Lenoir County, NC - Marriages from Kinston Free Press ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 15 March 1888 8 March-Robert A. WOOTEN to Miss Emma J. PARROT, both of Lenoir Co. 29 March 1888 Mamie JAMES of Greenville to H. L. FENNELL of Wilmington-in Greenville on 22 March. 19 April 1888 12 April-father of bride J. P. HARDEE of Lenoir County-Needham W. HERRING to Nannie HARDEE. 3 May 1888 W. L. OAST of Kinston to Mattie FITZGERALD of Richlands, Onslow Co.-2 May 1888. 17 May 1888 H. V. WILLIAMS of La Grange to Lillie TURNAGE of Pitt Co.-In Pitt co.-9 May. B. F. SUTTON of Lenoir Co. to Fannie DIXON of Pitt Co.-9 May in Pitt Co. 9 May-Lenoir Co.-Benajah SUTTON to Darlie MOSELEY. Home of George T. SANFORD of Kinston-15 May-W.S. SCOTT of Jones Co. to Leah ANDREWS of Kinston. Home of J. Q. JACKSON-10 May-J. W. RUSS to Nannie L. JACKSON-groom's mother of Bladen Co. 24 May 1888 Alpheus MOORE & Annie HOOKER-22 May-home of bride's father William HOOKER of Greene Co. 14 June 1888 J. B. BROWN to Alice COX-6 June-home of bride's father Chas. COX of near Richlands, Onslow Co. 21 June 1888 Home of N. D. MEYERS Kinston-his graddaughter Miss Eusebuis B. DUNN to J. Thomas MIDYETTE of Washington, D.C.-20 June. 19 July 1888 D. D. HADDOCK to Grace TRIPP-8 July-at SPIVEY house at Bell's Ferry. William HUMPHREY of Florida-formerly of Onslow Co.-married Miss Jane HILL of Onslow Co.-sister to his first wife. 26 July 1888 A. ROSCOWER of Goldsboro to Victoria WOMBLE of Cary, N.C.-17 July. 20 Sept. 1888 Kinston-W. J. GRISWOLD of Goldsboro to Laura BRYAN-20 September. Jno. B. HEATH to Cherry BAKER-In Pink Hill-4 Sept. 27 Sept. 1888 St. John's Episcopal-Johnson's Mills-20 Sept.-James JOHNSON & Molly SMITH. 11 Oct. 1888 Kinston-at home of bride's father John R. PHILLIPS-W. M LANG of Farmville to Annie PHILLIPS-10 Oct. 18 Oct. 1888 Greene Co.-home of bride's father Sam C. SUGG-Robert BRITT & Hattie SUGG-10 Oct. 25 Oct. 1888 Chas. D. TAYLOR of Greene Co. to Lizzie TROUBLEFIELD of Sampson Co.-one day last week. Kinston-Jno. BRITT & Sallie WILLIAMS both of Greene Co.-21 Oct. 1 Nov. 1888 J. F. DAVIS of Lenoir Co. to Georgia VENTERS of Kinston-at Kinston-25 Oct. 22 Nov. 1888 Amos RHEM to Sue WEST-home of bride's father Alex WEST-Lenoir Co. 15 Nov. 29 Nov. 1888 M. W. CARMEN of Craven Co. to Roberta DUFFY of Jones Co., daughter of L. E. DUFFY of Jones Co.-14 Nov. 6 Dec. 1888 James W. SPARKS of Kinston to Lucy HOOTEN of Lenoir Co.-daughter of Council HOOTEN-21 Nov. Ben W. BRITT of Greene Co. to Fannie A. PARKS of Wayne Co.-in Saulston- 28 Nov. 13 Dec. 1888 Benjamin MALLISON to Sallie MCILWANE of Craven Co.-6 Dec. Willis DIXON to Pearl COWARD of 5 Dec.-sister of E. A. COWARD of Greene Co.-Willis son of Mrs. A. B. DIXON. Home of Jno. C. WOOTEN, Sr. in Lenoir Co.-11 Dec-Prudie HENDERSON daughter of John H. & Carrie HENDERSON late of New Bern to Ernest WOOTEN of Jones Co. 25 Dec. 1888 At Beston, Wayne Co.-12 Dec.-home of bride's father-John BOYETT to Josie ROBERTS. Needham PHILLIPS to Ada HILL daughter of R.C. HILL-17 Dec. Nannie LOFTIN to John SUTTON-20 Dec. 3 Jan. 1889 J. C. GREENE of Craven Co. to Minnie HILL-at home of Jesse C. KENNEDY-2 January. James H. STALLINGS of Jones Co. to Laura PELLETIER-on 3 Jan.-home of bride's father W. O. PELLETIER of Institute. 17 Jan. 1889 Geo. L. PARKER of Rocky Mount to Laura HERBERT at her mother's home Mrs. Irene HERBERT of Kinston-16 Jan. 1889. 31 Jan. 1889 Stephen LYNCH to Emma JONES-both of Greene Co.-in Goldsboro Argus. 7 Feb. 1889 29 Jan.-Jones Co.-Alice HASKINS to T. D. GRAY-all of Jones Co. Atlanta, Ga.-William C. PHELPS of Atlanta, Ga. To Etta WRIGHT of Goldsboro, N.C. 29 Jan. 21 Feb. 1889 Richard BLAND of Bell's Ferry to Louise FAULKNER of Lenoir Co.-17 Jan.- Bell's Ferry-father of groom is Theophelus BLAND. Mrs. Olivia C. COWARD to W. A. DARDEN, Jr.-14 Feb. in Greene Co.-home of bride. Jeptha RICE of Kinston to Ellen B. THOMPSON of Jacksonville, Onslow Co.-13 Feb. home of bride's parents. 28 Feb. 1889 Washington City, N.C.-2 Feb.-Frederick D. THOMAS of New Berne son of Judge THOMAS of New Berne to Flora Oauline MARKS of New Berne- she is Jewish. Home of Dr. A. J. FORDHAM-his daughter Minnie to Oscar FARIOR-19 Feb. 7 March 1889 Levi HILL to Mrs. J. K. DRIVER-3 March-home of bride. 21 March 1889 Thomas WILSON & Myrtle HILL- a few days ago in Institute. Ada BURT of Raleigh sister of C. W. BURT of Kinston, N.C. to C. E. STAINBACK-20 March. 28 March 1889 Paul C. HUMPHREY to Ada Lee FUQUA-Goldsboro-19 March. 4 April 1889 Paul HUMPHREY son of Col. Lott W. HUMPHREY to Annie Lee FUQUA in Goldsboro-at home of Mr. W. M. LEE Uncle of Bride-on 26 March by preacher and were married 16 March by J. P. 11 April 1889 Mr. MORGAN of La Grange to Kate BROWN of Greene Co.-3 April. 25 April 1889 Will TRIPP to Carrie BURNEY of near Centerville-14 April-at Bell's Ferry. 2 May 1889 25 April-L. A. COBB of Bell's Ferry to Sue PATRICK daughter of John PATRICK of Greene Co.-in Greene Co. James WADE to Nancy FILES-both of Institute-in Kinston-25 April. 9 May 1889 30 April at Mosley's Creek-William PHILLIPS to Susan WESTBROOK-Sand Hill. Lizzie LEWIS daughter of W. G. LEWIS to Will DORTCH-in Goldsboro. 16 May 1889 Ava GRAY daughter of John P. GRAY of Pine Forest to Henry TURNAGE of Hookerton-8 May. 30 May 1889 Sand Hill-21 May-Willie JAMES to Sarah GOODING. Annie CURTIS of Kinston to Joe GRAY of Rocky Mounty-at bride's Aunt's home Mrs. MOORE of Goldsboro-29 May. 6 June 1889 29 May-Joel PATRICK to Fornie GRIFFIN youngest daughter of C. M. A. GRIFFIN of Belle's Ferry. 13 June 1889 Greene Co.-4 June-Will DARDEN to Charity BEAMON. J. L. MURPHEY to Laura L. PHILLIPS-at hoe of bride's father J. R. PHILLIPS of Kinston-12 June. W. H. BATTLE of New Bern to Miss STEWART of Clinton-in Clinton- 12 June. Dred HERRING to Nannie SUTTON-4 June-home of groom's father Thomas HERRING-In Greene Co.-bride did live with her brother-in-law-E. E. ROUSE of near Falling Creek. 27 June 1889 O. W. DAVIS to Cattie JOHNSON-Washington Co.-last week. 11 July 1889 Kinston-Ed HUGGINS to Mrs. Joe SELLARS-4 July. 18 July 1889 Home of bride's mother Mrs. Julia HARTSFIELD-11 July-W. H. BROCK to Lillie HARTSFIELD. 8 Aug. 1889 Lenoir Co.-7 August-L.D. WHALEY to Ada HIGGINS- and Johnnie POTTER to Eliza COLE. 15 Aug. 1889 Home of Jno. JARMAN father of bride-Lillie JARMAN to A. BAISDEN-Lenoir Co.-bride age 14-11 August. 29 Aug. 1889 Bell's Ferry-22 August-E. C. SPEIR to Louvenia HAWKINS-adopted daughter of Mr. G. B. MCCOTTER. 5 Sept. 1889 Johnston Co.-Nathan DRIVER to Anna daughter of Mack SMITH-all of Johnston Co.-31 Aug. 19 Sept. 1889 Mt. Olive-J. B. HARRELL of Kinston to Effie KELLY of Mt. Olive-17 Sept. Dr. A. R. MILLER to Mrs. E. E. MIDYETTE at Beatrice, Nebr.-home of bride-10 Sept.- Mrs. MIDYETTE & Dr. MILLER lived in Kinston a few years ago. 29 Sept. 1889 S. M. HARRELL to Susan KILPATRICK-both of Kinston-at home of Bruton TAYLOR-Lenoir Co.-22 Sept. J. E. BARNETT of Kinston to Annie BYNUM of Pitt Co. 3 Oct. 1889 J. E. BARNETT of Kinston to Annie BYNUM of Pitt Co.-26 Sept.-Farmville. 17 Oct. 1889 At bride's mother's home- N. J. ROUSE of Kinston to Mattie H. ROUNDTREE daughter of the late Dr. F. M. ROUNDTREE-16 Oct. 31 Oct. 1889 Frank KOONCE to Sallie FAYLES-both of Lenoir Co.-20 Oct.-home of bride's mother Mrs. Bettie FAYLES. G. V. RICHARDSON to Blanche WEST-at home of bride's father W. H. WEST of Sand Hill. 7 Nov. 1889 Jno. A. SOWERS to Mrs. Fannie PHILLIPS of Lenoir Co.-2 Nov.-in Kinston at home of J. E. DUPREE. 14 Nov. 1889 Samuel PERSON to Ida WATSON of Bell's Ferry-6 Nov. W. C. MAYO to Sallie V. TURNAGE-home of bride's mother Mrs. Virginia TURNAGE-7 Nov. 28 Nov. 1889 Irvin JENKINS to Estella JENKINS near Ridge Spring-20 Nov. Will NEWMAN of Raleigh to Lela CARR of Greene Co.-in Greene Co.-20 Nov. 5 Dec. 1889 Chas. S. HOLLISTER to Mary C. BRYAN-at New Bern-27 Nov. 12 Dec. 1889 Menutius PERKINS to Lillian BYRD-4 Dec.-home of bride's mother Mrs. Sophia BYRD of Trent. 19 Dec. 1889 4 Dec.-Rev. M. A. PERKINS of Carteret Co. to Lillian BIRD of Lenoir Co.-home of bride's mother Mrs. Sophia BIRD-near Seven Springs. 24 Dec. 1889 18 Dec.-Kinston-M. E. BIZZELL to Louise A. WOOTEN-groom from Goldsboro- bride is daughter of Shade WOOTEN. To Marry: Marcus HAINES to Eunice JONES-at home of Jno. C. WILLIAMS of Contentnea Neck-24 Dec. 1889. W. A. KING to D. E. WILLIAMS- at home of J. M. PHILLIPS-Lenoir Co.-5 Dec. 18 Dec.-Johnson's Mills-Calvin TUCKER to Josephine QUINERLY. Home of Mrs. G. C. FERRELL- Contentnea Creek-17 Dec.-Quincey A. FAULKNER to Alice BROADWAY. Pitt Co.-Mr. FLEMING to Annie POWELL-18 Dec. ___________________________________________________________________ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by Sloan Spence Mason <SloMas7@aol.com> ___________________________________________________________________