27 SMALL, JENNIE 23 of Jones County Wit: W.G, Hamilton, Sallie Aldridge, D.L. Stout April 18, 1909 ARNOLD, L.H. 24 BOOTH, INEZ 24 Wit: Ike Jenkins, Lottie Jenkins, David Hill December 29, 1909 ARTHUR, QUINN 22 NEWMAN, CLARA H. 16 Wit: Chas Herring, Lake Smith, C.B. Elmore August 21, 1910 ADLER, PHILLIP 25 FOXMAN, HATTIE 18 Wit: Jacob Naiman, H. Stadiem December 10, 1910 ALDRIDGE, HOWELL 30 MITCHELL, LUCY 20 Wit: Masco Fields, Clem Gray, Joseph Wade __________________________________________________________________________ USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, data may be used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. The electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or for presentation by other persons or organizations. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material for purposes other than stated above must obtain the written consent of the file contributor, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. 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