Lenoir County, NC - Lenoir County Miscellaneous - Part 1 ___________________________________________________________________ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by Russell King <RolandKing51@aol.com> ___________________________________________________________________ Joseph N. Jones the son of W. A. Jones & Carrie his wife was born the 1st day of April AD 1873. Edward S. Jones son of W. A. Jones and Carrie his wife was born in Kenansville the 17th day of September AD 1875. Carrie daughter of James and Pearcy Nunn was borned March 1st 1841. James L. son of W. A. Jones and Carrie his wife was born 19 Oct 1869 Peny W. Jones daughter of W. A. Jones and Carrie his wife was born 14 Sept 1871 Annie B. Carr daughter of W. B. and M. C. Carr was born 2nd day of October 1861 Mary Etter Jones daughter of William A. and Annie B. Jones was borne March 9 1886 William Arteas Jones son of William Aretas Jones & Annie B. Jones was borned March 2 1893 John Melvin Jones son of William Aretas and Annie B. Jones was born Dec 29 1896 John Carr and Ann his wife were married December 2 1828 William B. Carr and Mary C. Hansley were married November 9 1854 John James Carr and Margaret Dian Alford were married February 2 1870 John Carr son of John Carr and Elizabeth his wife was born October 7 1803 Ann Carr daughter of William Boney and Dorothy his wife was born December 6 1810 William B. Carr son of John carr and ann his wife was born 4 December 1830 John J. Carr son of John Carr and Ann his wife was born September 23 1841 Chancy S. Carr son of John Carr and Ann his wife was born October 8 1848 William Boney carr died December 29 1873 Mary Catherine Hansley Carr died December 23 1916 John Carr died December 18 1886 Ann Carr died September 9 1893 John James Carr died October 4 1919 Chancey S. Carr died June 10 1934 Margaret Alford Carr wife of John J. Carr died April 1 1910 John Grady land grant #347 Dobbs County 29 Oct 1782 - 300 acres - South side of Neuse river and north side of South West creek beginning at a black jack on north side round meadow branch near Abram Taylors line one hundred poles to Gov caswells then with his line with ten east one hundred sixty poles near thomass line with same south twenty five east sixty poles to a black jack to the beginning - surveyed 12 Apr 1779 - better description - on South side Neuse river & north side south west creek beginning at a black jack on north side round meadow branch near Abram Taylors line & run north forty five west one hundred and twenty poles to Gov. Caswells corner then west two hundred and six poles to a pine on round meadow pond John Torrans corner then with his line south ten east one hundred sixty poles to a pine near Thomas's line then with same south seventy five east sixty poles to a black jack then to the beginning #247 land grant - Ephraim Sanderson - Lenoir County - 6 Dec 1798 - and reference to surveyed #309 dated 17 Oct 1799 - twenty acres laying in the county of Lenoir on the south side of Neuse river joining of John Graddy dec'd Sharach Wooten & the lands of Heritage dec'd & George Fisher lines etc begining at a pine & red oak Shadrack wootens corner and turn with his line No 10 E 70 poles to a pine in Jas. Bryans line then with his line N 80 E 60 poles to a red oak his other corner then with Fishers line S 18 E 23 poles to a red oak his corner standing in John Graddys line and then with said Graddys line to the first station - Sury Nathan Hanks - chain bearers Windale Taylor and Robger Cauley - #476 - Redding Croom - 7 January 1859 - 5 1/2 acres - on north side of South West Creek adjoining his own and David W. Lawson lands beginning at an oak stump near a small chesnut oak known formerly as Caswells corner and runs N 11 W 65 poles then N 80 E 27 poles then to the beginning as the above plat represents. Oct 12 1889 Casket for John A. Sutton by J. C. Hay paid by Mrs. Sarah C. Sutton - July 15 1856 - coffin for child of John A. Sutton - order for tombstones by John A. Sutton 15 july 1856 - Rosey A. H. daughter of John and Mary Sutton and wife of John A. Sutton born 8 Jan 1827 died 29 May 1855 age 28 yrs & 4 mo 21 dys Alis J. daughter of John A. & Rosey A. H. Sutton born 13 Dec 1847 died 5 Aug 1850 Infant daughter of John A. & Rosey A. H. Sutton died Aug 1845 Infant son of John A. & Rosey A. H. Sutton died May 1846 infant daughter of John A. & Rosey A. H. Sutton died June 1855 infant son of John A. & S. C. A. Sutton died July 1856 John A. Sutton - 1822 - 1889 - wife Sarah C. A. 1832 -1912 - children of Sarah C. Sutton: Alton L. sutton, Samuel Sutton, John Sutton, Robert E. L. Sutton, Mary Etta Hunter, Jesse O. Sutton's children, George W. sutton - John A. Sutton signed oath of allegince 9 Sept 1865 - John A. Sutton belonged to Tuscarora Lodge No. 22, I.O.O.F. 21 March 1851 - Thos. Blakely N. G. - Sec - Rich W. King rule book in P. C. 1791.1 folder 1 Hardy B. Croom sells to John Kennedy a slave named Joe 31 Oct 1831 - wit R. Croom John Parrott will proved 5 April 1791 Kinston, Dobbs Co. listed as John Parrott Sr., planter, sons: Jacob, John, Benjamin, Simon, Joshua - wife - daughters Amy, Sealah, Elizabeth - ww 2 feb 1791 - wit: Simon House - Willis Witherington Joseph Allen - ww 20 Jan 1798 - wp June 1800 - Craven Co. sons: John, Joseph, Shadrack, Thomas - grandchildren Allen Dubberly, Elizabeth Dubberly - daughter Louisa Phillips - daughter Gatsy Allen - daughter Milkey Allen - wife Martha son Benjamin - Zachariah Dubberly exec. - wit: Daniel Harrison, Joseph Harrison, & Wm. Blackledge land grant to Phillip Miller 1744 26 Dec - Craven county - 200 acres - land grant to Phillip Miller Dobbs county - #162 - 21 July 1774 - surveyed 12 Nov 1773 - 100 acres Wm. Caswell sury - a plantation containing one hundred acres of land in Dobbs county on the No side of Trent River and So. side of wilson Creek including a place called the Bearwell Ridge beginning at a pine near the Pocoson & runs So 127 poles to a pine then E 127 poles to a lightwood stump then No 127 poles to a stake then to the beginning Phillip Miller Sr. to Phillip Miller Jr. - 8 Feb 1755 - land patented by Phillip Miller Sr. - both planters - Craven county - patent 20 Apr 1745 - wit: John Granade, Tobias Miller, & James Graves land grant #260 to Phillip Miller - 100 acres - Craven County - no date - attached 134 acres surveyed for William Randall - Craven county - Stephen H. Davis son of John M. Davis who married Everett from Onslow county - Eliabeth Coffier Evrett the daughter of Thomas Evrett and Haggy his wife was borned October 17 the 1819 Thomas C. Everett hiers - daughter Elizabeth wife of John M. Davis - son Thomas J. - Laura A.King wife of Edward H. King a granddughter - John A. Everett - Leander W. Everett - Mathew V. D. Everett - three preceding sons of Mathew Everett dec'd son of Thomas c. as well as Laura daugther of Mathew - Joseph Everett son of Reuben son of Thomas c. - McL. Jarman heirs: James H., Elizabeth, Mary, Jobe L. - estate settled 24 Sept 1836 by Gro. Smith, Cornelius Harper, Richard Ervin, Warren Harper - H. H. Thomas died Raleigh on 12 June 1876 James Cobb - will written 25 April 1794 Wayne County - Stephen Cobb son and hier of David Cobb late of Wayne - brother Stephen Cobb - Nash and Edgecombe Counties land - wife Penelope Cobb - son John Cobb - John Cobb a dec'd son orphan of Stephen Cobb Esqr dec'd - son John Bridgers Cobb - Thomas Horn son of Demares Horn - William & Thomas Cobb sons of Nathan Cobb - wp Jan 1795 - wit: Stephen Cobb - inventory also included. Shadrack #2 Lewis #6 Dempsey #1 Zenus #7 Nancy #8 Braddock #3 Elizabeth #4 Jesse #5 settlement of ? Nunn Vance township - Mrs. M. E. Moseley and children, Fannie Justine, Archie Dean, & Zebulon Vance widow and children of W. T. Moseley - 6 Dec 1897 set aside widows years allowance Jones County - Joseph Kinsey - ww 31 Jan 1807 - wife Philpenah - youngest Joseph - son Jesse - other children: Easter, Alice, Marion, Caelia, John, Jesse, & Joseph - wit: Isaac Brown, Wm. Dean, John Kinsey Esther Kinsey married Howel Brown - in Kinsey collection p.c. 1271 is 1753 Armwell Howard deed and signature James Madison Harper b. 1812 Greene Co. died 1858 Lenoir Married Charlotte Eliza Parrott born 1815 & d. 1879 Lenoir Co. Admiral Croom married Martha Rouse Lott Croom father of Admiral and married Betsy Francis Marion Harper born 15 Apr 1834 Lenoir Co. died 1 Oct 1868 Craven Co. married Mary Elizabeth Croom born 18 Dec 1835 and died 22 Jan 1868 Lenoir Co. their parents above from Harper fanily bible James Madison Harper father Blaney mother Polly Hood Charlotte Eliza Parrott daughter of Jacob Parrott Polly Hood daughter of Thomas & Mary Hood Blaney Robert Harper son of Francis Harper and Theresa Hopton daughter of Charles Hopton Cemetery records of Jones County Ava A. wife of J. P. Harper 13 Jan 1844 - Nov 30 1903 J. P. Harper 7 June 1840 - 22 Jun 1906 Elizabeth Sutton wife of John Barrow 2 Mar 1813 - 31 Dec 1883 The Exponent - Kinston - Newspaper of Baptist Church -April 1898 - issued monthly to Baptist interests of Eastern NC - no genealogical info in P. C. 152.1 James M. Hines collection - series of court appearance pay vouchers for various people. with their signatures - 1861 - 1863 Mary E. Hill now Moseley 10 Feb 1880 hier of Drury A. Hill Eliza Pollock formerly Eliza Hill 1886 Lidie Hill James Fannie Mary E. Hill married J. W. Moseley Eliza Hill Married A. Collins Pollock Caswell Academy 1867 - 1871 - trustees The Christian Baptist - a monthly periodical devoted to Primitive Christianity and the union of all immersed believers on christian beleivers - editor John T. Walsh - Kinston - Volume 1 Number 12 Dec 1859 - Wheat Swamp - delagates: Simon E. Hodges, Lemuel J. mewborn, John D. Hill - 4 rec'd by letter; 31 baptised; 2 died; 51WM; 62WF; 4 colored; - Kinston: Del: Samuel H. Rountree, R. W. King, John Tull - 3 rec'd; 2 bapt; 2 dismissed; 5 excluded; 2 died; 19Wm, 42Wf, 18 Colored; - Rose Sharon: del: James Kilpatrick, William Ormond: 1 dismissed; 3WM; 17WF; 11 colored - Christian Chapel: del: W. A. Boyett, J. W. Lee, 2 dismissed no males or females reported 31 total membership - Elder Robert Bond son of Isban & Elizabeth Bond was born 4 July 1800; married Elizabeth Moore on 23 Apr 1822; ordained preacher 6 Jan 1828; baptised July 1823; died 9 April 1849 leaves widow and several children - Elder John Powell born Lenoir County on Nov 1791 son of John & Celia Powell; were orginal members of Loosing Swamp - bapt 1812 - moved 1818 Swift Creek - ordained 1832 - died 17 Apr 1850 twice married - left widow no children - Elder John Jarman son of Emmanuel & Sarah Jarman born 7 Nov 1816 on Tuckahoe in Jones County; bapt 16 July 1843; died 26 Aug 1850 left widow and two small children - John B. Gaylard born 16 April 1816 Beaufort Co.; married May 1839 to Ann Smith daughter of Elder Henry Smith in 184_ moved to Kinston and started coach-making business - died Jan 1851 List of elders: John T. walsh Kinston - John P. Dunn Kinston - William Heath Richlands - list of churches: Wheat Swamp; Kinston Church; Rose of Sharon; Shady Grove(Jones); Christian Chapel Pink Hill; Pleasant Hill Pink Hill; Kinston Female Seminary offered by this group in Kinston Volume 1 Number 5 - no info of genealogical value 1888 Number 7 - edited by Rev. C. T. Bailey - NC Baptist Alamanac - no info 1883 Volume 1 - Lenoir County - sale of property of Major Croom R. Loftin - 25 Jul 1844 - 1 July 1844 filed for admtr Oliver Herring - Julia Loftin widow -estate Jobe Leary 1840 - sale of property 29 Dec 1840 - sale 29 Oct 1840 - Ann Civil Leary dec'd by July 1841 - Nancy Hall died intestate by 1 July 1856 - adntr James Herring - 11 June 1856 date for admtr - rented lands from Zach Davis Sr. dec'd estate - daughter Smithey Hall - Nancy Hall & Albert Hall & John Hall estates 1863 - coffin made 14 April 1856 and another one 7 June 1856 - 11 June 1856 letters of admtr paid for - Zach Brown estate sale 26 Jan 1864 - widow J. E. coffin made for Oliver Herring on 1 June 1878 - Hanner Lee took care of Mrs. Nancy Cunningham dec'd in her last sickness - paid 25 mar 1886 Cornelius Harper sale of estate 11 Oct 1864 - Gatsy Gray bought one sheet - Mrs. Nancy herring - estate 19 Jan 1891 - Mrs. Alexander Gray and 4 children recieved support 17 July 1864 - Lenoir county - Mrs Jerry Tindal and 3 children 15 Oct 1864 - Mrs Lena Harper and 2 children 21 Jan 1865 - 15 Apr 1834 Lenoir Co. died 1 Oct 1868 Craven Co. married Mary Elizabeth Croom born